CMS Lesson Plan Template Week of: 03/09//15 Teacher: Oby Monday _Introduce Debate Course/Level: _Writing Connections TUESDAY Refuting a debate Wednesday___Counter Point ELA CC8R13 7R11, 6R11 Focused Standard/Element(s) Essential Question(s) CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.8.5c How is a debate different from an CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.5b Argument? CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.11-12.5b How is a debate organized? Group Brainstorming activity: How is a debate different from an Argument? Opening (5-10 min) Work-Time Activities (40 min) Closure Activity (10 min) Great Debate: Watch Two Short Form Debates: Harry Potter vs. Twightlight and Nixon vs. Kennedy. Great Debate Evaluation Sheet: Who Persuades you? What are the rules of the debate? Ticket Out the Door: Which side won the debate and what was their reasoning ELACCSL3, ELACC7SL3 and ELACC8SL3 What do I need to refute my opponent’s argument in a debate? Why is it important for a debater to know both sides of the argument? Might/ Must review 1. Batman or Superman? 2. Sports or Videogames? Refutation Article Read article together as a class Stop and discuss while reading Create a practice example as a class on the board o Dogs are better than cats… o Cats are better than Speed Date Debate: dogs… In small groups pair off and be assigned a side. One minute to make your point and then switch partners ELACCSL3, ELACC7SL3 and ELACC8SL3 What is a counterpoint and how do we use point/counterpoint in a debate? Pick a partner and find a topic that you are both interested in and then select the opposite side of your argument. Find key points Research opposition (20 mins) Research the side you want to take: address the oppositions arguments Provide teacher example and work through an example topic as a class. Group by ability and allow for larger groups where needed. Create a web quest that helps guide students to resources on their level. Differentiation Strategies (targeting student growth) Allow student discussion to help facilitate understanding. Working in groups to learn vocabulary and put together arguments. Groups Class Template Outline Allow student discussion to help facilitate understanding. Working in groups to learn vocabulary and put together arguments. Thursday __Finish Writing ELACC6W1,4,5,6,10 Assignment Friday _Continue Edit Rewrite Additional Notes ELACC6W1,4,5,6,10 Focused Standard/Element(s) Essential Question(s) Describe in detail how you may use language to persuade? Use previously studied terms such as quotes, anecdotes, statistics, or unusual details. Complete Fact vs Opinion activity assignment as a warm up Opening (5-10 min) Work-Time Activities (40 min) Continue to scaffold essay with a partner, when finished and checked off with Ms. Oby. Write essay Use and identify key resources you discovered through this writing activity, such as instagrok, what other search engines have you learned about this week? Students will print their essays and use rainbow editing to ensure all elements are there. Work with partners to edit rewrite final drafts Due to the Media Center being in use for student rewards, Ms. Oby’s classes will complete the assignments started last week on persuasive writing. Please ask your student what the topic is they are writing about. We have had informative, inspiring debates and sharing about current events! Closure Activity (10 min) Differentiation Strategies (targeting student growth) Describe the process of writing step by step. Was it easier to write your first draft when using a through brainstorm? Students post work Students will work in pairs for collaboration. Teacher work one on one with students, centers set up for different phases of the writing process.