Sample: Average Performer NOTECATCHER Deb Johnson, Nancy Homan, January 27,2011 Topic: Special Education and Differentiation Slide 1: How Special Education and 1. Differentiation fit together 2. 3. Slide 2: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Year: Education legislation/relating to children and youth Affected teachers FAPE: IDEA Slide 3: IDEA 2004 IDEA updated by Federal legislation and REQUIRED… “0” _________________________ LRE-_________________________ General ed. is the teacher of _________________ No longer _________kids and_____________ kids 0 Slide 4: Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act IDEA updated AGAIN… Now IDEIA Affects Slide 5: Colorado Laws and Regulations Administrative Units must comply August 15, 2009 Based on mandates from the Federal Gov.Colorado forms ___________________________ PC is now _______________________________ HQ: ___________________________________ Gen ed. representation ______________________ Transition goals have ________________________ Slide 6: IEP Connection to Differentiation Accommodations/Modifications are a form of _____ _______________________________________ IEP is a __________________________ that includes Accommodations/Modifications __________________are responsible to implement Accommodations/modifications Slide 7: Accommodations Level _____________________________________ Are _____________________that help the student demonstrate learning Do Not ___________________________________ Examples: LRE Sample: Average Performer Slide 8: Modifications Slide 9: Differentiation Encompasses Slide 10: Differentiation of Content NOTECATCHER Changes __________________________________ Made when the expectations _________________ _________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Accommodations Modifications Differentiation of _____________________ Differentiation of ____________________ Differentiation of ____________________ Involves what it is that a student needs to _______________________ Non-negotiable – Negotiable- Slide 11: Differentiation of Process Involves the learning and how students interact with the content Warning: suggested that teachers differentiate ___________. Start out with _________ Areas to consider for differentiating O___________________: L___________________: Wrap Up: Slide 12: Differentiation of Product Involves a demonstration of learning Provide _________different culminating projects in which students may choose from to demonstrate learning Examples: Slide13: IEP – General Education Connection Gen ed. must implement Section____ of the IEP (Accommodations and Modifications) Be aware of section_____ of the IEP (Present levels, S_________________, and N_________s. Important for general ed. to be at _________________ PE, Art, Music need to know this information