Finalized policy draft - Florida International University

[Banner below indicates who needs to review policy. Most common example: University Community (faculty, staff and students)]
Reservation and Use of University Space Policy
The University shall use its facilities and spaces as effectively and efficiently as possible, giving priority to
University Events. This is an umbrella policy for the reservation and use of all University Space
This policy is created to standardize the reservation and use of University Space process, and establish a
centralized depository of reservation and use information for planning, forecasting and emergency management
University Space:
University Space includes all FIU facilities, indoor as well as outdoor spaces, reflected on FIU’s Central Space
Reservations Website at ______________________. Educational/academic uses of University Space shall at all
times receive priority. University Space is classified as follows:
1) Academic Space: Facilities and spaces that primarily serve the University’s educational and research
mission. Academic Space includes classrooms, laboratories, auditoriums, and performance halls among
2) Department Space: Facilities and spaces that primarily serve the University’s internal operational needs
and are generally managed by a department. Department Space includes conference and meeting rooms,
study rooms and athletic facilities among others.
3) Event Space: Facilities and spaces used to host programs and events in support of the University mission
such as educational, cultural, social, athletic, and recreational events among others.
1) Internal Users: Matriculated FIU students, faculty, and staff, University departments and recognized
student groups in good standing.
2) External Users: Alumni, retirees, emeritus faculty, board members, donors and the external community
among others.
1) University Events: Events managed or sponsored by the University in support of its mission.
2) Private Events: Non-university related events.
Additional policies and procedures shall develop and implement operational procedures that align with the
following goals and objectives:
Central Space Reservation Website:
FIU’s Central Space Reservation Website serves as entry-point for Internal and External Users to:
- assess the available inventory of University Space;
- view general user terms and conditions;
- view policies and procedures;
- obtain contact information and related information such as FAQs;
- obtain other pertinent information, as may be amended and/or updated from time to time; and
- initiate the space reservation process.
Space Availability:
Academic Space, regardless if general purpose classrooms or departmental classrooms, may be reserved for
University or Private Events only if released by the Office of Class Management. Department Space may be
reserved for University or Private Events only if approved by the respective Facility Manager. Event Space
shall always be available for University or Private Event reservations.
Reservation Process:
University Space is reserved via the Central Space Reservation Website first-come first-served. Final
confirmation of space reservations shall be made by the respective Facility Manager.
Facility Manager:
The local designee who receives space reservation requests through the Central Space Reservation Website,
confirms/cancels a reservation request, and provides all other follow-up action in accordance with the space’s
policies, procedures and regulations.
Prohibited Use/Activities:
In no event shall any User undertake and/or conduct uses or activities that are disruptive to the University and
its operations, including but not limited to, excessive noise, interference with educational/academic activities,
and/or dangerous or harmful activities. No selling, marketing or distribution of goods and/or services unless
pre-approved in writing by an authorized University official. No sale or distribution of food unless preapproved in writing by an authorized University official.
Applicable Policies, Procedures and Regulations:
All space reservations shall be scheduled on a first-come first-served basis, unless the policy/procedure of the
facility states otherwise.
If needed and only under exceptional circumstances, the University reserves the right to relocate any scheduled
use of Department Space or Event Space for academic purposes and will make every effort to accommodate
Users and/or relocate a scheduled event.
All Users and/or user activities shall comply with:
a) the space reservation fee schedule,
b) insurance requirements,
c) public safety regulations,
d) facility-specific restrictions, and
e) all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations; University Regulations, Policies,
Procedures and/or Guidelines, as may be amended and/or created from time to time, as posted on the Central
Space Reservations Website ___________________________.
Violation of this policy will be reported to the appropriate University authority and may result in the placement
of sanctions, fines, preclusions and/or limitations of future use of University Space.
Office of the Provost
Name of Administrative Oversight Office
Address, City, State
General Telephone Number
The University Policies and Procedures Library is
updated regularly. In order to ensure a printed
copy of this document is current, please access it
online at .
For any questions or comments, the “Document
Details” view for this policy online provides
complete contact information.
Reservation Process: University Space is reserved via the Central Space Reservation Website
_______________________ first-come first-served. Final confirmation of space reservations shall be made by
the respective Facility Manager.
Links to the above referenced Form(s) available in the "Document Details" Section of the online version of this
policy document.
*R = Required
*O = Optional