AWS SENSE Level I Module 4: SMAW 1. With Direct Current Electrode Positive (DCEP ), the electrode is Positive. 2. The number in the next to last place on the SMAW electrode classification determines what position the rod can be used in, Example . 1 all position, 2 flat and horizontal only. 3. Same as 2 4. The E6010 electrode is run mostly on DCEP. 5. Excessive spatter and undercutting of weld joints can be caused by current values being set to high. 6. SMAW equipment is portable the welding machine can be powered by gasoline or diesel engines. Matching: 7. D arc 8. B electrode 9. E work piece lead 10. AB electrode lead 11. AC work 12. C electrode holder 13. A power source 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. E solidified slag D weld pool B core wire A flux coating AE base metal AB solidified weld metal C Shielding atmosphere 21. An E6010 deep penetrating electrode belongs to the F3 group. 22. The first two (2) digits of the electrode classification E7018 indicates that the electrode has the minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi. 23. Back-stepping to fill the weld crater made with the SMAW process at the end of a weld helps to prevent crater cracking. 24. The electrode classification that indicates deep penetrating electrode that can be used with AC current is E6011. 25. The E7024 electrode can be used in flat and horizontal positions only. 26. The last digit in the electrode classification E7018 indicates polarity and chemical composition. 27. In order to reduce waste and control cost, you should weld until the electrode is down to the classification numbers. 28. When referring to standard Alternating Current in North America, the current changes direction 120 times per second. 29. Rectifiers are noted for their ability to change AC to DC current. 30. Which of the following welding cables is the largest? # 2/0. 31. When using DCEP the electrons flow from the electrode to the work. 32. “Duty Cycle” is a term used to indicate the percentage of time a machine can be operated in a 10-minute time period. 33. “Arc Blow” is caused by magnetic forces. 34. Which of the following group of electrode is Low Hydrogen 7015, 7016 and 7018. 35. An engine driven generator without a rectifier produces AC current only. 36. E6013 electrodes produce a weld with shallow penetration. 37. E7024 electrodes are not suitable for all position welding. 38. In the SMAW process, as the arc length increases , current (amperage) decreases. 39. The distance from the molten tip of the SMAW electrode to the surface of the molten weld pool should be one electrode diameter. 40. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about an E7018 electrode? * Once opened it should be kept in an electrode oven. * The weld deposit has a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi. * It is suitable for use in flat and horizontal fillet positions only . * It is low hydrogen and can be used in all positions. 41. A gas supply is not required for the SMAW process.