Minutes CDCS SCC meeting October 14, 2014 Members present

Minutes CDCS SCC meeting October 14, 2014
Members present: Jen Isber-Legge, Wendy Louwerse, Cory Munro,
Catherine McLeod, Dale Ahrens, Rebecca Raynsford, Debbie Rettinger,
Katrina Eke, Sue Stuempfle, Janice McGuire, Susan D'Angelo, Sara Leask,
Lydia Howie, Kirstin Hastings, Lori MacKinnon , Aryn Millman, Karen Hurst,
Melissa Barfoot, Jen Foxcroft, Christina Rhody, Janine Love, Margie
1) Catherine McLeod gave a talk on e-learning, how it works, and how
students benefit from it. Chesley has several courses run this way this
year. In this type of course there is no teacher at the front of the class.
Students log in to their course each day, have an electronic lesson, with
corresponding work. Work needs to be submitted via an electronic
Dropbox by certain times. Tests are also done online. Students can
email questions to the teacher with answers usually in 24 hours.
Teachers can monitor how often a student logs on. Technology is
available at the school for students to use or you can use your own
laptop. Some other classes are blended classes, with a teacher in front
of the class but the majority of the course program being online. This
works well with the iPad program at CDCS and will prepare students for
future online learning. It does require dedication by the student to keep
on track, work through the material and ask questions. Cory also talked
about how he keeps daily updates of each class online as a reference
for students to access.
2) Cory presented his secondary teacher's report. See attached. Janice
McGuire and Susan D'Angelo gave an elementary teachers report.
Students and teachers are working together on establishing routines
and figuring things out. Coat racks have been installed which has made
many people happy. They are discussing Halloween plans.
Remembrance Day activities are being prepared. Elementary as well as
secondary. Some elementary students will be going to the cenotaph for
the service on November 11th. There will be a book fair during parentteacher interviews in November.
3) Lori talked about reviewing the by-laws from Kinghurst and CDHS.
There are some changes/additions that need to be made. She will
make a final version that will be presented at our next meeting. We had
elections for our co-chairs and voting members. All members opinions
and input is welcome and encouraged. Voting members are members
who will try to attend most meetings and keep updated on items of the
council. If the need should ever arise for a vote on an important issue
the voting members would vote on it, with all parents opinions being
heard. The names of the 10 voting members were read. They are Janet
Stephen, Katrina Eke, Rhonda Beckenhauer, Liz Howatt, Jacquie
Macey, Rebecca Raynsford, Christina Rhody, Dawn Beitz, Lori
MacKinnon and Jen Isber-Legge. Jen made a motion to accept the list
as read and it was seconded by Lori MacKinnon. Lori MacKinnon made
a motion to have Kirstin Hastings and Lydia Howie be accepted as cochairs for this year. It was seconded by Katrina Eke. Lori MacKinnon
made a motion to have Jen Isber-Legge accepted as our PR rep. This
was seconded by Lydia Howie.
4) Elementary food and milk contract forms have gone out. A separate
form is required for each child but one payment form per family may be
sent in. Each term will be 4 weeks in length. Milk will be available daily,
white or chocolate. Pizza will be available Thursdays from New Orleans
Pizza. Grades jk-3/4 will have the opportunity to have either a
cheeseburger or pasta and sauce (alternating) on Tuesday and Grades
4-8 on Wednesday. Money for the first term is due October 22nd. If you
miss you will be able to sign up for the next term. Since this is a parent
run event Jen asked if this money could go into a separate account so it
can be kept track of. Dale will look into this. We will be setting up a
separate fundraising committee to run this. Lori MacKinnon will chair
this committee. We are looking for parents to volunteer for this
committee. It will meet on thursday October 23rd. At 6pm. Volunteers
5) The secondary athletic council will be making a school clothing order
that will be back in time for Christmas. It was asked if elementary
students would be able to order as well. Smaller sizes will be needed.
Dale will look into this as well. Pinneys have been ordered for
elementary sports. Other uniforms are being looked at on a team by
team basis.
6) Student pick up and drop off is getting better. There is still some
congestion around the elementary drop off fence. Parents are asked
not to block students entering the gate. Please remember the parking
loop on the south side of the school is for drop off and pick up not
parking. The boulevard in front of this school still has parents dropping
off students who then have to walk through the buses in the bus loop.
This is very dangerous. Dale is going to contact the municipality about
what that area of road should be. Currently there is a no parking sign
there. It was recommended that a no stopping sign between 8am and
9am and 3:00pm and 4:00pm be put up. It has also been noted that
maybe the speed limit should be lowered on 7th ave. Also a reminder
that there is no smoking on school property.
7) A library update from Sue Stuempfle. The committee is 6-8 parents with
2 community members. Sarah Merrifield is the elementary teacher rep
and Heather Vokes is the secondary teacher rep. Shelves are not
completed yet, however kids are able to use the library. Teachers are
making sure that if a child takes a book out that it must be returned
before a new one can be taken out.
8) Yolanda Cameron from Wes for Youth online will be coming to our SCC
in December to make a presentation at the start of our meeting.
Tuesday December 9th.
9) Principals report- see attached. Lots is happening around the school as
both secondary and elementary students adjust to their new
surroundings. Many thanks to all staff; teachers, admin, support staff,
janitors, everyone who has helped with this transition. We really are
"growing together!"
10) New items. Jen Isber-Legge attended the first PIC meeting of the
board and will report back to the SCC about this. PIC is parent
involvement committee and a board wide parent council where parents
can share with parents of other schools. They meet several times each
year and are always looking for more members. The focus right now is
communicating with parents and effective ways in doing this. If you are
interested in PIC you can contact Jen for more information. CDCS has
a parent based facebook page where parents can look for information
regarding the school such as what time is track and field? When is
lunch money due? Etc. it is not a place to for negative comments. It is
meant for positive sharing only. Just a reminder for parents to keep
their posts positive.