Name______________________________________ Miss Soltis 6

Miss Soltis
6th Grade Honors Sciences, Period______
Quiz 3: Food Chains
Part1: Matching
For numbers 1 through 10, match the organism with the correct food chain classification.
Each Classification will be used more than once. (1pt each)
A. Primary Consumer B. Tertiary Consumer
C. Producer
D. Secondary Consumer
1. Mouse
6. A lion eating a hyena
2. Dandelion
7. A spider eating fruit fly
3. Cow
8. A snake a mouse
4. A lion eating a zebra
9. Grass
5. A bell pepper
10. A human eating a salad
Part II: True or False
For numbers 11 through 15, answer true or false for the following statements by writing
T or F in the blank. (1pt each)
_____ 11. An Autotroph is a consumer.
_____ 12. The same amount of energy is passed at each trophic level
_____ 13. Food chains make up more complex food webs.
_____ 14. The trophic level that passes the most energy is the primary consumers.
_____ 15. An organism can occupy more than one trophic level.
Part III: Multiple Choice
For numbers 16 through 20, use the following food chain to answer each multiple choice
question. Choose the best answer and write the letter on the line. (1pt each)
Grass  Grasshopper  Frog  Snake Hawk
16. Which of the following organisms is a primary consumer:
a. Grass
b. Grasshopper
17. Which of the following organisms represents the highest energy trophic
a. Grass
b. Grasshopper
c. Frog
d. Snake
c. Snake
d. Hawk
18. Which of the following organisms CANNOT occupy more than one
trophic level:
a. Grass
b. Grasshopper
c. Hawk
d. All of the above
_____ 19. Which organism represents the most important trophic level:
a. Grass
b. Grasshopper
c. Snake
d. Hawk
_____20. The hawk is a:
a. Primary Consumer
b. Secondary Consumer
c. Tertiary Consumer
d. Quaternary Consumer
Part IV: Short Answer
Create your own food chain by following each of the part of the steps. (5pts).
a. Select 5 organisms (you must be able to create a food chain).
b. Draw a food chain with arrows indicating which way energy is passed.
c. Label each organism according to trophic level.
d. Label each end of the food chain as high energy or low energy.
e. Explain in words how energy is passed from organism to organism. Make sure you
address the question: does all energy get passed to the next trophic level.