
Conjugation Project- Present Progressive (MYP Year 3)
Criterion D ( Using language in spoken and written form)
Strands i, ii, iii
i.write and speak using a range of vocabulary, grammatical structures and conventions; when speaking use clear
pronunciation and intonation.
ii. organize information and ideas and use a range of basic cohesive devices.
iii. use language to suit the context.
Directions: The student will select an index card with the name of a Spanish-speaking country out of a box. Once
the index card is selected, the student will identify the capital of the country and will then find a regular verb
written in the back of each index card. The student will conjugate the verb in the Present Progressive in Spanish.
The student will formulate a sentence with the chosen verb and will use it in the Present Progressive form.
The student is able to
Task Specific Clarification
The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.
The student:
i has difficulty to write/speak using basic range
vocabulary, grammatical structures and
conventions; when speaking, uses
pronunciation and intonation with many errors,
making understanding difficult.
ii. organizes limited basic information, and
basic cohesive devices are not used
iii. makes minimal use of language to suit the
The student:
i.Writes/speaks using a basic range of
vocabulary, grammatical structures and
conventions with some inappropriate choices;
when speaking , uses pronunciation and
intonation with some errors, some of which
make understanding difficult.
ii. organizes some basic information and uses a
limited range of basic cohesive devices, not
always appropriately
iii. uses language to suit the context to some
The student:
i.writes/speaks making good use of basic range
of vocabulary, grammatical structures and
conventions generally accurately; when
speaking, uses clear pronunciation and
intonation with some errors, though these do
not interfere with comprehensibility.
ii. organizes basic information clearly and uses
limited a range of basic cohesive devices
iii. usually uses language to suit the context.
You were not able to identify the capital
of the country.
You were able to conjugate the verb
with several grammatical errors.
You were able to formulate a very basic
sentence but struggled with the syntax
and pronunciation making
understanding difficult.
You were able to identify the capital of
the country.
You were able to conjugate the verb
with some grammatical errors.
You were able to formulate a basic
sentence but struggled only with
pronunciation making understanding
You were able to identify the capital of
the country without hesitation.
You were able to conjugate the verb
without grammatical errors.
You were able to formulate an
advanced sentence using additional
vocabulary but struggled only with
The student:
i.writes/speaks effectively using a basic range of
vocabulary, grammatical structures and
conventions accurately; when speaking, uses
clear pronunciation and excellent intonation,
making communication easy
ii. organizes basic information clearly and uses a
range of basic cohesive devices accurately
iii. uses language effectively to suit the context.
You were able to identify the capital of
the country without any hesitation.
You were able to conjugate the verb
without grammatical errors.
You were able to formulate an
advanced sentence using additional
vocabulary and did not struggle with
You demonstrated excellent grammar
and pronunciation/intonation of the
Student Name: _______________________________ Date: ________________
Score: ______
Student Reflection: