Ordering dry ice

Ordering dry ice
Vendor change
 Price change from $.54 to $.36
 Pellets and Slice
 No daily delivery Charge
 Same product
 Same service
 Same fee for same day service-$10.
 Same 5 pound minimum
First step
 Ordered by Reservation MB21
When you enter the material number, click on the box to the side to bring up material
number search. Enter ICE1 in the storage location and hit Enter.
This will bring up the material numbers for the dry ice. Choose the
material number that you want and hit enter. Enter item # for same day
delivery only if you need ice same day.
After you enter the material number that you want, enter your quantity and
for SLoc choose ICE1 for dry ice and then click on hour glass icon to enter
your requirement date. Then hit post icon to get your reservation #.
Once you post
 Delivery ticket will automatically print for
Distribution Services
 Delivery day must be entered on reservation before
you post.
 Janice Carter, 686-6042, Administrator
 Gary Rogers (SAT 1 Supervisor), 686-6216
 http://www.uams.edu/supplychain/