Project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia MOLI Serbia Belgrade, 11.4.2012. CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS Project title: 2274/Project against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Serbia (MOLI Serbia) Publication ref.: JP/2274 MOLI Serbia, 2011 AO 56 – Contract for supply for complete solution for backup, disaster recovery, business intelligence and data warehouse in Serbia Tender no.: 2011 AO 56 bis (Lot 2) - Technical specification for procurement of Complete Oracle’s Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehouse (DW) solution, improvement of existing Alfresco Document and Case Management System (DCMS) and Oracle’s Application Suite (TMIS) with software licences, installation, implementation, documentation, training and maintenance in warranty period No Question 1. In the chapter 2.3 it is stated "the essence is the replacement of the existing in-house developed data warehouse system and business intelligence system (Oracle Discoverer)" Questions: Could you please give us more details about that solution including the following: What RDBMS is used for DW? What is used for BI reports? Is this solution is integrated with Alfresco and TMIS? And similar It would be highly appreciated if you could share with us general overview of the existing solution. Conseil de l’Europe Answer In the chapter 3. Current status and subchapters: 3.1. General Project Description, 3.2. IT Unit and 3.3. IT Infrastructure You can find more detailed description of current system. RDBMS is Oracle 10g For BI reports is used Oracle Discoverer Existing BI solution is part of TMIS system. F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 1/7 1/7 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS 2. Question: Do we have to prepare for any migration activities meaning that we should load data from existing DW solution or we would start from scratch? In the chapter 5.1. - Detailed Functional Requirements you can find detailed functional requirements, as well as proposed project management methodology. It is expected that the Beneficiary will have all history data from existing Data Warehouse (DW) solution in new DW solution after implementation. The Tenderer should give detailed description of proposed activities in tender documentation. 3. In the chapter 5.1.1 are partially defined possible data sources for future DW. Question: Could you first confirm if those are all sources that can be expected? Moreover can you provide to us more detailed specification of each source including: Exact type and structure of every file based source Available interface for TMIS Available interface for Alfresco Expected frequency for every source Expected data volume for every source In this respect, could you please provide us with more detailed specification of expected volume of the data? For example what is current volume of existing DW, TMIS and Alfresco? It is to be expected that number of data sources will increase in future, so the Tenderer has to offer flexible solution. For the scope of this Tender, list of data sources is defined in the chapter 5.1.1. Due to nature of Beneficiary's business processes and data security requirements, existing more detailed specifications of each source will be given to the Tenderer selected in tender process, and after signing Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The Tenderer can estimate current total data volume of existing DW, TMSI and Alfresco to 30GB. Conseil de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 2/7 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS 4. In the chapter "Implementation of indicators and transaction ranking rules" is described. It is also stated "there are six groups defined with 64 defined criteria". Questions: Is this ranking system already implemented and implementer had to integrate DW solution with the system or implementer will have to develop and implement ranking system from the scratch? If the first is the case will you please provide us with more detailed specification of the existing system? If second is the case will you please provide us with more detailed specification of requirements that have to be fulfilled with such a system? For example does this system have to rank certain transaction before it is finished, "near real time", or after and similar? Chapter explains this to certain extent but it is, from our point of view, contradictory. If ranking (scoring) is "carried-out" in the so-called silent mode which does not affect the users in their work..." Why it should "start operating after the APML's business hours"? Ranking solution currently is not automated. Current defined ranking rules and requirements will be given to the Tenderer selected in tender process, and after signing NonDisclosure Agreement (NDA). The purpose of ranking rules implementation is enriching current analysis process with new data metrics and quality. It is not necessary for proposed system to have possibility to rank certain transaction before it is finished. Since transactions ranked are the same ones received in reports from commercial banks, Western Union, National Bank of Serbia and capital market, as described in, the necessary condition for starting the ranking process is completion of reception of all above mentioned transaction reports. The Tenderer should give detailed description of proposed transaction ranking solution in tender documentation. 5. In the chapter is stated "automatic matching is performed with the relevant analytical and suspicions cases". Questions: Is this matching capability already built in the Alfresco? If it is already built in Alfresco, could you please provide us with more detailed specification of this feature? If it is not already built in Alfresco, could you please provide us with more detailed specification of requirements that have to be fulfilled with such system? Especially we would appreciate more detailed specification on how the lists of suspicious and monitored persons are formed and from which sources? Matching capability should be implemented in offered Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence solution. More detailed specifications of maintaining list of suspicious and monitored persons will be given to the Tenderer selected in tender process, and after signing NonDisclosure Agreement (NDA). The Tenderer should give detailed description of proposed solution in tender documentation. Conseil de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 3/7 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS 6. 7. In the chapter it is stated "In practice, the user mainly has the need for more complex workflows that include two or more such steps..." Complexity of workflows can vary widely depending on actual need and requirements. Question: Could you please provide us with actual examples of such workflows examples that are in the group of ultimate complexity? Workflow examples will be given to the Tenderer selected in tender process, and after signing NonDisclosure Agreement (NDA). The Tenderer in tender documentation should give detailed description of wizard for easy configuring of complex workflows based on existing experience and knowledge. Tool used to create visual presentation and analysis of relations among participants in financial and securities transactions is mentioned several times in the tender document Questions: Could you please explain in more details how this tool will be integrated with DW and BI solution? What are data structures that are exported from DW to be used by I2? How to export them? Through file, service, direct interface over the DW database or? Does I2 read from DW or directly from sources? How is I2 currently used (if it is used)? etc. As stated in , in order to have I2 diagram in analytical case report, Beneficiary's analyst currently need to manually combine data from several Oracle Discoverer reports and other data sources, with manual data extraction, matching and preparation. This is time consuming and increase possibility of human error, so offered solution need to have feature of automatic report creation for I2, as well as for several other systems (Automatic analysis of transactions database, reports used for MS Word templates etc.). The Tenderer should give detailed description of proposed solution in tender documentation. Conseil de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 4/7 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS 8. 9. In the chapter is presented what are additional sources and what are requirements for that. Questions: What are data sets required from Western Union What are data sets required from SBRA Could you please explain what and how validation rules will be applied between two entities? Who will be responsible for data correction once validation rule fails? Moreover, last chapter states "there is a need to receive other structured data that APML should receive from the..." Could you please specify how many other data sources are expected, except for 5 source files already defined in tender documentation. For those additional sources please provide detailed specification as it is requested on 2.4 above. Detailed description of data sets formats from Western Union and SBRA will be given to the Tenderer selected in tender process, and after signing Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Existing data validation and transfer procedure is that system is validating reports before transfer. Every report is kept in original form after receiving. As stated in offered solution should have easy configurable form for reception of structured data, with possibility to add/delete/modify form fields and parameters. Due to regulation and communication changes and trends, it is to be expected that number of data sources will increase in future, so the Tenderer has to offer flexible solution. As stated in offered solution should have easy configurable form for reception of structured data, with possibility to add/delete/modify form fields and parameters. The Tenderer should give detailed description of proposed easy configurable form in tender documentation Tender file does not contain any information about the expected timeframe and budget limit for lot 2 specifically. Question: Could you please share this information with us? Prices breakdown is defined in Annex 8 – Prices breakdown. Paying terms and conditions are defined in Annex 5 – Quantitative acceptance and Quality control and chapter 8.1.Project roadmap of this Tender documentation. According to tender procedure, it is not possible to provide information about the budget limit to Tenderers. Conseil de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 5/7 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS 10. Within the "Annex 3 – Support and maintenance", Question 2, page 7, it is stated: Technical support 9x5 by telephone and email", while on page 9, for lot 2 it is stated that "24x7x365 with minimal resolution time" is required. Question: Could you please clarify if the technical support system for Lot 2 should be a 9x5 or 24x7 basis? On page 7, Question 2, Technical support for system is requested technical support 9x5 by telephone and e-mail. Annex 3 – Support and maintenance, page 9 is for Lot 2 requested 24 x 7 x 365 with minimal resolution time according to Severity level specified in table on page 9. Requested technical support for complete solution for Lot 2 is 24 x 7 x 365 with minimal resolution time according to Severity level specified in table on page 9. 11. According to A2274_MOLI_ITTechSpecs _Annexes_March_2012; Annex 8 – Prices Breakdown: "If Bidder comes from Serbia payments will be in Serbian Dinar – CSD based on average exchange rate of National Bank of Serbia on the date of proper invoice delivery". Question: Who will be the contracting authority once the contract is awarded: APML (Ministry of Finance) or Council of Europe? a) In case the contracting authority is Council of Europe can the payments be in foreign currency (EUR)? b) If the contracting authority is APML the payments are to be in RSD. Can the average exchange rate of NBS be defined on the day of invoice issuance? Contracting authority is Council of Europe. As stated in Annex 8 – Prices breakdown, all prices has to be expressed in EURO (€) at Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) Belgrade in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000, excluding VAT. If Bidder comes from Serbia payments should be in Serbian Dinar – based on average exchange rate of National Bank of Serbia on the date of proper invoice delivery. Conseil de l’Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 6/7 CONTRACTING AUTHORITY’S CLARIFICATIONS 12. Within chapter "2.3.3 Project Implementation and expected results" it is stated: Replacement of 50 (fifty) existing Discoverer reports and development of 10 (ten) new reports done; 10 new MS Word templates for external reporting of APML created in BI Publisher from BI subject areas, based on APML standard memorandum; BI analyst can select desired predefined attributes and create MS Word template which will be fulfilled with data through BI Publisher; Question: What is the complexity of the reports? Can we see the examples of existing reports? Reduced time needed for reports creating at least by 50%; Question: What is the current time for creating reports? Reduced time needed for generating complex reports at least by 50%; Question: Which reports are complex, what is the level of complexity and what is the current time for these reports? Conseil de l’Europe The Tenderer can assume that majority of reports are average complexity, with some number with low complexity and some number of complex reports. Existing report examples will be given to the Tenderer selected in tender process, and after signing NonDisclosure Agreement (NDA). Total time for report creating includes also includes manual report setup and execution, and vary from report to report. The Tenderer can assume average time needed for both standard and complex report creation with Oracle Discoverer tool. Since definition of report complexity is subjective, exact Key Performance Indicator (KPI) regarding time needed for both standard and complex report creation will be defined through gathering and analyzing phase, as described in F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex 7/7