Cake Box Notes

ACT Health Food safety guidelines for Fetes and Fundraising Food Stalls
Remember - Low risk - No high-risk foods
Can I prepare the food at home?
Yes. Low risk foods may be prepared quite safely in home kitchens.
However, please keep the following in mind:
a) during cooking or preparation there should always be ready access to a hand basin;
b) hands and personal clothing should be kept thoroughly clean at all times;
c) anyone suffering from a food-borne disease or experiencing diarrhoea, vomiting, fever, jaundice or a sore
throat with fever should only take part in the food business if –
i) they have no direct contact with food or food contact surfaces;
ii) infected skin lesions are not exposed and completely covered;
iii) it is impossible to touch the infected lesions or any discharges; and
iv) any discharges are wiped using disposable tissues followed by thorough washing and drying of hands.
d) animals must not have access to the kitchen during food preparation.
Remember - Healthy home = Safe food
What are the main hazards?
There are three main hazards associated with selling low risk foods from stalls:
1. contamination of the food by exposure to raw foods, people, dust/dirt, flies and other insects, vermin and
unclean equipment;
2. food poisoning through inadequately cooked meats; and
3. consumption of ingredients that cause allergies in particular consumers.
Protecting food from contamination
To keep food free of contamination, keep it completely covered at all times. Use suitable packaging materials (ie
aluminium foil, plastic or plastic film and clean paper). Previously used materials or newspaper should not be
used. Packaged products may need additional covering once opened.
Good hygiene practices
Each food handler must take all reasonable precautions to ensure that his or her body or anything he or she is
wearing does not contaminate food or surfaces that come in contact with food. Contaminants may include hair,
saliva, mucus, sweat, blood, fingernails, clothes, jewellery or bandages etc.
Thorough and regular hand washing
One of the most important ways to protect food from contamination is thorough and regular hand washing. Food
staff are required to wash their hands whenever they are likely to be a source of contamination to food, utensils
or other containers that come into contact with food.
Helping people with food allergies?
Labelling requirements, with respect to charitable or voluntary groups selling food to raise funds, have changed
with the introduction of the ACT Food Act 2001. Labelling helps customers as well as the event organiser know
what food is being sold, and what it contains
Labelling example -Banana Cake
Ingredients: Bananas, flour (plain & wholemeal),
butter, sugar, milk, eggs, vanilla essence and bicarbonate of soda.
Taken from – Fetes and Fundraising Food Stalls: Food safety guidelines for fetes and fundraising events, ACT
Health, Health Protection Service, Canberra, June 2004
Orana Spring Fair – Sunday 9 November, 2014
Could you please provide a home-made cake or other baked goods for the Spring Fair Attached is a cake
box in which to deliver the baked good, to the Café, at the start of the Spring Fair.
The ingredient’s list below is to help you list the ingredients in your baked item. Please complete and attach
the list to the cake box. Please do not use cream as there is no refrigeration available.
P.S. Please remember too, that the school has a “no nut” policy and includes all nuts.
Ingredients List for:
Spices ………..
Gluten Free Flour
Milk Alternative …….
Egg White
Fruit ………….
Lemon Juice
Jam …………..
Baking Powder
Golden Syrup
Orana Spring Fair – Sunday 9 November, 2014
Could you please provide a home-made cake or other baked goods for the Spring Fair Attached is a cake
box in which to deliver the baked good, to the Café, at the start of the Spring Fair.
The ingredient’s list below is to help you list the ingredients in your baked item. Please complete and attach
the list to the cake box. Please do not use cream as there is no refrigeration available.
P.S. Please remember too, that the school has a “no nut” policy and includes all nuts.
Ingredients List for:
Spices ………..
Gluten Free Flour
Milk Alternative …….
Egg White
Fruit ………….
Lemon Juice
Jam …………..
Baking Powder
Golden Syrup