St. Cloud State University General Education Goal Area 8 Designation Global Perspectives Academic Affairs Use Only: Response Date: ______________________ Effective Date: ______________________ 1. Prepared by: Richard Lewis Phone: 8-4832 Proposal Number: _________________ Email: rdlewis 2. Requesting Unit: History 3. Department, Course Number, Title: HIST 150 Twentieth Century World 4. New Course 5. Will this course be flagged as a diversity course? Already Designated as Diversity Existing Course No Diversity Proposal Accompanying This Form 6. Will this course also satisfy another General Education Goal Area? No Yes If “Yes” specify which goal area. Goal 5 GE History and Social & Behavioral Sciences 7. Course bulletin description, including credits and semesters to be offered: Analysis of major themes in 20th century world history, including revolution and social change, national liberation, global conflict, the western world, global economy and rise of the Pacific area. 3 Cr. ANNUAL. 8. Indicate the clientele for whom this course is designed. Is the course for general education only, or does it fulfill general education and other program needs for this or another department? Obtain signatures from any affected departments. Undergraduates fulfilling general education requirements in Areas 5 and 8. Not a requirement for the history major or minor, but may attract undergraduates to the history program. 9. Indicate any changes that must be made in offerings or resources in your department or other departments by offering this course. None 10. For new courses or courses not yet approved for General Education, indicate any other SCSU departments or units offering instruction that relates to the content of the proposed course. n/a 11. Courses designated as General Education are included in the assessment plan for the Goal Area(s) for which they are approved. Courses for which assessment is not included in the annual GE assessment report for two years will be removed from the General Education Program. 10/15/2009 The Requesting Unit understands and recognizes the above conditions. 12. Provide a concise explanation of how the following goal is a “significant focus” of the proposed course. Goal Area 8: Global Perspectives Develop a comparative perspective and understanding of one’s place in a global context. Through the examination the Twentieth Century World students will acquire a familiarity with major events and figures as studied via different human societies and behaviors. The students will understand their position in the world by studying the recent past in a global context. The student will also develop skills in critical reading of both primary and secondary sources, in research, in the comprehension of textual and lecture material, in class discussion, and in the composition of essays. 13. In order for a course to be designated as fulfilling Goal Area 8, it must address at least 4 of the 5 student learning outcomes (SLOs) below. Check the SLOs below that are focused on in the proposed general education course. 1. Explain how they are connected and related to people elsewhere in the world. 2. Describe similarities and differences among global places and populations. 3. Analyze how political, economic or cultural elements influence relations among the world’s states, peoples, or societies. 4. Analyze specific international issues and propose and evaluate responses. 5. Articulate a vision of their individual roles and responsibilities in a common global future. 14. Discuss how each Student Learning Outcome checked above is achieved in this course. (Note: Although descriptions of typical assignments or types of assignments may be part of this discussion, it is not appropriate to submit copies of actual assignments.) 1--Students use comparatiave analysis in essay quesstions, identifying similarities and differences in how different societies respond to similar broad developments, such as war, revolution, national liberation, eeconomic development and global issues. For example students might be asked to analyze the revolutions in Russia and China or national liberation in India and Algeria. 2--In essay examinations students would be asked questions requiring them to use comparative analysis. 3--Essay examinations focus on the develoment of political ssytems (authoritarianism and democracy) and strategies of economic development. Students write papers using literature as their data base, identifying cultural differences among societies. 4--Students write papers on global issues, efforts to solve problems and how they would address global questions. 5--Students write papers on global issues , others efforts to solve them (governmental and nongovernmental)and how students would address the issues. 15. List or attach the Course Outline (adequately described and including percentage of time to be allocated to each topic). Curriculum Committees may request additional information. Topics larger than 20% need to be broken down further. Indicate in your course outline where the Student Learning Outcomes 10/15/2009 checked above are being met. The Student Learning Outcomes are met throughout the curriculum described in the course outline below: I. INTRODUCTION (10%) (Nature of 20th century, purposes of course Western-dominated 19th century world) II. REVOLUTION AND SOCIAL CHANGE (20%) (Nature of Revolution Case studies: Russian Revolution, Chinese Revolution, plus Cuba, Angola, etc.) III. BUILDING A GLOBAL ECONOMY (10%) (Collapse of British-dominated World Economy U.S, and global economy) IV. NATIONAL LIBERATION (20%) (Theories and interpretation of imperialism and colonialism Case studies: India, Africa/North Africa, i.e., Algeria) V. SUPERPOWER STRUGGLE (10%) (Issues in Global Conflict World Wars Cold War U.S. in Asia) VI. WESTERN WORLD IN RETREAT (10%) Social Welfare Affluence and Discontent VII. PACIFIC CENTURY (10%) Rise of Japanese militarism Japan and Economic Domination VIII. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS (10%) (Case studies of Environmental Issues, Poverty, Population, etc. Each theme will be introduced, followed by two case studies and the discussion and analysis 10/15/2009