Celebrating and Sharing God’s love for over 122 years Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church Pastor: Paul Schauer 734-6485 office - 734-6605 parsonage Ministers: All of God’s Family at Sunne Third Sunday after Pentecost June 14, 2015 Gathering Song ELW 856 Baptism of Henry Deckert ELW page 227 Prayer of the Day O God, you are the tree of life, offering shelter to all the world. Graft us into yourself and nurture our growth, that we may bear your truth and love to those in need, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. AMEN First Lesson Psalm 20 Second Lesson Gospel Acclamation WOV 713 Gospel Sermon Hymn WOV 760 Response to the Word page 49 Sharing of God’s Peace Offering Offertory page 50 Offertory Prayer page 51 Hymn WOV 775 Prayers of the Church Lord’s Prayer Benediction Sending Song WOV 778 ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY Pianist: Emma Berg Reader: Sandy Peterson Greeters: Lester & Sylvia Vollan Acolyte: Madison Schuler Last Sunday 95 people gathered for worship. *********************************************** WELCOME TO ALL WORSHIP THIS MORNING. WE HOPE YOU HAVE A MEANINGFUL WORSHIP EXPERIENCE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHURCH HOME, WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME PART OF GOD’S FAMILY THAT GATHERS AT SUNNE. *********************************************** THIS WEEK AT SUNNE TODAY 9:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Worship THURSDAY 4:00 p.m. Wilton Food Pantry SATURDAY 8:00 a.m. Parsonage Shingling Party NEXT SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. Worship *********************************************** Throughout the year we will be praying for the members of Sunne. As we pray for the family of Sunne today, we pray for Richard and Deb Strand; Gary and Sue Szczur; and Starnell, Brigette, Ysabella, and Sophia Tarpley. . ************************************************ We are mission partners with Camp of the Cross Ministries. ************************************************ Our prayers today include: Brandalyn Coley, John Ylvisaker, Jeff Giles, Edith Schieve, Oliver and Rosalia Dewald, Ulane Franklund, Dave Spitzer, Richard Greisch, Jim Krueger, Jean Luithle, Doris Berg, Arlys Kassian, Dale and Joy Hurt, Curt Wittmayer, Ed Bickel, Barb Cleland, Orris and Jeanne Field, Cheryl Triska, Byron Bedwell, Lori Krick, Lorraine Clausen, Ervin Jose, Rik Cutting, Connie Glavkee, Betty Falkenstein, and Rodney Howe. ************************************************ A huge THANK YOU to all who were involved in VBS this year. Great job, everyone!!!!! Volunteers are needed to help mow the church grounds (not the cemetery) during the summer. The church provides all the needed equipment and gas. Please take a moment to sign up to be a mower. The sign up sheet is located on the table near the aquarium. ************************************************ The shingles on the parsonage detached garage were damaged during the September 4, 2014 hailstorms. We’ve received insurance money to replace the shingles. On Saturday, June 20th, starting at 8am, we will remove and replace the shingles. Please come and help. We’ll need people on the roof, people on the ground picking up stuff, and people willing to provide the lunch. If you can help with any of these tasks, please speak to Shelley Porter (734-8146) or Pastor Paul. ************************************************ Next Sunday is Father’s Day. Special gifts will be available for all the dads! ************************************************ MIDSUMMER PICNIC Sunne Lutheran Church had its beginning with the Swedish settlers in this area. The summer holiday that the Swedes celebrated was the summer solstice, Midsummer, on the 24th of June. No matter what day of the week it fell on, the church had a holiday. They had a potluck dinner, a worship service, the youth made and sold ice cream, the ladies of the church had an auction of things they had made. It was truly a community affair. The celebration was usually held in a farm yard or picnic area. This year, the Midsummer Picnic will be Sunday the 28th at the South Park (football field area) in Wilton. The Sunne WELCA sponsors the Midsummer picnic. Everyone is welcome to come at 10 a.m. for the worship service and to bring something for the potluck dinner. An auction will be held as part of the festivities. If you have items you would like to donate, please contact Carlene Dockter at 734-6663. Proceeds will be used to support Sunne’s Women of the ELCA. *************************************************** We welcome Henry Kenneth Deckert into God’s family today through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Henry is the son of Tonya Deckert and Kenny Franklund, Jr. May Henry know God’s presence all of his life.