2011-2012 annual work plan 1. Activity/Proj ect Name: 2. Identify the one component of ACRL’s Strategic Plan most advanced by the activity/proje ct. 3. Describe the activity/proje ct. (Its purpose and intended outcomes, and how it relates to the strategic direction identified above.) 4. This activity/ project is a: Complete the Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency Guidelines for Academic Libraries Strategic Area: Value of Academic Libraries This document has implications in Student Learning and Research and Scholarly Environment Purpose: To complete the Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency Guidelines for Academic Libraries and send them to the Standards and Accreditation Committee and the Board for final approval. Intended outcomes: To provide academic librarians with cultural competency guidelines for implementation into their library organization. Description of connection to ACRL strategic plan: Continuous Learning, Leadership, Membership continuous project assigned in charge X short-term project that will be completed this membership year long-term project continuing past this membership year (timeframe: __________) Proposed completion date for the activity/project:__December 2011 5. Outline the plan for the activity/proje ct and timelines. (e.g., financial*, technology, staff support), Workplan 20111012 6. Assessment: Specific Actions Make changes to the 1st Draft and submit them to the Standards Committee Announce the approved Diversity Standards to the C&RL News, ALA Insider Blog, ALA Connect, and other listservs. Assessment Plans Party Responsible Chair & ViceChair Resources Needed Res ults Assessment Results How will success be measured (e.g., what indicators will be used, what tools will be used to collect data, and what targets will indicate success)? 7. Year End Status (To be completed May/June 2011) The REDC Committee will track the number of questions, comments, and references to the Diversity Standards. The enlistment of and collaboration with a specific group of libraries to pilot a project to implement the cultural competency guidelines completed x ongoing The committee will be responsible for making contacts with specific colleges and universities in collaborating with and implementing the guidelines ceased Comments: These endeavors are ongoing 1. Activity/Proj ect Name: Develop a marketing plan to disseminate Diversity Standards to the organization 2. Identify the one component of ACRL’s Strategic Plan most advanced by the activity/proje ct. 3. Describe the activity/proje ct. (Its purpose and intended outcomes, and how it relates to the strategic direction identified above.) 4. This activity/ project is a: Strategic Area: Value of Academic Libraries This document has implications in Student Learning and Research and Scholarly Environment The committee will share these Diversity Standards with individuals and libraries to generate discussion and encourage libraries to incorporate some or all of them into their workplace. Intended outcomes: Partnering with libraries to implement the cultural competency guidelines Description of connection to ACRL strategic plan: Continuous Learning, Leadership, Membership continuous project assigned in charge Xx short-term project that will be completed this membership year xx long-term project continuing past this membership year (timeframe: __________) Proposed completion date for the activity/project:__long term_____2013_______ 5. Outline the plan for the activity/proje ct and timelines. (e.g., financial*, technology, staff support), Specific Actions Submit Conference Programs proposals for JCLC Conference 2012, ALA 2012 Disseminate these standards to other state organizations Promote series of talks, workshops, and webinars introducing the Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency Guidelines for Academic Libraries Invite other libraries to add specific practical “best practices” for standards Plan pilot to implement diversity standards at U. Maryland and U. Illinois Party Responsible Committee Committee Committee work with Office of Diversity Resources Needed JCLC Registrati on to travel if JCLC proposal accepted Monies to support travel and programm ing costs Virtual space, possibly use ALA Connect? Res ults Vice Chair & Committee *Note: If resources are required beyond the $150 division-level committee basic services funding, please work with your Board Liaison and Staff Liaison to prepare a Board Action Form requesting additional funds. 2012-2013 annual work plan 1. Activity/Project Name: Augment Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency Guidelines for Academic Libraries—Best Practices 2. Identify the one component of ACRL’s Strategic Plan most advanced by the activity/project. Strategic Area: Value of Academic Libraries with implications for Student Learning and Research and Scholarly Environment 3. Describe the activity/project. Purpose: Incorporate academic libraries’ best practices and assessments into the The Diversity Standards: Cultural Competency Guidelines for Academic Libraries – Intended outcomes: Partnering with a select group of libraries to implement the cultural competency guidelines (Its purpose and intended outcomes, and how it relates to the strategic direction identified above.) 4. This activity/ Description of connection to ACRL strategic plan: N/A continuous project assigned in charge project is a: short-term project that will be completed this membership year long-term project continuing past this membership year (timeframe: __________) Proposed completion date for the activity/project:__long term____________ 5. Outline the plan for the activity/project and timelines. (e.g., financial*, technology, staff support), 6. Assessment: How will success be measured (e.g., what indicators will be used, what tools will be used to collect data, and what targets will indicate success)? 7. Year End Status (To be completed May/June 2011) Specific Actions Incorporate best practices to Diversity Standards Party Responsible Committee work with Office of Diversity Announce Chair & ViceImplementatio Chair n Phase: Submit a ACRL program proposal for 2013 Conference Implement Committee & diversity Vice Chair standards at Interested programs at U. Maryland and U. Illinois Assessment Plans Track the number of presentations, emails, and other communications about the Standards completed ongoing Resources Needed Results Virtual space, possibly use ALA Connect? Monies to travel to either location for the implementatio n phase. Assessment Results The committee will be responsible for making contacts with specific colleges and universities in collaborating with and implementing the guidelines ceased Comments: These endeavors are ongoing *Note: If resources are required beyond the $150 division-level committee basic services funding, please work with your Board Liaison and Staff Liaison to prepare a Board Action Form requesting additional funds.