Internship Agreement for Bachelor of Engineering

School of Engineering and Science
Internship Agreement for Bachelor of Engineering
between Aalborg University (AAU), student intern and internship organization
School of Engineering and Science (SES)
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in ________________________________
with specialization in ____________________________
Student intern:
Internship period:
Internship organization:
Internship coordinator at AAU:
Internship supervisor in organization (site supervisor):
The internship is
with salary
without salary (mark by X)
As a part of the Curriculum for the Bachelor of Engineering programme at School of
Engineering and Science (SES), Aalborg University, students are required to serve a
one-semester engineering internship in a company or a public (research) or private
institution – in Denmark or abroad. The scale is 30 ECTS equivalent to half a year’s
workload. During the internship the student intern must be given the time to prepare
an internship report.
The purpose of the internship is to provide the student with work experience in
solving engineering tasks. The internship must be of relevance for the engineering
programme in question, and the tasks undertaken must correspond to the academic
level of an engineer.
The student intern will be allocated an internship coordinator at Aalborg University.
After signing the agreement, the internship coordinator may choose to transfer the
internship process and student intern supervision to an AAU project supervisor.
Additionally, the internship organization will appoint a site supervisor with relevant
professional background acting as supervisor and sparring partner.
Within the agreed professional framework for the internship, the internship
organization and the student intern are free to decide the procedures for the
internship, e.g. work organization etc.
School of Engineering and Science
Tasks during the internship [to be completed by the student in cooperation
with the internship coordinator and the site supervisor]
The main task at XX is XXX. During the internship period the student intern must be
affiliated Department of XX where she/he must be part of the daily work, including
participation in project meetings etc. By working with one or two major projects
throughout the period, the student intern becomes immersed in several aspects and
stages of the design process.
The internship agreement must be approved before the internship starts.
Learning goals
The student intern completes an internship in order to learn how the engineering
profession is carried out in practice while at the same time learning technical skills in
a different way than the student is used to. During the internship it is expected that
the student will be able to understand and apply modern design tools.
Having completed the internship the student is expected to:
• Hold knowledge of the organizational structure and the work of an organization
seen from an engineering perspective.
• Understand the connection between theory and practice.
• Be able to analyse if the profession needs new academic skills which should/could
be included in the education programme.
• Be able to assess whether the learning goals of the internship have been fulfilled.
• Be able to analyse the academic, professional and social benefits of the internship.
• Be able to handle development-oriented situations in connection with either
studying or working.
Progress evaluation
Halfway through the internship the AAU project supervisor (can be identical with the
internship coordinator), the student and the site supervisor meet to evaluate the
internship and to make adjustments, if any. The meeting is held either at the
organization or at Aalborg University. If the internship organization is located abroad
an online meeting will be held.
Final evaluation (as described in the curriculum and in Addendum to the
Framework Provisions)
The internship is concluded with an individual oral examination based on the
student’s internship report. The examination will be external and the assessment is
Pass/Fail. Participants in the examination will be the student intern, the AAU project
supervisor, the external examiner and, if possible, the site supervisor. The
examination is conducted by the AAU project supervisor, and during the evaluation
only the assessors (project supervisor and external examiner) can be present. The
student makes a presentation of the internship period. The evaluation shall include a
School of Engineering and Science
discussion and assessment of the internship and the study programme, and a
reflection of the consistency of the internship with the study programme’s activities is
made. The evaluation is based on an assessment of the student’s:
 performance (internship declaration)
 presentation and discussion of the internship report and internship period
 internship report.
Student intern, date and signature:
Site supervisor, date and signature:
Internship coordinator, date and signature:
Study Board, date and signature:
The Study Board sends a copy of the signed agreement to the Examination Office.