PPG Minutes July 2013

25th July 2013, 5.30PM
Mai Spencer (Chair); Andrew Eyre (Vice- Chair); Geraldine Haughton (Secretary); Kay
Phillips; Dorothy Shaw; Sharon Battersby; Patricia Ralls; Jeffrey Barlow; David Collins;
Wendy Harrison; Mary Fitton; Barrie Adams; Tina Powell.
1. Apologies:
Caroline Ogden.
2. Minutes from the Meeting Held on 27th June 2013
The minutes from the meeting held on the 27th June were agreed as a true and correct
2a. Matters Arising
Young People’s Project - It was agreed to ask the Health Visitor from Longdendale
Community College would come to the September meeting.
Action: Tina to organise invitation.
3. Tameside Healthwatch
Tameside Healthwatch is just being formalised David fedback on a discussion with Peter
Denton who had agreed to come to the September meeting to give the PPG an
overview of Healthwatch in general. However this now clashes with the YPP, so invite to
be put back to October.
Action: David to contact Peter Denton to invite him to the October meeting.
4. Derbyshire Healthwatch Launch
Dorothy attended this and found it very entertaining. The launch was very well
attended with representatives from Health and Wellbeing Board and National
Healthwatch Board. The spotlight was on health and social care services. The Board
runs independently and exists at local and national level.
The main focus is on older people and mental health; however it does include young
people. (CAMHS – children and adolescent mental health service – covers younger
The aim of the Board is to shift power to the customer, looking for a balanced opinion,
not just complaints. The group felt there were too many different complaints procedures
in place already. Interesting to see how it works.
The group discussed boundaries between Tameside and Glossop and how it had always
been a problem.
They outlined the complaints process saying that they would be monitoring services as
they are being delivered eg observers in A&E. The volunteers would be trained before
commencing this work. Advertising for volunteers shortly.
Action: Geraldine to circulate the presentation slides to the group.
There are currently 2 vacancies on the board and the process for becoming a member
was discussed. The posts would be advertised several times in the local press.
5. CCG’s Governing Body Feedback
Sharon very kindly made notes of the meeting (see below). Lots of the issues were
around finance and boundaries. Sharon is planning to attend the next one.
Microsoft Office
Word 97 - 2003 Document
6. AGM and Annual Reports (Deferred)
7. PPG Notice Board
The group acknowledged the hard work that Mary had put in to keeping the PPG
Notice Board up to date and looking interesting. Mary is happy to continue this work.
Newsletter – Mary and Jeff interviewed Kay today for the inaugural newsletter.
8. Keogh Reports
David aimed a question at Kay with regards to how confident the Surgery feels now that
the review had opened up issues within TGH. Kay emphasised that there is a lot of good
work carried out at the hospital, however her personal view was that TGH had unrealistic
financial targets to hit and the aim of 100% bed occupancy was impossible to achieve.
There was no focus on what’s right, always negative – felt heading towards privatising
the NHS Kay told the group that overall mortality rates for Tameside had fallen by 1/3.
The crisis arose due to lack of nurses on elderly wards. Some patients felt the nurses
could not cope.
David made a submission to the Keogh Review and outlined the main points to the
There is a Public Council of Governors meeting to be held on the xx 6.30 – 7.30 at the
Hub, Hattersley (next to Tesco).
9. Pharmacies
David felt it might be beneficial to ask the local pharmacist to talk to the Group around
what services they offer.
Action: David to speak to Tony at Co-Op Hollingworth and invite him to the November
10. Counselling Referrals
David asked Kay if the Surgery still offered counselling – Kay said that a lot of things had
changed over the last few years and the way people are ‘scored’ for counselling, with
a lot of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy being used instead. Currently provided by the
Primary Care Mental Health Team (HQ Wharfingers House, Hyde).
11. AQuA (Advancing Quality Alliance) Bulletin
For info – Geraldine thought the group might find this interesting.
Action: Geraldine to email to group on a regular basis.
12. Any Other Business
PPG Logo – Andrew suggested asking the local schools if they wanted to run a
competition for the logo with a presentation to the winner at assembly (ask the Glossop
Chronicle to take pictures).
Action: Group to send remit ideas to Tina.
PPG Cluster Group – Sharon attended our cluster group meeting. Felt it was very
Glossop orientated (Smithy on the boundary of Tameside and Glossop). The Cluster is
hoping to hold events around the 7 key areas:
However there will be no funds available – could be asking individual surgeries for
The group agreed that the Smithy is our priority; however it would be good to attend
these meetings to see what other PPGs are doing.
Action: Mai and Sharon to ‘buddy up’ to attend these meetings.
McMillan Coffee Mornings – there will be a coffee morning at Lambgates Surgery on the
27th September at xxx and one at the Methodist Church, Hollingworth on the xxx at xxx
13. Date of next meeting:
The date of the next meeting was agreed as 29th August 2013 at 5.30.
14. Future Meeting Dates
All meetings to be held on the last Thursday of the month:
29/08 – apologies from Geraldine, Andrew and ???
19/12 – early for Christmas
15. Future Planning
 Young People’s Project – September
 Tameside and Derbyshire Healthwatch – October
 Pharmacy presentation – November