EXCHANGE STUDENTS APPLICATION FORM SUPELEC MASTER STUDIES – AY 2015/16 Date réception Master Avis DPI Campus : GIF-SUR-YVETTE / PARIS SACLAY METZ RENNES Avis DE This programme is open to foreign students from partners institutions (bilateral agreement requested), with a bachelor’s degree or at least four years of higher education (equivalent of 240 ECTS credits). Students are admitted directly into the second year of the programme and obtain the degree after one year of study. Due to their structure, these programmes have to be taken as a whole. Teaching modules cannot be used for non-degree studies. PERSONAL DETAILS Last/Family Name (as written on passport):………………………… First/Second Name (s):………………………… Gender: ☐ Male ☐ Female Date of Birth : dd/mm/yyyy Place of Birth:……………….……….. Nationality:……………………….. Contact address :……………..…………………… ZIP code, Country :………………………… Town :………………………… Address valid until: ../../…. Permanent address (if different):………………………….. Phone :……………….. E-mail:……….@.............. Disability: ☐ No ☐ Yes - please specify : …………….. (Photograph 500 ko max.) SENDING INSTITUTION Institution: …… ………………………… …………………….. International Exchange Coordinator:…………………………. Address :Cliquez ici pour taper du texte. Phone : ………………… Fax: ………………. E-mail: ………….@................... Coordinator signature + Seal of the institution Exchange programme: ☐ ERASMUS+ ☐ BRAFITEC ☐ Exchange Agreement (other) - Incoming AppForm / Master / Avril15 / page 1 – CENTRALESUPELEC - Campus de Gif Plateau de Moulon - 3 rue Joliot Curie, F-91192 Gif s/Yvette cédex, France ACADEMIC BACKGROUND High School Diploma Name of the High School : Awarding date : Country : ☐International high school degree ☐International/EU Bac. Higher Education studies Number of years (higher education) before arrival at CSupélec: ☐2 ☐French Baccalauréat ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐5+ Highest degree obtained (if any) : Name of the institution : Awarding date : Country : Current studies (diploma/degree): Total number of credits (ECTS or local - please precise : ) already obtained when applying: ECTS local credits expected by the end of this academic year: ECTS local credits Cumulative GPA : Global Average Grade : LANGUAGE SKILLS Spoken languages Native language(s) : Other(s) : Self-assessment CECR level Basic user Independent user Proficient user French English A0 – Real beginner ☐ ☐ A1 - Beginner ☐ ☐ A2 - Elementary ☐ ☐ B1 - Intermediate ☐ ☐ B2 - Upper intermediate ☐ ☐ C1 - Effective Operational Proficiency ☐ ☐ C2 - Mastery ☐ ☐ - Incoming AppForm / Master / Avril15 / page 2 – CENTRALESUPELEC - Campus de Gif Plateau de Moulon - 3 rue Joliot Curie, F-91192 Gif s/Yvette cédex, France RESEARCH MASTER DEGREE - GIF-SUR-YVETTE CAMPUS (PARIS SACLAY) Please find below the list of Master degrees proposed by the University of Paris Saclay, in which our school is actively participating. Students are authorized to apply at CentraleSupélec Gif campus in the framework of an official exchange programme only. Our school offers to students applying for some Postgraduate degree (specialization year) to attend an associated Master programme simultaneously. Selected prog. RESEARCH MASTER DEGREES Associated Postgraduate prog. ☐ ATSI : Automatique & Traitement du Signal des Images “Automatics and Signal Treatment Science” Majeure AS : Automatique et Systèmes ☐ CAT : Composants et Antennes pour les Télécoms “Components and Antennas for Telecommunications” Majeure EC : Electromagnétisme et Communications ☐ CCN : Informatique pour les réseaux de communication “Computer science for Communication Networks” - ☐ DSBI : Modèles et technologies pour le décisionnel “Decision Support and Business Intelligence” - ☐ EPA : Electrification & Propulsion Automobile “Electrification and Powertrain” Majeure CE : Conversion d’Energie ☐ FIIL : Fondements de l’Informatique et Ingénierie du Logiciel “Fondations of Computer Science and Computer Engineering” - ☐ ICS : Integration Circuit Systems Majeure MNE : Micro et Nano Electronique ☐ IREN : Industries de Réseau et Economie Numérique “Network Industries and Digital Economy” Option ENE : Energie Majeure SI : Systèmes Informatiques Majeure TEL : Télécommunications ☐ MAS : Mécanique, Aéronautique et Spatial “Mechanical and Aerospace Branch” Majeure AS : Automatique et Systèmes ☐ MN : Multimedia Networking - ☐ NS : Nanosciences Majeure MNE : Micro et Nano Electronique ☐ PIE : Physique et Ingénierie de l'Energie “Physic and Energy Engineering” ☐ ROSP : Réseau Optique et Système Photonique - ☐ SAR : Systèmes Avancés de Radiocommunications “Advance Wireless Communication Systems” - / Majeure CE : Conversion d’Energie Option ENE : Energie NB 1 : All students applying outside the framework of a bilateral agreement will have to contact the referring institution for the registration. NB 2 : All students firstly selected by our school will have to fill in the Paris Saclay University form : Application for the Paris Saclay Master grant have to be done simultaneously. - Incoming AppForm / Master / Avril15 / page 3 – CENTRALESUPELEC - Campus de Gif Plateau de Moulon - 3 rue Joliot Curie, F-91192 Gif s/Yvette cédex, France RESEARCH MASTER DEGREE - METZ CAMPUS Selected prog. RESEARCH MASTER DEGREES ☐ MATH: Mathématiques “ Mathematics ” ☐ POM : Photonique et Optique pour les Matériaux “ Photonique et Optique pour les Matériaux ” RESEARCH MASTER DEGREE - RENNES CAMPUS Selected prog. RESEARCH MASTER DEGREES ☐ CTS : Conceptions et Technologies des Systèmes “ Design and Technology Systems ” ☐ i-MARS : i-Micro-technologies, Architectures, Réseaux et Systèmes de communications “ Micro-technologies, Architectures, Communication Networks and Systems ” ☐ MRI : Master Recherche en Informatique “ Computer Science” ☐ SISEA : Signal, Image, Systèmes Embarqués, Automatique “ Signal, Image and Automatic Systems on Board ” HOUSING Instructions on the Campus Housing application process will be sent to exchange students who have officially accepted by our school about 6 weeks before their arrival. French-speaking students applying for a non-degree programme are encouraged to apply for a programme in our Metz campus (Spring semester), where the accommodation capacities are currently higher. ! Due to a significant increase in the number of students these last few years, student residences may have important difficulties to provide accommodations for all students. Priority is given to students applying for a classical engineering programme. Master students are encouraged to look for accommodation opportunities off-campus : (all campuses) (all campuses) (all campuses) (all campuses) (Gif campus) Shared housing : - Incoming AppForm / Master / Avril15 / page 4 – CENTRALESUPELEC - Campus de Gif Plateau de Moulon - 3 rue Joliot Curie, F-91192 Gif s/Yvette cédex, France APPLICATION DEADLINES SUPPORT MATERIALS TO ATTACH TO THE APPLICATION: Curriculum Vitae (preferably in French) Personal Statement (preferably in French - describe your academic interests and reasons for applying) 2 recommendation letters Official certificate of French Language Proficiency as TCE or DELF test Official transcript of records from each institution of higher education attended (with official French or English translation) Photocopy of secondary school diploma + certified translation Photocopy of identity card/passport or birth certificate + certified translation TIMETABLE FOR APPLICATION (FALL SEMESTER, FULL ACADEMIC YEAR) Please note that students must first be officially nominated by the home university exchange office by e-mail, specifying: Name, Surname and email of the student Exchange programme Period of stay Closing date for receiving the application May 15, 2015 Decision on admission July 10, 2015 Communication of decision to students July 15, 2015 Students acceptance due August 24, 2015 PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION BY EMAIL (NO HARD COPY REQUESTED) TO: Xavière MARCY (Ms.) International Affairs & Partnerships Any further question ? Feel free to contact us !... I certify that all information in this application is true and complete. I understand that misrepresentation may be cause for cancelling my admission. I understand that all credentials and documents I submit are subject to a treatment designed to manage the processing of my application and my arrival in the host university. The recipients of these data are the Dean’s Office of CentraleSupélec, and “Cercle Europe” (non-profit association which is part of the Board of European Students of Technology, “BEST” and get involved in the CentraleSupélec student life by organizing some activities such as the reception of the foreign students). According to the Data Protection French law, I has a right to access and correct information about me. I can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose to the communication of my data to the group “Cercle Europe”. If I wish to exercise this right and obtain information about me, I may ask to Xaviere Marcy (Ms.) – International Affairs & Partnerships Date: Signature of Applicant: - Incoming AppForm / Master / Avril15 / page 5 – CENTRALESUPELEC - Campus de Gif Plateau de Moulon - 3 rue Joliot Curie, F-91192 Gif s/Yvette cédex, France