Dear Parents / Carers 9th December 2009

Victoria Park Infant School
Henshaw Street
M32 8BU
Headteacher: Miss D Vrlec
Tel: 0161 865 4778
Fax: 0161 865 4509
Dear Parents / Carers
27 April 2015
Year 2 Visit to Stockley Farm
Class 2F and 2G – Wednesday 10th June 2015
We would like to take the children to Stockley Farm for the day on Wednesday
10th June 2015. This will be a fun and informative visit to compliment our
work on animals and their habitats. The children will have the opportunity to
explore a working farm and find out about the different animals and how
they are looked after. They may also have the opportunity to help to feed
some of the animals if they wish to. From previous experience, this visit has
proved an excellent stimulus for writing and other topic work.
Your child will need to bring a packed lunch with them on this day. This
should be provided in a disposable plastic bag with their name clearly written
on, please do not send their lunch in a lunch box. As all Infant children are
now entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal then a packed lunch can
be provided by the School Meals Service. This usually consists of a sandwich,
biscuit, piece of fruit and a carton of juice. If you would like a packed lunch
to be provided by school please tick the box on the permission form.
As the weather is so unpredictable it is advisable that you send your child
with a waterproof coat if the weather doesn’t look brilliant on the day and if
it is sunny could you make sure that they are supplied with a sun hat and
have sun cream already applied.
As always, parent helpers are more than welcome, but will need a DBS check
from school and we are happy to arrange this for you. Guidelines now are
such that any adult working within school (including school trips) must hold
a DBS certificate. There is a form which can be obtained from the School
Office, which when completed is processed by the Disclosure and Barring
Victoria Park Infant School
Henshaw Street
M32 8BU
Headteacher: Miss D Vrlec
Tel: 0161 865 4778
Fax: 0161 865 4509
Please note that only records which prevent adults from working with
children would prevent propel from being able to help. Parent helpers will be
allocated on a first come, first served basis for each class.
We are requesting a contribution of £13 per child towards the cost of the
coach and admittance to the farm, the school will subsidise the rest of the
cost. If you feel you have difficulties with this request please let your child’s
teacher know in good time. Payments can be made in instalments each week
if preferred. Unfortunately, if we do not receive enough contributions the
planned visit may have to be cancelled.
Please complete and sign the consent slip below and return the form
together with payment as soon as possible to your child’s class teacher. If
you would like to help on the trip, please indicate that on the slip also.
Thank you in anticipation of your support.
Miss Green, Mrs Gill and Mrs Ogden
Stockley Farm Visit – Year 2 – Wednesday 10th June 2015
I give permission for my child
Class ______
to visit Stockley Farm.
 I enclose payment of £13.00
 I would like a packed lunch to be provided by the school for my child
 I would like to help on the class trip
 I *do/do not already have a valid DBS certificate (* please delete as
Return this slip to your child’s class teacher before Wednesday 20th May 2015