Critical Assessment of the Organization

1.1 Problem statement
Development of wind power project, which is a necessary task for achieving India’s energy
security, is a complex task. Different tariffs, policies and procedures followed in various
Indian states add to this complexity. Apart from this, benefits like Accelerated Depreciation
(AD) and Generation Based Incentives (GBI) are abandoned. Hence the wind power sector,
compared to conventional energy sources, is less attractive to investors. Therefore there is a
need of a document that can guide the investors to understand the procedure of a WPP
development. This report is an attempt in this direction.
1.2 Scope of Project
This project is an attempt to be guideline to the cumbersome procedure of setting up a wind
power project. It deals with all the technical, economic and regulatory issues related to WPP
development. The differences in policies/procedures followed in different states in the
permission of wind resource assessment, land acquisition, feed-in-tariffs etc. are also covered
in this report so that it can be useful to understand the diversities in various states with regard
to wind power. This report also covers financial modelling of a wind power project which can
be a guideline for checking financial viability of a WPP.
1.3 Objective of the project
Wind power development is a riskier investment compared to the investments in conventional
sources of energy. In India, diversities in policies/procedures in different states make it even
more risky and hence unattractive. The objective of the project is to guide the investors in
understanding the procedure of development of wind power project by understanding state
policies. The intension is to persuade investments in the wind power sector by making the
understanding of WPP development procedure simpler. By making the WPP development
attractive by developing more understandable, the project is intended to contribute in India’s
pursuit of energy security.
1.4 Methodology
The project has been prepared by gathering the dispersed information about various
proceedings of windy states. The regulations of State Electricity Regulatory Commissions
(SERCs) of states with major wind energy potential have been studied. These states include
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and
Maharashtra. The guidelines published by various State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) for
procedures like land acquisition and capacity allocation have been gathered and understood
deeply for making this project useful. Experience of the Business Development team of
Regen Power Tech Private Limited has added value to this project. All the information
gathered as mentioned above was then studied and put in proper sequence to understand the
flow of the development procedure. Technical books have been studied to add major
important technical issues and their solutions that need to be included in the project.
1.5 About the organisation
ReGen Powertech is committed to providing an alternate source of energy that is clean, green
and sustainable. ReGen is the third largest Wind Energy Company in India in just 4 years of
commissioning its state of the art manufacturing facility at Tada, Andhra Pradesh. One of the
fastest growing wind energy company, ReGen is making a huge contribution to meet India’s
electricity demand with largest market share in the Independent Power Producers sector and
it is uniquely positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for wind power energy in India
and other geographies. ReGen is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified
company offering total "Turnkey Solutions" for wind power projects that includes
consultancy, manufacturing, supply, erection, commissioning, operations and maintenance
services of Wind Energy Converters (WEC). The Company has entered into a
technical license agreement with Vensys Energy AG, Germany, a globally leading name in
WEC design and development. Backed by the expertise of a global leader, ReGen
manufactures technologically advanced Gearless WECs which reduces transmission loss,
offers quick response to wind change and optimizes power generation.
ReGen's innovative technology offers maximum energy production through higher efficiency
and greater reliability. ReGen manufacturers 1.5 MW Class III Wind Turbines with variable
speed and permanent magnet generators. Due to its technology advantage, efficiency of these
Wind Turbines is 5% to 7% higher when compared to Wind Turbines with gear box. ReGen
has installed over 462 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 693 MW and it expects to
augment this capacity with the commissioning of the new plant at Udaipur, Rajasthan. With
nearly 2300 highly committed employees, ReGen has a pan India presence and it continues to
grow and expand by spreading its footprint to SAARC countries like Sri Lanka and
Bangladesh. ReGen Powertech is ably and strategically supported by Mauritius based Private
Equity funds namely Indivision India Partners, MCap India Fund Limited, Summit
FVCI and domestic based Private Equity funds namely IDFC Investment Advisors Limited,
TVS Shriram Growth Fund who holds shares in the Company.
Critical Assessment of the Organization
Bakshl al[2002] states in India, grid connected wind power generation has now gained a
high level of attention and acceptability as compared to other renewable technologies
available in the country. Wind energy installation in the country is around 1340 MW as on
March 31, 2001 and around 6.75 billion units of electricity have been fed to the state grids so
far. India has undertaken one of the world's largest efforts for wind resource assessment, a
program that covers 25 states comprising about 900 stations. The study has indicated a
gross wind potential of around 45000 MW and the technical potential is currently estimated
at 13000 MW. A notable feature of the Indian wind energy program has been the interest
evinced by private investors/developers in setting up of commercial wind power projects. A
capacity of 1250 MW of commercial wind power projects has so far been installed, mainly in
Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. The largest installation
of wind turbines in the country so far is in the Muppandal and Perungudi area near
Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu with an aggregate installed capacity of about 500 MW. This
represents one of the largest concentrations of wind farm capacity at any particular location.
State-of-the-art technology is now available in India for manufacturing wind turbines of
capacity up to 750 kW. Presently about 12 manufacturers are engaged in the production
of wind electric generators. The annual production capacity of the domestic windturbine
industry is around 500 MW at present. The future of wind energy in India is extremely bright
and there is no doubt that in the renewable energy sector, wind power would play a
predominant role in adding to the national grid clean and nonpolluting energy to a substantial
P Kondapaniet al [2007] states in India has embarked upon wind energy programs for areas
experiencing high average wind speeds throughout the year. The state of Karnataka is
actively pursuing wind power generation programs. The Gulbarga District situated in eastern
side of Karnataka, has a hot, dry climate. To ease the power shortage, the renewable source
option is considered. This paper presents the feasibility study carried out by assessing the
wind energy output in this region. Wind data is collected from a station situated in Gulbarga
(geographical co-ordinates N: 17◦20, E: 76◦49 and msl 590 m), for one year and the same
data is used for the analysis and prediction of power generation. Statistical analysis is carried
out. The annual specific output is used determining the annual energy output of a Wind
Energy Conversion System (WECS) and in conducting cost-benefit analysis of windelectricity generation. Results show the possibilities of harnessing wind energy towards
electricity generation.
Atul Shahet al [2010] states that in India the installed capacity of wind power generation is
almost 7% and about 2% of total energy is from wind. The case studies presented here
indicate as to how wind energy could on the one hand be termed as a reasonably reliable
source and on the other can assist the power system in periods of low frequency. Further,
certain recommendations on power system planning criteria along with new initiatives in
forecasting of wind energy and energy storage are touched upon.
Every day, the world produces carbon dioxide that is released to the earth‘s atmosphere and
which will still be there in one hundred year time.This increased content of Carbon Dioxide
increases the warmth of our planet and is the main cause of the so called ―Global Warming
Effect. One answer to global warming is to replace and retrofit current technologies with
alternatives that have comparable or better performance, but do not emit carbon dioxide. We
call this Alternate Energy.By 2050, one-third of the world's energy will need to come from
solar, wind, and other renewable resources. Who says…? These are British Petroleum and
Royal Dutch Shell, two of the world's largest oil companies. Climate change, population
growth, and fossil fuel depletion mean that renewables will need to play a bigger role in the
future than they do today.
Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such for
example fossil fuels or nuclear energy. Alternative energy sources are renewable and are
thought to be "free" energy sources. They all have lower carbon emissions, compared to
conventional energy sources. These include Biomass Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy,
Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy sources. Combined with the use of recycling, the
use of clean alternative energies such as the home use of solar power systems will help ensure
man's survival into the 21st century and beyond. About 16% of global final energy
consumption comes from renewable resources, with 10% of all energy from traditional
biomass, mainly used for heating, and 3.4% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small
hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 3% and
are growing very rapidly. The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 19%,
with 16% of electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables.
Wind power is growing at the rate of 30% annually, with a worldwide installed capacity of
282,482 megawatts (MW) at the end of 2012, and is widely used in Europe, Asia, and the
United States. At the end of 2012 the photovoltaic (PV) capacity worldwide was 100,000
MW, and PV power stations are popular in Germany and Italy. Solar thermal power stations
operate in the USA and Spain, and the largest of these is the 354 MW SEGS power plant in
the Mojave Desert. The world's largest geothermal power installation is The Geysers in
California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW. Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy
programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol
now provides 18% of the country's automotive fuel. Ethanol fuel is also widely available in
the USA. While many renewable energy projects are large-scale, renewable technologies are
also suited to rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human development. As
of 2011, small solar PV systems provide electricity to a few million households, and microhydro configured into mini-grids serves many more. Over 44 million households use biogas
made in household-scale digesters for lighting and/or cooking and more than 166 million
households rely on a new generation of more-efficient biomass cook stoves.United Nations'
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said that renewable energy has the ability to lift the
poorest nations to new levels of prosperity. Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil
prices, peak oil, and increasing government support, are driving increasing renewable energy
legislation, incentives and commercialization. New government spending, regulation and
policies helped the industry weather the global financial crisis better than many other sectors.
According to a 2011 projection by the International Energy Agency, solar power generators
may produce most of the world‘s electricity within 50 years, dramatically reducing the
emissions of greenhouse gases that harm the environment.
The initialization of the steps towards promotion of renewable energy was largely due to the
rising concerns towards Environmental Protection. The Kyoto Protocol, adopted in Kyoto
City, Japan on 11th December 1997, was a step towards benchmarking the environmental
considerations above all else in the power generation. It was basically an agreement linked to
the United Nations Framework Convention (UNFC), which set about binding targets for 37
countries and EU nations for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. The shrinking and jittery
investment scenario is one of the other reasons behind the need for enactment of various
institutions and policies to support & promote renewable energy projects. The general interest
in non-conventional energy sources in India received an impetus following the oil shock of
the 1970s, backed by political commitment on the government’s part. Energy self-sufficiency
was identified as the major driver for new and renewable energy in the country in the wake of
the two oil shocks of the 1970s.
The role of new and renewable energy has been assuming increasing significance in recent
times with the growing concern for the country's energy security. Recognizing the importance
of renewable energy sources as the best alternative to conventional fuels, the Government of
India, created the following institutions in the phased manner:
Commission for Additional Sources of Energy (CASE) in 1981.
Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (DNES) in 1982.
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) in 1992.
Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) renamed as Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
(MNRE) in 2006.
Figure 1:Formation Of Institutions
2.3.1 Wind Power
Airflows can be used to run wind turbines. Modern utility-scale wind turbines range from
around 600 kW to 5 MW of rated power, although turbines with rated output of 1.5–3 MW
have become the most common for commercial use; the power available from the wind is a
function of the cube of the wind speed, so as wind speed increases, power output increases
dramatically up to the maximum output for the particular turbine. Typical capacity factors are
20-40%, with values at the upper end of the range in particularly favourable sites. Globally,
the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be five times total current
global energy production, or 40 times current electricity demand. This could require wind
turbines to be installed over large areas, particularly in areas of higher wind resources.
Offshore resources experience average wind speeds of ~90% greater than that of land, so
offshore resources could contribute substantially more energy
2.3.2 Hydro Power
Energy in water can be harnessed and used. Since water is about 800 times denser than air,
even a slow flowing stream of water, or moderate sea swell, can yield considerable amounts
of energy. Micro hydro systems are hydroelectric power installations that typically produce
up to 100 kW of power. They are often used in water rich areas as a remote-area power
supply (RAPS). Run-of-the-river hydroelectricity systems derive kinetic energy from rivers
and oceans without the creation of a large reservoir.
2.3.3 Solar Power
Solar energy applies energy from the sun in the form of solar radiation for heat or to generate
electricity. Solar powered electricity generation uses either photovoltaic or heat engines
(concentrated solar power). A partial list of other solar applications includes space heating
and cooling through solar architecture, daylighting, and solar hot water, solar cooking, and
high temperature process heat for industrial purposes. Solar technologies are broadly
characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture,
convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic
panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include
orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favourable thermal mass or light
dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.
2.3.4 Biomass
Biomass (plant material) is a renewable energy source because the energy it contains comes
from the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants capture the sun's energy. When
the plants are burnt, they release the sun's energy they contain. In this way, biomass functions
as a sort of natural battery for storing solar energy. As long as biomass is produced
sustainably, with only as much used as is grown, the battery will last indefinitely. In general
there are two main approaches to using plants for energy production: growing plants
specifically for energy use (known as first and third-generation biomass), and using the
residues (known as second-generation biomass) from plants that are used for other things. See
bio-based economy. The best approaches vary from region to region according to climate,
soils and geography.
2.3.5 Biofuels
Biofuels include a wide range of fuels which are derived from biomass. The term covers solid
biomass, liquid fuels and various biogases. Liquid biofuels include bioalcohols, such as
bioethanol, and oils, such as biodiesel. Gaseous biofuels include biogas, landfill gas and
synthetic gas. Bioethanol is an alcohol made by fermenting the sugar components of plant
materials and it is made mostly from sugar and starch crops. With advanced technology being
developed, cellulosic biomass, such as trees and grasses, are also used as feedstocks for
ethanol production. Ethanol can be used as a fuel for vehicles in its pure form, but it is
usually used as a gasoline additive to increase octane and improve vehicle emissions.
Bioethanol is widely used in the USA and in Brazil. However, according to the European
Environment Agency, biofuels do not address global warming concerns.
2.3.6 Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is from thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. Thermal energy
is the energy that determines the temperature of matter. Earth's geothermal energy originates
from the original formation of the planet (20%) and from radioactive decay of minerals
(80%). The geothermal gradient, which is the difference in temperature between the core of
the planet and its surface, drives a continuous conduction of thermal energy in the form of
heat from the core to the surface. The adjective geothermal originates from the Greek roots
geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat. The heat that is used for geothermal energy
can be from deep within the Earth, all the way down to Earth‘s core – 4,000 miles (6,400 km)
down. At the core, temperatures may reach over 9,000 °F (5,000 °C). Heat conducts from the
core to surrounding rock. Extremely high temperature and pressure cause some rock to melt,
which is commonly known as magma. Magma convects upward since it is lighter than the
solid rock. This magma then heats rock and water in the crust, sometimes up to 700 °F (371
2.3.7 Waste to energy
Every year, about 55 million tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) and 38 billion litres of
sewage are generated in the urban areas of India. In addition, large quantities of solid and
liquid wastes are generated by industries. Waste generation in India is expected to increase
rapidly in the future. As more people migrate to urban areas and as incomes increase,
consumption levels are likely to rise, as are rates of waste generation. It is estimated that the
amount of waste generated in India will increase at a per capita rate of approximately 11.33% annually. This has significant impacts on the amount of land that is and will be needed
for disposal, economic costs of collecting and transporting waste, and the environmental
consequences of increased MSW generation levels.
Table 1: Achievements in Renewable
of various Renewable Energy Systems/ Devices in the country as on 31/05/2013
Renewable Energy
Target for
Programme/ Systems
achievement up
May, 2013
in 2013-14
to 31.05.2013
Wind Power
Small Hydro Power
Biomass Power
Bagasse Cogeneration
Waste to Power -Urban
Solar Power (SPV)
Source: MNRE
The inter-institutional arrangement & their relationship for the promotion of renewable
energy in India at central level and state level is presented in the diagrams below:
Figure 2: Institutional Structure – State Level
Indian Electricity Act, 1910
Legalised sale of electricity in parts of urban areas/cities/cantonment, distributed generation,
Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948
Creation of electricity boards (merging of generation, transmission, distribution &
trading), nationalisation
Created a centralised nature of the electricity business, with a fair amount of control
given to state governments
Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998
Creation of independent electricity regulatory commissions
Modeled around the US / UK system
Re-regulated set-up (movement of control from state government to ERCs)
Pushed for unbundling of electricity markets into generation, transmission,
distribution to push efficiency in operations and onward private sector participation
1994 : Announcement of tariff guidelines by MNES (now MNRE)
Sell to SEB
Rs 2.25 per kWh (5% escalation) : feed-in tariff
Captive & Third party Sales
Wheeling & Banking provision at 2%
Various states adopted the guidelines (not uniform) through an executive order (by energy
Viz. Gujarat gave Rs 1.75 per kWh (fixed) along with sales tax benefits
TN adopted MNES guidelines
The Electricity Act 2003 has several provisions to accelerate the development of renewable
energy based generation, such as:
Section 3: This section mandates central government to prepare National Electric Policy,
National Electric Plan and National Tariff Policy for development of power system based on
optimal utilization of resources including renewable sources of energy.
Section 4: This section mandates central government to prepare National Policy on
standalone systems including those based on renewable sources of energy for rural area.
Section 61 (h): Under Section 61, the appropriate commission shall, specify the terms and
conditions for the determination of tariff.
As per Section 61 (h) the terms and conditions for the determination of tariff is to be guided
by promotion of generation of electricity from renewable energy sources.
Section 86(1)(e):
Section 86(1) deal with the functions of the state commission.
As per section 86(1) (e) to promote co-generation and generation of electricity from
renewable sources the state commissions are required to fix a percentage of renewable energy
out of total consumption of electricity in the area of distribution licensee.
Clause 5.2.20: Non – Conventional Energy Sources
This clause talks about harnessing fully feasible potential of non – conventional energy
resources mainly small hydro, wind and bio-mass to create additional power generation. It
also talks that suitable promotional measures will be taken to encourage private sector
Clause 5.12: Cogeneration and Non-Conventional Energy Sources
This clause highlights the fact that there is an urgent need to promote generation of electricity
based on Non-conventional sources of energy as they are environment friendly. For this
purpose, efforts are to be made to reduce the capital cost of projects. Cost of energy can also
be reduced by promoting competition within such projects. At the same time, adequate
promotional measures would also have to be taken for development of technologies and a
sustained growth of these sources.
This clause restates what is mentioned In Electricity Act 2003 under section 86(1) (e) and
basically talks about to promote co-generation and generation of electricity from renewable
sources the state commissions are required to fix a percentage of renewable energy out of
total consumption of electricity in the area of distribution licensee.
Clause 5.6: Technology Development and R&D
This clause highlights the fact that special efforts are needed for research, development,
demonstration and commercialization of non-conventional energy systems. Such systems
would need to meet international standards, specifications and performance parameters.
Clause 6.4: Non-conventional sources of energy generation including Co-generation:
In continuation to provisions of section 86(1) (e) of Electricity Act 2003, The clause states
that the procurement by distribution companies shall be done at preferential tariffs
determined by the Appropriate Commission as it will take some time before nonconventional technologies can compete with conventional sources in terms of cost of
electricity. Procurement by Distribution Licensees for future requirements shall be done, as
far as possible, through competitive bidding process under Section 63 of the Electricity Act
within suppliers offering energy from same type of non-conventional sources.
The Central Commission should lay down guidelines for pricing non-firm power, especially
from non–conventional sources, to be followed in cases where such procurement is not
through competitive bidding. In the Amendment in Tariff Policy the Ministry of Power has
directed the State Electricity Regulators to fix a percentage of energy purchase from solar
power under the RPOs. The solar power purchase obligation for States may start with 0.25%
in Phase I (by 2013) and go up to 3% by 2022 This will be complemented by solar specific
Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism to allow solar power generation companies
to sell certificates to the utilities to meet their solar power purchase obligations.
Clause 1.3:
This clause states that non-conventional energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, small
hydro, geo-thermal; tidal etc. along with conventional sources can be appropriately and
optimally utilized to make available reliable supply of electricity to each and every
Clause 3: Approach to Rural electrification:
3.3Decentralized distributed generation facilities together with local distribution network may
be based either on conventional or non-conventional methods of electricity generation
whichever is more suitable and economical. Non-conventional sources of energy could be
utilized even where grid connectivity exists provided it is found to be cost effective.
Clause 8: Policy Provisions for Permitting Stand Alone Systems for Rural Areas
8.9 This clause highlights the fact that State Governments will have to create Institutions for
back-up services and technical support to systems based on non-conventional sources of
energy. Such services would be provided on cost basis so as to make the arrangements
Clause 4.1: National Solar Mission:
A National Solar Mission will be launched to significantly increase the share of solar energy
in the total energy mix while recognizing the need to expand the scope of other renewable
and non-fossil options such as nuclear energy, wind energy and biomass.
Clause 4.2.2: Grid Connected Systems:
NAPCC has suggested the following enhancements in the regulatory/tariffs regime to help
mainstream renewable based sources in the national power system:
A dynamic minimum renewable purchase standard (DMRPS) may be set; with escalation
each year till a pre-defined level is reached. NAPCC has set the target of 5% renewable
energy purchase for FY 2009-10, with the target increasing by 1% for next 10 years. SERCs
may set higher percentages than this minimum at each point in time.
Appropriate authorities may also issue certificates that procure renewable based power in
excess of the national standard. Such certificates may be trade able, to enable utilities falling
short to meet their renewable standard obligations.
(Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources)
The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) had notified the CERC (Terms and
Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources), Regulations, 2009
under which tariff determination aspects for various renewable energy technologies, has been
discussed. These Regulations are applicable for central sector and inter-State generation
projects, under Section 61 of EA 2003; these would provide guiding principle for SERCs
while dealing with matters related to energy generation from RE sources. The above said
CERC Regulations had the control period of three years ending on 31.03.2012. CERC has
notified Terms and Conditions for Tariff determination from Renewable Energy Sources,
Regulations, 2012, which has a control period of 5 years (FY 2012-13 to 2016-17)
3.5.2 IEGC - 2010 (Indian Electricity Grid Code)
The IEGC lays down the rules, guidelines and standards to be followed by various persons
and participants in the system to plan, develop, maintain and operate the power system, in the
most secure, reliable, economic and efficient manner, while facilitating healthy competition
in the generation and supply of electricity. The IEGC brings together a set of technical and
commercial rules, encompassing all the Utilities connected to/or using the inter- State
transmission system (ISTS). One of the primary objectives of IEGC is to facilitate the
development of renewable energy sources by specifying the technical and commercial
aspects for integration of these resources into the grid. In view of the Government’s thrust on
renewable sources of energy and the effect of their variable nature of generation on the interstate grid, scheduling of wind and solar energy sources has been incorporated in this Code.
This has been done to promote large-scale integration of such sources into the grid.
In order to boost renewable energy sources while formulating perspective transmission plan
the transmission requirement for evacuating power from renewable energy sources shall also
be taken care of. The outage planning of run-of-the-river hydro plant, wind and solar power
plant and its associated evacuation network shall be planned to extract maximum power from
these renewable sources of energy. This code provides the methodology for rescheduling of
wind and solar energy on three (3) hourly basis (There may be maximum of 8 revisions for
each 3 hour time slot) and the methodology of compensating the wind and solar energy rich
State for dealing with the variable generation through a Renewable Regulatory charge. The
wind generators shall be responsible for forecasting their generation up to accuracy of 70%.
Therefore, if the actual generation is beyond +/- 30% of the schedule, wind generator would
have to bear the UI charges. For actual generation within +/- 30% of the schedule, no UI
would be payable/receivable by Generator, The host state, shall bear the UI charges for this
variation, i.e. within +/- 30%. However, the UI charges borne by the host State due to the
wind generation, shall be shared among all the States of the country in the ratio of their peak
demands in the previous month based on the data published by CEA, in the form of a
regulatory charge known as the Renewable Regulatory Charge operated through the
Renewable Regulatory Fund (RRF).
A maximum generation of 150% of the schedule would be allowed in a time block, for
injection by wind, from the grid security point of view. For any generation above 150% of
schedule, if grid security is not affected by the generation above 150%,, the only charge
payable to the wind energy generator would be the UI charge applicable corresponding to 5050.02 HZ .
4.1 Introduction
The detailed procedure for setting up a wind power project is explained here. It consists of
following steps.
1. Project and Financial planning
2. Selection of state of preference
3. Site identification
4. Feasibility study
5. Wind mast installation, data collection and data verification
6. site survey
7. wind farm layout
8. Land acquisition
9. CDM related procedures
10. REC related procedures
11. DPR preparation
12. Financial strategy and financial closure
13. Decision regarding power sale options
14. Physical implementation of the project
The above mentioned tasks are the sub procedures of the wind power project development.
They are explained here in this chapter.
4.2 Project and Financial Planning
4.2.1 Project Planning
The key to a successful project is in the planning. Project planning is done to increase the
likelihood that a project will be implemented efficiently, effectively and successfully. It
involves working out what one wants to do and how is one going to do it. Creating a project
plan is the first thing one should do when undertaking any kind of project.
In case of wind power projects, the overall project plan may be comprised of several points:
Business goal
Project scopes
Financial structure
Policy guidelines
Central govt. policy: MNRE
State govt. policy: SNA
List of constraints & assumption
Professional assistance
Technical planning
Permitting planning
Energy market analysis (who will buy the power)
Regulatory compliance
Legal aspects
Ease & cost of maintenance
Meeting the expectation & goals of stakeholders
Long term outlook & expansion opportunities
Schedule flexibility
4.2.2 Financial Planning
It includes three major decisions:
Decide how much you need (budgeting decisions)
Decide when you will need it (cash flow)
Decide where it will come from (financial planning)
Wind power projects, like all renewable energy projects, have a strong financial component
which determines profitability or other goals, which incentives are used and how, who takes
risks and earns rewards, how the development budget is controlled, and what has to be done
to qualify for the intended financing.
Financial planning for WPP, like other RE power projects, comprises of following
1- General project information:
Rated capacity
Start year
Project lifetime
2- Revenues-cash inflows:
Ancillary products or benefits (like CDM, RECs etc.)
Cost recovery- Depreciation
Cost recovery- tax credits
Grants & incentives
Power purchase agreement or other sales agreement
3- Costs-cash outflow:
a. Equipment cost including installation & site preparation
b. Balance of system(BOS) costs including all non-equipments
c. Capital costs- such as interconnection & civil works
d. Developer soft costs, such as developer planning, environmental studies licensing &
permitting & negotiation of PPA
e. loan interest
f. Recurrent costs, such as equipment replacement
g. Operation & maintenance
h. Site owner rent or royalties
i. Property tax
j. Project insurance
k. Income tax on revenue
4- Financing costs-debt & equity
a. Loan debt
b. Debt percentage (the percentage of capital costs being covered by a loan)
c. Loan interest rate & term
d. Equity
e. Equity financing fees
f. Initial working capital
g. Debt financing fees
h. Discount rate
i. Scenario analysis
Figure 3:Financial Planning Process
4.3 Selection of State of preference
The selection of the state of preference is the next task after the planning procedure has been
completed. Following major factors are taken into consideration for selection of a state.
Developers give different weightages to these factors depending upon their own strengths and
4.3.1 Wind Power Potential and Installed Capacity
Wind availability is the first major factor taken into consideration by the developer to select
the state for developing a wind power project. Out of the total wind power potential, the
unutilised part is what attracts the developer for setting up the WPP. The total wind energy
potential in India has been estimated at 49130 MW.
Table 2: Indian State Wise Wind Potential & Installed Capacity upto 31.02.2013
Andhra Pradesh
capacity as
capacity as
%age of
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
4.3.2 Feed-in-Tariffs
A feed-in tariff (FiT), also known as feed-in law, advanced renewable tariff or preferential
tariff is another important factor that affects the developers’ decision of selecting a state for
setting up of WPPs. FiT is a policy mechanism designed to encourage the adoption of
renewable energy sources and to help accelerate the transition toward grid parity for such
projects. The Feed-in-Tariffs declared by the SERCs of the key states are shown below
Table 3: Wind Power Tariff
As per orders of Central / State Electricity Regulatory Commissions
Wind zone – I
Wind zone – II
Wind zone – III
Wind zone – IV
Jaisalmer, Jodhpur and
Tariff Period
Tariff rate (Rs/Unit)
Other districts
Madhya Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
4.4 Special incentives and facilities by State Governments
Some state governments have declared special incentive or facilities to attract the wind / RE
developers which are explained here. The developers should study these incentives before
arriving to a decision of finalising the state of preference.
Government of Karnataka:
(From Karnataka Renewable Energy Policy 2009-14)
Green Energy Fund: Green Energy Fund shall be established to facilitate financing
for RE projects.
Consent from Departments & Statutory Clearances: KREDL shall obtain consent &
statutory clearances from concerned state departments for sites developed by them. In
case of private land KREDL shall assist the developers in this regard.
Allotment Committee: A committee under Chairmanship of Additional Chief
Secretary/Principle Secretary, Energy Department will consider allotment of capacity
to entrepreneurs.
Settlements: Transactions shall be settled on monthly basis. Interest at the rate of
State Bank of India short term prime lending rate shall be payable for delayed
payment beyond a month.
Exemption from Demand Cut: Exemption of demand cut to the extent of 50% of
installed capacity assigned for captive use purpose, will be allowed.
Financial Incentives: Entry tax & other incentives shall be available to RE generation
in accordance with Industrial Policy 2009-10.
Letter of Credit: Facility of LOC shall be provided by the ESCOMS to developer and
its cost will be reimbursed to ESCOMs from Green Energy Fund.
Award Scheme: RE projects successfully commissioned during the original
agreement period will be awarded with a certificate with appreciation by the Govt.
and a cash incentive from Green Energy Fund
Government of Madhya Pradesh:
(Notification No.6591-F18-10-XIII-93 dated 17.10.2006 as amended vide order No. F18-10XIII-93 dated 12.05.2008)
Green Energy Fund: will be created for facilitation of power generation through nonconventional energy sources.
Exemption from Open Access Charges: Nonconventional Energy based power
generation shall be exempted from Open Access charges.
Projects will be eligible for all benefits available to new industries under the Industrial
Promotion Policy 2004.
However one discouraging factor for WPP owners included in the state wind policy is that
the 3rd party purchaser of wind energy will be allowed the facility of reduction in contract
Government of Maharashtra:
(From NCE Policy 2008)
Evacuation Arrangement: To be constructed with the approval of Transco/Discom by
the developer at his cost. 50% of the approved expenditure to be reimbursed out of
Green Energy Fund.
Approach Road: To be constructed by MEDA out of Green Energy Fund. Repairs or
strengthening of existing roads to be done by developer at his cost.
Encouragement to Co-operative Sector: 11% of total share capital of the project shall
be paid from Green Energy Fund for projects set up by co-operative institutions.
Letter of Credit: The DISCOM shall provide the facility of LOC to the developer &
the cost involved to be reimbursed to the DISCOM out of Green Energy Fund.
Octroi / Entry Tax: Taxes actually paid shall be reimbursed by MEDA out of Green
Energy Fund.
Eligibility for Sanction
It is obligatory to sell 50% of electricity to the Distribution Company under a long
term agreement at the rate determined by MERC. Remaining 50% shall be sold
within the State.
Benefits under the policy shall be available to only such projects for which
infrastructure approval is accorded by the Govt.
Government of Rajasthan:
(From NCE Policy dated 25.10.2004 as amended vide letters dated 10.03.05, 16.07.05,
24.02.06, 30.11.06, 19.01.07 & 27.03.2008)
Merit Order Despatch Not applicable to Wind Power Project.
Exemption from Electricity Duty: Energy sold to a 3rd party will be exempted from
payment of ED @50% for a period of 7 years from COD.
Relocation of project: Re-location of project, if justified shall be permitted without
any additional charge.
4.5 Simplicity of procedures followed in the State
Proactive and simplified procedure ensures smooth and timely completion of the project. The
index for attitude of the State agency gets reflected in quantum of capacity addition. Higher
capacity additions obviously indicate that investor faces least problems. Though this factor is
of primary consideration to the developer yet it is also relevant to IPP owners particularly
after completion of the project and routine O&M. The procedures required to be followed in
different states at various stages (mast installation, land acquisition, issue and redemption of
REC etc.) of development of a WPP is explained in the relevant topics of this report.
4.5.1Evacuation Infrastructure
The evacuation infrastructure development for wind power project is very costly and time
consuming since the WPPs are generally in the remote sites where the grid connectivity is
usually not readily available. Whether this infrastructure has to be developed by the grid
utility or by the developer is a major factor for developer in his decision of selecting a state
for WPP development.
Various states have different policies for the evacuation infrastructure development which are
explained here.
Andhra Pradesh: Cost to be borne by the developer.
Gujarat: Voltage level for evacuation shall be 66 kV and above. Govt. Policy (Amendment1) 2007 dated 07.01.2009 provides that owner will bear the entire cost up to 100 km; beyond
this limit GETCO will construct at its cost. Approved capital cost includes 38 lakhs per MW
towards cost of transmission line from project site to grid sub-station.
Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh: Cost to be borne by the developer. The capital costs
specified by the respective SERCs are inclusive of the power evacuation infrastructure.
Maharashtra: Cost to be borne by the developer. Capital Cost of Project/MW is inclusive of
cost of power evacuation infrastructure up to interconnection point. Capital cost is linked to
price indexation formula.
Rajasthan: A sum of Rs.2.00 Lakhs per MW is payable to RVPN as connectivity charges.
RVPN to develop evacuation system from Pooling Sub-station to Grid Substation. If
evacuation system is constructed by developer beyond pooling substation, Commission may
determine transmission tariff on case to case basis.
Tamil Nadu: To be borne by the Licensee if entire energy is sold to the Distribution
Licensee. For captive consumption and third party sale, cost will have to be borne by the
Developer but the work will be executed by the Licensee.
4.6 Grid availability
This is a major problem primarily faced by WPP developers. Obtaining sanction and/or
commissioning of the project gets adversely affected due to non-availability of evacuation
facility. None of the states have so far made medium and long term plan to meet the demand
of Wind Power Sector. The short term solution as offered by them is proving to be inadequate because of higher growth rate now being observed. Even after commissioning of the
project, particularly in Tamil Nadu, the wind farm feeders are occasionally switched off
during high generation period which badly affects the investors. Therefore the WPPs must
consider the Grid availability conditions in the state in their decision of selecting a state for
WPP. Grid availability conditions are comparatively better in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and
4.7 Regularity in the receipt of payment
This is an important factor that IPP owners and Bankers would consider to ensure financial
viability of the project. The financial health of almost all State utilities is in bad shape.
Comparative ranking of the states carried out by Consolidated Energy Consultants Limited
(CECL) based on the general experience of IPP owners regarding timely receipt of payment
shows that Rajasthan, Gujarat and Karnataka are better compared to other states as far as
regularity in payment from the DISCOMs is concerned.
4.8 Sharing of CDM Benefits
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a project-based mechanism that allows public
or private entities to invest in greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigating activities in developing
countries and earn abatement credits, which can then be applied against their own GHG
emissions or sold in the open market. For wind power producers, CDM benefits may become
a source of revenue which can improve their project IRR by 1-1.5% and can make the project
financially viable. CERC and different SERCs have declared sharing of the CDM benefits
differently between the DISCOMs and the Developers. The WPP developers should examine
the sharing of CDM benefits and its impact on the revenue in various states before arriving to
a conclusion of finalising the state of preference. The regulations regarding sharing of CDM
benefits between the developers and the distribution licensees in different states are explained
in the following table.
Table 4: Sharing of CDM Benefits in Different States
Sharing of CDM benefits
100% to developers in the 1st year, reducing 10% every year till the
regulation, 2009
sharing becomes 50:50 between developer and beneficiary.
As per CERC regulation
As per CERC regulation
75% to developer, 25% to Distribution licensee. Share of the licensee
shall be fully passed on to consumers.
As per CERC regulation
As per CERC regulation
Tamil Nadu
100% 1st year, reducing 10% yearly up to 50:50
90% to developer and 10% to beneficiaries.
4.9 Banking
Power banking is like cash banking whereby wind power producers feed in the electricity
generated by their wind mills to the state grid and then draw that power for captive use within
the period specified by the Appropriate Commission. Despite the development of latest
technology in the wind energy sector it is still not possible to declare the exact wind power
generation. Hence, to help the wind power generators and attract investment, some states
have come up with the provision of banking of wind power. The banking charges are
applicable as decided by the Appropriate Commission. In Banking, only the transactions of
energy take place; there is no transaction of currency. Banking regulations in key states are
explained in the following table.
Table 5: State wise Banking Regulations
Banking Regulations
Only for captive use. Allowed for one month.
A recent circular released by MSEDCL has proposed new rules for banking
of power generated by renewable sources and sold under open access.
If energy is supplied in excess of consumption for every 15 minute
time-block, such energy will lapse (will not be allowed to be
If energy is consumed in excess of supply for every 15 minute timeblock, the applicable tariff will be that of a Temporary Power
The State Electricity Board will permit energy generated in a financial year
by eligible producer to be banked for the period upto 31st March of said
financial year. The banked energy if not consumed within this period would
be treated to have been sold to RSEB at 60% of the prevailing HT rate
Permitted for a period of a financial year at 2% charge. Consumption of
banked energy is subject to approval of Discom. Surplus energy at the end
of banking period to be procured by the Discom as per the decision of the
Permitted for 12 months at 2@ charge. Energy banked beyond the
prescribed time will be utilised and paid for by the Karnataka Power
Transmission Co. Ltd/Distribution Licensee concerned at tariff applicable as
per KERC norms.
Tamil Nadu
Taxed added, wind power firms now need to pay Rs 1.45 paise per unit to
TANGEDCO as banking charges
Not allowed. Surplus power is paid at 75% of lowest bid tariff.
4.10 Transmission and wheeling charges
Transmission and Wheeling charges, specified by SERCs of the key states, as a percentage of
the total energy transmitted are given in the following table. The losses assumed for
computation of the transmission and wheeling charges should also be taken into
Table 6: State wise Transmission and Wheeling Charges
Transmission and wheeling charges
1) For 66KV and above - charges and losses are those applicable to open
access consumers
2) For below 66KV - charges are those applicable to open access consumers;
i) For more than one WEGs - Losses at 10% and shared in the ratio of
4:6 between transmission and distribution
ii) For one WEG - losses at 7% and shared in the ratio of 4:3 between
transmission and distribution.
Transmission losses 4.2% and wheeling losses 0 to 9% according to the voltage
Maharashtra Transmission charges - Rs 126.86/KW/month (long term), Rs 31.72/KW/month
(short term).
Wheeling charges - Rs 0 to 245/kw/month according to voltage level.
Transmission loss - from 4.4 to 8% at different voltage levels
Transmission charges - Rs 161.03/kw/month
Wheeling charges-132 kv
33 kv
11 kv
2% of the energy injected
5% and Rs. 1.15/kwh for third party sale
Tamil Nadu
5% of energy injected
5% of energy injected
4.11 Site Identification
After finalising the state to develop a WPP the next task is to select the best possible sites for
installation of WPP. Folloiwng factors should be taken into consideration for selection of site:
There must be evidence of significant wind speed.
Wind power density should be greater than or equal to 200watt/m2
Locations like hills, ridges, plateaus, mountains etc. are preferred as these sites have
more wind speeds compared to their surrounding locations.
The available area should be taken into consideration. Generally 15-25 acre/MW of
land is required, but this may vary depending upon the micro-siting.
Wind direction and wind shear – The sites with constant speeds and directions are
more effective for wind power production and hence has plants at such sites have
higher PLFs.
Land cover pattern should be studies as it affects wind speeds at various heights.
Accessibility – The heavy transportation vehicles should be able to reach to the
location of the proposed WPP at reasonable cost of road construction and
Land ownership (Private/revenue/forest) also is an important factor to be considered.
Additional forest/environment clearances are required for occupying a forest land. On
the other hand, the developer may face problems like non-convicibility of owners in
occupation of private land.
Prior commitments of the land – The developer needs ensure that the proposed land is
not already committed to any other WPP developer.
Sites approved by C-WET must be given preference as the technical and regulatory
work to occupy such sites reduces compared to other sites.
There must be reasonable access to electrical transmission.
The terrain must be favourable to construction.
Apart from these several other factors need to be taken into consideration like - Cost
of land, rehabilitation issues, scope for future expansion, labour and skills availability,
minimum impact on labours etc.
Feasibility study is a preliminary study that is done to determine a project‘s viability through
identifying potential return on investment as well as any fatal flow in the project if any. The
results of the study are used to determine whether to proceed with the project or not. It
provides a structured method that focuses on problems, identifies objectives, evaluates
alternatives, and aids in the selection of the best solution. It also describes current market
situations, explores outcomes, and assesses the range of costs and benefits associated with the
recommended action. In short, the technical and commercial viability of the project is
checked in the feasibility study. After studying the outcomes of the feasibility study the
owner chooses whether to proceed further with the project or not.
Feasibility Study
Technical Viability
Figure4: Feasibility Study
Feasibility task
Site inspection
Wind resource review
Investigation of interconnection opportunities
Selection of suitable process and technology
Capacity fixation on the basis of project
Capital cost study
Profitability analysis
Fatal flaws review
Grant research and application development
Investigation of site access
5.1 Generalized activities for feasibility study of Wind Power Projects:
A. Wind Resource Assessment: The first consideration in choosing a site is the wind
availability. It is the most important factor affecting the viability of the project. To determine
whether to have a project or not, it is necessary to conduct a resource assessment.
Professional resource assessment is necessary to raise debt financing, necessary approvals/
clearances before proceeding further. In some cases, technology providers may be able to
help in identifying options, the best location or technology to be used.
B. Technology selection: Various wind energy technologies are available for generating
power. However each technology has its own merits & demerits. Therefore the project
viability depends on the selection of appropriate technology.
Various technological choices have to be made for the following:
Size and capacity of the turbines
Hub height
Rated and cut-in wind speeds
Vertical or Horizontal axes
Active and passive yaw
Type of rotor controls
Airfoil nomenclature
Tip-speed ratio
Pitch control and stall control
Rotor diameter
Rotor solidity
Betz limit
Number of blades
Blade composition
Type of generator
Type of hub
Type of towers
Type of drive trains
C. Grid connectivity
Check for an appropriate connection point near site
Conversations with those who have an understanding of the system in the area where you
propose to connect your project and contact local utility or Discom.
It provides following information:
Understanding the transmission & distribution system
Power line capacity
Substation capacity
Existing protection scheme of power system
Conductor size
Cost estimates for transmission upgrades
Environmental impact Assessment
An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible impact—positive
or negative—that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the
natural, social and economic aspects. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision
makers consider the ensuing environmental impacts when deciding whether to proceed with a
project. The Ministry of Environment and Forests of India have been in a great effort in
Environmental Impact Assessment in India. The main laws in nation are Water Act (1974),
The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act (1972), The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act (1981) and The Environment (Protection) Act (1986). The responsible body for this is
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB). Wind-power generation has very low emissions on
a life cycle basis, but has a number of environmental effects that may limit its potential. The
following is required before the project implementation.
Land use analysis- Helps in assessing the changes in land use pattern for setting up wind
energy stations
Air pollution
Impact on flora & fauna
Visual impact assessment
Noise impact assessment
Hydrological assessment
Impact on communication signal
On-site contamination & hazardous material issue
Waste water management practices
Depletion of water resources
Economic effects on local economy (e.g. creation of jobs)
Mitigating measures- ways in which any adverse environmental impact may be
Economic viability
The purpose of an economic analysis is to demonstrate that the proposed project achieves
optimum utilization of resources and is of sufficient economic merit to justify an investment
in it. The analysis is therefore first made in the planning stage of the project, before any
financial arrangements are discussed or entered into. The financing agencies will generally
wish to see and approve the results of the analysis prior to making a commitment on
financing the whole or part of the project. Economic analysis is always comparative. Sound
economic evaluation of the proposed project during pre-feasibility and feasibility analysis is a
fundamental requirement, particularly when the project requires a bank‘s assistance and
financial commitment. The economic viability of the project is tested by financial modelling.
5.2 Mast Installation, Data Collection and Data Verification
5.2.1 Permission for Mast Installation and Subsequent Capacity Allocation
After finalising the site for the mast installation, the developer of a Wind Power Project has
to take permission for installation of mast. A Land Option Agreement gives the developer the
first right to develop the land for a wind farm. It should precedent the erection of masts to
ensure that the data remains with the owner of the mast. It generally includes the following
The right of first refusal to develop the land for renewable
Details of the wind resource measurement agreement
Detail of data use if no turbine is installed.
Different procedures are followed in different states for obtaining the permission for mast
installation. First of all, the developer has to contact the State Nodal Agency for the
permission for installation of a mast. The SNA issues the permit if the land is either private
or revenue land. If the site for mast installation falls into forest land, the permission from
forest department is also required. The procedure that needs to be followed in different states
is explained below.
Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Orissa
 If the site is within the radius specified by the corresponding SNA (25 Km in Orissa)
from the CWET mast, land is directly allotted on the Capacity Allotment basis,
terms of MW as per asked by the developer.
 Otherwise, application for land allotment for Wind Resource Assessment has to be
submitted by the developer to the SNA. The area within the radius specified by the SNA
(AP and Orissa - 5 km, Rajasthan – 10 Km) from the proposed mast location will be
blocked for 2 years for wind resource assessment.
 An application in the forest department is required for land allocation if mast location is
in forest land. A fee of 1 lac per mast has to be paid to the forest department. This is
applicable in all the states.
 Only the owner’s consent is required if the proposed mast location is in the private land.
 Approval for capacity allocation is sought from the SNA after the wind resource
assessment is done.
Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh
 In Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh, site for the mast installation is indicated and applied
for permission to SNA. The SNA gives permission directly on capacity allotment basis.
 No permission is required from MEDA for mast installation. Permission from forest
department is needed if the proposed mast location is in the forest land (fees of Rs 1
 The data collected is then registered with CWET. CWET examines and approves the
 MEDA, based on approval from CWET, certifies that the area within 10 Km radius from
the mast is windy.
 An application, along with the MEDA certificate has to be submitted in forest
department for land diversion.
 MEDA allots the land on Capacity Allocation basis.
 Mast installation is to be done directly after the purchase of the land and no permission is
required from GEDA. CWET and GEDA are only need to be informed about installation
of mast.
 Approval from forest department is required if the proposed location for mast installation
is in the forest land for which the fees are Rs 1 Lakh/mast.
5.2.2 Installation of Wind Mast
Wind Mast installation is started after the permission has been received from the SNA/forest
Experienced teams, skilled at installing wind monitoring met masts and equipment to the
highest standards are required for the Wind Mast Installation. Generally, consultants who
have core competency in the mast installation are hired. The consultants also provide wind
monitoring product for the specific application and install instrumentation.
5.2.3 Data collection
MNRE published guidelines for wind data measurement on 20.06.2008. The
following basic parameters are needed to be collected with the installed masts, for
minimum 12 months.
Wind speed (measure by anemometer)
Wind direction (measure by wind vane)
Wind shear - Increase in wind speed at greater height above ground
Wind speed distribution
Temperature (measure by temperature sensor)
Vertical wind speed (optional)
Change in temperature with height (optional)
Barometric pressure (optional)
Roughness of terrain (obstacles presence like nearby trees, buildings etc.)
Wind power can be measure by:
WPD (W/m2) = ½*air density*rotor swept area*(wind speed) 3
5.2.4 Validation of Data through CWET
The data collected though the mast has to be verified through CWET. The CWET Verifies
the method and procedure of wind monitoring including installation details, sensors
calibrations and data collection by the company at the station and prepares report
accordingly. The cost is to be paid by the developer. The Developer also has to arrange site
visits for the CWET scientists for verification of ground realities if the CWET asks for the
5.3 Site Survey
After the data has been approved by the CWET, team of the developer makes a visit to the
site to conduct a site survey. Primary feasibility of the site for a wind farm development is
checked at this stage.
5.3.1 Soil / Ground Conditions
Wind turbine generators require very solid foundations to secure that large structure in high
wind conditions. Therefore soil conditions must be assessed to determine the stability of the
ground. The location, type and cost of the foundation are largely determined by ground
5.3.2 Soil Erosion
With proper construction techniques, and good maintenance, a well-designed wind farm
should have no impact on soil erosion. Control of these issues is relatively well understood
and a part of good practice in the civil construction industry. On-site inspection of the soil
and ground conditions is used not just for the design of roads and foundations but also in the
development of the environmental management plan for the project which will implement the
techniques appropriate to the site for the control of soil erosion and maintenance of surface
and ground water quality.
Where possible all removed soil is used on site. Run off is diverted away from disturbed soil
and controlled using artificial barrier or existing vegetation.
Physical characteristics of the land are checked to ensure suitability for the wind farm
development. For example, the located site should not be morass, a water body or a rocky
The wind farm cannot be located in a tribal land, a wildlife sanctuary or a national park
according to the land acquisition laws and hence the ownership of the land also has to be
known. However this may have been checked by the developer while applying for the mast
5.3.3 Accessibility
Accessibility to wind farm site is important for construction and for the on-going operation
and maintenance of the wind farm. Construction access is usually more problematic because
of the large vehicles and loads that need to be brought onto site. The turbines are brought
onto site in large sections and erected using very large cranes. Local roads need to be
sufficient to allow the delivery of the turbine components and construction equipment.
During the life of the wind farm the access tracks to each wind turbine, established during the
initial construction, would be maintained and are sufficient for the service vehicles.
Steep gradients and unstable surfaces are generally avoided because of the added cost of
cutting suitable gradients and stabilising loose surfaces.
5.3.4 Closeness to Grid
Suitable grid connection is vital for a wind farm. Because the large amount of electricity has
to be transmitted from the wind farm’s switchyard to the existing electricity grid, the cost of
overhead transmission line increases with increase in the distance. This increases the capital
cost, which ultimately affects the economic feasibility of the project. Unfortunately, the
windy sites are many times distant from the existing grid, and hence despite increase in the
cost, sometimes it is better to move further away from the power line, despite the increased
cost simply because the more distant site is so much more productive.
Wind Farm Layout
Wind farm layout preparation is the next step in the project development. It means finalising
the exact locations of wind turbines in the site. The objective of the layout is to maximise the
Capacity Utilisation Factor (CUF) for the given site conditions.
5.4.1 Inter-turbine separation
It is determined by several factors and we need to compromise between these factors
optimally. At the extremes they need far enough apart to allow the turbines to follow the
wind without colliding with each other. Likewise we do not want them so far apart that the
cost of the interconnecting cables is prohibitively expensive.
The main determinant of separation distance is wind speed and turbulence. A wind turbine
generator necessarily removes some of the energy from the wind and causes turbulence. So
downwind there is an area where it is not economic to place another wind turbine generator.
The surrounding unaffected wind will impart some of its wind energy to this slow and
turbulent wind and the turbulence will be dampened and the wind speed will come back that
of the surrounding wind. We normally will wait until it comes back to about 98 to 99% of the
original power level before placing another machine downwind. The volume of air that is
affected is determined by the diameter of rotor. So separation distances can be expressed in
multiples of the rotor diameter.
The rule of thumb used for a downwind separation of wind turbine generators of between 5D
and 7D (Where D stands for the rotor diameter). The influence of a wind turbine generator
across the wind is nowhere near as great and could place a wind turbine as close as 1D apart
across the wind. However the wind does not come from only one direction, so we cannot do
this in reality.
In general wind turbine generators will be separated by 3D to 5D distances across the
prevailing wind energy direction and by 5D to 7D distances with the prevailing wind energy
Layout issues involve more than inter turbine separation. In most cases, the development of a
wind farm layout will be much more complex. Again several factors will come into play to
varying degrees according to site conditions.
5.4.2 Changes in elevation of area
For example, a ridgeline that spans across the prevailing wind direction may result in a line
(or lines) of wind turbine generators following the contours of the ridge. In undulating areas,
there is no point placing a turbine behind a small hill (where wind speeds will be significantly
lower) simply because you have reached an appropriate inter turbine separation distance if
moving another few meters can significantly increase the wind energy.
5.4.3 Other factors
The noise level to which nearby residents will be exposed to, avoiding areas of important
native vegetation, or avoiding sites of cultural or archaeological significance etc. also affect
the layout of the wind farm.
5.4.4 Layout using software
Complicated three dimensional computer models help us to prepare the layout to maximise
the wind turbine locations considering all the above mentioned factors. A team of developer
visits the site and checks whether this optimum layout indicated by the software is feasible in
reality or not. The Changes suggested by the team is done and optimum layout is re-prepared
considering the constraints mentioned by the layout team.
Land acquisition
After the site for the project has been finalised and the siting is done, the developer must
gain legal control over the proposed project site. This usually means acquiring interests in
land, whether by purchasing the land, leasing it (which could include an option to purchase),
or obtaining easements. Outright purchase normally provides the maximum amount of
security and rights over the project land, but is also usually the most expensive option.
Leases should be carefully developed so that they clearly address issues important to the
project developer and landowner at the time the lease starts as well as years later during
project operations. In many cases, the people who originally negotiate a lease will not be
involved later in the operating period of the project, so it is important that any understanding
between the parties be properly addressed in the written lease to prevent future
A well-executed lease is an important part of the project development process. Before the
purchase and installation of wind turbines it should be ensured that the lease provides clear,
unimpeded rights for use of the land over the long term.
The most important portions of the land lease are:
The length of the agreement
What other uses are acceptable on the land surrounding the wind turbines
The payment structure.
These and other major land lease provisions are described below.
A real property agreement will address major issues such as:
(a) Type of land available
1. Revenue land
2. Private land
3. Forest land
4. Others
(b) Nature of land
1. Urban
2. Rural
3. Agricultural
4. Industrial
(c) Duration of the agreement
(d) Compensation
(e) The scope of the land subject to the agreement
(f) Permitted uses of the land,
(g) Property-related taxes
(h) Assumption of liabilities
(i) Assignment of contract rights by the developer
(j) Termination of the agreement
(k) Remediation of the land and dispute resolution
Other land issues that may be applicable:
a) Securing a right to purchase or lease land within a prescribed future timeframe through an
Option to Purchase or Lease.
b) Obtaining a right to match the terms of purchase or lease to a third party through Right of
First Refusal.
c) Ascertaining the restrictions on an owner's right to use property by means of covenants
on land
d) Possessing a secure legal right to develop the land by ensuring title to the land.
e) Conducting land surveys if title is uncertain, to preclude title-related questions, or if the
value of the project is sufficient to justify undertaking a peremptory survey.
f) Understanding the various land-related permits and approvals that will be required
(including land use permitting, conditional use permitting, environmental permitting,
building and electrical codes), paying particular attention to the length of time needed to
obtain the necessary permits.
g) Determining whether or not present zoning and land use permits the intended use, taking
into account the difficulty of obtaining zoning exceptions.
h) Addressing subsurface mineral rights.
i) Addressing water rights (including surface mineral)
Clean Development Mechanism
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a project-based mechanism that allows
public or private entities to invest in greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigating activities in
developing countries and earn abatement credits, which can then be applied against their
own GHG emissions or sold in the open market. The CDM has the dual objective of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions and contributing to sustainable development in the host country.
The Clean Development Mechanism exploits the efficiency gap between industrialized
countries and developing countries. In order to understand the potential of the CDM, one
needs to consider that emission reductions through a CDM project are not assessed in
absolute terms since developing countries have no reduction commitments, but in relative
terms: every new energy project is compared to a forecast of future emissions, the baseline.
CDM benefit under Kyoto Protocol has been availed by many WPPs in India. Ministry of
Environment and Forest (MoEF) is the Nodal Agency and a National CDM Authority
(NCDMA) has been established. There are quite a few agencies with foreign tie-up available
to assist in –
Registration and Certification by MoEF and UNFCCC
Trading of CER’s in market
Under the present conditions the net benefit available under long term contract is
about Rs. 0.50 per kWh after meeting all expenses at several stages. IPP Owners with foreign
tie-up are likely to do trading at higher rate.
There is however some reservation regarding availability of this benefit beyond 2012.
Figure 5: CDM Timeframe
Figure 6: CDM Project Cycle
Source: Adapted from "Using the CDM into energy planning – A case study from South
Africa", James-Smith,
Project Design
This step involves developing a Project Design Document (PDD), which is a standard format
describing how the activity intends to fulfil the pre-requisites for registration as a CDM
project. The PDD consists of a general description of the project, its proposed baseline
methodology, a timeline and crediting period, a monitoring methodology, calculation of GHG
emissions by source and stakeholder comments. The host country Designated National
Authority (DNA) must issue statements on the PDD indicating that the government of the
host country participates voluntarily in the proposed activity and that the project assists the
host country in achieving sustainable development.
Validation and Registration
Validation is a process involving an independent evaluation of the project activity by an
external auditor known as a Designated Operational Entity (DOE), which is hired by the
project participants (a list of DOEs can be downloaded from the UNFCCC website). The
DOE reviews the PDD in order to determine whether the project meets CDM requirements.
Once a project activity has been validated by a DOE a validation report is forwarded to the
Executive Board (EB) for registration as a CDM project. The registration of a project will be
final within eight weeks after the date of receipt by the EB unless at least three members of
the EB request a review of the project activity.
Once the project is operational the emissions that occur from the activity must be monitored.
This is done according to the monitoring plan submitted and approved in the PDD, which
indicates the method used for measuring emissions from the project and how data relevant for
these calculations will be collected and archived. The information on emission reductions
must be included in a monitoring report estimating the amount of CERs generated and
submitted to a DOE for verification.
Verification and Certification
Verification is the independent review of the monitoring report submitted by the project
participants. A DOE different to that involved in the validation process carries out
verification (a list of DOEs can be downloaded from the UNFCCC website). The DOE must
ensure that the CERs have been generated according to the guidelines and conditions agreed
upon during the validation of the project. A verification report is then produced. The same
DOE that verified the project also certifies the CERs generated by the activity.
Certification is the written assurance from the DOE that the project achieved the stated level
of emission reductions and that these reductions were real, measurable and additional. The
certification report constitutes a request to the EB for issuance of CERs. Unless a project
participant or at least three members of the EB request a review within fifteen days the EB
will instruct the CDM registry to issue the CERs.
5.7 Renewable Energy Certificates
Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism is a market based instrument to promote
renewable energy and facilitate compliance for Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPO) under
inter-state transaction of RE generation. REC mechanism is aimed at addressing mismatch
between availability of RE Sources in state and the requirement of the obligated entities to
meet the RPO.
Under this mechanism, the cost of electricity generation from renewable energy sources is
classified as cost of electricity generation equivalent to convention energy sources and the cost
of environmental attributes. These environmental attributes can be exchanged in the form of
RECs. Hence, the RE generator can either sell the energy at preferential tariff specified by
the ERC; or it can sell the power at normal tariff and sell the RECs on power exchanges.
In January 2010, honourable Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) announced
Regulation on Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy
Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation. According to this regulation, a generating
company involved in electricity generation from renewable sources of energy will be eligible
to get Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) for their each 1 MWh (1000 unit) of generation
subject to:
It has got accreditation from State Nodal Agency
It does not have any PPA for the capacity related to such generation with distribution
licensee at preferential tariff (state regulated tariff), or
It sells electricity generated to either of the following
 The distribution licensee at price not exceeding average pooled cost of power
purchase (APCPP) of the distribution licensee for last year
 Any other licensee or to an open access consumer at mutually agreed price, or
through Power Exchange.
Captive RE Generators are also eligible for REC if such generators are:
Not availing promotional Wheeling
Not availing promotional Banking
Not getting any electricity tax/duty exemption from the state.
5.7.1 Types of REC
According to the regulation, RECs will be issued in two categories: Solar RECs for
generation through Solar PV & Solar Thermal technology, and Non-Solar RECs for
generation through renewable sources other than solar. These RECs will be sold in a price
band of Floor Price (minimum price) and Forbearance Price (maximum price). Floor and
Forbearance price for Solar and Non-Solar RECs are given in table below:
Table7: REC Floor and Forbearance Prices
Floor Price in
Type of REC
Solar REC
Non-Solar REC
5.10.2 The operational framework for REC mechanism
The operational framework for REC mechanism consists of four main steps as shown in the
figure below:
Figure 7: REC Procedure
Table 8: Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) for the year 2012-13
Non-Solar RPO Solar RPO
Andhra Pradesh
Himachal Pradesh
Jammu & Kashmir
JERC (Goa & UT)
Madhya Pradesh
Manipur (JERC)
Mizoram (JERC)
Tamil Nadu
Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Step 1 - Accreditation:
The proposed REC mechanism requires a procedure for accrediting generation plants which
are eligible to receive RECs. Accreditation is done to assess and establish eligibility of
renewable energy plants to receive RECs. The process of accreditation is largely one time
activity where in plants are validated on its renewable nature and other pre-requisites to be
eligible for issuance of REC. The State Nodal Agency appointed by the State Electricity
Regulatory Commission (SERC) shall be responsible for Accreditation. Accreditation process
involves processing of application, verification of projects, transfer of information, creation
and operation of accounts etc. The process of accreditation of eligible renewable energy
projects would also involve verification of Applications (projects) and sites and hence the
accreditation agencies at state level would need to have adequate monitoring capability.
Step 2 – Registration
Every eligible entity shall apply for registration at central level. Only one central agency at
national level will be authorized to recognize attributes from renewable generation to avoid
double counting. Registration will result in creation of an account for all the entities
participating in the mechanism.
Step 3 - Information of RE generation
Central agency would receive information about injection of RE power by the accredited RE
generators through State Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) via Regional Load Dispatch Centre
(RLDC) and local distribution licensee.
Step-4 Issuance of REC by REC registry
The eligible entity shall receive a certificate for a specified quantity of electricity generated
and injected into the grid. One REC will be issued for each 1 MWh of electricity generated
from renewable energy plants. RECs will be created as electronic records in a register
(because electronic documents are easier to track than paper documents). The issued
certificates will be credited to the registered account of the plant operator/owner.
Step 5 - Exchange of REC
RE generators with REC certificates can exchange their certificate at a common platform viz.
the power exchange approved by CERC. Obligated entities (as defined by the SERCs in their
regulations f o r R P O o b l i g a t i o n s ) s h a l l buy R EC through pow e r ex ch an ge . The
p r i c e discovery of REC will be based on the demand and supply of the REC in the market,
subject to a forbearance price (ceiling price) determined by CERC. REC exchange will be
connected to the central agency to keep record of all the transaction in the REC exchange.
Step-6 Monitoring Mechanism
It is proposed that a panel of auditors shall be empanelled by CERC at the central level. The
remuneration charges for such panel of auditors will be met out of the funds which Central
Agency may collect from eligible entities.
Step 7 - Compliance by Obligated Entities
Central registry will furnish details of REC purchase and redemption to respective SERCs to
enable them to assess compliance by obligated entities and impose penalties on them, if
applicable. As evolved by the Forum of Regulators, there is a provision for enforcement
mechanism in the draft model regulation for SERCs under section 86 (1) (e) of the Act. As
per this provision, in the event of default, obligated entities would be directed to deposit the
amount required for purchase shortfall of REC at forbearance price (i.e. maximum price) of
REC in a separate fund, which cannot be utilized without approval of the concerned State
Commission. In addition to this enforcement mechanism the penalty under Section 142 of the
Electricity Act 2003 would also be applicable to the obligated entity. The concerned state
commission can empower an officer of the SNA to procure required shortfall of REC at the
cost and expense of distribution licensee.
Detailed Project Report involves producing a comprehensive document that can be used as a
basis for investment decision making, approval of plans and designs, project planning, and
implementation scheduling for all types of infrastructure projects. Preparation of detailed
project report is further step in firming up the proposal. When an investment proposal is to be
approved on the basis of functional report and the proposal is a major proposal, it would be
necessary to prepare a detailed project report to firm up the proposal for the capital cost as
well as for the various facilities. It includes...
Project description
Examination of technological parameters
Description of the technology to be used
Broad technical specification
Evaluation of the existing resources
Schedule plan
Layouts and flow diagrams
Hence these reports are to be made before investment is made into project. Thus formulation
of investment is based on the studies made. These can be considered as pre-investment
decision. Detailed project report is not prepared only for the investment decision-making
approval, but also for execution of the project and for preparation of further plan. General
format for preparation of detailed project report (DPR) as prescribed by Indian renewable
energy development authority (IREDA):
6.1 Contents to be covered in a DPR
Technical and Commercial:
 Introduction
 Site details
 Resources at Site location
 Selection of Technology
 Technology Provider
 Power evacuation/interconnection with grid
 Technical specifications of various components involved
 Estimation of annual energy output
 Environment impact/protection activities
 Socio-economic impact in the region due to project implementation
 Project cost estimates and tariff
 Estimated electrical works
 Estimated Civil works, Foundations
 Project implementation Schedule
 Drawing and designs, Site map and project layout
 CDM benefits
 Financial analysis
 Conclusions
 Overall Plant layout
 Land clearances
 Grid connectivity approval
 MOU/letter of willingness for PPA
 In-principal approval, if applicable
 Single line diagram
 Switchyard layout
 Plant control system configuration
6.2 Generation Based Incentive (GBI)
The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy has announced a scheme on Generation Based
Incentive (GBI) for grid connected wind power projects. The broad aspects of the scheme are
given below:
The following are the main objectives of the scheme:
(i) Generation of electricity from grid connected wind power projects through Generation
Based Incentives.
(ii) To encourage IPPs, registered companies, NGOs, Trusts, academic and research
institutions, SNAs etc. who will not avail of accelerated depreciation under the IT Act for
making investments in wind power projects.
(iii) To encourage actual energy generation rather than capacity addition only, resulting in
optimum utilization of wind resource.
(iv) To augment flow of power to the grid that would add to grid stabilization.
The GBI scheme would be applicable only for those power producers who do not avail of the
accelerated/enhanced depreciation benefits under the Income Tax Act. The power producers
who avail of the benefits of the scheme will be required to furnish documentary proof to this
effect. The scheme will be applicable only for those independent power producers having
minimum installed capacity of 5 MW and whose capacities are commissioned for sale of
power to the grid after the announcement of the scheme.
The scheme will not be applicable to those who set up capacities for captive consumption,
third party sale, merchant plants etc.
6.3 Financing Strategy and Financial Closure
6.3.1 Financing strategy
Wind power projects are more complex and risky because they rely on the flow of wind;
therefore risk management and risk allocation are extremely important. Like all other RE
projects Wind power projects are very capital intensive, hence they are extremely sensitive to
the structure and the conditions of capital cost financing. Due to their long time horizon, RE
projects have a very long exposure period to risk. They also need long maturities and lower
interest rates. There is no golden rule or a standard set for funds for financing of WPPs, but
adequate mix of funds and conditions are required for the WPP to be financially viable. The
most common structures used to finance projects are Project Financing, Corporate Financing,
and Lease Financing.
Project financing
It refers to financing structures wherein the lender has recourse only or primarily to the
assets of the project and depends on the cash flows of the project for repayment.
ii) Corporate financing
It involves the use of internal company capital to finance a project directly, or the use of
internal company assets as collateral to obtain a loan from a bank or other lender. The
main implication is that the financing of the project is based on the risk profile of the
company as a whole, and not of the particular project.
iii) Lease financing
It involves the supplier of an asset financing the use and possibly also the eventual
purchase of the asset, on behalf of the project sponsor. Assets which are typically leased
include land, buildings, and specialized equipment. A lease may be combined with a
contract for operation and maintenance of the asset.
Sources of finance
The Project can be financed by one or combination of more than one of the following:
Equity financing
Debt financing
CDM project financing
General eligibility criteria for RE loans
Who can apply?
Public, Private Ltd companies, NBFCs and registered Societies
Individuals, Proprietary and Partnership firms (with applicable conditions)
State Electricity Boards which are restructured or in the process of restructuring and
eligible to borrow loan from REC/PFC Eligibility
Project demonstrating techno commercial viability
Profit making companies with no accumulated losses.
Debt Equity Ratio not more than 3:1 (typically 5:1 in case of NBFCs)
No default to any government agency (IREDA/PFC/REC) and other FIs / Banks
No erosion of paid-up capital
6.3.2 Financial Closure
It is a legally binding commitment of equity holders & debt financiers to provide or mobilize
funding for the full cost of the project. It is a pre-requisite to project closure & post
implementation review. It ensures proper disposition of all project assets and helps in
comparison against budgeted cost. Project development covers a range of activities that are
required to realize a financial closure of the project. It encompasses the assessment of the
technical feasibility and economic viability, preparation of contracts with suppliers of
equipment and services and with purchasers of the produced energy, acquisition of land,
acquisition of various permits and detailed engineering of the project. All of these elements
have to be completed successfully in order to come to an investment decision. This phase
already may require significant investments, typically in the order of several percentage of
the total project cost. A project developer will hence assess the investment climate and weigh
each of the risk factors in order to have a maximum chance of reaching financial closure.
Typically the following risk factors will be assessed:
What is the average lead time for this type of project
Will it be possible to get a permit and a good power purchase agreement (PPA)
Will there be a financial support scheme when the project is ready for financial closure
Will the project be bankable after all, and under what conditions and what can be done
to improve these conditions from the equity perspective
Figure 8: Hurdles in Financial Closure
[Source: KfW Development Bank. (2005). Financing Renewable Energy. Frankfurt: KfW
An investor may be willing to take some risk as he will benefit from any upswings in project
returns, but lenders are much more risk averse and will demand for several securities that
ensure the payment of debt and interest. This is being translated in the financial parameters
that lenders apply, such as debt term, interest rate, and debt service coverage ratio. At the
stage of financial closure, the risk assessment will concern the remaining phases of the
project cycle only.
Financial closure includes:
Arrangement of equity for the project
Arrangement of security for bank/financial institution
Quotations for civil and structural work
Quotation for main plant and machinery and off site equipment
Preparation of DPR
Negotiation of terms and sanction of term and working capital loan
Insurance during transit and project construction
Subsidies/incentives, if any
6.4 Power Sale options
There are two way of electricity sale for an RE generator in India, either through REC route
or at preferential tariff.
Figure 9: Power Sale Options
1) Through non-REC route:
The RE generator can sale electricity generated to obligated entities at preferential tariff
determined by CERC/SERC from time to time. ‘Obligated entity’ means the entity mandated
under clause (e) of subsection (1) of section 86 of the Act to fulfil the renewable purchase
Hence there are following options under this route of sale of power
Sale to any DISCOM at preferential tariff
Sale at Open Access consumer at mutually agreed price (above APPC)
State wise preferential tariffs are indicated in the topic 3.3.2 of this report.
2) Through REC route
The other method of revenue earning is sale of electricity to obligated entities at or below
APPC and receiving REC for each 1MWh of electricity. These RECs can be sold at Power
Exchange between Floor Price and Forbearance price determine by Central agency. Hence
there are following options to sale electricity under this route:
Sale in open access at mutually agreed price not above APPC
Sale through power exchange at market determined price.
Figure 10: Parameters of Financial Modeling
7.1 Cost estimates
Detailed cost estimates are needed for determining the economic merit of a project,
appraising its financial implications and arranging finance for it. The estimates are made to a
reasonable approximation in the pre-feasibility phase and they are then refined, on the basis
of more extensive investigations, in the feasibility phase. Various costs are explained here.
a. Initial costs
i. Feasibility study
ii. Development
b. Construction costs
i. Engineering cost
ii. Equipment cost
iii. Balance of plant system cost
iv. Grid connectivity cost
v. Owner’s
vi. Contingency costs
c. Annual costs
i. Loan cost – (interest and principal repayment)
ii. O&M cost
iii. Land lease & resource rental (if applicable)
iv. Property taxes
v. Insurance premium
vi. General & administrative costs
Contingencies- A contingency allowance should be included to account for
unforeseen annual expenses. Generally, the contingency allowance is calculated
based on an estimate percentage of all other annual costs.
Figure: Expense estimate per project phase
Figure 11: Cost Estimate per Project Phase
7.2 Development of a project model
A financial model is the most critical element of the financial assessment process. Most
financial models are structured in a similar way and have the following features (whether
created as a project specific spread-sheet model or using an off-the-shelf project finance
Assumptions – all of the input variables to the model are usually kept together in one
worksheet. Assumptions may be based on expert knowledge, forecasts, technical
performance specifications, contract prices or other sources. The source of each
assumption needs to be clearly identified so that investors can assess whether the
assumption is reasonable.
Calculations – the input variables are combined in a number of calculations, including
tax, depreciation/amortisation, loan balance and interest payments, and revenue and
operating costs.
Outputs – in general, the outputs of a financial model will include:
Cash flow statement
Profit and loss
Balance sheet; and
Key financial indicators such as debt and interest ratios, debt service coverage
ratio, NPV and IRR
7.3 Analysis of financial indicators
Financial indicators are the mathematical tools which help the finance manager to take a
decision about whether to accept the project or reject the project. One or more of the
following financial indicators are used to check the viability of the project.
Cash flow – To determine if the project is economically viable a cash-flow evaluation of
the project should be done. The cash-flow analysis looks at overall project revenues and
expenses on a year by year basis over the life of the project.
Benefit-cost ratio (BCR) - It is the ratio between discounted total benefits and costs.
Net present value (NPV) - The NPV of an investment proposal may be defined as the
sum of the present values of all the cash inflows less the sum of present values of all the
cash outflows associated with a proposal.
Internal rate of return (IRR) - The IRR of a proposal is defined as the discount rate
which produces a zero NPV i.e., the IRR is the discount rate which will equate the
present value of cash inflows with the present value of cash outflows. The IRR is also
known as Marginal Rate of Return or Time Adjusted Rate of Return. Like the NPV,
the IRR is also based on the discounting techniques.
Payback period- The payback period is defined as the number of years required for
the proposals cumulating cash inflows to be equal to its cash outflows.
Debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) - The DSCR is the total net operating income
divided by the debt service.
Figure 12: Project Cash-flow and Key Indicators
7.4 Sensitivity Analysis
If a project appears to be financially viable, based on analysis of the relevant financial
indicators using conservative or at least central case assumptions, then a more detailed
sensitivity analysis will be undertaken. The objective of the sensitivity analysis is to establish
which of the input assumptions to the financial model has the greatest impact on the financial
outcome. It is important to understand both which variable can have the greatest impact, and
which is most likely to have the greatest impact, either singly or in combination with other
variables. The sensitivity analysis is related to the next stage, risk assessment and
management, since many of the key sensitivities can be contractually hedged to reduce the
risk to the lender. For example, key supply and purchase contracts may be fixed by volume
and price.
7.5 Risk analysis
It is a technique to identify and assess factors that may jeopardize the success of a project or
achieving business goal. This technique also helps to define preventive measures to reduce
the probability of these factors from occurring and identify counter measures to successfully
deal with these constraints when they develop to avert possible negative effects on the
viability of the project.
Being prepared to face and manage risks is essential to any type of project development, and
renewable energy projects are certainly no exception. Renewable energy projects often have a
protracted period of at-risk investment. Lenders and investors will be particularly concerned
to assess all of the risks associated with a project and to agree, with the project sponsors, on
appropriate means to manage or mitigate those risks.
Types of risks associated with the project are indicated in the following figure.
table 9: Types of Risk in Various Phases of Project
7.5.1 Assessing risk
The sponsors of the project will typically undertake their own risk assessment early in the
project planning process, as they will be exposed to the risks during the planning phase,
whereas the lenders will undertake their risk assessment at a later stage, focusing on
construction and operation phase risks. At either stage, risk assessment is generally
undertaken through the steps described below.
Risk Identification
Risk Matrix
Quantitative Risk Assessment
7.5.2 Managing Risk
There are essentially three options for managing risks.
Change the project
Allocate the risk to the most appropriate party
Transfer the risk to a third party
The calculation of tariff are as follows:
STEP 1- Calculation of Project cost.
STEP 2- Calculation of Loan Repayment Schedule.
STEP 3- Calculation of depreciation payments.
STEP 4- Calculations regarding energy produced.
STEP 5- Calculation of fixed costs and variable costs.
STEP 6- Calculation of Tariff.
All the calculations regarding tariff was done in Microsoft Excel. All the steps are
explained in detail that clears the concept of tariff calculation.
For calculation of project cost, mainly four things were considered :
1. Site development & civil works.
2. Land cost
3. Equipment and Machinery
4. Furniture and Fixtures.
These points are explained as under:
 Site development & Civil works:
The site development & civil works require the capital cost to be allotted carefully
as it determines the life of power plant. The construction should be concrete & solid so
that excess speed of wind may not affect WTG. (It is taken to be 12-15% of total cost.)
 Land Cost:
Land cost is another important factor that helps in determining the project cost. Land
should be chosen for wind site as per the following rules:
Grid availability
Accessibility for commissioning
Strong terrain / soil for proper foundation / civil work
Favorable environmental condition to prevent corrosion & not prone to cyclone
 Equipment and Machinery:-
Equipment and Machinery forms the most important part of a wind power plant. The
energy generated through wind turbine largely depends upon the equipment and
machinery. So, 80- 85% of the amount of capital consists of equipment and machinery.
 Furniture and Fixtures:Furniture and Fixtures are those factors that are used in all kinds of power plant whether
its thermal based, hydro based, solar or wind based. But, it accounts for only for 1-2% of
capital cost.
Debt-Equity Ratio as defined by Regulatory Commission is 70:30. So, out of the total
project cost only 70% can be taken as Debt and the remaining as Equity.For loan
repayment, interest on the loan capital has also to be considered. There are two methods of
calculation of loan repayment.
1. Constant Annual Payment.
2. Diminishing Balance Method.
The two methods have been discussed earlier.In this project, The Second Method i.e.
Diminishing Balance Method has been used.So, as per the method for the selected debt
repayment time the loan amount is divided into equal installments i.e. Principal.
The Interest is calculated on the Balance loan. As, at regular interval of
time the
installments are paid the balance loan keeps on decreasing and hence as the balance loan
decreases, the interest to be paid also decreases.So, the total repayment in each installment
is equal to the sum of interest on balance loan and the principal to be paid in the same
installment.In this manner, at the end of the debt repayment time the whole debt along with
the interest is repaid.
For calculation of depreciation, different depreciation charges are applicable on different
For land no depreciation rate is charged as there is no depletion in land even after usage.
So, even after 20 years of time the value of land doesn’t depreciate.
For Other assets, different depreciation charges can be levied as they are used. The
other assets may include factory buildings, Plant and Machinery, Furniture and Fixtures etc.
Now, the depreciation is calculated in such a manner that the assets get depleted up to 90%
of their value.It means that 10% is taken to be the scrap value of the assets.Besides
depreciation of all the years prior to the current year.The sheet of depreciation also
contains the net block that is the amount remaining each year after deducting depreciation
each year.Gross Block each year refers to the assets remaining at the start of year.The total
of all assets is also summarized so as to have an account of total depreciation. Accelerated
depreciation is a technique proposed and in use for renewable energy projects which
enables the developer to depreciate the 90 percent of the cost in the initial years of the
project life so as to reduce the burden of the huge capital cost involved. So that the
project turns out to be beneficial and financially viable as it will turn out to be saving the
taxes in the initial years.
In the step 4, the calculations regarding energy produced are done.CUF remains changing
all the time but it is not possible to calculate energy produced with a variable CUF. So,
instead of a variable CUF average CUF is taken and thus energy produced is calculated.Out
of Energy produced, some of the energy is used for auxiliary consumption and after
deducting the energy used for auxiliary consumption from the energy actually produced
we get the energy for sale.
Appropriate conversion factor is used for obtaining the energy produced in terms of units
or Kilowatt hours.
In this step, fixed cost and variable cost is calculated. Fixed cost comprises of the
1. Total Depreciation
2. Interest On loan
3. O& M expenses
4. Interest on working capital
5. Insurance
6. Return on Equity
All these things are taken into account to calculate the fixed cost. All these things are
added up in order to get the cost that is fixed.In the calculation of variable cost, only
fuel cost is considered and in a wind power plant there is no cost of fuel as wind is
available free of cost.So, variable cost comes out to be zero.So, by calculating the fixed
cost and variable cost, the total cost can be calculated.
Tariff calculation is the last step of the whole process. It is the ultimate goal of the process.
Tariff calculation is done by adding up the fixed cost and variable cost in the whole
project.After calculation of total charges a discounting factor is taken to calculate the
levelized tariff. The levelized tariff is calculated by adding up the product of tariff and
discounted tariff for all 20 years and then dividing it by sum of discounted tariffs of all 20
years.The tariff, thus calculated is used for further calculations in assessing the feasibility
of Open access provided that the source of energy produced is a WTG.
Project cost= Land charges+ civil work+ Plant & Machinery+ Furniture and
Debt = Debt% * Project Cost.
Principal Installment = Debt/ Number of Years
Interest = Rate of Interest* Balance Loan
Total Repayment In a year= Principal + Interest in that year
Depreciation = Rate of Depreciation* amount of a block
Energy Produced = Installed capacity* CUF
Net Energy Produced = Energy produced – Auxiliary consumption
Fixed cost = Depreciation+ Interest on loan + O& M Expenses+ Interest On
working capital + Insurance+ Return On Equity.
Variable Cost= 0
Total cost= Fixed Cost + Variable Cost
Levelized Tariff = Sum of product of tariff for 20 years and their discounted
Tariffs Respectively /Sum of discounted Tariffs Individually.
Open access charges are the charges that are applicable to open access
customers. Now, there can be three options for the generators:
1. Captive Usage.
2. Third Party Sales.
3. Distribution Utility.
The charges applicable as per Regulatory Commission for the three options
Captive Usage:
The charges for captive usage were calculated. For, captive usage the cross-subsidy
surcharge is not applicable as per EA 2003. SO, for captive usage the open access
charges are cheaper as compared to third party sales.
Third Party Sales:
For, third party sales all charges Are applicable as per the
Distribution Utility:
The charges used for Distribution Utility are the same as the captive usage.
With the emergence of new inter-state regulations the rules for short term customer
have completely changed.Hence, the calculation part of the charges for short term
customer has been changed.
India has great potential to accelerate the use of its renewable resources especially wind
energy to power its growing economy with a secure and affordable energy supply.
The present scenario where the demand for the power in increasing day by day and the
supply is less than the demand we have to meet the demand. Therefore we have to
harness our resources extensively. Therefore we have a best option available to harness
wind energy. This is renewable source of energy and has minimal effect on the
environment. Therefore we can develop our self with sustainable energy. We have in
India only the wind potential limited to very specific part of country like in states
of Maharashtra, Gujrat, Andhra Pradesh, TamilNadu. So we should develop our self
to the extent that we can utilize maximum of the available resources.
Proven technology:
The technology used by wind turbine manufacturers is as old as 30 years, however with due
course of time necessary and required changes have been done to improve efficiency and to
suit the Indian conditions. The technology now available in market is well tested, established,
proven and has a long track record.
Growth in manufacturing sector:
Indian wind turbine manufacturing sector has grown with time initially the turbines available
with the manufactures were of small capacity and have lower efficiency, generally wind
turbines available initially were less than 100 kW with rotor diameters of about 20 meters.
With International collaboration, the Indian manufacturers are now manufacturing the
turbines with a capacity of around 2 MW. With specialized International technologies the
cost of equipment has come down drastically.
Dedicated Ministry (MNRE) for at central level:
India is among the few countries which have dedicated ministry (Ministry for new and
renewable energy) looking after the development of renewable energy sector.Separate state
nodal agencies at state level to support at state level.Nodal agencies have been formed at the
state level for speeding up the approval process, so that the wind energy projects can be
commissioned within the given time frame.
Financial assistance by separate agency IREDA.
IREDA is the agency which is providing non-recourse finance for wind energy projects.
Specialized institutes & organizations:
Institutes and organizations like C-WET, Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of
Renewable Energy have been established for R&D, training, testing and advisory functions.
 Comprehensive Resource Assessment for wind energy potential has been done by
government agency (C-wet) and wind atlas has been developed, this is helpful for
developers and manufacturers in accurate measurement of wind parameters & site
 Environment friendly & Zero emission source of electricity.
 Clean technology, which is helpful in reduction of greenhouse gases emission. This is
therefore helpful in environmental protection and also helpful in meeting targets set
under Kyoto protocol.
 Fuel for wind power projects is wind, which is freely available and hence no cost
uncertainties from fuel supply price fluctuations.
 Fast track power project, with the low gestation period; and a modular concept.
 The manpower requirement for O&M of wind power project is also low and hence the
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs are low.
 Guaranteed off take-long term PPA with DISCOMs.
 State regulators have mandated DISCOMs to purchase power from the wind energy
developers at preferential tariff determined by them.
 As per electricity grid code 2010, the wind energy projects are not applicable for
merit order dispatch.
 Achieving grid parity, tariff for certain states like Tamil Nadu has gone as low as
Rs.3.49 / kWh.
The wind power industry in India has reached, to an extent, a stage of maturity, but still faces
certain issues, which need to be addressed:
 Uncertainty and divergence in feed-in tariffs approved by SERCs.
 Inadequacy of generation based incentive (GBI) and uncertainty with regard to its
continuity as well as continuity of Accelerated Depreciation (AD).
 Lack of long-term RPO trajectory and its compliance.
 Small wind farms are not techno – economically viable.
 Potential sites are inaccessible.
 Inadequate evacuation and transmission infrastructure.
 Lack of forecasting tools and grid management.
 Financial losses of distribution utilities.
 Incoherent resource assessment.
All the issues highlighted above have a state-specific significance. Among all, the issue of
transmission and evacuation infrastructure is the most important and predominant in the
states of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Rajasthan. Similarly, states like Maharashtra, Andhra
Pradesh, and Karnataka will also require support towards transmission evacuation and grid
management. Besides, the revision of tariff in the state of Andhra Pradesh is detrimental for
the development of wind power projects in the state and requires immediate attention.
Wind energy is becoming very important in the energy mix of the country. This trend will
accelerate in the coming years due to reasons of energy security, climate change, new
technologies like off-shore wind power, and gradual depletion of fossil fuels and their price
volatility. Globally, wind energy, along with other renewable energy technologies, is the new
investment destination. This sector has continued to show robust growth world over, which is
evident in the acceleration in investment flows into the sector.
Competitive manufacturing base Increased domestic demand and expansion of the in–house
manufacturing capacity of the wind industry has resulted in attracting many new
manufacturers into the fray. Four major manufacturers (Suzlon, Enercon India, Vestas India
and RRB Energy) have about 82.5% of annual Indian market share. Some other
manufacturers are also present in the market, including ReGen Powertech, Gamesa, Leitner–
Shriram, Global Wind Power, Kenersys, and WinWinD. With such wide manufacturing base
there is an opportunity for wind power developers to procure cheap equipments which will
reduce the overall capital cost.According to C-Wet, at 50 meters above ground level the
installed capacity potential is around 49,130 MW, while above 80 meters above ground level
the installed capacity potential is around 102,788 MW. As per the data available in MNRE
and C - WET website most of the potential in states like Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra and Gujarat is untapped. Hence there is opportunity for developers to tap this
untapped potential.
Interest and capital subsidy is provided by Government to attract the developers and promote
wind energy power generation. For example Government of Chhattisgarh is providing
interest subsidy of 50% of the total interest, paid up to 6 years by the industries with a
maximum limit of Rs. 15 lacs p.a., and also providing a capital subsidy of 30% of the fixed
capital investment with a maximum limit of Rs. 60 lacs.
CERC in the current tariff regulation 2012 has offered weighted average pretax RoE of
22.40%, most of the state regulators have offered the same RoE or a rate higher than this rate.
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) represent the attributes of electricity generated from
renewable energy sources. One REC represents that 1MWh of energy is generated from
renewable sources. RECs can be used by the obligated entities to demonstrate compliance
with regulatory requirements, such as Renewable Purchase Obligations. REC has come as an
extra source of income for eligible renewable energy generators.Obligated entities may either
purchase renewable energy or can purchase RECs to meet their Renewable purchase
Obligation (RPO) set under Renewable Purchase Obligation of their respective States.
Following entities are generally obligated in the State:
 Distribution Licensees
 Captive Consumers
 Open Access user
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Solar Power
Potential (MW)
Wind Power
4 i)
4 ii)
4 iii)
Small Hydro Power (up to 25 MW)
Bio-Power: Agro-Residues
Bio-Power: Cogeneration - Bagasse
Waste to Energy: Municipal Solid
Waste to Energy
4 iv)
Waste to Energy: Industrial Waste
to Energy
MW/sq. km
At 80 m.