GENERAL PRINCIPLES ABOUT TEACHING IN GRADES 1-8 1. Rhythm replaces strength 2. Less Is More 3. Economy of Teaching: How to Leverage Your Time 4. Your Striving Counts 5. Teach through the imagination and story 6. Thinking in the morning/Artistic Activities in the afternoon 7. Circle doesn’t need to be very long 8. Plan out every detail, especially the transitions 9. Have a set of chimes; you can use it for so many things 10. Each activity has a purpose 11. The times are guidelines: Rhythm is important as you are working to strengthen their physical through a strong rhythm. 12. Set up a notebook for taking notes throughout the day or at the end of the day STORY TELLING What is your relationship to story telling? Did you hear stories as a child? Do you have a favorite story? Do you remember a story that you wanted to hear over again Do you consider yourself a good storyteller? Do you shy away from talking in a group? What elements do you think make an engaging story? Why do you feel that stories might be important? What are the benefits of story telling? Through stories children learn about o Social relationships: what would the do in that situation o History and the biography of human beings o Themselves: At a certain age they begin to notice their own inner reactions to stories being told o Other points of view Story telling is a powerful and some may say a lost art? With the advent of media there is a lot of story telling and listening to virtual stories being told, which are often very captivating and engaging, but are missing the human element. Stories are the language of the SOUL o Educational o Entertaining o Fun [Document Title] Anne Cleveland [Company Name] o Engaging o Powerful o Comforting o Transformational o Stimulate creativity and the imagination Stories that are passed down from generation give a child a sense of the social fabric of their own family, which also serves as a foundation for understanding the world around The ask the children to create inner pictures, which help to develop the inner life of the soul Stories are a great way to deliver information during the time between 7-14 children are taking in the world through their feeling life. Before 7 children also love stories, and during these earlier years one notices how much a child loves to hear the same story again and again. What is the role of story telling in Waldorf? They are the perfect form of delivering lessons, information and values Children are able to live into the stories in such a way that they can be transformative Stories reach the feeling life of the child The whole curriculum of the Waldorf school is based upon the art of telling a good story? Exactly where does story telling fit into the curriculum? Circle time Main lesson Specialty classes Transitions Games Music Snack & Lunch When your child asks a question about how the world works What types of stories do I tell in which grades? 1st Grade: Poetry, Plays, Fairytales, Nature Stories, Animal Stories 2nd Grade: Poetry, Plays, Fairytales, Fables, Saint Stories, Nature Stories, Animal Stories 3rd Grade: Poetry, Plays, Stories of Creation, Old Testament, Native American Tales 4th Grade: Poetry, Plays, Mythology, Biography 5th Grade: Poetry, Plays, Mythology & Ancient History, Biography 6th Grade: Poetry, Plays, History, Biography 7th Grade: Poetry, Plays, History, Biography 8th Grade: Poetry, Plays, Short Stories, History, Biography How do I choose a story? Transition time: a short anecdote or fable Be clear on what is developmentally appropriate and the archetypal imagery being expressed Have a sense of the overview of what you are teaching in a main lesson block Map out the journey for the children that you want to present Find stories that not only match you intended curriculum, but that also touch your heart and soul Notice if the story lends itself to further activities Think about what issues or struggles your child is having and match the story to their situation Do you want this to be a recurring story that you can add on to or a one-time tale. How do I prepare a story in the best way for the children? Memorize it so that it is more of a direct experience for the children o Children are also engaged when listening to you read, but it’s not the same o Experiment with both and see if you can tell the difference in the quality of their listening Experiment with different ways of getting the story into your body and your etheric o Practice telling the story out loud o Find some friends who might be interested in listening to a well-told story o If you are shy about telling stories, practice in social situation telling a joke or relating a humorous or interesting situation Keep in mind the use of polarity as a way to work with the soul and feeling life of the children Make sure it breathes between the different temperaments o Expansion/Contraction o Loud/Soft o Fast/Slow o Center/Periphery o Simple/Complex o Light/Heavy Economy of teaching: Consider how can you use this story as the seed for future lessons later in the year or in future grades. o Poetry o Rhyming words, word families o Poems from the story that are illustrated o Painting o Sculpture o Drawing o Crafts o Academic work: letters, words, sentences, grammar The Presentation Be present o Leave any concerns behind, o It’s a nice way for you to take a break from your day-to-day concerns o Be clear on your intention for the story Be expressive, but let the story speak for itself Vary the tempo, intonation and timing as a way to create drama and engage the children Have the pictures in mind as you are telling the story Use all the senses: see the colors, smell the roses, feel the temperature of the air, hear the sounds Try not to give them the conclusion: describe and let them come to their own conclusions Speak clearly and slowly; it will help the children to settle Be aware of the pitch of your voice: use the full range and resonance Move deliberately and consciously Notice the difference in the quality of listening whether you are reading/telling the story Observations Have a journal or other way of writing down you initial impressions Choose a time of the day that works best Write about your own story telling and anything you would like to improve Write about how the children reacted, was there anything that peaked their interest Notice afterwards during the review, when it’s part of a main lesson, what they remember Creating Your Own Stories Realize that the stories that you create are some of the most powerful If you are insecure about making up your own begin with a simple bedtime story You could even create a story that continues on through several nights or even weeks Pedagogical stories are very powerful: You take an issue an create story where the characters are disguised in some way, where they can work through an issue