Victoria Park Infant School Henshaw Street Stretford Manchester M32 8BU Headteacher: Miss D Vrlec Tel: 0161 865 4778 Fax: 0161 865 4509 Email: 8th January 2016 FOR PARENTS AND CARERS OF CHILDREN IN RECEPTION 2 Firstly, we want to keep you informed about staffing in Reception 2. Miss Coleman will not be back in school next week due to an ongoing illness but staff and children are very pleased that Miss Parkhurst will be continuing to teach the class. Secondly, thank you so much for your support this morning – the children were so much calmer hanging their coats up and settled into their classroom activities very quickly. Ultimately, we want the children to get the very best start to their day. However, we have taken on board ideas and comments that were made this morning. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Whilst it was so much better for the children and safer, in regards to the teacher being able to see all of the children coming into school, we appreciate that many parents want to be able to wave to their children through the window and rightly so! On reflection, could we ask that you continue with the routine of you lining the children up but then wait until they have all got inside, with the door closed, before you move over to the window if you wish. Our primary concern is stopping congestion in and around the children’s entrance to school. Once the children are in school, the staff will look after your child and make sure that they are happy and ready for school. If your child gets upset waving through the window, saying goodbye to you again, it may be easier for them to just say one goodbye in the line but you can decide that with your child. There is no hard and fast rule for settling the children into school but I think that if we maintain the routine that we tried this morning, speaking to the class teacher before the bell, waiting by the line with your child (leaving the entrance clear) but then moving over to wave at the window once all of the staff and children are inside, we should see an improvement. Developing independence, is a vital skill for children to learn and coming into school on their own and sorting out their belongings is one of the first steps. They manage superbly throughout the day so we are letting them show off their skills to you!! Please remember that if you do not have chance to speak to Miss Parkhurst before school, she is always available at 3.10 or you can always pass a message through the office or telephone school. Many thanks From the Reception Staff