Grammar quiz subjects predicates d and i objects

Name ___________________________________________ Block ____________
Date ______________
Grammar Quiz on subjects, predicates, objects, conjunctions, and compound sentences.
Identify and circle the simple subject or subjects.
1. Life in the city is often hectic.
2. The airport closed because of the storm.
3. Many unhappy passengers were left stranded.
4. Football fans gathered for the first game in the new stadium.
5. Mayor Thomas attended the game as a special guest.
Identify and underline the simple predicate or predicates.
6. Our civic orchestra gave a free concert at Public Square.
7. The art museum has a new exhibit on Egyptian art.
8. The two new office buildings just opened yesterday.
9. Rush-hour traffic was slowed by the heavy rains.
10.Samantha stopped at the mall because she wanted new shoes.
Draw a line between the complete subject and the complete predicate. Label
which side is the subject and which side is the predicate.
11.National parks provide a safe place for animals to live.
12.Many scientists are working to save the giant panda.
13.Endangered animals are the group most in danger of becoming extinct.
14.Threatened animals may be at risk as well.
15.Zoos raise some endangered animals in captivity.
Draw an arrow to the object or objects in the sentence. Label your arrow with IO
for indirect object and DO for direct object.
16.The cocker spaniel waved his bushy tail.
17.Will you show the electrician the location of the fuse box?
18.Mix a batch of granola for tomorrow’s breakfast.
19.Some horses give trainers many problems.
20.Ms. Steinberg needed a new whip.
Identify and underline the conjunction. On the line at the end of the sentence,
label the conjunction as coordinating, or correlative.
21.Neither wealth nor power keeps anyone from dying. ________________
22.When rich people died in 100 B.C., their tombs were filled with beautiful
and costly possessions.
23.The dead could not use these items, but they were buried with them
24.Some rich people were buried with either a real servant or with a clay
25.I am glad that I am not in China around 100 B.C., yet their customs are
Underline the compound subject or compound verb. On the line to the right,
label it as CS compound subject or CV compound verb.
26.The large hailstones dented or flattened several items in the garden. _____
27.Lightning flashed and struck a nearby tree.
28.Loud thunder rumbled and crackled overhead.
29.Frightened birds and animals scurried for shelter.
30.Luckily, neither my dog norm my gat was outside in the storm.
Identify the sentences below as simple or compound.
31.Greg shoveled the snow, and his brother began a snow sculpture.
32.Tom and Gail quickly cut and stacked the firewood.
33.Several people listened, but nobody volunteered to help.
34.Wong and his brother looked at the problem and spotted the solution.
35.We could play a video game, or we could go to Jim’s house.
Rewrite the paragraph below to create simple and compound sentences by using
compound subjects or verbs, or conjunctions.
A hurricane is a very dangerous storm. Strong winds rip up buildings.
These winds blow down buildings too. The whirling wind destroys beaches. High
waves destroy beaches also. Huge waves may cause flooding. Heavy rains also
cause flooding. People must take shelter away from the path of the storm.
Animals also must take shelter from the path of the storm. Hurricane forecasters
study the storms. These forecasters track the storms too. Satellites help the
forecasters follow the path of the hurricane. Radar helps the forecasters follow
the path as well.