REQUEST FOR TENDER Request for Tender (RFT) for: Provision of After Hours GP Services for residents within the community and Residential Aged Care Facilities for the Outer East and Outer Northern areas of the Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network Catchment. Tender number: 1/15 Issue Date: 10 November 2015] Place for lodgement: via email to] Closing Time 4.30pm 26 November 2015 INTRODUCTION About Eastern Melbourne PHN Eastern Melbourne PHN (“EMPHN”) ABN 13 603 658 895 is a company established to support and promote the planning and delivery of primary health care services in the eastern region of metropolitan Melbourne. EMPHN receives funding from the Commonwealth (through the Department of Health) and from a range of other sources. It applies funds in accordance with the conditions of funding to implement and /or deliver a range of clinical and other programs. EMPHN is seeking responses to this Request for Tender (RFT) from suitably qualified individuals or organisations to provide GP Services to the Community and Residential Aged Care Facilities in the Outer East and Outer Northern areas of the Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network under the After Hours Program. Program Objective: To provide timely after hours GP consultations to the following population groups: Group 1: Priority Service to RACF residents in the outer north of the EMPHN Minimum coverage of the service are between the hours of 6-10pm weekdays and 2-6pm weekends and public holidays. EMPHN will also accept, and look favourably on, applications that include coverage from 6pm -8am weekdays and outside 8am -12noon on Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Post codes for this area include:3076, 3082, 3752, 3174, 3076, 3757, 3095, 3096 Group 2: Priority Service to RACF residents in the Yarra Ranges Minimum coverage of the service are between the hours of 6-10pm weekdays and 2-6pm weekends and public holidays. EMPHN will also accept, and look favourably on, applications that include coverage from 6pm -8am weekdays and outside 8am -12noon on Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Post codes for this area include: 3140, 3777, 3138, 3797, 3137, 3765, 3137, 3799 Group 3: After Hours GP consultations to the general community in the outer north of the EMPHN After Hours GP coverage to the general community in the outer north between the hours of 6pm-8am weekdays and outside 8am-12noon Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Postcodes for this area include: 3658, 3756, 3756, 3757,3758, 3763, 3760, 3761, 3750, 3751, 3099, 3097, 3090, 3777, 3753, 3756 Group 4: After Hours GP consultations to the general community in the Upper Yarra region of the Shire of Yarra Ranges EMPHN Request for tender After Hours GP coverage to the general community in the Upper Yarra region of the Shire of Yarra Ranges between the hours of 6pm-8am weekdays and outside 8am-12noon Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Postcodes for this area include: 3777, 3139, 3775, 3797, 3755, 3799, 3793, 3767, 3788, 3787, 3795, 3792, 3139, 3797, 3770 About this RFT In issuing this RFT, EMPHN seeks to identify a supplier or suppliers who: have the capacity to provide the after hours GP services required by EMPHN in the manner set out in the Specification contained in Part C; are able to demonstrate a commitment to working in collaboration with EMPHN over the term of any agreed contract period to ensure Goods and/or Services provided represent value for money, are provided efficiently, effectively, ethically and economically and in a manner that is accountable and transparent. Capitalised terms used in this RFT have defined meanings which are outlined in section 13 of Part B. Capitalised terms defined elsewhere in this RFT but not referred to in section 13 of Part B have the same meaning wherever used throughout this RFT. Structure of RFT This RFT consists of: This Introduction PART A: Tender Details PART B: Conditions of Tendering PART C: Specification, describing the after hours GP services in respect of which Tenders are invited. PART D: Draft Contract, being the form of contract on which EMPHN proposes to engage the successful Tenderer. PART E: Appendices PART F: Tenderer’s Response Schedule, outlining information that must be provided with the Tender and which must be completed and included in the Tender response. EMPHN Request for tender PART A: TENDER DETAILS The information contained in this Part A must be read in conjunction with the Conditions of Tendering in Part B of this RFT. Item 1: Issuing Entity Eastern Melbourne Healthcare Network Ltd, ABN 13 603 658 895 of 6 Lakeside Drive, East Burwood, VIC 3151 ('EMPHN') Item 2: Tender number - 1/15 Item 3: Program Manager Name and title Kate Temby Address for correspondence by post 6 Lakeside Drive, East Burwood, VIC 3151 Email Address Item 4: Indicative Timetable Key timelines for this tender are set out below. The dates provided are indicative only and may be varied by EMPHN in accordance with the Conditions of Tendering. Activity Date RFT issued 10 November 2015 Tender Briefing (if applicable) NA End of period for questions or requests for information or clarification 13 November 2015 Closing Time and Submission 4.30 PM on 26 November 2015 to Intended completion of evaluation of tenders 3 December 2015 Completion of shortlist (if applicable) 3 December 2015 Negotiations with Tenderer(s) (if applicable) Prior to 9 December 2015 Intended formal notification of successful Tenderer(s) 10 December 2015 EMPHN Request for tender Intended execution of contract(s) Prior to 17 December 2015 Intended commencement date 1 January 2016 for population groups 3 and 4, and 18 January 2016 for population groups 1 and 2 – groups identified under program objectives (see page 2) Intended completion date 30 June 2016 Item 5: Additional materials Minimum data set guidelines Sample contract that will be used for the successful tender Listing of RACFs in outlying EMPHN LGAs Item 6: Lodgement of Tenders Tenders are to be submitted electronically to prior to 4.30pm on Thursday 26 November 2015. All tenderers will receive an email confirmation of the submission prior to 5.30pm on Thursday 26 November 2015. Item 7: Formatting and production requirements Please note the following requirements: Submit the Tender as an MS Word document Tenderer's Response Schedule to be completed and placed at the front of the submission Virus checking of electronic documents Item 8: Additional rules There are no additional rules EMPHN Request for tender PART B: CONDITIONS OF TENDERING 1. Application These Conditions of Tendering set out the rules for participation in the Tender Process. They apply to the RFT and any other information given, received or made available in connection with the RFT, the Tender Process and any communications relating to the RFT or the Tender Process. Any additional rules governing the RFT or the Tender Process set out in Item 8 of Part A (Tender Details) form part of these Conditions of Tendering. By participating in the Tender Process, each Tenderer is deemed to accept these Conditions of Tendering. 2 Condition of participation EMPHN may exclude a Tenderer from participation in the Tender Process if the Tenderer does not provide the information and declarations required in Part E, Tenderer's Response Schedule. 3 Request for Tender (RFT) 3.1 Legal effect of RFT This RFT is not an offer. It is an invitation to submit a proposal for the provision of the Goods and/or Services set out in the Specification. Nothing in this RFT is to be construed as creating any binding contract or understanding between EMPHN and the Tenderer. Such a contract or understanding shall not arise unless and until EMPHN enters into a contract with the Tenderer that is substantially in the form of the Draft Contract. No representation made by or on behalf of EMPHN in connection with the RFT shall be binding on EMPHN unless that representation is expressly incorporated into that contract. 3.2 Accuracy of RFT EMPHN makes no warranty in respect of the accuracy, currency or completeness of the RFT or any other information communicated to the Tenderer in connection with the Tender Process. EMPHN and its employees or agents shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the RFT or in other information communicated or provided to the Tenderer. If a Tenderer believes there is a discrepancy, ambiguity or error in the RFT or other information communicated by EMPHN in connection with the Tenderer, the Tenderer must promptly notify the Program Manager. If EMPHN considers it is necessary to provide a correction to Tenderers, it shall do so without identifying the Tenderer who provided the notification. 3.3 Amendment of RFT EMPHN may, in its discretion change any information in, or issue addenda to, this RFT. In doing so it may require additional information to be included in a Tender. EMPHN Request for tender 3.4 Confidentiality The Tenderer and any other person who receives the RFT or any other information in connection with the Tender Process must: keep the contents of the RFT and such other information confidential; and not disclose or use the RFT or information except for the purpose of developing its Tender. 3.5 Intellectual Property Except as otherwise agreed in writing by EMPHN, any Intellectual Property Rights that exist in the RFT or any other information provided by EMPHN in connection with the Tender Process are and shall remain the property of EMPHN. 4. Conduct of Tenderer 4.1 Requests for further information etc. Any questions or requests for further information or clarification of the RFT or other information provided in respect of the Tender Process must be submitted to the Program Manager in writing. EMPHN reserves the right not to respond to any question or request, irrespective of when such question or request is received. Except where EMPHN is of the opinion that issues raised apply only to an individual Tenderer, questions submitted and answers provided will be made available to all Tenderers without identifying the person who submitted the question. 4.2 Unauthorised contact The Tenderer must not, and must ensure that its employees, consultants and agents do not, do anything in connection with the Tender Process that is or may be seen as being likely or intended to influence the outcome of the Tender Process. Without limiting the previous paragraph, except as permitted by clause 4.1 the Tenderer must not, and must ensure that its employees, agents and consultants do not, contact or communicate or attempt to contact or communicate, with any EMPHN staff member, or with any other person acting as EMPHN's representative in respect of the Tender Process. However, if the Tenderer is a current provider to EMPHN, the Tenderer may continue to communicate with EMPHN in the ordinary course of providing goods and/or services to EMPHN, provided no aspect of the RFT or the Tender Process is discussed. 4.3 Assistance from EMPHN Except to the extent expressly permitted by these Conditions of Tendering, the Tenderer must not, and must ensure that its employees, consultants and agents do not, obtain, or attempt to obtain, assistance in preparing its Tender from employees or contractors of EMPHN. 4.4 Collusion EMPHN Request for tender The Tenderer must not, and must ensure that its employees, consultants and agents do not, engage in collusion, anti-competitive conduct or any other similar conduct with any other Tenderer or other person in relation to their Tender or the Tender Process. 4.5 Unlawful inducements A Tenderer must, and must ensure that its employees, consultants and agents, comply with any applicable laws regarding the offering of bribes or unlawful inducements in connection with the their Tender or the Tender Process. 4.6 Conflict of Interest A Tenderer must not, and must ensure that its employees, consultants and agents do not, place themselves in a position that gives rise or may give rise to actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest between EMPHN and the Tenderer’s interests during the Tender Process. Tenderers must, in Part E (Tenderer's Response Schedule), disclose any interests, relationships or clients which may or do give rise to a conflict of interest in relation to the supply of Goods and/or Services under any contract that may result from this RFT. If a conflict of interest arises, or is likely to arise, which was not disclosed in the Tender, the Tenderer must notify the Program Manager immediately in writing of that conflict. 4.7 Disqualification In addition to any other remedies available to it under law or contract, EMPHN may, in its absolute discretion, disqualify the Tenderer if it believes the Tenderer has contravened clause 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 or 4.6. 5 Submission of Tenders 5.1 Lodgement Tenders must be lodged by the means, and in accordance with the requirements, set out in item 6 of Part A (Details of Tender). 5.2 Late Tenders Tenders must be lodged by the Closing Time specified in item 4 of Part A (Details of Tender). However, the Closing Time may be extended by EMPHN in its absolute discretion by providing written notice to Tenderers. Tenders lodged after the Closing Time or lodged at a location or in a manner that is contrary to that specified in this RFT will be disqualified from the Tender Process unless the Tenderer demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of EMPHN that late lodgement of the Tender: resulted from circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Tenderer; and the integrity of the Tender Process will not be compromised by accepting a late Tender. The determination of EMPHN as to the actual time that a Tender is lodged is final. 6. Tender documents 6.1 Format and contents The Tenderer must ensure that: the Tender contains the completed Part E (Tenderer's Response Schedule) and all information requested in that Schedule; the Tender complies with specified formatting or production requirements specified in item 7 of Part A (Details of Tender); the tender is legible and comprehensible; and information in the Tender complies does not exceed any specified word or page limits . EMPHN Request for tender EMPHN may reject a Tender that does not include the information requested or that is not in the format required, and may disregard any part of the Tender that is illegible or incomprehensible or that exceeds specified word or page limits. Incomplete Tenders may be disqualified or evaluated solely on the information contained in the Tender. Tenders should not be unnecessarily lengthy or elaborate. 6.2 Correction of errors If, after submitting the Tender, the Tenderer becomes aware of an error in its Tender, the Tenderer must promptly notify EMPHN of such error. EMPHN may permit the Tenderer to correct an unintentional error in the Tender unless it considers that doing so would allow the Tenderer to materially alter the substance of the Tenderer’s Response. 6.3 Cost of preparing Tenders The Tenderer is responsible for all costs incurred in respect of the Tender Process. EMPHN will not be responsible for, nor pay for, any expense or loss that may be incurred by the Tenderers in the preparation of its Tender or participation in the Tender Process. 6.4 Disclosure of Tender information EMPHN may disclose the fact of a Tender being submitted and information contained in the Tender: as required by law; as required by DoHA or other agency in connection with its funding or administration of the Program; for the purpose of investigations by law enforcement agencies or other government authorities having relevant jurisdiction; or to external consultants and advisers engaged by EMPHN to assist with the Tender Process. 6.5 Property in the Tenders Upon submission of a Tender, the Tender becomes the property of EMPHN. However, the submission of a Tender does not transfer to EMPHN any ownership interest in the Tenderer’s intellectual property rights, or give EMPHN any rights in relation to the Tender, save that by submitting the Tender, the Tenderer licenses EMPHN to reproduce the whole or any part of the Tender for the purposes of enabling EMPHN to evaluate the Tender. 6.6 Period of validity A Tender remains valid for a minimum 120 days after the Closing Time, or for such longer period as is agreed between EMPHN and the Tenderer. 6.7 Legal Effect of Tender A Tender constitutes an irrevocable offer by the Tenderer to EMPHN to provide the Goods and/or Services required under, and otherwise to satisfy the requirements of, the Specification on the terms and conditions of the Draft Contract (subject to any non-conformances identified in the Tenderer's Response Schedule). A Tender must not be expressed to be conditional on or subject to: board or executive approval of the Tenderer or a related party of the Tenderer; the conduct of due diligence or any other form of enquiry or investigation; obtaining any regulatory approval or consent; obtaining the consent or approval of any third party; or EMPHN Request for tender negotiation of commercial or contractual terms. EMPHN may, in its absolute discretion, disregard a Tender if it is, or purports to be, subject to any one or more of the conditions detailed above. EMPHN reserves the right to accept a Tender in part or in whole or to negotiate with a Tenderer in accordance with clause 8.3 of these Conditions of Tender. 6.8 Tenderer's Responsibilities The Tenderer is responsible for: examining this RFT and any documents referenced or attached to this RFT and any associated or additional material or documentation; fully informing him, her or itself in relation to all matters arising from this RFT, including all matters regarding EMPHN’ requirements for the provision of the Goods and/or Services; ensuring that the Tender is accurate and complete; making own enquiries and assessing all risks regarding the RFT, and fully incorporating the impact of any known and unknown risks into the Tender; and ensuring that they comply with all applicable laws in regards to the Tender Process. 7. Compliance with Specification and Draft Contract 7.1 Compliance with Specification Subject to this clause, the Tender must address the requirements of the Specification contained in Part C of this RFT. EMPHN may in its discretion accept minor variations or departures from the Specifications proposed by Tenderers. However, substantive variations or departures from the Specification will not be considered unless the Tenderer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of EMPHN the necessity for such variations or departures. The Tenderer must submit a tabulated statement, with numbering corresponding to the relevant clauses, showing its level of compliance with the Specification contained in Part C of this RFT. Tenderers must state if they will not comply with the Specification, or will only comply with the Specification subject to conditions. Full details of the non-compliance (including the nature and extent of the non-compliance and any reasons for such non-compliance) must be stated in the space provided in the tabulated statement contained in Section 3 of Part E. No response is required in respect of a particular section of the Specification where the Tenderer will comply with the Specification. Only sections that the Tenderer will not comply with, or will only comply with subject to conditions, should be noted. EMPHN will assume that a Tenderer’s Response complies in all relevant respects with the Specification unless the Tenderer states otherwise. Failure to notify EMPHN of any noncompliance may result in a Tender being disregarded. 7.2 Compliance with the Draft Contract Subject to this clause, the Tender must agree to enter into the Draft Contract contained in Part D of this RFT. EMPHN may in its discretion accept minor variations or departures from the Draft Contract proposed by Tenderers. However, substantive variations or departures from the Draft Contract will not be considered unless the Tenderer is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of EMPHN the necessity for such variations or departures. EMPHN Request for tender The Tenderer must submit a tabulated statement, with numbering corresponding to the relevant clauses, showing its level of compliance with the Draft Contract contained in Part D of this RFT. Tenderers must state if they will not comply with the Draft Contract, or will only comply with the Draft Contract subject to conditions. Full details of the non-compliance (including the nature and extent of the non-compliance and any reasons for such noncompliance) must be stated in the space provided in the tabulated statement contained in Section 4 of Part E, together with any proposed amendments that would render the contractual provision acceptable to the Tenderer. No response is required in respect of a particular clause of the Draft Contract where the Tenderer will comply with the Draft Contract. Only clauses that the Tenderer will not comply with, or will only comply with subject to conditions should be noted in the tabulated statement. EMPHN will assume that a Tenderer is able to and agrees to comply in all relevant respects with the Draft Contract unless the Tenderer expressly states otherwise. Failure to notify EMPHN of any non-compliance may result in the Tender being disregarded. 7.3 General For the purposes of the Tenderer's preparation of the compliance statements required under clauses 7.1 and 7.2, indefinite responses such as “noted”, “to be discussed” or “to be negotiated” are not acceptable. While EMPHN may conduct negotiations with one or more Tenderer, Tenderers are required to indicate specifically why it does not comply with a provision of the Specification or the Draft Contract, or the conditions surrounding its compliance. Where the Tenderer is unwilling to accept a specified condition, the nonacceptance must be clearly stated. 7.4 Alternative Tender A Tenderer may submit an alternative proposal. An alternative proposal will only be accepted if: the Tenderer also provides a conforming Tenderer’s Response; and the alternative proposal is clearly identified as an “Alternative Tender”. Tenderers are encouraged to offer options or solutions which may, in an innovative way, contribute to EMPHN' ability to carry out its business in a more cost-effective manner. These may be related to: the outputs, functional, performance and technical aspects of the requirement; minimisation of environmental impact; or opportunities for more advantageous commercial arrangements. Any such options or solutions will be considered by EMPHN on a “commercial in confidence” basis if so requested by the Tenderer. Where a Tenderer submits an offer which meets the requirements of the RFT in an alternative and practical manner, the Tender must also include any supplementary material (including such pricing and costing details as may be necessary to enable EMPHN to fully assess the value for money and financial impact of the alternative proposal), which demonstrates in detail that such an alternative will fully achieve and/or exceed all the specified requirements, together with references as to why the additional features may be advantageous. EMPHN reserves the right to consider such offers on their merits or not to consider them at all. 8. Evaluation of Tenders 8.1 Evaluation process EMPHN Request for tender EMPHN will evaluate Tenders against the Evaluation Criteria specified in Part C (Specification) of the RFT. EMPHN may: shortlist one or more Tenderers to proceed to further negotiations; commence or continue negotiations with all Tenderers without shortlisting any Tenderers; request a 'best and final offer' from one or more Tenderers; accept one or more of the Tenders; reject any or all Tenders; or suspend or cease to proceed with the Tender Process. EMPHN may, but is not in any way bound to, shortlist, to select as successful, or to accept the Tender offering the lowest price. Should EMPHN choose to include a shortlisting stage in its evaluation process, EMPHN is not, at any time, required to notify Tenderers or any other person or organisation interested in submitting a Tender. The commencement of negotiations by EMPHN with one or more other Tenderers is not to be taken as an indication that any particular Tender has not been successful. 8.2 Clarification of Tender EMPHN may seek clarification or further information from the Tenderer at any time during the evaluation process, and may use any response or further information provided by the Tenderer in evaluating the Tender. Failure to supply clarification or further information to the satisfaction of EMPHN may lead to the Tender not being evaluated further. 8.3 Negotiation and presentation EMPHN may, at any stage of the evaluation process, elect to engage in detailed discussions with any one or more Tenderers. As part of this negotiation process, EMPHN may request the Tenderer to improve one or more aspects of their Tender, including any technical, financial, corporate or legal components. EMPHN may also request one or more Tenderers to provide references or additional information make themselves available for interview or to make a presentation. Failure to supply further information to the satisfaction of EMPHN or to participate in an interview or make a presentation may lead to the Tender not being evaluated further. EMPHN is under no obligation to conduct any negotiations with, to seek additional information, to conduct interviews or request presentations. 8.4 Best and final offers EMPHN may (but is under no obligation to) invite the Tenderer to submit a best and final offer in relation to all or certain aspects of the Tender. After receiving any best and final offers, EMPHN may then conduct a final evaluation of the Tenders, taking into account the best and final offers submitted. These Conditions of Tendering to apply to the submission of any best and final offer. 9 Successful Tenders 9.1 No legally binding contract Selection as a successful Tenderer does not give rise to a contract. No legal relationship will exist between EMPHN and a successful Tenderer until such time as a binding contract is executed by them. 9.2 Pre-contractual negotiations EMPHN Request for tender EMPHN may, in its absolute discretion, decide to enter into pre-contractual negotiations with a successful Tenderer. However, the Tenderer is bound by its Tender. Subject to clause 7.2, successful Tenderers will be required to enter into the Draft Contract (contained in Part C) without negotiation. 9.3 No obligation to appoint EMPHN is under no obligation to appoint a successful Tenderer, or to enter into a contract with a successful Tenderer or any other person. Where EMPHN decides not to appoint or enter into a contract with a successful Tenderer or any other person, EMPHN will be free to proceed via any alternative process. 9.4 Notification of un-successful Tenderers and debrief All Tenderers will be informed in writing of the outcome of their Tenders at the earliest opportunity. EMPHN may in its discretion conduct a debriefing session for all Tenderers (successful and unsuccessful). 10 Tenderer warranties By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer warrants that: it did not rely on any express or implied statement, warranty or representation, whether oral, written or otherwise made by or on behalf of EMPHN, its officers, employees, agents or advisers other than any statement, warranty or representation expressly contained in the RFT; it did not use the improper assistance of EMPHN' employees or information unlawfully obtained from EMPHN in compiling its Tender; it has examined this RFT and any other documents referenced or referred to herein, and any other information made available in writing by EMPHN to Tenderers for the purposes of submitting a Tender; it has sought and examined all necessary information which is obtainable by making reasonable enquiries relevant to the risks and other circumstances affecting its Tender; it has otherwise obtained all information and advice necessary for the preparation of its Tender; it is responsible for all costs and expenses related to the preparation and lodgement of its Tender, any subsequent negotiation and any future process connected with or relating to the Tender Process; it shall not hold EMPHN liable for any claim in respect of any cost, expense, loss or damage on the basis of any contractual, promissory or restitutionary grounds whatsoever as a consequence of any matter relating to its participation in the Tender Process, including, without limitation, if it is not engaged to perform under any contract; it otherwise accepts and will comply with these Conditions of Tendering; it will provide additional information in a timely manner as requested by EMPHN to clarify any matters contained in the Tender; and it is satisfied as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Tender. 11. EMPHN's rights Without limiting its other rights under these Conditions of Tendering or at law, EMPHN reserves the right, in its absolute discretion at any time, to: EMPHN Request for tender cease to proceed with or suspend the Tender Process; alter the structure and/or the timing of the RFT or the Tender Process; vary or extend any time or date specified in this RFT for all or any Tenderers or other persons; terminate the participation of any Tenderer or any other person in the Tender Process; require additional information or clarification from any Tenderer or any other person or provide additional information or clarification; negotiate with any one or more Tenderers and allow any Tenderer to alter its Tender; call for new Tenders; reject any Tender received after the Closing Time; reject any Tender that does not comply with the requirements of this RFT; or consider and accept or reject any alternative tender. 12 Governing law This RFT and the Tender Process is governed by the laws applying in the State of Victoria. 13 Interpretation In this RFT, unless a contrary intention is apparent: Alternative Tender means a tender submitted in accordance with clause 7.4 of these Conditions of Tender. DoHA means the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing Evaluation Criteria means the criteria set out in Part C (Specification) of the RFT. Intellectual Property Rights includes copyright and neighbouring rights, and all proprietary rights in relation to inventions (including patents), registered and unregistered trademarks (including service marks), registered designs, circuit layouts and all other proprietary rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. Program Manager means the person so designated in item 3 of Part A (Tender Details) of this RFT. Draft Contract means the agreement and any other terms and conditions contained in or referred to in Part D (Draft Contract) of this RFT. Request For Tender or RFT means this document (comprising each of the parts identified in the Introduction as forming part of this Tender. Specification means the specification or description of EMPHN requirements described in Part C (Specification) of this RFT. Tender means a document lodged by a Tenderer in response to this RFT containing an offer to provide Goods and/or Services in accordance with the Specification. Tenderer means a person or organisation that submits a Tender. Tender Process means the process commenced by the issuing of this RFT and concluding upon formal announcement by EMPHN of the selection of a successful Tenderer(s) and execution of a contract with the successful Tenderer(s) or upon the earlier termination of the process. EMPHN Request for tender 14. Inconsistency If there is any inconsistency between the documents that comprise this RFT, the documents will be interpreted in the following, descending order of precedence: the Conditions of Tendering in Part B; the Specification in Part C of this RFT; the Draft Contract in Part D of this RFT; Part E of this RFT and any annexes or attachments; and any other part of this RFT, so that the provision in the higher ranked document, to the extent of the inconsistency, prevails. EMPHN Request for tender PART C: SPECIFICATION (INDICATIVE) 1 PROJECT/ PROGRAM OVERVIEW Eastern Melbourne PHN is a new organisation formed following the merger of three Medicare Locals (MLs) including Eastern Melbourne, Inner East Melbourne and Northern ML. The region has 1.4 million residents, 393 general practices, 160 Residential Aged Care Facilities and covers a region of 3,956 square kilometres. It has 12 Local Government Areas and is a mix of metropolitan and regional areas. Currently there is excellent coverage by MDS services in the metropolitan areas, but limited access in the regional areas of the outer north and outer east of the region. EMPHN region map: City of Banyule City of Monash City of Boroondara City of Whittlesea City of Knox Shire of Mitchell* (part) City of Manningham Shire of Murrindindi* (part) City of Maroondah Shire of Nillumbik EMPHN Request for tender Shire of Yarra Ranges City of Whitehorse The EMPHN has six priority areas, as outlined below, including After Hours and Aged Care: • After hours • Aged care • Mental health • General Practice engagement and support • Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme • Clinical education EMPHN After Hours Program has received funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health, and has responsibility for supporting equitable and timely region wide access to after hours primary health care services. This document is to provide accredited MDS or GP services with the opportunity to tender to provide after hours GP services to outer northern and outer eastern regions where MDS services do not currently exist. 2 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS AND/OR SERVICES As outlined in the objectives, the project will provide after hours GP consultations to the following population groups: Group 1: Priority Service to RACF residents in the outer north of the EMPHN (refer to Appendix 1) Minimum coverage of the service are between the hours of 6-10pm weekdays and 2-6pm weekends and public holidays. EMPHN will also accept, and look favourably on, applications that include coverage from 6pm -8am weekdays and outside 8am -12noon on Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Post codes for this area include:3076, 3082, 3752, 3174, 3076, 3757, 3095, 3096 Group 2: Priority Service to RACF residents in the Yarra Ranges of the EMPHN (refer to Appendix 1) Minimum coverage of the service are between the hours of 6-10pm weekdays and 2-6pm weekends and public holidays. EMPHN will also accept, and look favourably on, applications that include coverage from 6pm -8am weekdays and outside 8am -12noon on Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Post codes for this area include: 3140, 3777, 3138, 3797, 3137, 3765, 3137, 3799 Group 3: After Hours GP consultations to the general community in the outer north of the EMPHN EMPHN Request for tender After Hours GP coverage to the general community in the outer north between the hours of 6pm-8am weekdays and outside 8am-12noon Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Postcodes for this area include: 3658, 3756, 3756, 3757,3758, 3763, 3760, 3761, 3750, 3751, 3099, 3097, 3090, 3777, 3753, 3756 Group 4: After Hours GP consultations to the general community in the Upper Yarra region of the Shire of Yarra Ranges After Hours GP coverage to the general community in the Upper Yarra region of the Shire of Yarra Ranges between the hours of 6pm-8am weekdays and outside 8am-12noon Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays. Postcodes for this area include: 3777, 3139, 3775, 3797, 3755, 3799, 3793, 3767, 3788, 3787, 3795, 3792, 3139, 3797, 3770 Service delivery to groups 1 and 2 will be provided as a priority service. Please outline in the tender how timely access will be prioritised. For example call outs to the service will be responded to within 2 hrs and a dedicated GP/s will be allocated to the service to meet the demand. A dedicated phone line will need to be established for the population groups 1 and 2. This priority phone line will need to be communicated to participating RACFs as the dedicated number to contact for the service. RACFs will be able to ring this phone line and book the GP from 4pm onwards. Service delivery will be to the general public and to residents in RACFs, but the Tenderer can tender for the general public only or RACFs only, or both of these groups. The service will be provided in the after hours period as defined by the Department of Health for the community: 3 o Outside 8am to 6pm weekdays o Outside 8am to 12 noon on Saturdays o All day Sundays and public holidays o The service for RACFs can be conducted between 6-10pm weekdays and 2-6pm weekends and public holidays. EMPHN will also accept, and look favourably on, applications that include coverage from 6pm -8am weekdays and outside 8am 12noon on Saturdays and all day Saturdays and Sundays The contract will expire on 30 June 2016 ANTICIPATED REMUNERATION FOR SERVICE Group 1 –RACFs residents in the outer north, remuneration will not exceed $40,000.00 Group 2 –RACFs residents in the outer east of the Shire of Yarra Ranges, remuneration will not exceed $40,000.00 EMPHN Request for tender Group 3 –The General Community in the outer north, remuneration will not exceed $80,000.00 Group 4 –The General Community in the Outer East, remuneration will not exceed $80,000.00 For all groups, remuneration will not exceed $240,000.00 Tenders that can show cost savings and value for money while still providing a high quality service will be viewed favourably. Note: Remuneration will be paid in addition to the Medicare rebates received by the Visiting GP. 4 PROGRAM / PROJECT GOVERNANCE The tender will be managed by two EMPHN staff: Kate Temby, Manager Access and Diverse Communities Susan Rice, After Hours Team Leader 5 KEY DELIVERABLES Provision of service as outlined in description of service (item 2) Reporting requirements include: All reporting to be provided electronically by the due date to Susan Rice at Quarterly data reporting against the minimum data set Quarterly qualitative reporting (template supplied by EMPHN) Final report (template supplied by EMPHN) Other reporting as agreed upon between EMPHN and the successful tenderer/s 6 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS The medical deputising service or GP service must be accredited against either the National Association for Medical Deputising Services (NAMDS) or the Royal College of General Practitioners (RACGP) The tender must include information about service reach and all costs, and any areas not able to be serviced must be clearly identified The tender must also contain information about the following items: o legal structures o insurance o financial viability EMPHN Request for tender All GPs working in the program are required to have a current Police Check, this will be managed by the successful tenderer/s at their own expense. 6 EVALUATION 6.1 Evaluation Criteria The tenderer demonstrates an understanding of the requirements of the program The tenderer has a proven track record of high quality service delivery The tenderer demonstrates capacity to provide the after hours GP services at the specified times, within the specified timelines to the specified areas. The tenderer demonstrates a commitment to the objectives of EMPHN in the provision of primary health care. The tenderer demonstrates value for money in the provision of services 6.2 Evaluation process A selection panel within EMPHN will be convened for the purpose of identifying the successful Tender/s. The panel will consist of EMPHN staff at Director, Manager and Team Leader levels. Evaluation Score Exceeds all aspects of the criterion 4 Exceeds some aspects of the criterion and meets others 3 Meets the criterion 2 Fails to meet some aspects of the criterion 1 Fails to meet any aspects of the criterion 0 EMPHN Request for tender PART D - DRAFT CONTRACT Insert form of contract as appropriate. PART E - APPENDICES Appendix 1 – List of EMPHN post codes Appendix 2 – Minimum data set guidelines EMPHN Request for tender PART F - TENDERER'S RESPONSE SCHEDULE This Schedule must be completed and included in the Tender response. 1. Tenderer’s Information Organisation name Legal status ABN ACN (if applicable) Place of incorporation (if applicable) Address of principal office in Victoria Postal Address Website address Contact person / representative Telephone Email Facsimile Number of full time employees 2. Executive Summary Provide a brief executive summary providing an overview of the Tender (not to exceed [2] pages in length). Include any key assumptions on which the Tender is based. 3. Compliance with the Specification Identify any non-compliances with the specification. Refer clauses 7.1 and 7.3 of the Conditions of Tendering for the requirements for completing this section. 4. Compliance with Draft Contract Identify any non-compliances with the Draft Contract. Refer clause 7.2 and 7.3 of the Conditions of Tendering for the requirements for completing this section. 5. Alternative Proposal If the Tenderer also submits an Alternative Proposal, include a brief summary. Refer clause 7.4 of the Conditions of Tendering for the requirements for completing this section. 6. Skills and Capability Provide evidence of relevant skills, expertise, experience and capacity to provide the services. This should include: details of the methodology proposed for delivering the Goods and/or Services; a brief statement of relevant qualifications and experience of each key member of staff proposed for the work, together with an outline of their role in delivering the Goods and/or Services; and details of previous or other current work related to the requirements in the Specification. 7. Referees Provide names, positions and contact details (including telephone number and email address) for [3] referees that EMPHN could contact regarding the Tenderer's ability to provide to the Goods and/or Services required under the Specification. This should include brief details of the work performed and the period during which it was performed. By nominating a referee, the Tenderer authorises the referee to provide to EMPHN personal and commercial information about the Tenderer and its personnel. 8. Financial capacity Tenderers are required to demonstrate that they have the financial capacity to comply with the Draft Contract. Accordingly, you are required to provide the following information. If the answer to any of the following questions is “yes”, provide an explanation. Are there any significant events, matters or circumstances which may significantly affect the operations of the Tenderer? Are there any proceedings, either actual or threatened, against the Tenderer, its parent or associated entities or any director of the Tenderer? Are there any insolvency related proceedings, actual or threatened (including bankruptcy, voluntary administration, application to wind up, or other like action) against the Tenderer? Are there any other factors which could adversely impact on the financial ability of the Tenderer to successfully perform the obligations under the Draft Contract? Has the Tenderer engaged in collusive tendering or received improper assistance in preparing the Tender? 9. Risk and insurance Provide details of all insurances maintained by the Tenderer that are required to be maintained by the Specification. Include for each insurance: Name of insurance company/ies Policy type (eg public liability, professional indemnity, etc) Policy number(s) Expiry dates Limit of liability Relevant exclusions Provide brief details of all risk management strategies and practices of the Tenderer that would be applicable or relevant in the context of the supply of the Goods and/or Services. 10. Conflict of interest Provide details of any interests, relationships or clients which giver rise, may give rise or may be seen to give rise, to a conflict of interest in relation to the provision of the goods and/or services under the Draft Contract. Outline the processes the Tenderer has in place to address any conflict of interest that may arise or may be seen to arise in the course of providing goods and/or services under the Draft Contract. 11. Summary of Costs This section should include a summary showing the costs of each item or deliverable and the total costs (in A$ and exclusive of GST). Acceptance and declaration On behalf of the Tenderer, I, the authorised officer named below, accept the Terms and Conditions of this tender and declare that the information provided in this tender is true and correct. Signature of authorised officer Name of authorised officer Title/office held Date