RE: KS3 Science Revision for Internal Exam

Cheriton Road Folkestone
Kent CT19 5JY
Principal: Mr W T Wright MA (Cantab)
Founded 1674
Thursday 7th May 2013
Dear Parent/Guardian
RE: KS3 Science Revision for Internal Exam
As you may be aware, KS3 internal exam week begins Tuesday 25th June for your son. This is of
particular importance in science, as it will allow us to set the groups accordingly for their GCSE years
which begin in year 9.
If your son is not in the top set the chances of them doing separate sciences is slim. We suggest that
revision begins early, with revision notes/mind maps being written and then practise questions
completed using revision guides or websites such as Bite-size, S-cool or E maths
( which has plenty of past SATs papers and mark schemes to
practise with .
The student book can be accessed through the pupil shared area and we have also attached a list of
revision topics which your son should focus on.
Thank you for your support and we wish your son the best of luck in his exams,
Miss L Pritt
Head of KS3 Science
Tel: 01303 252131
Fax: 01303 220721
Year 8 Key Stage 3
Revision Guide
Use this guide to check that you cover all the topics
required for your year 8 end of year test. The test will
cover all of KS3 including yr7 work! The guide has all the
topic headings and some things you should do to help you
revise. You can use your classwork books, revision guides and the internet to help you
with your revision.
Revision Top Tips
Start early
Do a small amount at a time (1/2 hour every day)
Make revision cards/mind maps or notes.
Define key terms.
Use colour and diagrams
Try some practise questions.
Websites that will assist are:
three great
essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-toitiveness; third, common sense.” ― Thomas A Edison
Physical Processes
Draw ray diagrams showing reflection and refraction.
Name the primary and secondary colours of light.
What happens when white light shines onto a red filter?
Explain why a green cap looks black in blue light.
Explain the effect of forces on an object.
Name 3 forces
Work out the size of a force from how an object is moving.
Name the planets in order
Link the planets temperature and orbital time to its
distance from the sun.
Use the word luminous and give examples.
Life Sciences
Breathing and Respiration
Label a diagram of the respiratory system and explain the
functions of the alveoli.
Explain what can cause damage to the alveoli, the effect
this may have on a person and why this effect occurs.
Write the word equation for respiration and explain the
purpose of respiration?
Understand the structure of the circulatory system and
how it is used by the body.
What is the effect of alcohol on the body?
What does “MRS GREN” stand for?
e.g. M=Movement
Draw and label diagrams of the plant and animal cells.
Which parts do they have in common?
What does each part do in the cell?
What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
What is the main product stored as and used for?
Describe the different ways rocks are weathered and the
effect of these processes on the things around us.
Name three states of matter and describe how their particles
are arranged.
List the different properties of the three states of matter.
Use key terms correctly, element, compound, atom, molecule
and give examples.
Explain gas pressure and diffusion in terms of particles.
Explain the meaning of boiling points and melting points