
Class XII
Chapter Four
Working with Microsoft*Excel 2007
1. Overview MS Excel
2. Editing with Excel
3. Using Formulas and Functions
4. Using Special tools
5. Formatting Worksheets
6. Using Charts
7. Knowledge Check Points
8. Hands on Activities
9. Skill Check Points
Overview MS Excel
Introduction to Excel
What is Spreadsheet?
A spreadsheet, also known as a worksheet, contains rows, columns and cell. It is used to record and
compare numerical or financial data. In spreadsheet, cells arranged in columns and rows. Cells hold
data such as numbers, text and formulas. A spreadsheet can automate all the recalculating that has to
be done each time that you change a value.
The various uses of Spreadsheets are:
 Calculation are performed easily
 Data can be organized
 It also provides simple word processing capabilities.
Spreadsheet can be used in any area or field that works with numbers and are commonly found their
main usage in the fields of:
 Calculation of taxes
 Financial accounting
 Statistical Analysis and budgeting
 Sales forecasting
 Scientific fields
Popular electronic spreadsheet packages include Lotus 1-2-3, Supercalc, Quattro Pro, and MS-Excel.
Components of the Excel Window
Besides the
usual window components (close box, title bar, scroll bars, etc.), an Excel 2007 window has several
unique elements identified in the figure below.
Understanding worksheet/spreadsheet and workbook:
Introduction to Excel Interface
1. Row: A horizontal group of cells in a worksheet. The row heading identifies each row. A
workbook consists 1,048,576 rows in one worksheet.
2. Column: A vertical group of cells in a worksheet, identified by a letter. A workbook consists
16,384 columns in one worksheet.
3. Cell: Cell is an intersection point between row and column. Each Cell is assigned a name
according to its COLUMN letter and ROW number. When referencing a cell, you should put
the column first and the row second (e.g., Cell “A2”). 17,179,869,184 is the total number of
cells per worksheet.
4. Name Box: The box at the top left of a spreadsheet that tells the reference of the selected cell.
If a block of cells is selected it names the top left cell in the selection.
5. Worksheet Tab: A description at the bottom of each worksheet that identifies the sheet in a
workbook. In an open workbook, move to a worksheet by clicking its tab.
6. Scroll Bar: It is a tall thin hollow box that appears at the side of a window. The scroll bar
feature is supported only under windowing systems. Many windowing systems support both
horizontal and vertical scroll bars. It makes it easy to move to any part of a file. You can view
a page vertically, by moving up or down, and view horizontally by moving left or right.
7. Active Cell: In an Excel worksheet, the active cell is the cell with the black border. Data can
only be entered into the active cell. Even if more than one cell is selected, there is still only one
active cell. Use the mouse pointer or the arrow keys to change the location of the active cell.
Active Cell also known as current cell.
8. Formula Bar: The formula bar in Excel is located above the work area of the spreadsheet. The
contents of the active cell always appear in the formula bar. It is also known as entry bar and
can be used to enter or edit a formula, a function, or data in a cell.
9. Ribbon: The ribbon is the panel at the top of the document It has seven tabs: Home, Insert,
Page Layouts, Formulas, Data, Review, and View. Each tab is divided into groups. The
groups are logical collections of features designed to perform function that can be utilized in
developing or editing Excel spreadsheets. The ribbon appears by default. It can be minimized
by right clicking on the tab bar and clicking on Minimize the Ribbon.
Commonly utilized features are displayed on the Ribbon. To view additional features within
each group under any of the tabs, click the arrow at the bottom right corner of each group. The
seven tabs and the groups under each of the tabs are as follows:
Page Layouts: Themes, Page Setup, Scale to Fit, Sheet Options, Arrange
Formulas: Function Library, Defined Names, Formula Auditing, Calculation
Data: Get External Data, Connections, Sort & Filter, Data Tools, Outline
View: Workbook Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros
10. The Office Button
is located at the upper-left corner of the 2007 Microsoft Office
software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook. It contains a menu of file- related
commands. Click office button to see the commands as follows.
Entering data
In a spreadsheet there are three basic types of data that can be entered.
1. Constants – Constants are number or values that can be used in calculations.
2. Labels - Labels are text and cannot be used in calculations.
3. Formulas – Formulas are mathematical equations used to calculate. ALL formulas MUST begin
with an equal sign (=).
Data types
Name or Wage or Days anything
5 or 3.75 or -7.4
=5+3 or = 8*5+3
that is just text
any number
math equation
You can enter data into the active cell only.
To activate a cell simply click on it.
A heavy black border appears around the cell or cells.
Up to 255 characters may be entered into any cell.
When the data is typed in any cell, it appears in the Formula bar at the top of the sheet.
By clicking on the
next to the entry bar, the data is entered into the cell and the cursor
remains in the selected cell.
By clicking on the
next to the entry bar, the data entry is canceled and the cell is returned
to its original condition and the cursor remains in the now empty cell.
Other keys that may be used to add data to the cells are as follows:
* Enter key-Pressing the enter key enters the data and then moves the cursor to the next cell in
the column.
* Tab key-Pressing the tab key enters the data and then moves the cursor to the next cell in the
* Arrow keys-Pressing an arrow key enters the data and then selects the next cell in the direction
of the arrow key.
Entering Text
1. Select the cell you want to type in
2. Type the Text name/ address/etc you want to add
3. Press Enter
4. Text is left aligned by default
Entering Numbers
1. Select the cell you want to type in
2. Type the number you want to type – Marks/ phone number etc
3. Press Enter
4. Numbers are right aligned by default
Entering Formulas
1. Select the cell you want to type in
2. Put an = sign
3. Type the Formula : sum, average etc you want to add after the “=” sign
4. Press Enter
5. You will see the processed data for the formula reflected in the cell.
6. The formula entered in the cell
Entering dates and Time
1. Select the cell where you want to enter the date or time
2. To enter a date, type the date in one of the following formats: 6/23/2004, 6-23-2004, or
June 23, 2004
3. To enter a time, type the time
4. press Enter
NOTE: To indicate AM or PM, leave a space and press [Shift] + [A] or [P], respectively.
Entering the Current Date or Time Automatically: Windows:
1. To enter today's date, press [Ctrl] + [;]
2. To enter the current time, press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [;]
3. Press Enter
Navigating between sheet
There are a number of ways to move around in a workbook. Moving from one cell to another in Excel
is quick and easy. The ways to move from cell to cell include clicking a cell or using the scroll bars,
the arrow keys, or the HOME, END, PAGE UP, and PAGE DOWN keys are discussed below:
To move within a worksheet
move to the intersection of the last row and column that contains
move to first cell in the worksheet
CTRL + →
moves to the last column (IV)
CTRL + ←
moves back to the first column (A)
CTRL + ↓
moves to the last row (65,536)
CTRL + ↑
moves back to the first row
move one cell to the right
move one cell to the left
moves from cell to cell vertically
moves down one screen
moves up one screen
moves one screen to the right
moves one screen to the left
1. Most often used commands for moving from cell to cell, you can also enter the cell address in
the name box.
Opening a workbook
Select the Start button by positioning the mouse pointer over the button and click on it.
A Start pop-up menu will appear.
The selections are shown in the figure given below:
All Program
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office Excel 2007
To move from worksheet to worksheet
1. To move from sheet to sheet, click on the worksheet tabs
which appear in the left-bottom area on the worksheet.
If you are using a large number of sheets, you can use the tab scrolling buttons to the left of the sheet
tabs to move the tabs display left or right
Saving a workbook
Once you have started using a new workbook, you will need to save it, so that it can be opened later to
continue work on it.
The workbook will have to be given a name while saving it for the first time.
1. To give name and save the workbook
Choose Office ButtonSave As. Then Save As Dialogue box appears asking for the Name to
be given.
2. Enter the workbook’s name and choose the folder in which you want to save the document and
click on Save button.
For just saving the work
3. Choose Office Button Save command
Your workbook will be saved in the specified folder, and its new name will be displayed in the Title
Note: After you have saved your workbook for the first time, the next time you click on the Save icon,
no dialog will appear. You will just save over the pre-existing copy.
Printing a worksheet
If the worksheet has a defined print area, Microsoft Excel will print only the print area unless a
specific selection is made. Sometimes you only want to print part of a spreadsheet, particularly if
you're working with a large one. For example, if you select a range of cells to print and then click
Selection, Excel prints selection and ignores any print area defined for the worksheet. Follow these
steps to print the spreadsheet:
1. On the Office Button, click Print.
2. Under "Print what" box, select an option to print the selection, the active sheet(s), or the entire
3. Select OK to print your selection.
4. Selecting Active Sheet will print the worksheet that is currently active.
5. Selecting Print Preview will display what you are going to print before the printer is activated.
Closing a worksheet
 To close a workbook, but remain within the Microsoft Excel application, click on the Close
in the upper right-hand corner of the Title bar.
 If you have made any changes to your workbook and have not saved it, a Microsoft Excel
warning dialog will appear, asking if you want to save the changes.
If you want to save your changes, click on the Yes button.
If you do not want to save your changes, click on the No button.
If you do not want to close your workbook, click on the Cancel button.
Editing with Excel
Selecting cells
To select a single cell:
Click the cell once.
To select an entire column
To select several adjacent columns
To select an entire row
To select several adjacent rows
To select the entire spreadsheet
To select a group of cells that are all
next to each other on the same screen
To select a group of cells that are not
next to each other
Click the column heading.
Click the column heading of the leftmost
column you want to select and hold the
button down.
Move the mouse pointer to the rightmost
column you want to select.
Release the button.
Click the row heading.
Click the row heading of the top row you
want to select and hold the button down.
Move the mouse pointer to the bottom row
you want to select.
Release the button.
Click the empty grey box at the upper-left
hand corner of the spreadsheet. You may
alternatively click Ctrl-A.
Click a cell in one of the corners and hold
the button down.
Move the mouse pointer to the opposite
Release the button.
Click the first cell.
Press Ctrl and click all of the remaining
Editing cell content
Editing Data in Cell
If data already entered in a cell is to be corrected or edited by using any of the following ways:
Overwrite Cell Contents:
If a mistake is made entering data, it can be corrected by selecting the cell with your cursor and then
entering the corrected data. The new data will replace the previously entered data. You do not need to
highlight or delete. Typing replaces whatever is in the cell. You just need to click on the cell, type over
the existing entry, and hit the ENTER key on the keyboard.
Formula Bar Editing:
If you do not want to replace the data, but simply need to correct some part of it, then select the cell
which you want to edit and move your cursor into the Formula bar, when your cursor turns into an IBeam, click and edit within the formula bar.
Alternatively, Double click on the cell. Edit the part of the cell you want to change, then
Press the ENTER key.
Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns and cells Merging Cells
Sometimes you realize that you have left out a vital column or row in your spreadsheet. It is not
necessary to move all your existing data to make space for the missing row or column, Excel can insert
new rows and columns and renumber the existing ones accordingly. Any formulas are also updated to
keep them accurate when you add or delete columns or rows.
To Insert a Row
2. Click on the row heading where you want the new row to appear (i.e. if your new row should
be row 3 you would click on the number 3).
3. Then click on the Right click on number 3 then Insert row. The current row 3 becomes row 4
and the rest of the data moves down the
Note: To add more than one row, highlight
two or more cells in a column.
To Delete a Row
Click on the row heading for the row to be deleted and then click on the Edit drop-down menu and
select Delete.
To Insert a Column
4. Click on the column heading where you want the new column to appear (i.e. if your new
column should be column C you would click on the letter C).
5. Then right click on the letter C then choose Insert. The current column C becomes column D
and the rest of the data moves to the right.
Note: To add more than one column, highlight two or more cells in a row.
To Delete a Column
Click on the column heading for the column to be deleted and then right click on the selected column d
select Delete.
Inserting, Deleting and Merging Cell
To Insert a Cell:
 Select the location of where the new cell should be inserted. Select the same number of cells as
you want to insert.
 Right click on the select cell.
Choose the location of the new cell(s) whether Shift cells right or Shift cells down, and then
click OK.
To Delete a Cell
Deleting a cell will change the position of all other cells below or to the right of the deleted cell.
Delete Cell deletes the contents of the cell and the cell itself. If you do not want to delete the entire
cell, choose Clear instead of delete. To delete a cell, click the cell to be deleted, click on the Edit
drop-down menu and choose Delete.
To Merge a Cells
You can merge several cells into one cell, which is very effective for laying out spreadsheet titles. The
Merge Cell function automatically centers data across the merged cells. To merge cells, follow the
instructions below.
1. Select the cells you want to merge.
2. Click on Merge and Center button in the home toolbar.
3. The data within the cells will be merged and centered.
Note: Once the cells are merged, the cell reference is always the cell in the upper left-hand corner. In
the above example, the cell reference would be A1.
To Unmerge Cells...
 Select all of the merged cells.
 Open the Format Cells dialog.
 Go to the Alignment tab.
 Remove the checkmark from the Merge Cells field in the Text Control section.
Using Cut, Copy Paste Options
1. Type the cell from which you want to move data
2. Click on cell to make it the active cell.
3. Click on the Cut button on the Home tab, to cut or copy button to copy the data in the selected
4. Selected cell will be surrounded by the Marching Ants to show that the data in the cell is being
5. Click the destination cell for the moved data.
6. Click on the Paste button on the Home tab.
7. The selected data from the first cell should appear in destination cell the first cell will now be
empty if you have cut the data, or will also have the same data as the destination cell if you
have copied the data.
8. Follow these same steps to move data to different worksheets or different workbooks.
Clearing Data
1. Select the cell
2. Press the Delete key
Wrapping Text
When you enter text that is too long to fit in a cell into a cell, it overlaps the next cell. If you do not
want it to overlap the next cell you can wrap the text.
1. Move to cell A2.
2. Type Text too long to fit.
3. Press Enter.
4. Return to cell A2.
5. Choose Format > Cells from the menu.
6. Choose the Alignment tab.
7. Click Wrap Text.
8. Click OK. The text wraps
Working with worksheet ranges
One of the most common functions that you will use in Microsoft Excel is to name a cell. The role of
naming the cell is simply to provide you with a name to remember rather than a specific cell address
like B2 or B3. However, one of the functions that Microsoft has incorporated into Microsoft Excel is
the ability to name a range of cells and utilize the range when required.
There are a number of approaches that could be undertaken to name a range however the most
common technique is to use the menu bar in Microsoft Excel. The first step is to create a basic sheet
with some data in it. I have outlined below a small table to enter into a worksheet and the cell location
to place the values.
The first step in naming a range is to select the range. Select using your mouse the range from C6 to
D9. Once you have completed this go to the Insert menu, then choose Name, and then Define from the
expanded menu.
At this point the Define Name dialog box will appear. Type in the Names in Workbook text box the
name - MyProducts and then press the OK button. You will notice that in the Refers To text box that
your cell range selection has dollar symbols around it. Those dollar symbols inform Microsoft Excel,
that on selection of the name you must absolutely refer to those cells. You have now defined a Named
The next step in this process is to use the name range. The easiest way to do this is to first select the
cell A1 on your worksheet. Now, goto the Name box on your formula bar and click on the drop down
arrow. In the drop down box you will see the name - MyProducts. Simply choose the name. You will
now see the cell range automatically selected in your worksheet.
There are many different areas in Microsoft Excel where you would use the Name Range. The most
common time is when you want to create drop down lists in your spreadsheet. We use the name range
capability, so that we can place the list on a different worksheet to the one we want to reference.
Using Formulas and Functions
Formulas are instructions for performing calculations. The ability to perform calculations is one of the
purposes of using a spreadsheet application. The best way to construct a formula is to use cell
references instead of typing numbers in the formula. Excel automatically update the results of
formulas when you change values in the cells referenced. Even after you create a formula, you can
change the referenced cells at will. Excel will recalculate the formula with every update.
Some examples of the types of calculations that can be done are:
• Sum
• Minimum
• Maximum
• Average
• Round
Note: All formulas and functions start with the equal (=) sign!
Using Arithmetic Operators
All spreadsheets use the standard arithmetic operators as follows:
Using Range Names in Formulas
1. Define the following range Names for ranges
Range Name
a. B2:B11
b. C2:C11
c. D2:D11
2. Select a cell and type the formula =SUM.
3. Press Ctrl+A.
4. Select the first argument box and press F3.
5. Select the Name January_2004, and then click OK.
6. Paste the Names February_2004 and March_2004 in the next two argument boxes, and then
click OK.
7. The
=SUM(January_2004, February_2004, March_2004)
Using Relative and absolute cell referencing
Excel Cell References
More often than not when we create a formula using one of Excels built-in functions we will be
referring it to a cell or range of cells.
An example of a single cell reference would be A1.An example of a range of cells reference would
be A1:A10. For the first example we are referring to the content of cell A1 only, while in the second
example we would be referring to the contents of cells A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10.
Using the reference is just a simple method that Excel will automatically recognize. If we use the
reference A1:C5 we are telling Excel to refer to the contents of cells A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3,
B4, B5, C1, C2, C3 C4, C5. Relative and Absolute Cell References
Relative cell references
In Excel there are two types of cell references, these are Relative and Absolute. We will first look at
relative cell references. All the examples in the Cell References paragraph are what are known as
relative cell references.
As you may that each cell on an Excel Worksheet has it’s own unique address, e. g. A1 is the relative
address of the first cell on all Worksheets, while IV65536 is the relative address of the last cell on all
Worksheets. The reason why they are called relative is because they are relative to the cell they are
used in. This will be best explained by a simple example.
1. In cell A1 type the number 1 and in cell A2 type the number 2.
2. Select cells A1:A2 and use the Fill Handle to fill down to A10, so that we have the numbers 1
to 10 in cells A1:A10.
3. In cell B1 type this simple reference: =A1 and push Enter. Select cell B1 and do one of the
a. Copy and then select B2:B10 and paste.
b. Double click the Fill Handle.
4. You should now have the numbers 1 to 10 in both A1:A10 and B1:B10.
5. This because we typed a relative cell reference in cell B1 (=A1), which is telling Excel to
make cell B1 equal the value of the cell one column to the left on the same row i. e. A1. So
when we copy the reference in B1 i. e. =A1 and paste it into cell B2 Excel is still going to
reference the cell one column to the left on the same row i. e. A2. Copying the same cell (B1)
and pasting it into cell B3 again tells Excel to reference the cell one column to the left on the
same row i. e. A3.
6. Lets now copy the content of cell B1 and paste it into cell D1, this time we should get the result
0 (zero). If you click in cell D1 and look in the Formula bar you will see the relative cell
reference: =C1. The reason we get the result of 0 (zero) is because the value of an empty cell is
0 (zero).
7. Absolute cell references
Ok, let’s now look at what an Absolute cell reference is. Basically an absolute cell reference is a
reference to a cell that does not change no matter where it is copied. Again this will be easier to see by
using an example.
1. Delete the contents of cells B1:B10 and D1.
2. In cell B1 type the absolute cell reference =$A$1 and push Enter. Select cell B1 and either
a. Copy and then select B2:B10 and paste.
b. Double click the Fill Handle
3. This time you should have the number 1 in cells B1:B10 and if you select any cell in B1:B10
and look in the Formula bar, they will all have the absolute cell reference =$A$1.
4. This is because by using the $ (dollar sign) we are telling Excel to always refer to the same
cell no matter where we copy this reference to. The $ in front of the A ($A) is telling Excel
to make the column reference absolute, while the $ in front of the 1 ($1) is telling Excel to
make the row reference absolute. So the reference in its entirety is what is known as an
Absolute cell reference.
Using popular function of spreadsheet:
The Sum function takes all of the values in each of the specified cells and totals their values. The
syntax is: =SUM (first value, second value, etc). Following are the examples of using the formula in
different ways:
1 2 3 5 19 =sum(b1,c1,d1,e1)
2 34 2 1 35 =sum(b1:e1)
The average function finds the average of the specified data. (Simplifies adding all of the indicated
cells together and dividing by the total number of cells.) The syntax is: =Average (first value, second
value, etc.).
1 2 3 5 19 =average(b2,c2,d2,e2)
2 34 2 1 35 =average(b3:e3)
Max stands for maximum. This will return the largest (max) value in the selected range of cells. The
syntax is: =Max (first value, second value, etc.).
1 2 3 5 19 =max(b2,c2,d2,e2)
2 34 2 1 35 =max(b3:e3)
Min (which stands for minimum), this will return the smallest (Min) value in the selected range of
cells. The syntax is: =Min (first value, second value, etc.).
1 2 3 5 19 =min(b2,c2,d2,e2)
2 34 2 1 35 =min(b3:e3)
This will round the number to a specified number of digits.
Syntax: ROUND (number, num digits)
Number is any real number that you want rounded up.
Num_digits is the number of digits to which you want to round number.
Using the AutoSum Feature
The AutoSum feature lets you add number automatically. Excel will suggest the range of cells to be
added. If the suggested range in incorrect, select the cells that contain the information you want to add
and press the Enter key. To use this feature, follow the instructions below.
1. Open your Microsoft Excel workbook.
2. Type the data you want to add.
3. Select the cell in which you want the total.
4. Click on the AutoSum icon in the toolbar.
5. Animated lines will surround a suggested summation range.
6. If the range is correct, press the Enter key on your keyboard.
7. The total will appear in the selected cell.
8. If the range is not correct, drag your mouse through different cells to select them.
9. Press the Enter key.
10. The auto sum will appear in the originally selected cell.
Copying a Formula: Paste
Sometimes when we enter a formula, we need to repeat the same formula for many different cells. In
the spreadsheet we can use the copy and paste command. And we can also follow the following
methods for copying a formula in the spreadsheet.
By using Fill Handle:
The easiest way to copy a formula is with the Fill Handle. The lower right corner of the active cell has
a small box called a Fill Handle. Your mouse changes to a cross-hair
when you are on the
Fill Handle. The Fill Handle helps you copy data and create series of information.
Create your initial formula and then position the mouse on the Fill Handle. When the mouse changes
shape to a cross-hair, click and drag over the adjacent cells to which you want to copy the formula.
1 5 3 =A1+B1
2 8 2 =A2+B2
3 4 6 =A3+B3
4 3 8 =? + ?
The cells that you dragged the mouse through will now contain the repeated formula, which will have
been adjusted relative to each new cell location. For example; in the original cell (C1) the equation
was (A1+B1). When we paste the function it will look to the two cells to the left. So the equation
pasted into (C2) would be (A2+B2). And the equation pasted into (C3) would be (A3+B3).
If you have a lot of duplicate formulas you can also perform what is referred to as a FILL DOWN (as
discussed below)
By using Fill Down:
Often we have several cells that need the same formula (in relationship) to the location it is to be typed
into. There is a short cut that is called Fill Down. There are a number of ways to perform this
operation. One of the ways is to
1. select the cell that has the original formula
2. hold the shift key down and click on the last cell (in the series that needs the formula)
3. Under the edit menu go down to fill and over to down.
1 5 3 =A1+B1
2 8 2 fill down
3 4 6 fill down
4 3 8 fill down
Cells information is copied from its relative position. In other words in the original cell (C1) the
equation was (A1+B1). When we paste the function it will look to the two cells to the left. So the
equation pasted into (C2) would be (A2+B2). And the equation pasted into (C3) would be (A3+B3).
And the equation pasted into (C4) would be (A4+B4).
Excel's COUNT function is one of a group of Count Functions that counts the number of numeric
values in a range.
The COUNT function will add up the number of cells in a selected range that contains numbers only.
The function is written as follows:
1. The argument for this function is the range of cells.
2. COUNT ignores empty cells and cells containing alphanumeric values in the selected range. If
number data is later added or deleted from a cell in the range, the count total is automatically
Example Using Excel's COUNT
1. Enter the following data into cells
to D6: 4,4,5,8,8,12.
2. Click on cell C7 - the location
where the results will be displayed.
3. Type =count( in cell C7.
4. Drag select cells C1 to C6 with the
mouse pointer.
5. Type the closing bracket ")" after
cell range in cell C7.
6. Press the ENTER key on the
7. The answer 6 appears in cell C7.
8. The complete function =COUNT(C1:C6) appears in the formula bar.
Note: Since dates, times, and formulas are stored as numbers in Excel, the COUNT function will
include any cells containing these types of data in the total.
Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria.
COUNTIF(range, criteria)
1. Range is the range of cells from which you want to count cells.
2. Criteria is the criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text that defines
which cells will be counted. For example, criteria can be expressed as 32, "32", ">32",
"apples", or B4.
Remarks: You can use the wildcard characters, question mark (?) and asterisk (*), in criteria. A
question mark matches any single character; an asterisk matches any sequence of characters. If you
want to find an actual question mark or asterisk, type a tilde (~) before the character.
When to use CountIf
1. To calculate a sum based on a string of text or a number within a range, use the SUMIF
worksheet function.
2. To have a formula return one of two values based on a condition, such as a sales bonus based
on a specified sales amount, use the IF worksheet function.
3. To count cells that are empty or not empty, use the COUNTA and COUNTBLANK functions.
Example 1: Common COUNTIF formulas
Description (result)
Number of cells with apples in the first
column above (2)
Number of cells with peaches in the first
column above (1)
Number of cells with oranges or apples
in the first column above (3)
Number of cells with a value greater
than 55 in the second column above (2)
Number of cells with a value not equal
to 75 in the second column above (2)
Number of cells with a value greater
than or equal to 32 and less than or
equal to 85 in the second column above
Example 2: COUNTIF formulas using wildcard characters and handling blank values
Description (result)
Number of cells ending with the letters "es"
in the first column above (4)
Number of cells ending with the letters
"les" and having exactly 7 letters in the
first column above (2)
Number of cells containing text in the first
column above (4)
Number of cells not containing text in the
first column above (2)
The average number of No votes including
blank cells in the second column above
formatted as a percentage with no decimal
places (33%)
The average number of Yes votes
excluding blank cells in the second column
above formatted as a percentage with no
decimal places (50%)
A very useful, yet little known function is Excel's COUNTA function. What it does is count up the
number of cells containing data – either numbers or labels in a selected range.
The function is written as follows:
1. The argument for this function is the range of cells to be totaled.
2. COUNTA also ignores empty cells in the selected range. If data is later added to an empty cell
in the range, the count total is automatically updated.
To Use COUNTA();
1. Click on the cell where you want the results of the function to be located.
2. Type “=counta(” in that cell.
3. Select the range of cells you wish to count with the mouse pointer.
4. Type the closing bracket ")" after the cell range.
5. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard.
Uses for CountA
1. Uses for CountA include using it to find out quickly and easily the number of members on an
organization's membership list or the number of parts in an inventory list.
2. If the membership or inventory changes, the function will automatically update the total to
reflect the new total.
Description (Result)
Counts the number of nonblank cells in the list above (6)
Counts the number of nonblank cells in the last 4 rows of
the list (4)
Counts the number of nonblank cells in the list above and
the value 2 (7)
Counts the number of nonblank cells in the list above and
the value "Two" (7)
Using Special tools
Spell Check
Unlike other Microsoft Office programs, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel cannot check
spelling automatically as you type by displaying wavy red underlines to indicate possible spelling
You can check spelling all at once, or you can use AutoCorrect to automatically correct common
typing errors as you work, without having to confirm each correction.
When you check spelling, Excel checks the entire active worksheet, including cell values, cell
comments, embedded charts, text boxes, buttons, and headers and footers. However, Excel does not
check protected worksheets, formulas, or text that results from a formula.
To check worksheet data for spelling errors, do one of the following:
1. Open a worksheet that needs to be checked.
2. On the Review tab, in the Proofing group, click Spelling.
3. The Spelling dialog box appears, and the first suggested correction is highlighted.
4. Use the following buttons to check your spelling:
Auto Correct worksheet
Use AutoCorrect as you type Excel entries just as you used AutoCorrect in Word.
Note: Word, Excel, and all the other core Office products share the same AutoCorrect and spelling
dictionaries. Therefore, when you make changes and additions in the AutoCorrect or spelling
dictionaries of Word or Excel, the other products recognize those changes.
To add AutoCorrect entries, perform the same steps that you do with Word; namely use the Tools,
AutoCorrect Options menu to display the AutoCorrect dialog box and add your entries there.
Finding and replacing Data
Find Data
1. From the home menu, select Find. OR Press [Ctrl] + [F]
2. The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
3. In the Find what text box, type the text or data to be found
4. Click FIND NEXT
5. The information is found and selected.
6. Clicking FIND NEXT again finds subsequent occurrences of the information in the document.
7. If Excel cannot find the information you are looking for, a message to that effect will be
8. To close the dialog box, click CLOSE
Replace Data
The Replace feature is useful when you want to change the same piece of information throughout your
1. From the Edit menu, select Replace. OR Press [Ctrl] + [F]
2. The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
3. In the Find what text box, type the text or data to be found
1. In the Replace with text box, type the text or data to replace the information found
2. OPTIONAL: Adjust the searching options
3. Click Find Next
4. The first occurrence is highlighted.
6. The old information is replaced with the new
7. Clicking FIND NEXT will advance to and review subsequent occurrences.
8. Use the Replace option to replace each occurrence of the information individually.
9. OPTIONAL: If you do not want to replace the information throughout the entire document,
select only those cells you want to change
WARNING: Use the Replace All option with caution. If you do not first select specific cells to
change, this option will replace the selected information throughout the entire document.
10. To close the dialog box, click CLOSE
Manipulating Data
Excel spreadsheet will allow you to sort and filter data to best represent your data. You can also create
subtotals of groups of data within the same row or column.
Sorting Data
Sorting is arranging data in an ascending or descending order on the basis of one or more columns.
The Excel Sort function allows you to sort by three columns of data at once. For example, if your
worksheet contains Emp_Code, Emp_Name and Designation, you could, in one step sort your data by
Emp_Code, within Emp_Name, within Designation. If you need to sort by more than three columns,
you sort by the first three columns, then sort again by the next columns.
To Sort data:
1. Select the table or click in the table to be sorted.
2. On the home tab, click Sort & Filter.
3. Click on Custom Sort... → Sort dialog box appears.
4. In the Sort by field, click on the drop down arrow to display your column headings and select
the first level of your sort. (For example, Emp_Code).
Note: If you have no column headings, you will see Column A, Column B, and so on.
5. If you want to sort by a second field, then click Add Level → Then By appears. In the Then
by field, click on the down arrow to display your column headings and select the second level
of your sort. (For example, Emp_Name)
6. If you want to sort by a third field, repeat the above step (i.e. 5).
7. For each sort field, select the sort order either A-Z Or Z-A or Smallest to Largest Or Largest to
Smallest .
8. Click on OK.
Table sorted on sal column in smallest to largest sort order
Note: The second and third sort levels are optional and may be left blank.
Header Row should be selected if the first row of the data you are sorting contains column headings.
Filtering Data
Filtering is a quick and easy way to find and work with a specific set of data from a list. Unlike
sorting, filtering does not rearrange the data; it temporarily hides rows that you do not want to view.
Filtering is displaying only the rows that satisfy the conditions you specify for one or more columns.
Excel provides two ways to filter a range:
Apply a Filter
1. Select the table or click in the table to be filtered.
2. On the home tab, click Sort & Filter.
3. Click on Filter.
4. Click the arrows at the top of the column you want to filter the table on, and then click the
option you want.
5. Uncheck values in column to be filtered out of the table and display only the checked values .
6. Or select the particular Number Filters or Text Filters eg. Greater Then….
7. Custom AutoFilter dialog box appears. Type the value greater then which the values you want.
For Example to get the records having value greater than 25000 in the SAL field. Type
25000.Click Ok.
8. Repeat step 4. to 7. to filter by a
criterion in another column.
9. To remove the Filter :
a. Repeat step 2.
b. Click on Clear
All the records will be displayed (but filter command remains)
10. To remove the Filter command:
c. Repeat step 2.
d. Click on Filter
Using Auto Fill
AutoFill is a glorified copy command. It allows you to create a series. You must define a series and
keep it simple. AutoFill cannot do addition, subtraction etc. Once you define a series, Auto-Fill will do
the rest.
Using the Fill handle
Auto fill is activated by clicking and dragging the fill handle, displayed in Figure below:
The fill handle appears in the lower-left hand corner whenever you select a cell or group of cells.
Whenever you roll the cursor over the fill handle you will notice the cursor changing to a thin plus
sign (+). You will need to click the fill handle and drag a box around a group of target cells whenever
you want to use auto-fill. The Fill Handle helps you copy data and create series of information. To
create a series, follow the instructions below:
1. Select the first cell in the range you want to fill.
2. Enter the starting value for the series.
3. Enter a value in the next cell to establish the pattern.
4. If you want the series 2, 3, 4, 5…, enter 2 and 3 in the first two cells. If you want the series 2,
4, 6, 8…, enter 2 and 4. If you want the series 2, 2, 2, 2…, you can leave the second cell blank.
5. To specify the type of series, use the right mouse button to drag the fill handle over the range,
and then click appropriate command on the shortcut menu(as shown in fig). For example if the
starting value is the date JAN-2002, click Fill Months for the series FEB-2002, MAR-2002,
and so on; or click Fill Years for the series JAN-2003, JAN-2004, and so on.
6. Select the cell or cells that contain the starting values.
7. Drag the fill handle over the range you want to fill.
Adding Comments
1. Open your Excel worksheet.
2. Select the cell to which you wish to add a comment. Click on the cell with your mouse’s left
3. Select "Review" tab from the ribbon and click on "New Comment."
4. A text box will appear right after you click "Comment."
5. Type your comment into the text box.
6. When you've finished typing, click anywhere outside of the text box. This will save your
Formatting Worksheets
Alignment: Centre, Left, Right Justified
Excel provides many different ways you can align information from left to right (horizontally) within a
1. When you first enter information in Excel, the horizontal alignment is set to General. This
means that text aligns to the left of the cell and numbers align to the right.
2. If you want to change the default alignment, first select the cells you want to format and then
choose any of the Alignment options from the Alignment group In the Home ribbon.
3. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, do one or more of the following:
Changing the alignment:
To change the vertical alignment of cell contents, click Top Align
, Middle Align
or Bottom Align
To change the horizontal alignment of cell contents, click Align Text Left , Center
, or Align Text Right
Changing the Indentation:
To change the indentation of cell contents, click Decrease Indent
or Increase Indent
Changing the orientation:
To rotate the cell contents, click Orientation
, and then select the rotation option that
you want.
To use additional text alignment options, click the Dialog Box Launcher
next to
Alignment, and then on the Alignment tab of the Format Cells dialog box, select the
options that you want.
Format Cells with Borders
1. Select the desired cells, row, or column, and then right-click.
2. From the context menu, choose Format Cells.
3. In the Format Cells dialog box, click the Borders tab.
4. Under Presets Option, choose the graphical representation that displays side(s) of the cell to
apply borders.
5. Under Line, choose the thickness, appearance, and color of the border.
6. Click the OK button to apply your border.
Row and Column Height
1. Select the column or columns that you want to
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Format.
3. Under Cell Size, click Column Width.
4. In the Column width box, type the value that you want.
Set a row to a specific height
1. Select the row or rows that you want to change.
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click
3. Under Cell Size, click Row Height.
4. In the Row height box, type the value that you
The width of the column(s) and the height of the row(s) can be easily changed in various ways:
Using Mouse
a) To Set the Column Width
6. The mouse pointer is taken to the line between the two letters. The cursor changes to a vertical
line with arrows pointing left and right.
7. Move the arrow to the right side of the column label and click and drag the mouse to the right
(to make wider) or left (to make smaller). Let up on the mouse button when the column is
wide enough. Or
8. The line between two column headings is double-clicked and the width will be adjusted
according to the widest entry of the column.
b) To Set the Row Height
9. The mouse pointer is taken to the line between the two row numbers (the shape of the pointer
becomes crosshair).
The left mouse button is pressed and dragged up or down to change the height of the row
Making Format Changes
Following Table describes each General format categories Excel uses for worksheet data. Unless you
change the default settings, Excel uses the General format for data of all kinds.
Generally appears exactly the way you enter the data with no special formatting for the
numeric data.
Displays for all numeric values with the number of decimal places you set.
Displays a dollar sign and two decimal places for dollar amounts.
Accounting Aligns currency and decimal points in a column.
Displays date and time values as values whose formats you can change.
Displays only the time portion of a date and time value.
Percentage Displays a percent sign. If you type 50 into the cell, Excel changes your value to 50%.
You can set the number of decimal places Excel displays in the percent.
Displays numbers as fractions (great for stock quotes).
Uses scientific notation for all numeric values.
Formats all data as text. Great for ZIP Codes that are all numbers but that you never use
for calculations.
Formats ZIP Codes, phone numbers, and Social Security numbers.
Lets you define your own cell format. You can decide whether you want to see the plus
or minus sign, and you can control the number of decimal places.
1. Format a selection by choosing Format, Cells and clicking the Number tab to display the
formats shown in Table.
2. If you select the Time format from that list, you must select one of the Time format display
variations so that Excel knows how you want the time displayed.
3. You can also right-click the selection and select the Format Cells command from the shortcut
When you do, you see the Format Cells dialog box. You can use this dialog box to assign the formats
directly to your
Auto Formatting Worksheets
The AutoFormat feature in Excel converts an otherwise dull worksheet into a nice-looking,
professional one.
Your Excel worksheet's presentation is almost as important as the data within the worksheet. If your
worksheet needs sprucing up, try using AutoFormat because it gives a good-looking, consistent
dimension to your entire worksheet. After AutoFormat finishes, your worksheet will have a uniform
appearance. You can then add finishing touches to the worksheet, such as highlighted totals that you
want to make stand out.
Click the Microsoft Office Button
, and then click Excel Options.
Click Proofing.
Click AutoCorrect Options.
Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab.
Select or clear the check boxes for the options that you want to enable or disable.
Note: To omit certain AutoFormat format styles, click the Options button in the AutoFormat dialog
box to check or uncheck styles. You can keep AutoFormat from changing your worksheet's font, for
example, by un checking the Font option that appears.
Modifying Styles
To apply several formats in one step, and to make sure that cells have consistent formatting, you can
use a cell style. A cell style is a defined set of formatting characteristics, such as fonts and font sizes,
number formats, cell borders, and cell shading. To prevent anyone from making changes to specific
cells, you can also use a cell style that locks cells.
Click on Cell Styles in the home toolbar. Then choose any style.
Creating your own styles
There are several ways to create your own styles, using the New Cell Style button (Cell Styles in the
home toolbar command).
1. The easiest way to create a new style is by basing it on cells that have the formatting
characteristics you want to assign to the style. This is called creating a style by example,
because you use your own worksheet formatting to define the style.
2. If you don't format cells before creating a style, the Normal style will be displayed in the Style
name box.
3. Excel predefines several styles in addition to the Normal style, including Comma, Currency,
and Percent styles. You can modify any of these styles (or any other style that you define).
4. Base a new style on an existing format
5. On the Home tab, click Style.
6. In the Style name box, click new cell style. .
7. Click Format button.
8. Under Style includes, specify the style features (i.e. Number, Alignment, Font, Border, Fill
and Protection) you want.
9. Click OK.
Additional Formatting Options
After you protect worksheet or workbook elements (with or without a password), you may want to
make changes to those elements or passwords. Although setting a password is optional when you
protect an element, it is a valuable part of element protection. You may also want to remove the
element protection so that you can make unrestricted changes to all of the data and elements.
Worksheet and workbook element protection should not be confused with workbook-level password
security. Element protection cannot protect a workbook from users who have malicious intent. For
increased security, you should help protect your whole workbook file by using a password. This helps
prevent unauthorized users from viewing or modifying workbook data in Excel.
Protecting Cells
Lock only specific cells and ranges in a protected worksheet
1. If the worksheet is protected, do the following:
2. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Unprotect Sheet.
NOTE Protect Sheet changes to Unprotect Sheet when a worksheet is protected.
1. If prompted, type the password to unprotect the worksheet.
2. Select the whole worksheet by clicking the Select All button.
3. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Format Cell Font dialog box launcher
Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+SHIFT+F or CTRL+1.
4. On the Protection tab, clear the Locked check box, and then click OK.
NOTE This unlocks all the cells on the worksheet when you protect the worksheet.
5. In the worksheet, select just the cells that you want to lock.
6. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Dialog Box Launcher
next to Font.
Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+SHIFT+F or CTRL+1.
7. On the Protection tab, select the Locked check box, and then click OK.
8. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Protect Sheet.
9. In the Allow all users of this worksheet to list, select the elements that you want users to be
able to change.
Moving the pointer to cells for which the Locked check box is selected on the
Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box. By default, users are allowed to
select locked cells.
unlocked cells
Moving the pointer to cells for which the Locked check box is cleared on the
Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box. By default, users can select
unlocked cells, and they can press the TAB key to move between the unlocked
cells on a protected worksheet.
Format cells
Changing any of the options in the Format Cells or Conditional Formatting
dialog boxes. If you applied conditional formats before you protected the
worksheet, the formatting continues to change when a user enters a value that
satisfies a different condition.
Using any of the column formatting commands, including changing column
width or hiding columns (Home tab, Cells group, Format button).
Format rows
Using any of the row formatting commands, including changing row height or
hiding rows (Home tab, Cells group, Format button).
Insert columns
Inserting columns.
Insert rows
Inserting rows.
Inserting new hyperlinks, even in unlocked cells.
Deleting columns.
NOTE If Delete columns is protected and Insert columns is not also
protected, a user can insert columns that he or she cannot delete.
Delete rows
Deleting rows.
NOTE If Delete rows is protected and Insert rows is not also protected, a
user can insert rows that he or she cannot delete.
Using any commands to sort data (Data tab, Sort & Filter group).
NOTE Users can't sort ranges that contain locked cells on a protected
worksheet, regardless of this setting.
Use AutoFilter
Using the drop-down arrows to change the filter on ranges when AutoFilters are
NOTE Users cannot apply or remove AutoFilters on a protected worksheet,
regardless of this setting.
Formatting, changing the layout, refreshing, or otherwise modifying PivotTable
reports, or creating new reports.
Edit objects
Doing the any of the following:
Edit scenarios
Making changes to graphic objects including maps, embedded charts, shapes,
text boxes, and controls that you did not unlock before you protected the
worksheet. For example, if a worksheet has a button that runs a macro, you can
click the button to run the macro, but you cannot delete the button.
Making any changes, such as formatting, to an embedded chart. The chart
continues to be updated when you change its source data.
Adding or editing comments.
Viewing scenarios that you have hidden, making changes to scenarios that you
have prevented changes to, and deleting these scenarios. Users can change the
values in the changing cells, if the cells are not protected, and add new
Making changes to items that are part of the chart, such as data series, axes,
and legends. The chart continues to reflect changes made to its source data.
Making changes to graphic objects—including shapes, text boxes, and
controls—unless you unlock the objects before you protect the chart sheet.
10. In the Password to unprotect sheet box, type a password for the sheet, click OK, and then
retype the password to confirm it.
The password is optional. If you do not supply a password, then any user can unprotect the sheet and
change the protected elements.
Make sure that you choose a password that is easy to remember, because if you lose the password,
you cannot gain access to the protected elements on the worksheet.
Unlock ranges on a protected worksheet for users to edit
To give specific users permission to edit ranges in a protected worksheet, your computer must be
running Microsoft Windows XP or later, and your computer must be on a domain. Instead of using
permissions that require a domain, you can also specify a password for a range.
1. Select the worksheet that you want to protect.
2. On the Review tab, in the Changes group, click Allow Users to Edit Ranges.
This command is available only when the worksheet is not protected.
3. Do one of the following:
To add a new editable range, click New.
To modify an existing editable range, select it in the Ranges unlocked by a password
when sheet is protected box, and then click Modify.
To delete an editable range, select it in the Ranges unlocked by a password when
sheet is protected box, and then click Delete.
4. In the Title box, type the name for the range that you want to unlock.
5. In the Refers to cells box, type an equal sign (=), and then type the reference of the range that
you want to unlock.
6. For password access, in the Range password box, type a password that allows access to the
Specifying a password is optional when you plan to use access permissions. Using a password
allows you to see user credentials of any authorized person who edits the range.
7. For access permissions, click Permissions, and then click Add.
8. In the Enter the object names to select (examples) box, type the names of the users who you
want to be able to edit the ranges.
9. Click OK.
10. To specify the type of permission for the user who you selected, in the Permissions box, select
or clear they Allow or Deny check boxes, and then click Apply.
11. Click OK two times.
12. In the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box, click Protect Sheet.
13. In the Allow all users of this worksheet to list, select the elements that you want users to be
able to change.
Moving the pointer to cells for which the Locked check box is selected on the
Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box. By default, users are allowed to
select locked cells.
unlocked cells
Moving the pointer to cells for which the Locked check box is cleared on the
Protection tab of the Format Cells dialog box. By default, users can select
unlocked cells, and they can press the TAB key to move between the unlocked
cells on a protected worksheet.
Format cells
Changing any of the options in the Format Cells or Conditional Formatting
dialog boxes. If you applied conditional formats before you protected the
worksheet, the formatting continues to change when a user enters a value that
satisfies a different condition.
Using any of the column formatting commands, including changing column
width or hiding columns (Home tab, Cells group, Format button).
Format rows
Using any of the row formatting commands, including changing row height or
hiding rows (Home tab, Cells group, Format button).
Insert columns
Inserting columns.
Insert rows
Inserting rows.
Inserting new hyperlinks, even in unlocked cells.
Delete columns
Deleting columns.
Delete rows
Deleting rows.
Using any commands to sort data (Data tab, Sort & Filter group).
NOTE Users can't sort ranges that contain locked cells on a protected
worksheet, regardless of this setting.
Use AutoFilter
Using the drop-down arrows to change the filter on ranges when AutoFilters are
NOTE Users cannot apply or remove AutoFilters on a protected worksheet,
regardless of this setting.
Formatting, changing the layout, refreshing, or otherwise modifying PivotTable
reports, or creating new reports.
Doing the any of the following:
Edit objects
11. Making changes to graphic objects including maps, embedded charts, shapes, text
boxes, and controls that you did not unlock before you protected the worksheet. For
example, if a worksheet has a button that runs a macro, you can click the button to
run the macro, but you cannot delete the button.
12. Making any changes, such as formatting, to an embedded chart. The chart continues
to be updated when you change its source data.
13. Adding or editing comments.
Edit scenarios
Viewing scenarios that you have hidden, making changes to scenarios that you
have prevented changes to, and deleting these scenarios. Users can change the
values in the changing cells, if the cells are not protected, and add new
Making changes to items that are part of the chart, such as data series, axes,
and legends. The chart continues to reflect changes made to its source data.
Making changes to graphic objects—including shapes, text boxes, and
controls—unless you unlock the objects before you protect the chart sheet.
14. In the Password to unprotect sheet box, type a password, click OK, and then retype the
password to confirm it.
The password is optional. If you do not supply a password, then any user can unprotect the
worksheet and change the protected elements.
b. Make sure that you choose a password that you can remember, because if you lose the
password, you cannot gain access to the protected elements on the worksheet.
If a cell belongs to more than one range, users who are authorized to edit any of those ranges
can edit the cell.
d. If a user tries to edit multiple cells at once and is authorized to edit some but not all of those
cells, the user will be prompted to select and edit the cells one by one.
Conditional Formatting
1. The first drop-down list in the Conditional Formatting dialog box (On the Home tab, click
Conditional Formatting) offers the Formula Is option, which you use when you want to enter
your own conditional formatting formulas. You can create conditional formatting formulas to
perform tasks such as:
1. Identifying dates that fall on specific days of the week
2. Specifying the smallest or largest value in a range
3. Highlighting specific text
For example,
1. Select a cell or range and then click Conditional Formatting on the Home tab
2. Click the Highlight
Cell Rules then choose
any one condition
Format button,
3. Select a color on the drop down list, and then click OK. Or you can choose Custom
4. Here Greater Than… Cell Highlight Rule applies in the selected color to every other row, as
shown here.
Using Charts
Creating Custom charts/Graphs
Charts in Excel are used to represent data pictorially. You can use different types of charts to represent
data graphically. You can create a variety of chart such as; line charts, column charts, bar graphs, pie
charts, three dimensional charts and various other charts in Excel. You can either display charts along
with the data in a worksheet or in a separate worksheet in the same workbook.
One type of chart can be changed to another. Excel charts will change as the data within the cell
references change. Charts are created using the Chart Wizard. The Chart Wizard will step you through
a series of steps to design a chart.
Making a quick, presentable and easily interpretable chart
Steps for Creating a Chart
For most charts, such as column and bar charts, you can plot the data that you arrange in rows or
columns on a worksheet into a chart. However, some chart types (such as pie and bubble charts)
require a specific data arrangement.
1. On your spreadsheet, select the data for your chart-including column and row labels as
well as the data series.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, do one of the following:
Click the chart type, and then click a chart subtype that you want to use.
To see all available chart types, click
to launch the Insert Chart dialog box, and
then click the arrows to scroll through the chart types.
3. Select the any one chart from Chart group from “Insert” tab. The following Types of Chart is
available in Excel-2007.
Column charts
ii. Line charts
iii. Pie charts
Bar charts
v. Area charts
XY (scatter) charts
Stock charts
viii. Surface charts
ix. Doughnut charts
x. Bubble charts
xi. Radar charts
4. In this example Choose Column chart
Choosing Chart Type
Clicking the chart type that you want on the Insert tab in the Charts group.
The second step of the Chart Wizard appears.
Selecting data for chart
A chart has many elements. Some of these elements are displayed by default, others can be
added as needed. You can change the display of the chart elements by moving them to
other locations in the chart, resizing them, or by changing the format. You can also remove
chart elements that you do not want to display.
The chart area of the chart.
The plot area of the chart.
The data points of the data series that are plotted in the chart.
The horizontal (category) and vertical (value) axis along which the data is plotted in the chart.
The legend of the chart.
A chart and axis title that you can use in the chart.
A data label that you can use to identify the details of a data point in a data series.
Modifying Chart
Change the layout or style of a chart
After you create a chart, you can instantly change its look. Instead of manually adding or
changing chart elements or formatting the chart, you can quickly apply a predefined layout and style to
your chart. Excel provides a variety of useful predefined layouts and styles (or quick layouts and quick
styles) that you can select from, but you can customize a layout or style as needed by manually
changing the layout and format of individual chart elements.
Changing The Chart Type After Creating:
For most 2-D charts, you can change the chart type of the whole chart to give the chart a different
look, or you can select a different chart type for any single data series, which turns the chart into a
combination chart.
1) Do one of the following:
a. To change the chart type of the whole chart, click the chart area or plot area of the chart
to display the chart tools.
b. To change the chart type of a data series, click that data series.
c. NOTE You can change the chart type of only one data series at a time. To change the
chart type of more than one data series in the chart, repeat the steps of this procedure
for each data series that you want to change.
This displays the chart tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.
2) On the Design tab, in the Type group, click Change Chart Type.
3) In the Change Chart Type dialog box, do one of the following:
a. Click a chart type in the first box, and then click the chart subtype that you want to use
in the second box.
b. If you saved a chart type as a template, click Templates, and then click the chart
template that you want to use in the second box.
Sizing, Moving and Deleting Chart:
In Excel, it is quite easy to resize or move a chart to new location. The steps are:
1. Place the cursor at a corner of the chart. The cursor will change to a double pointed arrow.
Drag the cursor to increase or decrease the size of the chart.
2. If the pointer is placed inside the chart border and dragged, the whole border will move. Thus
the chart can be moved and placed anywhere one wants.
3. Select the Chart and Press Delete key.
Knowledge Check Points
1. A block is
a. a cell that will not allow anything to be entered into it
b. what you use to make a formula
c. a way to move from one cell to another
d. a group of selected cells
2. How many sheets come up in Excel automatically?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 5
d. 6
3. The name box shows the cell as
a. just letter
b. letter then number
c. number then letter
d. just number
4. Each sheet has
a. 512 rows
b. 10,512 rows
c. 1,048,576 rows
d. None of these
5. In a workbook, this appears bold indicating that you can work in it.
a. Active sheet
b. Sheet tab
c. Intersection
d. Reference cell
6. What can be inserted into a cell in Excel?
a. Numbers (values)
b. Text
c. Formulas
d. All of the above
7. If you press _____ the cell accepts your typing as its contents.
c. TAB
8. When numbers are typed inside a cell, the default alignment is:
a. Left-aligned
b. Center-aligned
c. Right-aligned
d. Justified
9. To highlight an entire sheet quickly, you can:
a. Touch CTRL/END
b. Click the gray button to the left of Column A heading
c. Press the END key on the keyboard
d. None of the above
10. You would use Merge and Center to
a. create a title that is centered over your report
b. add decimals
c. make a formula
d. add up the rows
11. To insert three columns between column D and E, you would select column D. (True/False)
12. To allow Excel to automatically update a formula's cell range as rows of data are added to the
spreadsheet, include a blank row in your initial cell range.
a. True
b. False
13. To remove the contents of several cells at once, you can _____.
a. select the cells and press DELETE.
b. select the cells and choose Edit | Clear... | Contents
c. select the cells and drag the fill handle back up over them
d. all of the above
14. To edit existing data in a cell without having to retype it all, you should _____.
a. double-click the cell
b. click in the Formula bar
c. hold SHIFT down while clicking the cell
d. None of the above - you must retype.
15. Formatting of cells can be changed by using the Excel FORMAT menu or the toolbar buttons
a. True
b. False
16. To move a column over to fit just what is needed (auto fit)
a. double click on the column number
b. use the right arrow key
c. use the left arrow key
d. double click on the line between the column letters
17. What's a quick way to extend these numbers to a longer sequence, for instance 1 through 20?
b. Select both cells, and then drag the fill handle
over the range you want, for
instance 18 more rows.
c. Select the range you want, including both cells, point to Fill on the Edit menu, and then
click down.
d. Copy the second cell, click in the cell below it, on the Standard toolbar click the down
arrow on the Paste
button, and then click Paste Special.
18. Cell A4 =2 and A5 = 4. You select both cells and drag the fill handle down to A8. The contents
of cells A6, A7, and A8 are _____.
a. 8,16,32
b. 2,4,2
c. 2,2,2
d. 6,8,10
19. When you are typing an equation into a cell the first thing that must be entered is
a. the first cell referenced
b. parenthesis
c. quotation marks
d. an equal sign
20. Using the AutoSum button will place in the selected cell _____.
a. the sum of values in the cell's column
b. nothing until you select a range of cells
c. the sum of the cell's row unless you change the range
d. a formula which will add values in the range Excel guesses you want to add.
21. The formula that will add the value of cell D4 to the value of C2 and then multiply by the value
in B2 is _____.
a. (D4+C2)*B2
b. D4+C2*B2
c. =(D4+C2)*B2
d. =(B2*(D4+C2)
22. The “Autosum” button
a. will sum all but one number
b. will not work all the time
c. is what you use to make a formula
d. will automatically add all the numbers in a row or column
23. Sheets can be moved or copied within an Excel workbook file by performing the following
a. Sheets cannot be moved or copied within a sheet
b. Drag the sheet tab to move the sheet and CTRL/drag the sheet tab to copy the sheet
c. Double-click the sheet tab
d. From the menu, select INSERT/Worksheet
24. Tab scrolling buttons allow you to view additional sheet tabs. (True/False)
25. When typing formulas or functions into a cell, it is important to:
a. Begin the formula or function with an apostrophe
b. Lock the data into the cell by pressing [ENTER] key
c. Type the formula or function in ALL CAPS
d. Type the formula or function in all lowercase.
26. You can move across a spreadsheet to the right by pressing
a. the arrow down button
b. the enter button
c. the tab button
d. the space bar
27. You can move down a spreadsheet by pressing
a. the backspace key
b. enter button and arrow down button
c. the space bar
d. the page down button
28. To sort JUST one column from A-Z
a. highlight the column and click the sort ascending button
b. highlight the column and click the sort descending button
c. just click in the column you want to sort and hit sort ascending
d. just click in the column you want to sort and hit sort descending
29. To make all of the column information sort together from A-Z so that the person's information
moves with it
a. highlight all columns and hit sort descending
b. highlight all columns and hit the percentage button
c. highlight all columns and hit sort ascending
d. just click on the column you want to sort and hit sort ascending
30. To arrange rows in alphabetical order based on column A, you need to use the command _____.
a. Home / Sort and filter
b. Insert / Sort
c. Formula / Sort
31. In the Sort dialog box you cannot sort rows or cells based on _____
a. up to three different columns
b. numerical order
c. using a custom list for the first level of sort
d. using a custom list any sort level but only on one at a time
32. If cell entries are changed, the formula will automatically recalculate the values and insert the
result in the cell containing the formula.
a. True
b. False
33. This chart is the default chart
a. Bar Chart
b. Column Chart
c. Line Chart
d. Pie Chart
34. Which of the following is not a tab on the Chart Options dialog box?
a. Titles
b. Axes
c. Legend
d. Patterns
35. You can double-click a chart element to display the appropriate formatting dialog box.
a. True
b. False
36. The x-axis runs along the bottom of a column chart
a. True
b. False
37. Once the chart is created, data can only be changed in a chart located in the same worksheet as
the changed cells
a. True
b. False
38. Certain chart elements automatically inserted in a chart created by Chart Wizard include a chart
legend, labels for the x-axis and y-axis, and a chart title
a. True
b. False
39. To apply page numbering to a worksheet page, which option in the Page Setup dialog box
should you choose
a. Page
b. Margins
c. Header/Footer
d. Sheet
40. The gridlines that appear on your worksheet will print as displayed. True /False
Hands on Activities
Guided Practice 1
Type the following in the spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.
Type and Format all text and numbers as displayed in the sample below.
Align all numbers in centre and adjust the column width as 10.5.
Center the spreadsheet heading 'Class 8 Mark Sheet' across the spreadsheet and make it bold.
Create formula to display a total for each student.
Guided Practice 2
Survey Results
1. As assistant to the Academic Director of the school, you have been given the task of obtaining
statistics on the ages of teachers employed in the school. These are for analysis by the Board of
Directors. You have conducted a survey and put together the statistics below for entry into a
1. Set the column widths below:
2. Column A — 20
3. Column B, C, D and E — 10
4. Center all label headings.
5. Enter in the worksheet the number of teachers employed in each department.
6. Save the workbook as Survey – 1.
1. Move the Math row and place it between Science and Social Studies
2. Change (amend) the number of teachers employed in the Mathematics department aged 25
to 35, make it 9.
3. Physical Education (another department) was left out of the spreadsheet by mistake. Enter
the following statistics in a new row between Social Studies and Marati.
a. • 20 to 25
25 to 35
35 to 45
i. 0
4. Save the file as Survey – 2.
Using formulas, total the number of teachers in each age group into the row Total
Label column F with the heading Total to place the totals of each department
Using formulas, total the number of teachers in each department into the column Total.
Save the file as Survey – 3.
Guided Practice 3
In this activity you will create a new workbook and manipulate the data by performing following
1. Type the following data on sheet1 with the same format as given below.
a. Sort the data range
i. Go to Sheet1 Select the data range from A3 to F8.
ii. From the Data menu, select sort to display the Sort dialog box.
iii. From Sort by list, select “2000” and choose sort order descending.
iv. Click OK.
v. Save the workbook with the filename “practice1.xls” and close the workbook.
b. Filtering from list
Type the following data on sheet2 with the same format as given below.
i. To filter data from the list place your cursor in cell B2.
ii. On the Home, click on Sort & filter> Sort A-Z or sort Z-A.
iii. Click on the drop down arrow of column C2 and filter by Department. In this
practice find all the employees from Accounts Department.
iv. To go back to showing all, click and hold down on the Department column’s
arrow and choose All.
c. Data Validation
In this activity the worksheet below contains a list of tasks and Due dates need to be
entered. The date entered in column B must fall between 2-5-2012and 30-5-2012.
i. Click on Sheet3 and type the following data with the same format.
ii. Select the cell range B3:B7.
iii. Select one or more cells to validate.
iv. On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click Data Validation.
v. In the Data Validation dialog box, click the Settings tab.
vi. In the Allow box, select Date. In the Data box, select the type of restriction that
you want.
vii. For example, to allow dates after a certain day, select between.
viii. Enter the start, end, or specific date to allow. You can also enter a formula that
returns a date.
ix. Click the Error Alert tab and complete the dialog box as shown below, but do
NOT click OK when you are done.
x. Click on Error Alert tab. Complete the dialog box as indicated below.
xi. Then, click the Input Message tab of the dialog box. Give Title and type your
message as shown below, and then click OK.
xii. Once you are returned to your worksheet, type a date outside of the range (0205-2012 and 30-05-2012) into one of the cells in column B and see the error
message display.
xiii. Click Retry and type the correct date.
xiv. Save and close the workbook.
Guided Practice 4
In this activity, you will create worksheet and perform calculations.
1. Open New Workbook and type the following data with the same format in sheet1.
Find the total using multiplication formula Purchased Unit * Price per Unit.
Find Total Purchased unit using formula d3+d4+d5+d6.
Find the remaining unit using subtraction formula Total Unit minus Purchased Unit.
Find the Average of Total using formula (E3+E4+E5+E6)/4.
Right click on tab Sheet1 and Rename as “Formula”.
Save the workbook with the filename “practice3.xls”.
Guided Practice 5
In this activity you will calculate the Net Salary of the employees after calculating HRA, DA and
1. In the same workbook go to Sheet2 and create the Worksheet as given above.
2. HRA is to be calculated as 12% of Basic Salary.
3. DA is 15.5% of Basic Salary.
4. PF is 3.2% Basic Salary.
5. Net Salary is addition of Basic Salary, DA, HRA and deduction of PF.
6. Round the values in the Net Salary column to two decimal places if required.
7. Select Save from File menu and close the workbook.
Guided Practice 6
You can plot data on a secondary vertical axis one data series at a time. To plot more than one data
series on the secondary vertical axis, repeat this procedure for each data series that you want to display
on the secondary vertical axis.
1. In a chart, click the data series that you want to plot on a secondary vertical axis, or do the
following to select the data series from a list of chart elements:
2. Click the chart.
This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.
3. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow in the Chart Elements
box, and then click the data series that you want to plot along a secondary vertical axis.
4. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection.
The Format Data Series dialog box is displayed.
Note If a different dialog box is displayed, repeat step 1 and make sure that you select a data
series in the chart.
5. On the Series Options tab, under Plot Series On, click Secondary Axis and then click Close.
A secondary vertical axis is displayed in the chart.
6. To change the display of the secondary vertical axis, do the following:
a. On the Layout tab, in the Axes group, click Axes.
b. Click Secondary Vertical Axis, and then click the display option that you want.
7. To change the axis options of the secondary vertical axis, do the following:
a. Right-click the secondary vertical axis, and then click Format Axis.
b. Under Axis Options, select the options that you want to use.
Add a secondary horizontal axis
To complete this procedure, you must have a chart that displays a secondary vertical axis. To add a
secondary vertical axis, see Add a secondary vertical axis.
1. Click a chart that displays a secondary vertical axis.
2. This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.
3. On the Layout tab, in the Axes group, click Axes.
4. Click Secondary Horizontal Axis, and then click the display option that you want.
Change the chart type of a data series
1. In a chart, click the data series that you want to change.
This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.
You can also right-click the data series, click Change Series Chart Type, and then continue with
step 3.
2. On the Design tab, in the Type group, click Change Chart Type.
3. In the Change Chart Type dialog box, click a chart type that you want to use.
The first box shows a list of chart type categories, and the second box shows the available chart
types for each chart type category. For more information about the chart types that you can use, see
Available chart types.
Note You can change the chart type of only one data series at a time. To change the chart type of
more than one data series in the chart, repeat the steps of this procedure for each data series that you
want to change.
Remove a secondary axis
1. Click the chart that displays the secondary axis that you want to remove.
This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.
2. On the Layout tab, in the Axes group, click Axes, click Secondary Vertical Axis or Secondary
Horizontal Axis, and then click None.
You can also click the secondary axis that you want to delete, and then press DELETE, or right-click
the secondary axis, and then click Delete.
To remove secondary axes immediately after you add them, click Undo
on the Quick Access
Toolbar, or press CTRL+Z.
1. Save As the workbook with the new filename “practice2”.
Guided Practice 7
In this activity you will open the workbook “Practice1” for printing the spreadsheet.
1. Change the page orientation to Landscape.
2. Centre the worksheet horizontally on the page. (Hint: look on the Margins tab.)
3. Set the top margin to 3.5 cm.
4. Create a Custom Header:
5. In the Left section, type the heading OPQ Enterprises Inc.
6. Change the font for this heading to 10pt Garamond Italic.
7. Click in the Right section box and insert today’s date (using the date button).
8. Format the date using Garamond Italic 10pt as before.
9. Create a footer to display your name and the filename. Format these using the same format as
for the header.
10. Notice examples of what you have just chosen for your headers and footers are shown in the
11. View your worksheet in Print Preview. When you are satisfied, print the entire worksheet.
12. Now select the range A1:F8 in the worksheet.
13. Print just the selected area.
Skill Check Points
Self Practice 1
a) The advantage of using a spreadsheet is:
a. Calculations can be done automatically.
b. Changing data automatically updates calculations (as long as Excel is not set to
calculate manually).
c. more flexibility
d. all of the above
b) The formula =B2+A3 is located in cell b3. If this was copied and pasted into cell D4
the resulting formula would be:
none of the above
The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column G
and down to row 10 is _____.
There is no limit to the number of characters in a workbook name. (True/False)
If a cell shows #######, it means that _____.
your formula has a syntax error
the row is too short to show the number at the current font size
the column is too narrow to show all the digits of the number
either b or c
Sheet tabs can be renamed easily by:
Clicking on the sheet tab and typing text
Double clicking on the sheet tab and typing text
You cannot rename a sheet tab
From the menu, select EDIT/Sheet
g) Additional worksheets can be inserted into an Excel workbook if more sheets are
a. True
b. False
h) 'Auto fill' is a quick way of copying information from one cell to another
a. True
b. False
i) Excel provides an AutoCalculate feature which by default, will display the SUM of
values in a selected range.
a. True
b. False
j) How do you change column width to fit the contents?
Single-click the boundary to the left of the column heading.
Double-click the boundary to the right of the column heading.
Press ALT and single-click anywhere in the column.
None of the above
All of the following are valid methods to begin the process of inserting a formula or
function into a cell, except one. Which of the following is NOT a valid method?
Type the function/formula directly into the cell.
Select the Tools menu, choose Formulas/Functions and then click the Insert button.
Click the AutoSum button from the toolbar.
Click the Function Wizard button next to the formula bar and use the Insert Function
dialog box to search for and enter the appropriate function.
Which of the following Error Values means that the cell producing the error has a
mathematical formula that contains a reference to text data?
Which of the following is the correct function if you want to evaluate a student's grade
point average (stored in cell A2) and mark a cell value in a "Dean's List" column Y if
greater than or equal to 3.30 and mark the cell value N if less than 3.30?
=IF(A2=3.30, "Y", "N")
=IF(A2>=3.30, "N", "Y")
=IF(A2>=3.30, "Y", "N")
=IF(A2>=3.30, "Y", "N")
Your spreadsheet is too wide, and you want to turn the page to landscape orientation for
printing. Which menu do you select?
None of the above
You can rename a sheet by
click on it till it changes
click on the sheet and hitting the backspace
right clicking on it and choosing delete
right clicking on it and choosing the rename selection
will automatically fill in your page with colour
will automatically copy your formula to another cell
is a square at the bottom right corner of an active cell
both b) and c)
To make all the font of the same size
go column by column to change the font size
click on the font button
click on font size
click on the square above the 1 and choose the font size
When a new workbook is opened in Excel, this is displayed.
In Excel, this is created by the intersection of a row and a column.
In Excel, this surrounds an active cell.
Cell border
Cell outline
Cell rim
Cell selector
Self Practice 2
Let’s Create Spreadsheet by Making Simple Data Entries
Complete the data entry for the simple Spring Sale table as shown in Figure below by doing the
1. Enter the table title Spring Sale School Furniture Prices in cell A2.
2. Enter the column headings in row 3 as follows:
a. Code in cell A3
b.Description in cell B3
c. Retail Price in cell C3
d.Discount in cell D3
e. Sales Price in cell E3
3. Enter the code numbers in column A as follows:
a. 02-305 in cell A4
b.02-240 in cell A5
c. 04-356 in cell A6
d.01-234 in cell A7
e. 03-003 in cell A8
f. 01-240 in cell A9
4. Enter the furniture descriptions in column B as follows:
a. Student tables in cell B4
b.Teacher tables in cell B5
c. Student chairs in cell B6
d.Teacher chairs in cell B7
e. Storage shelf in cell B8
f. Cupboards in cell B9
5. Enter the retail prices of the furniture in column C as follows:
a. 2250 in cell C4
b.2400 in cell C5
c. 1500 in cell C6
d.1950 in cell C7
e. 3500 in cell C8
f. 4750 in cell C9
6. Enter the discount percentages in column D as follows:
a. 25% in cells D4, D5, and D6
b.15% in cells D7 and D8
c. 25% in cell D9
The Spring Sales table after completing the data entry.
Self Practice 3
Saving a Spreadsheet
After completed all Data Entries, Save the Spring Sales table in a new My Spreadsheets folder
inside the My Documents folder on your hard disk:
1. With the Spring Sales table displayed on-screen, select cell A2 before you open the Save As
dialog box and then click the New Folder button in the Save As dialog box.
2. Type “My Spreadsheets” as the folder name in the Name text box of the New Folder dialog
box and select OK.
3. Replace Book1.xls in the File Name text box by typing “Spring School Furniture Sale” and
then clicking the Save button.
Self Practice 4
Entering Data and AutoFill (Sheet 1 Tab)
1. Complete the labels as shown in the picture below.
2. Point to the border between columns A & B, and double-click to AutoFit column A.
3. Click on cell B1, point to the AutoFill handle in the lower-right corner, and drag it to columns
C and D. Highlight cells B7:B10 and do the same thing. This is what the screen should then
look like.
4. Type 3300 in cell C2 and 4000 in Cell C3. Highlight cells B2:C3, then drag the AutoFill
handle to column D. You should get 3800 and 4600 for March.
AutoSum and Formulas
1. Click on cell B4. Click on the AutoSum button on the Standard Toolbar.
2. Hit the Enter key to accept the AutoSum.
3. Select cells C4 and D4. Click the AutoSum button. Highlight cells B11:D11, then click the
AutoSum button.
4. Click on cell B13. Type the formula that subtracts Expenses from Revenue. (=B4-B11)
5. Use the AutoFill handle to copy this to columns C & D. Here is the resulting spreadsheet.
6. Save the spreadsheet with the filename “Net Profit”.
Self Practice 5
1. Which one of the following is not true?
a. There are three sheets in a new workbook
b. Excel sheets have the extension *.doc
c. A new workbook is called "Book1"
d. You can have Word and Excel open together
2. In the following figure, the active cell is C15. (True/False)
3. Sheet2 is a copy of Sheet1. You change some of the values on Sheet1. The values on Sheet2
a. do not change to match
b. change to match the new values on Sheet1
c. are replaced with error value #REF!
d. are replaced with the error value #VALUE!
4. The easy way to format any chart element is to select chart element and then:
a. Right-click to display the relevant dialog box.
b. Single-click to display the relevant dialog box.
c. Double-click to display the relevant dialog box.
d. Triple-click to display the relevant dialog box.
5. What is the name of this icon?
a. Function Editor
b. Paste Function
c. X Editor
d. Function Calculator
6. When we creating chart in excel, Gridlines are printed by default. (True/False)
7. An easy way to rename a worksheet tab is to double-click on the tab, and enter a new name.
8. You can hide rows or columns, but not an entire worksheet. (True/False)
9. You can choose whether or not to print gridlines; however gridlines are always displayed on
screen. (True/False)
10. You can insert new worksheets, but you cannot delete existing worksheets. (True/False)
11. To create a chart with the Chart Wizard, you would use which button?
12. This is a set of values that you want to chart in Excel.
a. Object
b. Numbers
c. Data series
d. Formulas
13. In an Excel chart, these are extensions of tick marks that help to identify the value of the data
a. Markers
b. Gridlines
c. Legends
d. References
14. This will indicate which data marker represents each series in a chart of multiple series.
a. Chart Reference
b. Chart title
c. Chart Legend
d. Chart box
15. When a chart is placed on this, it is much larger and there is no other data on it.
a. Chart sheet
b. Exclusive sheet
c. Primary sheet
d. Reference sheet
16. When using the Chart Wizard, the way that the data series is represented is modified with this
a. Subtype
b. Object
c. Series in
d. Style
17. This type of chart is often used to highlight when blood pressure is too high or temperatures are
reaching a critical value.
a. Pie
b. Bar
c. Area
d. XY
18. To arrange rows in alphabetical order based on column A, you need to use the command
a. Home | Sort & Filter
b. Insert | Sort
c. Formulas | Sort
d. none of the above
19. To print just part of a sheet, you would select what you want to print and _____
a. click the Print button
b. press the PRINT SCREEN key
c. select Print selection on Page Setup | Sheet and then print
d. select Print selection in the Print dialog and then print
20. The default orientation for the printed page is _____.
a. portrait
b. landscape
c. whatever was last used
d. vertical
Self Practice 6
In this activity you will create the Weekly Report Sheet, use functions and create a chart.
1. Open a new Workbook and create the worksheet as given above.
2. Calculate the Amount for Cassette and CD.
3. Calculate the Total Amount.
4. Calculate the Total sales for the week.
5. Find out the Status using the IF condition.
6. Condition: If the Total Sales>=5000 then Status is Good else Status is Bad.
7. Create a 3-D Pie chart by selecting Name and total Amount.
8. Add a title Weekly Sales Report to the chart.
9. Include Category Name and Value for the chart.
10. Save the workbook and close the file.
Self Practice 7
In this practice we need to list the E_Code in alphabetical manner after creating the following
1. Open the workbook “practice1.xls” which you had created above.
2. Click on tab sheet2 and select the data A2 through D9.
3. Choose Data | Sort.
4. Under Sort by Select E_Code and Sort order must be Ascending .
5. Note: Under My list has option Header row must be selected.
6. Click OK.
7. Your sheet will look like the one shown below.
8. Save the changes and Close the file.
Self Practice 8
Plot a column chart showing sales of four quarters (as shown below) of a showroom. Give proper
legends, chart title, X-axis title and Y-axis title. Save and close the workbook.
Self Practice 9
In this practice you will create chart in your worksheet by using chart wizard.
1. Open New workbook and create the worksheet as shown below:
Your sheet will look like the one illustrated below when you complete this activity.
2. Click the ChartWizard button
3. The first of several ChartWizard boxes appears.
4. Select the Line under Chart Type option and first option under Chart sub-type. Click
5. Select the Data to include in the chart. In this example, this is the RANGE A2 through
M4. We are including the months of the year and the names of the states in the range then
Click Next.
6. Type Temperatures in Alaska and Michigan as the chart title.
7. Type Months as the Category (X) axis title.
8. Type degrees as the Value (Y) axis title.
9. Look through the other tabs of the Chart Options dialog box.
10. Click Next.
11. Select As Object In Sheet1.
12. Click Finish.
13. Re-size and Move the chart if necessary.
14. Save the workbook with the file name “Chart.xls” and close the file.
Self Practice 10
In this activity you will open the workbook “practice1.xls” for printing the spreadsheet.
1. Open the file “Practice1.xls” which had been created earlier.
2. Change the Page Layout to Landscape orientation.
3. Change the Top margin to 2cm and the Left margin to 5cm. Change both the Header and
Footer margins to 0.5cm.
4. Insert a header with the filename in the right-hand corner. Format this using font type Arial
Black, Bold Italic at 12pt. Insert footer with your name in the left hand corner. Format it in
the same style as the header.
5. Select the Print Area.
6. Remove the gridlines and view the document in Print Preview. Print and save the
worksheet with the same name.
Chapter five
Working with Microsoft*PowerPoint2007
1. Overview of PowerPoint Presentation
2. Editing and arranging Presentations
3. PowerPoint advance features
4. Animating your presentations
5. Knowledge Check Points
6. Hands on Activities
7. Skill Check Points
Overview of PowerPoint Presentation
Introduction to PowerPoint
PowerPoint is application software used to create attractive multimedia presentations. You can display
a multimedia presentation to a large audience by using a projector, and you can distribute a
presentation to the audience as handouts. Presentations are made colorful and attractive by adding
pictures, colored text, movie and sound clips or animated objects. Presentations can also be edited or
modified at any time.
Starting PowerPoint
To start PowerPoint, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, and then click
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 as shown below:
The PowerPoint Interface
When you start the PowerPoint application, a blank presentation is displayed. The white rectangular
area on the screen is called the slide. The various other parts of the PowerPoint interface have been
described below:
2007 has a
intuitive user
Fluent User
which helps
you create
presentations, quickly. Additionally, PowerPoint 2007 offers new and improved effects, themes, and
If you are using an earlier versions of MS Office (2003 or earlier), the most significant visual change
is the Ribbon and Backstage View. This replaces 2003's file menu to manage files, create
presentations, edit and print them. The new tools in 2007 give you greater options with improved
graphics and designs. A dramatic difference is the ability to collaborate on presentations - working
with your colleagues on a presentation at the same time, and even uploading the final result for online
OFFICE BUTTON:-In the upper-left corner is the Microsoft Office Button. When you click the
button, a menu appears. You can use the menu to create a new file, Open your existing file, save a file,
and print a file. Use the Microsoft Office icons to open the choices.
QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR:Next to the Microsoft Button is the Quick Access toolbar. The quick access toolbar is a customizable
toolbar that contains commands. The Quick Access toolbar provides you with access to commands
you frequently use. By default, Save, Undo, and Redo appear on the Quick Access toolbar. You use
Save to save your file, Undo to rollback an action you have taken, and Redo to reapply an action you
have rolled back.
You can customize the Quick Access toolbar by clicking on customize the Quick Access toolbar arrow
on right of toolbar. Check the command options to include the commands in the toolbar as shown
Customizing the Quick Access toolbar
In the upper-left corner is the Microsoft Office button. When you click the button, a menu appears.
You can use the menu to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, and perform many other
The Title Bar
The Title bar is located at the top in the center of the PowerPoint window. The Title bar displays the
name of the presentation on which you are currently working. By default, PowerPoint names
presentations sequentially, starting with Presentation1. When you save your file, you can change the
name of your presentation.
THE RIBBON:The following illustration shows an example of the Ribbon, a component of the Office Fluent user
1. Tabs are designed to be task-oriented.
2. Groups within each tab break a task into subtasks.
3. Command buttons in each group carry out a command or display a menu of commands
The Ribbon is the strip of buttons across the top of the main window. Here on the Ribbon you will
find access to anything the program has to offer. You no longer have to hunt endlessly through many
menus and sub menus to find the command you want. Commands are located in logical places now,
unlike in earlier versions of all things Microsoft. You can use the commands to tell PowerPoint what
to do. The Ribbon is located at the Top of the PowerPoint Window. At the top of Ribbon there are
several tabs; clicking a tab displays several related group commands. You can click on the commands
buttons to issue commands or to access menus.
Command Group
Command Buttons
Here is an example - You will access the HOME tab contains commands related to Clipboard, Slides,
Font, Paragraph, Drawing and Editing on the ribbon. Following that, there are sections across the
ribbon pertaining to things to do with Command group like
At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs: clicking a tab displays several related command groups.
Within each group are related command buttons. You click buttons to issue commands or to access
menus and dialog boxes. You may also find a dialog box launcher in the bottom-right corner of a
group. When you click the dialog box launcher, a dialog box makes additional commands available.
Rulers are vertical and horizontal guides. You use them to determine where you want to place an
object. If the rulers do not display in your PowerPoint window:
1. Click the View tab.
2. Click Ruler in the Show/Hide group. The rulers appear.
Slides, Placeholders, and Notes
Slides appear in the center of the window. You create your presentation on slides.
Placeholders hold the objects in your slide. You can use placeholders to hold text, clip art, charts, and
You can use the notes area to create notes to yourself. You can refer to these notes as you give your
Status Bar, Tabs, View Buttons, and More
Status Bar
6 Vertical
Splitter Bars
Outline Tab
7 Minimize Button
Slides Tab
8 Maximize/Restore
View Buttons 9 Close Button
Appears at the bottom of the window. The status bar displays the slide number that is currently
displayed and also the total number of slides.
OUTLINE/SLIDES TAB in your presentation. The slides tab displays a thumbnail of all
your slides. This is a great place to start writing your content – to capture your ideas, plan how you
want to present them, and more slides and text around.
TASK PANE: - The task pane is a small window within the PowerPoint window that provides a list
of frequently used commands. The location and size of the task pane make it convenient to use these
commands. There are several task panes in PowerPoint. For example, the New Presentation task pane
can be used to perform tasks, such as creating a new presentation.
Use PowerPoint, you must know the various components of a PowerPoint presentation. The
components of a presentation are as follows:
SLIDES:-A slide serves as the basic component of a presentation. A presentation can contain any
number of slides, just as a book can contain any number of pages. Slides can contain text, pictures,
charts and tables. You can also include animation effects, audio and video clips to the slides in the
OUTLINES:-An outline is a text-only version of the entire content of a presentation. The text is
indented according to the levels of headings, subheadings and running text. These are useful for
editing and rearranging the text in the slides.
SPEAKER NOTES:-Speaker notes are the key points of a presentation used by the presenter as a
reminder. Each slide can have corresponding speaker notes.
HANDOUTS:-Handouts are the paper copies of the slides. Handouts are distributed to the audience
during a presentation. The audience can use these handouts to follow the presenter during the
presentation or refer to them when required. Handouts can be printed with one, two, three, four, six or
nine slides per page, with a blank area next to each slide in which the audience can take notes.
Editing and arranging Presentations:If the PowerPoint application is already open, you can create a new presentation by using the
following steps:
1. On the Office button,
2. Click New.
3. The New Presentation task pane appears as shown above.
4. Click Blank presentation. The Blank presentation command provides a single slide with a plain
white background and a minimal design.
When you create a new presentation using a template (including the Blank Presentation template), you
begin by creating the first slide and then continue to build the presentation by inserting new slides.
For add a new slide after the current slide in Slide View, follow the following steps:
Choose New Slide from the Office Button.
Click on the
New Slide button on the Home Ribbon. Click the slide choice that your
Alternatively, for inserting new slide, you can also use the shortcut key CTRL+M.
This will insert new slide in your presentation.
 Select the slide immediately before where you want the new slide.
 Click the New slide button on the Home tab.
 Select the slide layout..
 Select the slide to duplicate.
 Click the New Slide button on the Home tab.
 Click Duplicate Selected slides.
Each slide of a presentation will follow a specific layout in PowerPoint. The term layout refers to the
manner in which text and pictures are arranged on a slide. The slide layouts in PowerPoint guide the
placement of text and objects on a slide. An object is a table, chart, picture or other non-text
information in your presentation.
The text or object you want to display on a slide can only be placed within placeholders. Placeholders
are rectangular boxes on a slide that can hold text, pictures, charts or tables. Each slide layout contains
a different combination of placeholders.
Some of the slide layouts provided by PowerPoint are discussed below:
This layout is used to display a title and a subtitle for the
Title Only This layout is used to display only a title.
Title and This layout is used to display a heading followed by a list of
Title and 2- This layout is used to display text in two columns.
Title, Text This layout is used to display a picture along with a title and a
and Clip column of text. PowerPoint provides a collection of picture
files. These picture files are called clip art.
This layout is used to display a blank slide in which any
element (chart, textbox, pictures, and tables) can be inserted.
Title and This layout is used to insert any object, such as a table, chart,
picture or video clip in the slide along with the title.
Title and This layout is used to display a table along with a title.
Title Slide
1. Navigate to the slide for which you want to change the layout.
2. On the Home tab, click Slide Layout in the Slides group.
The Slide Layout task pane appears as shown below:
3. Right-click on the layout of your choice.
4. Select Apply to selected slide.
The layout of the selected slide will be changed.
Saving for the first time
(Save your work frequently by saving it to a flash drive, e-mail it to yourself , or use FTP to save copy
of your PowerPoint Presentation)
 Click Microsoft Office Button
 Click Save
Renaming and saving as an earlier version of PowerPoint
 Click Microsoft Office ButtonClick Save As.
 Type in a Name for your presentation.
When you create a presentation, you may want to change the order of your slides.
 In the pane that contains the Outline and Slides tabs, click the slides tab.
 On the Home tab, select the slide thumbnails that you want to move, and then drag them to
their new location.
Note: To select multiple sequential slides, click the first slide, and then hold down SHIFT while you
click the last slide that you want to select. To select multiple nonsequential slides, hold down
CTRL while you click each slide that you want to select.
 To delete a slide from a presentation, right click that you want to delete, and then click Delete
PowerPoint advance features
Themes are designs that can be applied to an entire presentation which provide consistency throughout
the presentation
To Apply Themes:Click the Design Tab.
Choose one of the Themes displayed
To Apply Color Themes:
Click the Color drop down arrow.
Choose a color set or click Create New Theme Color.