1 2 3 Appendix: additional material for model-data comparisons Fig.1A shows the time-series comparisons of FC transport between model, cable 4 data and HYCOM counterparts. FC transport is monitored by a cable between the 5 U.S. east coast and the Bahamas (pink line in Fig. 1), and the data is made available 6 online at: http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/floridacurrent/data_access.php. 7 Comparisons with observational data suggest that the model was able to capture the 8 variability of FC transport reasonably well. One caveat we note is that the simulated 9 four-year mean FC transport was 28.4Sv (1Sv= 106 m3 s-1), as compared to the 10 observed average of 31.3Sv. This bias is likely from the global HYCOM data that 11 were used to drive the boundary inflows, which also underestimated FC transport, 12 with a mean transport value of 26.5Sv. 13 We also compared model simulated and satellite (AVISO) observed mean Eddy 14 Kinetic Energy (EKE) fields over the four-year study period (Fig.2A). The EKE was 15 calculated based on the geostrophic velocity anomaly 𝑈𝑔′ and 𝑉𝑔′ : EKE 16 1 U g '2 Vg '2 2 17 Both AVISO and the model presented stronger EKE in the Loop Current and Gulf 18 Stream areas and weaker EKE along the coast and in the open ocean of the Sargasso 19 Sea. We note that model shows weaker EKE than AVISO near coastal GOM. This 20 discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that AVISO has a spatial resolution of 1/3º 21 and its ability to resolve the coastal dynamics is limited. Nonetheless, the model is 22 able to resolve the kinetic structure of the circulation reasonably well. 23 In addition, NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS) sea level data were also used 24 to assess model performance in coastal areas. We compared 26 sea level stations along 25 the IAS coast from the GOM coast of Florida to the SAB to compare model with 26 observations. For demonstration purposes, only six stations are shown (Fig. 3A). The 27 model clearly captured major features of sea level variability. Correlation coefficients 28 between model and observations were all statistically significant (>0.6, p=0.05), and 29 the model was in good overall agreement with observations at both seasonal to 30 interannual time scales. 31 Model hindcast solutions were further gauged against ship CTD casts in the GOM 32 collected in 2010. A total of 1,643 temperature and salinity profiles collected during 33 April 22, 2010 to October 18, 2010 were utilized (Fig.4A). The linear regression of 34 temperature and salinity (not shown) showed that the model reproduced observed 35 temperature and the water mass reasonably well. A more statistically-robust 36 temperature and salinity comparison is given in a Taylor diagram (Fig.5A), on which 37 the standard deviation (STD), correlation coefficient and root mean square errors 38 (RMSD) were presented. The temperature comparison shows that the model was able 39 to reproduce most of the observations (1531 out of 1643 profiles) with RMSD much 40 less than 1, STD close to 1, and correlation coefficients > 0.95. The salinity 41 comparisons had a more scattered distribution in the Taylor diagram. Nevertheless, all 42 modeled solutions were still within 2 times the STD of observations and had an 43 RMSD < 1. These statistical comparisons further confirmed that the model was in 44 good agreement with observations. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 List of Appendix Figures Fig. 1A. Comparsions between observed and modeled (by IAS ROMS and HYCOM, respectively) Florida Current transport. Upper panel show the absolute transport value; lower panel show the transport anomalies with means removed Fig. 2A. Four-year mean Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) comparison between IAS model hindcast and 1/3º AVISO Altimeter observations. EKE values are scaled in log10 for better visualizations (units: m2s-2). Fig. 3A. Sea level comparisons between model and tidal stations; x-axis is time (month/year).A 36-hour low-pass filter was applied to yield sub-tidal signals. In each panel, the correlation coefficient between model and observations is shown. Fig. 4A. Locations of ship CTD observations in the GOM during April 22-October 18, 2010. Fig. 5A. Taylor diagram for temperature (left panel) and salinity (right panel) comparisons; the color coding responds to their locations in Fig.7. All points are normalized by their corresponding observation points denoted by an asterisk. The radial distances from the origin are proportional to the ratio of standard deviations; the azimuthal positions indicate the correlation coefficient; and the distance between the modeled and observed points indicates the centered root mean squared difference (RMSD). 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Appendix Figures Fig. 1A. Comparsions between observed and modeled (by IAS ROMS and HYCOM, respectively) Florida Current transport. Upper panel show the absolute transport value; lower panel show the transport anomalies with means removed. 80 81 82 83 84 Fig.2A. Four-year mean Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) comparison between IAS model hindcast and 1/3º AVISO Altimeter observations. EKE values are scaled in log10 for better visualizations (units: m2s-2). 85 86 87 88 89 90 Fig. 3A. Sea level comparisons between model and tidal stations; x-axis is time (month/year).A 36-hour low-pass filter was applied to yield sub-tidal signals. In each panel, the correlation coefficient between model and observations is shown. 91 92 93 94 95 Fig. 4A. Locations of ship CTD observations in the GOM during April 22-October 18, 2010. 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Fig.5A. Taylor diagram for temperature (left panel) and salinity (right panel) comparisons; the color coding responds to their locations in Fig.7. All points are normalized by their corresponding observation points denoted by an asterisk. The radial distances from the origin are proportional to the ratio of standard deviations; the azimuthal positions indicate the correlation coefficient; and the distance between the modeled and observed points indicates the centered root mean squared difference (RMSD).