(Directions: Please highlight your answers in yellow and please type out your answer when the question specifies an answer.)
Part 1 - Demographic Information of School and Ag Ed Program
What is the geographic location of your school?
_____ Urban (city of more than 90,000)
_____Suburban (adjacent to urban)
_____Rural (less than 5,000 and more than 25 miles from urban area)
_____ Other: (Specify): ___________________________
What is the approximate percentage of students in your school who fall into the category of Low Income (i.e. what percent of student body receives free lunch)?
___5% ____ 10% ___ 20% _____30% ____ 40% ___ More than 40%
What is your gender? _____ Male _____ Female
What is your highest level of education. o Less than a B.S. o B.S. o B.S. + credential o M.S o Ph.D.
How many years have you been teaching?
________ years
Which age bracket do you fall into? o 20-30 years old o 31-40 years old o 41-50 years old o 51-60 years old o 61 + years old
On Average, what percentage of students in your classes have an IEP’s? o _______% o Don’t Know
Part 2 – As a teacher what type of learning style do you learn best by?
(Put an “X” in the box that best approximates your answer)
All the
2 3 4
Most of time
Sometimes Seldom
1. I usually require explanation of diagrams, graphs, or visual direction.
2. I like to write things down or take notes for visual review.
3. I feel the best way to remember is to picture it in my mind.
4. I can better understand a news article by reading about it in the paper than listening to the radio.
5. I can better understand concepts by working with my hands or making things.
6. I learn by physically manipulating materials and components.
7. I remember best by writing things down several times.
8. I can remember more about a subject when the lecture has been enhanced with information, explanations, and discussion.
9. I follow oral directions better than written ones.
10. I retain information better by listening to a good lecture or speech, rather than reading about the same material in a textbook.
11. I Learn to spell better by repeating the words out loud than by writing the word on papers.
12. Reflection after presentations of material helps me to understand better.
Part 3 – As a teacher what type of teaching styles do you implement in the
classroom? (Put an “X” in the box that best approximates your answer)
Part 3A – Teacher Centered
All the
Most of time
1. I begin the class each day by asking the students questions to help introduce them to the topic.
2. I give students handouts on the presentation
(lecture material) being covered.
3. When I teach face to face, my instructional time includes demonstrations.
4. Examples from my personal experiences often are used to illustrate points about the material.
5. Assignments given to students are usually based on problem solving and research from course material.
6. When planning lessons, I prefer to deliver the whole lessons to all students, rather than eliminating portions of the lesson for some.
7. Lecturing is a significant part of how I teach each of the class sessions.
8. I employ role playing in my classroom.
9. I employ small group discussions to help students develop their ability to think critically.
10. When I teach face to face, my instructional time includes films/videos.
11. Assignments given to students are usually based on a sequence of steps leading to mastery but which I orchestrate.
12. When implementing lessons, I like to use paired groups as one of the learning activities.
Part 4 – Teaching Styles vs. Learning Styles
Based on the students in your classes, rank the teaching styles as to what you feel are the most effective? (Rank 1 being most effective and 4 least effective)
_____ Formal Authority (focuses on content and can be very instructor-centered)
_____ Demonstrator (concentrates on the performance of an academic procedure)
_____ Facilitator (models learning activities, making student involvement possible.)
_____ Delegator (places control and responsibility for learning on individuals or groups of students)
Have you ever given an assessment to see what type of learning styles your students learn best by? o YES o NO
How many different teaching styles do you use at one particular time? (SELECT ONE
ONLY) o One o Two o Three or more
Do the teaching styles that you employ address all of the learning styles used by your students? o Yes o No
Are you aware of your students learning styles? o Yes o No
If so, which learning styles have you observed among your student’s?
(Rank 1 being most common and 3 least common)
______ Auditory Learners (hear)
______ Visual Learners (see)
______ Kinesthetic learners (touch)
Please make suggestions on the following, regarding this survey:
Wording of Questions –
Content Appropriate to Subtopic –
Other possible questions to include in survey-