August 2014 - Hillhead High School

August 2014
Dear Parent / Carer,
I am looking forward to the new session with great optimism and enthusiasm and to
working with you as the main partners of the school. Together we are really making a
difference to the lives of our young people and your sons and daughters.
It has been really satisfying and rewarding to have welcomed our new S1 pupils into
Hillhead High and seeing how well they have settled into school life in such a short period of
time. This speaks volumes for the quality of the transition programme and the partnership
between the associated primary schools, but most importantly you the parents/carers.
It is a privilege to share with you some of the Highlights achieved by our pupils and staff and
to communicate important information in relation to school life.
A very warm welcome to the following members of staff who have joined the team at
Hillhead High:
Ms R. McDowall -Art
Mrs R. Phenix – English
Mr A. Morrison – Maths
Mr J. Gemmill – P.E.
Mr S. Turner – P.E.
Miss K. Brady- Biology
Miss L. Robb- Chemistry
Miss S. Buonaccorsi – Chemistry
Mr G. Law – Physics
Miss T. Brady- Geography
Miss L. Russell – Geography
Ms R. Pinterich- R.E.
Mrs M. Laing- Computing/Business Education
Staff Update
Mr S. Neil is currently carrying out the duties of Acting DHT for S1/2, due to the long term
absence of Mrs H. Campbell (DHT).
Ms S. Carey (R.E.) left Hillhead at the end of August to take up a new post at Hutcheson’s
Grammar School. We wish her all the best.
School Profile/Good News/Information
School Roll – The roll has jumped from 742 to 945 in 5 years.
Whole School Attendance – Attendance has gone from 93.34% to 94.16%.
Examination Results – Following 5 years of best ever results, Hillhead secured
another strong diet of results in S5/6. Due to the schools’ curriculum architecture
there were no exam results in S4 as pupils are following two year courses and by
passing exams.
I am proud to report that many visitors have commented on the calm environment
throughout the school last year and the positive behaviour within classes.
School Leaver Destination Statistics – young people gaining positive destinations
(university, college, employment or training) was the best in the city.
Uniform – Almost all pupils are supporting the school dress code. I would like to say
a very special thank you, to all Parents / Carers for your support with this - it is very
much appreciated. The young people of Hillhead High are looking very smart and it
is nice to hear so many ‘outsiders’ commenting positively about our young people.
School Dress Code
As shown on the previous page, young people are encouraged to wear Black School
Trousers or Skirt along with a White Shirt and Tie. Pupils (S1-S3), in the Broad General
Phase wear a Red School Tie and Pupils (S4-S6), in the Senior Phase, wear a Navy Blue
School Tie.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Hillhead High Extra-Curricular Programme – We have an extensive number of clubs
running at the school. Please encourage them to get involved in some part of school
life – there is more information on page 13!
A group of young ambassadors from Hillhead High are heading out to China this
October – this 13 day trip will see them engage in ‘4 days Education in Tianjin, 4 days
Culture in Beijing and 3 days Fun in Shanghai.’
Coming Up – Pupils involved with ‘The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme’ will be
going on expedition in September, Film Club has started up after school, Chess Club
is also running after school, ‘The Comic Shop’ is now open as is the ‘Cosy Café,’ there
is a visit to Hampden Park to watch Scotland take on Georgia in the Euro qualifiers in
October, to name but a few activities that are /will be taking place at Hillhead High.
Special Plea for Support
Parent Council AGM – Mon 22nd September 6.00 – 7.00pm in the Chinese Hub at the
school. I would strongly urge you, if at all possible, to attend the Parent Council AGM. As a
parent / carer you automatically become part of the Parent Forum. There will be no
pressure for you to undertake any duties. Your voice, opinions and support are all that are
required. The Parent Council meets 5 times per year. You do not have to attend every
Dropping Young People off at School. Can I please ask for your support with this. When
you are dropping off young people at school in the mornings, can you please do so in a safe
and controlled way. I have received a complaint from both University staff and the police to
say that some parents / carers are driving too fast. I continue to warn our young people to
stay on the pavements. It would be helpful if you could reinforce this. Many thanks.
Timekeeping - one special plea to parents is to ask you to ensure that your son /
daughter is leaving the house early enough to get to school on time. We must
improve on timekeeping. The warning bell for pupils to go to class rings at 8.49am. I
thank you in anticipation for your support.
Litter – Litter continues to be a problem outside the school grounds. It is really
important as ‘responsible young citizens’ that all pupils use the litter bins available in
the streets when they go out for lunch. It is crucial that we respect our neighbours
and treat them the way we would wish to be treated ourselves. The majority of
young people at Hillhead are a credit to the school. Can I please ask you to speak
with your son /daughter and emphasise the need for them to make use of the litter
bins. Many thanks.
Hillhead High S1 Eat In! – As you are aware, I have asked all parents of young people
in S1 to ensure that they remain in school to eat their lunch. This is to ensure that
we can look after them and keep a close eye on them. It is also probably a healthier
choice for the pupils? I am aware that some parents have been writing to give
permission for their son/daughter to go out for lunch. Only last week we had one
pupil who had to attend the hospital due to an accident on Great Western Road,
fortunately this was not serious. The Parent Council have asked to me to bring to
your attention, that ‘you’ must be the person responsible for your son/daughter’s
actions and their health and safety at lunch time should they leave the school. If the
pupils remain in school at lunchtime I will continue to supervise them during the
lunch period. Many thanks in anticipation for your support.
Charity Involvement at Hillhead High
Glasgow’s ‘Fantastic Fun day Friday’ will take place on Friday 10th October. The
school has plans to repeat last year’s ‘Flashmob’ dance in George Square. Around 70
young people will be dancing in the middle of George Square to raise money. All
staff and pupils are also encouraged to turn up at school that day wearing a ‘onesie.’
The Hillhead Charities Commission have written to every school in Glasgow; Early
Years, Primary and Additional Support sectors to join with them, in raising money for
the PPWH. Our target is to raise £60,000.00 for the hospice in Bellahouston Park.
Parent Consultation
As part of our on-going self-evaluation on how to improve communication with parents we
arranged for an outside consultant to engage with a Parent Focus Group last session. A copy
of the consultation report is available on our school website. Below is a summary of the
main points. If you have any comment on this, or in fact any other comment, as always, I
would welcome your views. By improving communication with Parents, this will positively
impact on our young people.
Parent Focus Group
Hillhead High School held a parent focus group on Thursday 27 th March 2014 in the school.
The meeting was well attended by 11 parents, including 3 members of the Parent Council.
The parents in attendance represented a cross section of pupil year groups, ethnicity and
gender. The group was facilitated by an external education consultant.
Timetables of Pastoral Care staff will be put on the school website. If parents have a concern
about their son/daughter, they should in the first instance contact the appropriate Pastoral
Care teacher – either by phone or email.
Mr Rennie –1A, 1B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 5A/5B, 6A. -
Mr Griffin – 1C, 2C, 2D, 3C, 4B, 4C, 5C/5D, 6C. -
Ms Mason – 1F, 1G, 2B, 2F, 3F, 4D, 5F, 6B/6D-
Ms Gilholm – 1D, 1E, 2E, 3D, 3E, 4E, 5E, 6E. -
Mrs Connelly – PT Support for Learning & EAL
Mr Murray – PT Skills for Work and Life –
Senior Management Team
Mr Wight (Head Teacher)
Mr Neil (Acting DHT – S1&S2)
Mr Meechan (DHT –S3)
Mrs McAlaney (DHT – S4)
Mr Gough (DHT S5&S6)
More information will also be shared on the school website and parents are encouraged to
follow the school on Twitter.
I hope that you enjoy this month’s edition of Highlights.
Regards and best wishes,
W Wight
Head Teacher
As part of our on-going commitment to celebrate the achievement of pupils - and further
develop better communication with parents and carers - we have a Twitter account.
Twitter can be a great way to keep in touch with what is happening in our school and allows
us to share lots of information on trips and events on a far more regular basis than our
Please do follow us on
Three of our faculities also have their own accounts:
Humanties (Geography, Mod Studies, History &RMPS)
Graphics @HHS_graphics
Expressive Arts (Art, Music & Drama)
The Parent Council works as an interface between parents, carers and the school. If you
would like information or would like to be part of the Parent Council, please send an email
The dates of the meetings are published in the Parent Council section of the school website.
Could staff, parents, pupils, friends of the school please visit to see the fantastic work of our
pupils in the It's My Greener Glasgow Competition in the St Enoch Centre. Our work is based
on the 1st floor in between BHS and Debenhams. The more votes we have the more chance
our pupils will have in securing one of those St Enoch centre gift vouchers and awards given
out in October. Voting can take place right up until the end of September.
Thanks for your support. The pupils really deserve it.
The Art & Design Department
On Friday 29th August, fifteen Hillhead High teachers took part in the Ice
Bucket Challenge. Members of the audience were asked for a donation of £1
to witness these brave staff members getting soaked in for such a good cause.
There were plenty of volunteers to pour the icy water over the teachers! The
event raised £364.16 for The Prince and Princess of Wales hospice and Motor
Neurone Disease. At the end of the event Mr Wight nominated the Head
Teacher of Hyndland Secondary School.
To watch the full video of the challenge, please see our twitter account.
Two groups of pupils successfully went through their
Practice Expedition on 29thand 30th August. The two
groups independently navigated around Queen
Elizabeth Country Park, camping, cooking and
having fun. For many of the pupils this is the end of
a two year process of volunteering and extracurricular activities. In a week’s time they will set
off to navigate around Ardgartan Peninsula, entirely
under their own steam, carrying all their equipment
for eleven hours of walking. We wish them well.
The pupils are:
Charlotte Bryson
Chanelle Roddan
Abby Duke
Euan Hutchinson
Jennie Duncan
Parissa Kezaie
Sam Colville
Iona Kerr
Natalia Barbour
Fergus Harte
Any pupils from S3 upwards can enter the DofE Award Scheme. More information will be
given at assemblies in September.
On Thursday 5th June 2014 120 pupils and 23 members of staff attended
our S5/6 Prom in the Marriott Hotel Glasgow. The night started with
pupils walking up a red carpet to the door of the hotel – very suitable
considering how wonderful everyone looked!
There were touching speeches from Mr Wight, Mr Wilson and the
head boy and head girl, Ewan Rutherford and Delilah Neil, all
reminding us of the great memories that have been made over the
past five or six years.
After the speeches there was a delicious three course meal and
then there was the chance to boogie on the dance floor.
All agreed it was a great night. A big thank you to the S5/6 Prom
committee, the Marriot Hotel and to Ms Cuthbertson for making
this event so special.
Due to the success of this year’s prom, work has already begun
on planning for next year’s prom – and as members of the new
S5/6 Prom Committee, we know we have a hard act to follow
but we are confident we can make next year’s one even more
by Iona Kerr and Erin Cheshire
(S5/6 Prom Committee Members)
Some of the latest news from the Music Department
The Trip to Italy
At the end of June, the choir went on a trip to Italy to perform a
few concerts. Included in the trip were concerts performed in
Verona, Lake Garda and at the hotel for the guests, trips to a
waterpark (and theme park) as well as Venice and Verona! The
choir also took part in a talent contest. Ms Russell said that ‘the
atmosphere was great and everyone really enjoyed themselves’.
Such was the success of the trip that Mr Wight received letters
and emails from members of the public lucky enough to have
seen a performance praising our pupils.
The Choir performing in Italy
School Concert
The school concert was, as always, a massive
success. The concert took place over two nights,
and featured songs such as Pinball Wizard by The
Who and a series of songs from the film The Lion
King. The school concert was also sad for some of
our S6 as it was their last ever concert as pupils of
our school. However they left the school with a
bang as they gave a performance that is sure to be
Our choir at the School Concert
Kelvingrove Bandstand Opening and
Earlier in the Year, the Jazz and Soul Band along
with staff from the music department participated
in the opening of the new bandstand in
Kelvingrove Park. It proved to be a success with a
great number of people coming to see them
perform. In addition to this, the Soul Band
performed a concert during the holidays in
celebration of the Commonwealth Games. It was
also very successful and members of the public
really enjoyed watching Hillhead High showcase
their brilliant musical talents.
Article by Emma Moore 4B
The Jazz and Soul bands gave a brilliant performance!
Music Clubs
Choir – Mon- 3.55pm-4.55pm & MTA
on Fridays
Orchestra – Thurs- 2.55pm-3.55pm
Jazz Band - MTA on Fridays
Ceilidh Band - MTA on Fridays
Soul Band – MTA on Fridays
S1 have started their time in the Home Economics Department by completing a Pupil Voice
questionnaire at home. This is designed to help the staff learn about their previous
knowledge plus the pupils may express their views and opinions in order to aid
departmental improvement. S1 carry this out twice as we encourage their input in both
subjects of Food and Fabric. The Food survey includes questions about food allergies and
other dietary needs. Details of all the responses are displayed in the Home Economics
corridor. S1 have also have been given a Welcome Booklet which can be kept at home. The
booklet explains various aspects of Home Economics.
Last term pupils were given the opportunity to
design an outfit for the Clyde the Commonwealth
mascot. Afrah (2C), Kayleigh (4E)and Izzy (4D)
were chosen as winners by Miss Campbell’s S4
Hospitality class and entered for the city wide
competition. Entries from our pupils could be
viewed at Clyde’s workshop in the St. Enoch
Centre over the summer holidays. Izzy was
successful in being chosen as one of 25 designers
to have her work exhibited on a 1.7 metre high
fibre glass statue and her mascot was displayed in
Buchanan Street Bus Station. We are now waiting
to discover the permanent location of her statue.
Friday 20th June was ‘Fruity Friday 10’ when pupils in S3 Hospitality and S3 Fashion and
Textile Technology pupils held a non-uniform fund raising day for the World Cancer
Research Fund. World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF UK) is part of a global network of
charities that are committed to preventing cancer. They fund cutting edge cancer research
and provide people with the information they need to reduce their cancer risk through
healthy diets and lifestyles. This year a total of £946.65 was raised from a variety of fun
activities including a raffle and running a cocktail bar selling Brazilian iced caipirinha lime
and pineapple soft drinks.
Further information about Home Economics activities can be found on the school web site.
Scroll down on the front page and click on ‘week beginning’ to find out ‘What’s Cooking’,
plus details of fabric lesson and homework are available. This is up-dated every week.
Information can also be found about ‘Early morning Sewing’ which is Miss Campbell’s daily
extra-curricular activity.
Hillhead High School has a long-standing and special connection with China. As you may know,
pupils have the opportunity to study Mandarin in our in our Modern Languages department and
we have our own Chinese Hub and a very successful Chine Week IDL project.
In October a group of pupils, accompanied by Mr Milne and Ms Gowans, will visit China. They will
be away for thirteen days and will have a chance to experience some Chinese culture. Pupils and
staff of the China trip will be travelling to many iconic landmarks, towns and cities throughout
China, including; The Great Wall of China, The Ming Tombs, Beijing, Shanghai and the school’s
partner school in Tianjin.
Livia Rosenberg gave us her views on the up-coming trip, “I can’t wait to go and see the
differences between our two countries. I am looking forward to collaborating with the pupils
there and learning about school in China. I am excited about the sightseeing as well!”
Sean Doherty, a former pupil at Hillhead High School, participated in
the 2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games as part of the Scottish Table
Tennis team. During his time at Hillhead, Sean worked to achieve the
Sports Leadership award which many pupils within the school are
currently working towards. While he was a pupil at Hillhead Sean
reached the finals of the British Schools International and was the
crowned Scottish Table Tennis champion in 2009. Sean is currently in
the top five in Men’s Table Tennis in Scotland.
We interviewed our Deputy Head Teacher, Mr Gough, who said, “Sean
Doherty was a very sporty young person. He had an outstanding
talent for table tennis. Sean had great leadership skills and was a
prefect and a school captain during his time with us. We all hoped for the best for him when left
school and are delighted that he made it so far”. Sean is currently studying at Edinburgh University.
One of the new additions to the school this year is the arrival of our brilliant bike shed. It is located
outside the terrace building and came about as a result of Pupil Voice. We have a very popular Cycle
Maintenance MTA group who all regularly cycle to school but who were concerned about the
damage done to their bikes by bad weather.
Mrs McAlaney explained, “The bike shed came about from the pupils, who requested somewhere
dry to store their bikes while they were in lessons. Pupils helped to design of the bike shed and
worked with a contractor to develop the plans. We then bid for money from the Area Application
Grant last term and we were delighted when we discovered that we had been successful.”
Hillhead High School is the only school in Glasgow which offers Minority Time Activity (MTA)
on a Friday afternoon. Pupils can choose between any one of 56 activities such as football,
knitting, decoupage, jewellery making and soul band. This year, Mr Dunn of the Social
Subjects department has set up a new MTA called ‘Big News of the Week’. Pupils take part
in weekly news quizzes as well as having discussing current affairs. This MTA is popular with
those who are interested in the news or who enjoy modern studies and it is open to all ages.
Hillhead High offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities which are open to all pupils (and staff
too). Clubs can run before school, during lunchtimes and after school as well.
Information on any activities can be found on the PE noticeboards.
If you are interested in any activities which are not listed above,
please speak to Miss Gowans.
The Hillhead High School War Memorial Trust was created in 1919 to commemorate the former
pupils who lost their lives in the First World War. The grounds at Hughenden are used as a facility for
future generations and are also a lasting memorial to the 179 pupils who lost their lives. After the
First World War a panel was made in the pavilion and a second panel was installed after World War
Two. There are also volumes detailing the biographies of those who lost their lives.
WW2 Panel
WW1 Panel
On September 6th 2014, there was a formal opening of the Fraser Stand at Hughenden. Mr Wight
and other former staff and pupils of Hillhead High school attended the welcome and dedication
before watching the first home National League 1 game between “the Hills” and Jedforest RFC.
Thurs 18th September
In-service Day 3
Fri 19th September
Fri 26th & Mon 29th September
Additional In-Service Day
Mon 13th – Fri 17th October
October Week Holiday
Mon 24th November- Fri 5th December
Wed 10th & Thurs 11th December
Wednesday 17th December
Thursday 18th December
September Weekend
S5 Prelims.
N.B. Draft prelim timetable currently being developed and
prelims may finish before Fri 5th December. More info to
Christmas Concerts
Senior Dance
S1-S6 Panto Visit