Georgetown University Law Center Student Bar Association House of Delegates Meeting Tuesday, November 13, 2012 9:00 PM Hotung 1000 AGENDA 9:00 PM. Roll Call 9:05-9:15 PM. Executive Board Updates 1. Shaun Zhang, President a. Anthony got married! b. Resolution on Student Faculty Committee Reporting is up c. Philip: food bank drive 2. Milla Savelieff, Evening Vice President a. Helping Shaun on alumni initiative, Matt Calise would like more of a timeline proposal, will do that, what cities should we do 3. Edward Williams, Day Vice President a. It’s memo week 4. Parker Schnell, Secretary a. Office Reassignment should be done by Friday 5. Anthony Campau, Treasurer a. Going over budget with Amy and stuff 6. Zac Garthe, Attorney General a. Bylaw additions – incorporating meeting procedures and more and possible Constitutional changes 7. Justin Waddell, Chief of Staff a. No change 9:15-9:25 PM. Committee Introductions and Updates 1. Law Center Affairs a. Clinics and Externships: Varoon Modak i. Nothing new b. Registrar: Daniel Smith c. Technology: Tiffany Li i. Promoting outline bank through emails, flyers, and posters. Other things will depend on getting new CIO, but focusing on social media improvements d. OCS: Zach Bench i. Shaun – Zach is meeting with Dean Shannon and Boulton on improving 2. ABA Rep: Alexa Sendukas 3. Campus Services: Alexis Kellert a. No change 4. Elections: Christopher Morgan-Riess a. No change – can’t get Nate Silver Georgetown University Law Center Student Bar Association House of Delegates Meeting 5. Social: Alexa Sendukas and Andrew Adelman a. WWD tomorrow is hosted by libraries, non-perishable food drive; Bar Review on Thursday is at the Brixton on U Street 6. Special Events: Ashley Binetti and Jessica Montello a. March 22nd for Barristers contract approved 9:25-9:35 PM. Discussion: Registrar Daniel: Online transcript requests working on; grade posting email notifications working on, don’t have timeline yet but working on it; MyAccess – improving that system, adding swap function, etc., make more user friendly, but all Georgetown uses the same system so better to make presentation of what want and then work on the summer; expanded course offerings for more bookends, etc. For summer course offerings suggestions – build in Nov/Dec, January is when finalized, then release in April; Regular – build Jan/Feb, finalize in March, release in April; Job interviews and job conflicts currently are not reasons for getting a class recorded, possible to work with the faculty but probably going to be hard; Can currently only stream a class recording for 30 days if allowed to get it, try to work on it, talk to professor if want to still get it, academic violation if download and save recording even though website lets you; Registrar survey from beginning of year, registrar survey not very conclusive, committee still feels that should change to classes when they come – body could probably do what it wants Edward – something to that when know when it happens for 1Ls, is there a concern on how people could talk about grade performance Claire – evening student specific, for ‘first-year’ classes, their grades are held up until rest of 1L grades Bill – concern with one grade holding up all the others – we gave examples of when that has happened Lexi – if grades are released as ready, with first release of whatever every first year students grade is, should be email from Dean, to explain that it’s just one grade, etc. Nicole – con side – compulsive need to check things- changes focus for the year Shaun – likes that people gave opinions on both sides, at the same time, looking back at 1L, etc., years, checking grades was a whole day experience, dean would come to your class with presentation, community experience Sarah – so no email saying there’s a release now? No Alex Bergjans – don’t rely on survey, weighted weirdly 9:35-9:40 PM. Open Forum Bill – biking to campus, places to put it? People put suggestions as to where, but Georgetown University Law Center Student Bar Association House of Delegates Meeting Shazhadi - Thanksgiving matching? Said – Idea was to get international students to have Thanksgiving with American students and match them. Mel – is there a list already? Said – list going to Merced. Elizabeth – made document for matching. Stefan – let’s wait and see. Jake – doors should be open 9:40-9:50 PM. Resolutions; Debate; Vote 1. Resolution 2012-2013-15: Procedure for Student Faculty Committee Reporting a. Parker/Milla - Email was sent this afternoon with more information and explanation. Please review that, but here is an overview of that information: We want to highlight four components: 1) Supporting Body—Day VP has primary responsibility but exec board has responsibility too. Rationale: a) accountability, b) continuity, c) close hold nature of information; 2) Information Shared: a) proposal: particular categories of information shared, b) Rationale: preserve confidential nature of discussions, concentrate on how to improve student accessibility and understanding of issues being discussed, and promote shared governance; 3) Confidentiality Checks: a) proposal: private document reviewed for confidentiality before any public release or oral report – reviewed by Day VP w support of Executive Board; 4) Frequency of Reports: a) proposal: publicly accessible document, day VP reports orally to HOD, and b) Rationale: open access for questions at any time, oral reports only every other meeting to ease admin burden, urgent issues will still be raised on an ad hoc basis. b. Clarifying questions: i. What happens after the confidentiality check? ii. Does the proposed system mean students should not submit at all or that the day VP reviews and exec board helps? iii. Why wouldn’t we have everything go through the exec board for a decision on whether it’s confidential? Because the E-board doesn’t have a direct duty to the chairman of that committee re the c. Debate i. Proposal to amend resolution by striking section 2a 1. For amendment: Chris--We shouldn’t have confidentiality protection blocking flow of some information to HOD. 2. Against amendment: Shaun—Confidentiality is vital, and if you have an issue with this text, please vote against the overall resolution rather than striking this section. This resolution must stay in tact. 3. Vote: Nays have it and the amendment fails. ii. On resolution Georgetown University Law Center Student Bar Association House of Delegates Meeting 1. For: Edward—For it with reservations, must get the process started 2. Voting: Ayes have it and the resolution passes. d. 2. Resolution 2012-2013-16: FLAG Supplemental Funds Request a. Anthony – event is tomorrow and need it, they don’t have a budget b. Passed 9:50 PM. Adjourn