Differentiation Addressing the Diversity of Learning Needs in the Classroom Learning by Doing Food for Thought Researchers believe that the interactive experience greatly increases students’ ability to retain what they are taught reading 10% listening 20% looking at pictures 30% watching something being done 50% talking 70% doing 90% BRAIN RESEARCH SUMMARY We learn and remember after one month: 14% of what we hear 22% of what we see 3O% of what we watch others do: demonstrations or modeling 42% of sensory redundancy: rituals that repeat, seeing, hearing and doing important skills or concepts 72% of movies of the mind: learning is linked to remembered or imagined life experiences of the learner 83 % of a performance of a life challenge activity: first time or demanding action that applies the new learning. 92% of what we teach others. Learning Styles Concrete Sequential (practical, organised, detailed) Concrete Random (independent, creative, inventive) Abstract Sequential(thinker, logical, evaluative) Abstract Random(sensitive, imaginative, flexible) Learning Styles Individual styles are unique Each style has equal value Independent of intellectual ability We tend to teach as we learn We need to provide “bridges” between styles to enhance student learning Differences in ways we perceive and process information Students need to be taught in all 4 ways to feel comfortable “Supportive Education” Program Differentiation based on premise that each student should receive an education that best meets their needs students access the curriculum based on their unique learning styles, areas of strength, areas of difficulty Program Differentiation Requires: Creativity Flexibility Task Analysis Ability to Structure Learning in a Variety of Ways Understanding of Stages of Child Development and Learning Understanding of Characteristics of Exceptionalities Ability to Assess and Evaluate (On-going Basis) Differentiation depends on Student Need Program differentiation can occur at several stages throughout the teaching & learning process such as: When planning or developing learning activities or units of study During instruction by using a variety of strategies After observing or interviewing students Following the recommendations of the school team or IPRC Process Planning for Diversity What is everyone doing? Can _____ participate like everyone else? If no, what can we do to include ______? Who can help? (adult, peer) Can we use different materials? What else can ______ do that is related to what the class is doing? Two Approaches to Differentiation Layered Curriculum pyramid determining the essential expectations or content for all web-site links www.help4teachers.com Understanding by Design principles Universal Curriculum Design based on brain research provide multiple means of representation expression engagement What Does This Mean in the Classroom? Spoken & Written material presented digitally (software, variation in font, spacing, colour, access to dictionaries, graphics, e-mail) Auto format for all written material (tapesindependence, repetition) Multisensory approaches to learning Strategic skill learning (active models, scaffolds to support the learner) Range of ways of showing what the student knows Accommodations Accommodations are the specific supports or services that will help the student access the curriculum and demonstrate learning. They are usually cross-curricular. The learning expectations of the students remain the same as their peers but the way the material is presented or the way knowledge is demonstrated is different. Modifications Modifications are changes to the learning expectations for students. They would include alternate expectations (reading or writing expectations at a different grade level, alternate expectations, individualized or alternate programs, directed skill teaching-vocational skills, life skills) A Modification or An Accommodation? Extended Time to finish a task Use of a Scribe Handouts or Text on Audio-tape Reduced Number of Expectations Reduced Number of Tasks Required Use of Spell Checker Reference Sheet for Mathematical or Scientific Formulae Repetition and Rephrasing Substitution of a Portfolio for a Written Exam Substituting Alternative Expectations- Alternative Program Reduced Penalties for Spelling Errors Including previous grade expectations in a subject Spreading a Credit Course over 2 Years or 2 Semesters Compacting Credit Course to be Completed Individually Evaluation Based on Different Expectations Individualized Reading Program Use of Thesaurus and Word lists Prompting and Pacing in Instruction Compulsory Credit Substitution Use of Peer Tutoring Differentiation Matrix Environment (WHERE) Attitudes and conditions surrounding the student Content (WHAT) knowledge skills and expectations to be achieved Process (HOW) teaching and learning strategies best suited to the student”s learning style Product demonstration of learning Assessment & Evaluation measurement of student achievement and performance Resources Purpose of Differentiation It should ENHANCE student learning not “Make it easier” Million Dollar Analogy Fairness Equality = Equity Fairness = Providing what the student needs to meet their potential Questions: List questions that need to be asked for clarification or additional information List student strengths Identify the areas of concern Clearly identify what the student needs Using the differentiation matrix, identify a variety of accommodations or modifications for the student List other considerations Activity: Case Study Your group is a collaborative school team. Using the information provided start to work through the problem-solving process to address this student’s needs. The following framework may help to guide your discussion. Please identify a reporter and a recorder for your group.