AZCB Board Meeting Minutes October 10, 2015 Members Present: Carlos Paraskevas, Bob Williams, Barbara McDonald , John McCann, Jeff Bishop, Robin Paraskevas, Sharon Booker and Thom Booker Members Not Present: Karen Hughes Guest: Dan Martinez Introduction: The meeting began at 9:02 AM and a quorum was Present Moment of Silence: Carlos reflected on all that the affiliate has accomplished this year and expressed enthusiasm for all the events that will be held towards the end of 2015. He also encouraged others to be productive and achieve goals. Approval of the Agenda: Carlos requested that Dan give an update on the BRIEF Committee and GCBVI Representation as the first order of business. Barbara also requested that Jeff provide an update on the web site. John motioned to approve the modified Agenda and Barbara seconded it. The motion was carried. Approval of September Meeting Minutes: Carlos stated September’s Minutes until the next Meeting. needed to be tabled BRIEF Committee: Carlos stated that David Steinmetz has additional work obligations and is unable to Chair this Committee. Carlos introduced Dan Martinez as the new Chair of the BRIEF Committee. Dan informed the Board that there is a BRIEF Request from Patty Arnold that is still pending. Dan would like to review the request and confirm the price of the items prior to sending the request to the Treasurer. Dan also stated that the Committee still needs to verify Barbara Jones’ vision status as well as review two new request for assistive technology before discussing it with the Board. Dan said he will have a more detailed report next month. Dan thanked David for all his hard work and dedication on the BRIEF Committee and in AZCB. GCBVI Participation: Dan said that there are 3 Members of AZCB whom are also on the Governor’s Council: Ted, Jeff and himself. He said his membership is up for renewal on December 31. Barbara motioned to accept Dan’s renewal of Membership and Bob Seconded it. The Motion was carried. Carlos congratulated Dan and said he’s doing a phenomenal job as the Chair. Dan stated that the Governor’s Council will hold elections in January. Treasurer’s Report : Robin provided the balances in our accounts. She said that we had 40 % more expenses compared to this time last year. Last year, a donation of $4400 was made which was unexpected. This year, we’ve collected $395 in donations. AZCB spent $3500 on the BRIEF Fund last year. We’ve spent less than $900 on BRIEF this year. Robin stated that she needs to receive confirmation from Eddie regarding the Rent. Rent will need to be paid by January 1. Barbara commented after reviewing Robin’s Treasurer Report and cash flow that AZCB needs to work on Fund Raising and the Committee needs to make more of an effort to get more donations and improve the Affiliate’s Financial situation. John motioned to approve the Report for Audit and Barbara seconded it. The Motion was carried. President’s Report: Carlos informed the Board that Jay Whipple, a SAAVI Staff member and O & M Instructor, became a member of AZCB. He has Clients in Phoenix as well as In Northern Arizona, specifically in Flagstaff. He works with NAU students whom are blind. He is coordinating a White Cane safety Day Event in Flagstaff on the NAU Campus. It will be on Tuesday, October 20. Jay expressed interest in starting a Northern Arizona Chapter. Carlos sent Jay information on this process and said he would be available to assist in any way he can. Committees: Membership: Barbara stated that John drafted a letter to be sent to current Members. It will also be distributed in the community in hopes to increase Membership in the affiliate. Barbara said he also updated the Membership form. Both needed to be approved by the Board prior to being updated on the Web site and sent to various electronic mailing lists. Robin asked how the Board wanted to proceed with recording funds. Carlos inquired if Robin would like Membership Dues and donations to be continued to be sent to the Phoenix office or to their home address. Robin expressed concern about the inconsistency of receiving mail at the Phoenix office. Both Robin and Carlos concurred that having AZCB mail sent to their home would be acceptable. Moreover, Carlos approached the Board of having a meeting on how to proceed, Record and Report Funds and balance the books. Robin strongly recommended that the Board make a decision on the protocol for submitting Dues, other funds and reporting Finances. She urged that this be conducted, otherwise Members would be confused on how to submit their dues and there would be improper and inconsistency in keeping records Furthermore, John encouraged that a protocol and a procedure be established by Mid November. While discussing Membership, Jeff proposed that the Board evaluate, discuss and come to a consensus on how to record finances: Book or paper. Jeff motioned and John seconded it. The motion was carried. Robin explained both types, the process for each and any Ramifications there could be. She reminded all Board Members that everything does need to be documented for tax purposes. The Board debated and came to a resolution. Jeff proposed that AZCB utilize the book method and each Chapter will receive up to $500 in stipend grants and that all transactions be processed, documented, recorded and made available for Robin . Robin will manage all accounts and disbursed the funds back through to each chapter. Each Chapter will reevaluate their accounts and stipends will be submitted upon request. Jeff motioned and Bob seconded it. All voted in favor with Thom Booker opposing the motion. The motion was carried. The Membership Committee will postponed submitting the Membership Letter for the Board’s approval until Bookkeeping procedures are revised and updated. Fund Raising: Sharon spoke on behalf of the Fund Raising committee. She requested to have the data from previous years and have e-mail sent with this information as well as Events and activities that each chapter has held in the past. Robin agreed to distribute this information on the various mailing lists. Jeff commented and suggested that the AZCB Foresight Newsletter be distributed on the National mailing lists. Jeff believes that the Arizona affiliate will gain more national exposure, increase Membership and improve Fund Raising efforts. Sharon stated that as an affiliate, a purpose for raising Funds needs to be defined before publically asking for donations. She said there needs to be a cause and those on the Committee agreed that the Purpose would be to raise funds for the BRIEF Fund. This will make it possible for more Arizonans to gain their independence and improve their daily lives as Blind individuals. Carlos commented that updated information will be provided of Members of each Committee: Budget, Brief, Planning, Membership, Fund Raising and the Scholarship committee. Carlos said he will have this update by the next Meeting. Old Business: Four Corners Caucus: Carlos informed the Board that he received an invoice from ACB National for the Microphone rental utilized at the Four Corners Caucus Meeting held during the National Convention. Carlos stated that he tried to contact the other states and was notified by Ellen Nolan of New Mexico that their affiliate would submit and pay for the use of the microphone. Community Participation: Carlos said that the payment for the VRATE Booth has already been process and paid for. In addition, The Foundation Fighting Blindness (FFB) received our payment of $500 for becoming a Community Partner for next year’s Arizona VisionWalk. ACB Radio Holiday Auction: The auction will be on December 6. Carlos sought ideas for a possible auction item to donate. He reminded the Board that last year AZCB donated a New Generation Forman Grill with removable plates. Carlos remarked that AZCB paid $75 and that they raised $300 for this item. Jeff motioned to order the same product for this year’s auction. Barbara seconded it and the motion was carried. Jeff said he will submit the donation to Carla Ruschival. Robin will send Jeff a link with a picture and a description of the specific Grill and will purchase the product. Chapters: GDUA: Carlos said that the GDUA Conference will be held on Saturday, November 7 at ACBVI in Phoenix. Jeff will be presenting on Technology. Barbara commented that some of the ACBVI students would like to attend but do not have computers to register. She inquired if there is an alternate method such as by telephone to get the $20 early registration rate. Carlos said he would ask Liz Whitlock about this. Carlos also remarked that there will be a White Cane Safety Day Event on Thursday October 15 at the Tempe Public Library. Liz Whitlock, David Steinmetz and Karen Hughes will all be attending and assisting in distributing flyers for the GDUA Conference. They will also provide brochures on AZCB and CD’s on the Foresight Newsletter. Some will be in large-print and also Braille. MCC: Barbara stated that the Maricopa Club had a meeting on October 14 and that they had a social at Claim Jumper Restaurant. MCC will also have their Annual meeting and hold nominations. Barbara said they are planning their Holiday events. Phoenix Chapter: Barbara informed everyone that Phoenix will be having a meeting on Saturday October 24 at SAAVI in Phoenix. Barbara remarked that at least 6 Members will need to be present to have a quorum and amend the constitution. She said other items are on the Agenda but that is the main focus. She commented that Dial-a-ride will transport East Valley Residents to the meeting without transferring. An Announcement will be sent to the mailing lists as well as posted on the web site. SAZCB: Sharon said that they will have their Book Club meeting on Wednesday, October 14 at 5:30 pm. Also, there will be two parties on December 12, one of which is a surprise party for Janet. RSA Clients: Carlos mentioned that RSA had their Meeting on September 16. The President of NFBAZ, Bob Kresmer, had been asked the difference between NFB and ACB. Bob provided a brief History of the two Consumer organizations and explained the origins of Both. He also stated that, with the exception of Philosophy , both Organizations have similar missions. Both are strong advocates for the Blind. Carlos said the RSA Client’s Meeting for October has been cancelled due to not having enough referrals . The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 18. VRATE: VRATE will be held on Friday December 11 in Phoenix. Barbara said that she is on the PR committee and that there will be many interesting speakers . She will be distributing pamphlets . Also, the Movie “ going Blind” will be shown at the Event . It will be Audio described and closed Captioned. Jeff mentioned that he will have a technology panel and the title of their presentation will be The Assistive Technology Faceoff. AZDAC: Barbara said that AZDAC had a meeting on Thursday, October 8. They have new Board Members and are planning a Day at the Capital. Barbara mentioned that they are looking for New Members. They will focus on issues that affect all disability groups as well as stay informed of Legislation that effects those with Disabilities. For instance, they Support the Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act to help educate deaf blind children. She remarked that ABIL changed their name to Ability 360. GCBVI: Barbara stated that the Public Information Committee is working with the Secretary of State on creating a Database. This database will have resources available for individuals who are blind. The Public Information Committee will have their next Meeting on October 20. The next full Governor’s Council meeting will be on November 20. Announcements: Carlos mentioned that the White Cane Safety Day Event will be at the Phoenix VA on Thursday October 29 from 9:00 AM - 1:00 pm. Carlos will be there distributing material about AZCB. Barbara remarked that NFB and SAAVI are having a White Cane Safety Day Event on October 15. They will be having lunch and then meeting near the Capitol to participate in the Reading of the Governor’s Proclamation. In addition , On Thursday October 29, the Phoenix Mayor’s Commission on Disability Issues will be having an Award Ceremony from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Pm at Burton Barr Library in Phoenix. Next Meeting and Adjournment: The Next Meeting will be held on Saturday November 21. The Meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM