Sunne Lutheran Church Pastor: Paul Schauer 734-6485 office - 734-6605 parsonage Ministers: All Members of Sunne First Sunday of Christmas December 28, 2014 Announcements Greeting Gathering Carol ELW 267 Kyrie ELW page 138 Hymn of Praise ELW 282 Prayer of the Day O Lord God, you know that we cannot place our trust in our own powers. As you protected the infant Jesus, so defend us and all the needy from harm and adversity, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. AMEN First Lesson Psalm 148 Christmas Carol ELW 289 Second Lesson Christmas Carol ELW 300 Gospel Sermon Christmas Carol ELW 283 Response to the Word WOV page 49 Sharing of the Peace Offering Offertory ELW 884 Prayers of the Church Lord’s Prayer Benediction Closing Christmas Carol ELW 290 ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY Accordion: Barney Strand Reader: Debbie Jans Greeters: David and Tammie Falkenstein Last Sunday, 44 and 177 people gathered for worship. Christmas Eve, 189 and 54 people gathered for worship. ********************************************** WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US THIS MORNING. WE HOPE YOU HAVE A MEANINGFUL WORSHIP EXPERIENCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHURCH HOME, WE WELCOME YOU TO JOIN US HERE AT SUNNE. *********************************************** THIS WEEK AT SUNNE Monday 10:30 a.m. Donald Axt funeral Tuesday 10:30 a.m. Food Pantry truck arrives Next Sunday 8:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship *********************************************** Throughout the year we will be praying for the members of Sunne. As we pray for the family of Sunne today, we pray for Phillip and Susan Lofthus; Lloyd and Bernadine Martin; and Jesse, Cheryl, and Joanie McCormack. ********************************************** Sunday School will begin Sunday, January 11th, at 9:30 a.m. with a fun-filled morning of festivities. Singing, movies and popcorn are part of the day. *********************************************** Your 2015 offering envelopes have been distributed. Please begin using these envelopes after January 1st. Please throw away your old envelopes at that time. Using your envelopes helps the financial secretary greatly. *********************************************** The Annual Meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m.on January 25th. All reports are due now. Copies of the Annual Report will be available on Sunday, January 18th. To include your ministry team reports in the Annual Report, please get them into the office before the end of December. *********************************************** Our prayers today include: Brandalyn Coley, John Ylvisaker, Jeff Giles, Rick Steffenson, Debi Horner, Edith Schieve, Oliver and Rosalia Dewald, Mary Jane Seidel, Ulane Franklund, Dave Spitzer, Richard Greisch, Jim Krueger, Doris Berg, Jean Luithle, Arlys Kassian, Dale and Joy Hurt, Curt Wittmayer, Ed Bickel, Nancy Rippley, Ruby Weible, Ethan Sharp, Barb Cleland, Jeanne Field, Linda Jacobson, Ellie Rust, and Rodney Howe. *********************************************** Quilting will begin January 8th at the church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Quilting will be held every Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the winter months. Everyone is welcome to attend. *********************************************** Before and after worship today you are invited to help wrap up the Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kit drive as we complete 200 kits. Many of the supplies have been provided through Thrivent Action Team grants given by Thrivent members. For more information on how to utilize and access the Thrivent Action Teams, Thrivent members can go to *********************************************** If you purchased a poinsettia through the church, please feel free to take the plant home following worship today. Bags for the plants are available in the sacristy. The poinsettias are labeled with the donor’s name. ************************************************ If you are interested in serving on one or more of the ministry teams in 2015, please sign up at the table in the narthex. The ministry teams are Worship, Education, Church Property, Parsonage Property, Stewardship, Cemetery, Evangelism, Altar Guild, and Harvest Festival. Explanations of the teams are available at the table. The Usher signup is also available. ************************************************