Formal Speech Delivery Lesson Plan

Standard: Communication Oral and Visual
Indicator: Identify the speaker’s choice of language and delivery styles and explain hwo they
contribute to meaning.
Objective: Students will understand how to effectively deliver a formal speech.
Opening: “Now that we have looked at effective ways to introduce your topic during your
speech, and effective ways to conclude your topic during a speech, you now know WHAT
information to give, but HOW do you give this information? Today we are going to look at
effective ways to deliver your valuable information.”
Transition: Teacher will pass out guide on how to give a formal speech.
Activity 1: (10 minutes)
 Teacher will go over guide with examples for each category. This will demonstrate to
students what is expected when they deliver their speeches.
Transition: “Now I am going to put a video on the overhead screen. I don’t want you to pay
attention to the topic and information as much as the way the speaker delivers the information.
Listen for vocalization, language use, gestures and body language. Now when you see or hear
one of these strategies being used I want you tap your desk.
Activity 2: (20 minutes)
 Students will watch video, and indicate when strategies are used.
 Students will make notes and comments after watching the first video.
 As a class we will discuss how well the speaker uses these strategies.
 Students will watch another video.
 Students will make notes and comments after watching the second video.
 As a class we will discuss how well the speaker uses these strategies.
Transition: “Does anyone have questions over introductions, conclusions or how to deliver a
formal speech? Take out a piece of paper, and I want you to write down: 2 effective
introductions, 2 of the 3 parts of a good conclusion and 2 strategies to delivering a formal
Activity 3:
 Students will write exit slip.
Transition: Teacher will pass out rubric.
Activity 4: If there is time at the end of class, if not, we will discuss on Friday.
 Teacher will go over the grading rubric for the speech.
Closing: “Tomorrow we will begin working on preparing the speeches. Make sure you bring
your sources, your second copy of your final draft and any research (stories, facts, stats, quotes
etc.) you want to use for your introduction.”
-How to guide
-2 videos
-examples to use with guide
-exit slip