Approval of August Meeting Minutes: Carlos said that Barbara had

AZCB Board Meeting
September 12, 2015
Members Present: Carlos Paraskevas, Barbara McDonald, Bob Williams, John McCann, Jeff Bishop, Robin
Paraskevas and Karen Hughes
Members Absent: Sharon Booker and Thom Booker
Guest: David Steinmetz
Introduction: The Meeting began at 9:06 AM and Introductions were made. A quorum was present.
Moment of Silence: All Members took a moment to be silent and reflect.
Approval of the Agenda: Carlos requested to have David give a BRIEF Update as the first order of
business. Robin will need to table the Treasurer’s Report. John motioned to approve the modified
Agenda and Jeff seconded it. The motion was carried.
Approval of August Meeting Minutes: Carlos said that Barbara had commented that there was a
minor grammatical error in the August Board minutes under AZCB Links. John moved to approve the
August minutes with the edit and Jeff seconded it. The Motion was carried.
Approval of June Meeting Minutes: Barbara moved to approve the June Minutes and John seconded it.
The Motion was carried.
BRIEF Report: David said, as of the last report, there was $3,140.11 in the account. Patty Arnold from
ACBVI submitted two applications for consideration.
The First applicant is Barbara Jones.
She may not be eligible to receive assistance. Applicants must
be legally Blind In order to qualify for BRIEF. Her application stated that she is visually impaired. David
will contact Patty to have Barb’s visual acuity verified. She is requesting a Ninja Bullet food processer, a
pill crusher, a carpet sweeper and a blood pressure monitor due to her medical and health issues. The
BRIEF Committee will have to wait to receive confirmation that she is legally blind and meets the criteria
before moving forward with the application.
The Board agreed that one must be legally blind and or, if he or she is visually impaired, their prognosis
should state that their sight will get progressively worse. Her Application is pending.
The second applicant, Harmon Hill, is requesting a SmartLux Digital magnifier to enable him to be more
independent. The Device costs $600 but ACBVI can purchase it for $320.
David asked the Board to approve Mr. Hill’s request.
Barbara motioned to approve the request and Karen seconded it. The motion was carried.
A Third Applicant is requesting a CCTV. She will have a Low Vision assessment prior to her application
being approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Carlos reiterated that Robin doesn’t have an update and requested to have the
Report tabled till the next Meeting. Bob motioned to have the report deferred till the next meeting and
Barbara seconded it. The motion was carried.
President’s Report: Carlos gave a very brief report stating that it’s been a busy month with Events and
meetings and will continue to be. He will comment in more detail during Committee Reports.
Membership Committee: Barbara informed the Board that the Committee had a meeting and
that John drafted a document, creating a new and improved Membership form for both New
and current Members to complete. All Committee Members are giving input and assisting John
in this process.
Carlos remarked that He has been working closely with the Membership Committee. He also
commented that he discovered, on the AMS Database, that there has been some inconsistency and
confusion on who are certified Members and who are not. The information was not totally accurate.
However, Carlos and the Membership Committee are working towards updating the database with a list
of paid members. John commented that he was pleased that the updated Database now reflects the
AZCB Membership. John inquired how to best Taylor the letter. Jon requested the roster of
registered Members and also those individuals who are receiving the Braille Forum. Jon motioned to
have ACB National send a list of Arizona Members who receive hard copies of the Braille Forum, to
have their contact information to add to the distribution list and receive a copy of the letter. Jeff
seconded it and the motion was carried.
Fund Raising: Carlos stated that he sent out an E-mail to the Board After he reviewed the Constitution.
It showed that the Second Vice President would be responsible and oversee Committees. Carlos then
appointed Sharon Booker to Chair the Fund Raising Committee. Jeff spoke on Sharon’s behalf and said
the committee would be tentatively meeting on Tuesday September 15. Jeff mentioned that Dan
Spoon would be at the meeting as well.
Carlos said that only 4 Board members can be on any given Committee. He recommended that the
Board will need to recruit and encourage more Members to participate and assist on Committees.
Carlos believed that ACB can always use new points of view.
Barbara remarked that someone will have to be appointed to Chair both the Budget and scholarship
Old Business:
Chapter Accounts: Carlos said that he held a meeting with all the Chapter President’s and Treasurer’s
On September1. At that time He addressed and expressed the Accountants concerns and that there
could be potential issues in the future. Carlos conveyed that the Accountant recommended that AZCB
use a Full Book system. Robin would have full access to each Chapter’s Account.
The board debated whether to use a Paper system or just wait till 2016 to begin using the book system.
After much discussion , John Motioned for the Board to instruct Chapters not to use AZCB 501C-3 status
till December 31. Robin requested that the Board hold a separate meeting and invite Chapter
President’s and Treasurers. She would like to discuss in detail at this second Board meeting a plan on
how to proceed and move forward. Carlos remarked that Stacey Schneider (Accountant) would be
available to have a phone conference with the Board to address any issues and concerns. Carlos said he
would like to incorporate a procedure, move forward and make a smooth transition.
White Cane Safety Day: Carlos reminded the Board that there will be two White Cane Safety Day Events
this year: One on Thursday October 15 in Tempe at the Tempe Public Library. It will be held from 10:00
AM to 4:00 Pm. Carlos said that Liz Whitlock will be at the Event and will distribute Information on both
GDUA and help to Promote AZCB
David Steinmetz will also assist. Karen commented that she could possibly participate and be willing to
help at the Event.
Carlos mentioned that He will be at the White Cane Safety Day at the Phoenix VA on October 29 from
9:00 AM to 1:00 Pm.
New Business:
VRATE: Carlos said he received a flyer regarding being a Sponsor and having a Booth at the Event.
Carlos said it will cost $350. He mentioned that the $350 would be for staffing the Booth from 9:00 AM
to 4:00 pm as well as distributing information, brochures and promoting AZCB. Barbara inquired if it
was in the Budget. Robin confirmed that resources are allocated in the Annual Budget ($500 for VRATE.
Carlos asked Barbara to be the main Contact for VRATE and she accepted.
VisionWalk: Carlos stated VisionWalk will be held on Saturday February 27 2016 and that it will be at
the same location: Steele Indian School Park 7:00 AM to 11 AM. Registration will open at 7:00 and the
walk will start at 9:00 with a Ceremony and Celebration after. Carlos said that AZCB was a Community
Sponsor for the Event. The cost to be a Sponsor is $500. He conveyed the purpose of VisionWalk and
that the Foundation Fighting Blindness mission is to raise Funds for Retinal Research for sight saving
procedures. It is a National and Annual Event. . John motioned to support AZCB to be a Community
Sponsor and Barbara seconded it and the motion was carried.
GDUA: Carlos Informed the Board that GDUA will have their Board meeting on Wednesday Sept 16 at
7:00 pm. . He said anyone can attend the meeting and there will be information on their web site on
how to join the teleconference
Moreover, they will have their Annual Conference on Saturday November 7. It will be held at ACBVI.
There will be an update later with their Agenda.
Last, GDUA will be participating at the White Cane safety Day event at the Tempe Public Library.
Maricopa Club: Barbara stated that MCC had a meeting on September 9. They discussed the Buddy
system where experienced students assist new students to class and are mentors. The Members also
discussed finding volunteers to read mail as well as focused on transportation issues.
Barbara said the Stakeholders meeting will be in November. The Maricopa Club will also have a Social, a
Luncheon on Monday October 5 at the Claim Jumper Restaurant at the Arizona Mills Mall in Tempe.
This location was chosen since both Phoenix and East Valley Dial-a-ride transport passengers there
without having to transfer.
Carlos had also attended the meeting and said that some Members were commenting that they have
not received an electronic copy of the Braille Forum. John remarked that he will send a message to
the Chat lists on how to receive the Braille Forum in E-mail.
Phoenix: Barbara informed the Board that SAVI offered their facility for the Phoenix Chapter to have
their Meeting. It will be held on Saturday October 24 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 pm. Barbara commented
that she will contact the Members by e-mail and those who do not have e-mail will be notified by
Barbara stated that this meeting is important, that they will need a Quorum so they can change the
Carlos said the Phoenix Constitution states that the Majority of registered Members need to be at the
Meetings in order for it to be considered an official meeting.
SACB: Barbara commented that the Chapter had their book club meeting on September 9. They
discussed the Novel ” All the Light We Cannot See”.
Barbara remarked that she sent a message to all the chat lists on the book club, and sent comments and
questions that Members could ponder and respond too. She also hopes it will increase interest and
participation in the Book Club.
John commented that Missy has been involved with and working on Sun sounds and Fund Raising.
RSA Clients: Carlos stated that the next meeting will be held on Wednesday September 16. They are
expecting 7 Clients.
VRATE: Barbara commented that the committee is working on scheduling presenters and exhibits for
the VRATE Event on Friday December 11. Carlos highly encouraged Members to participate and attend
the Event. He said it’s very worthwhile and always different.
AZDAC: Barbara reported that there wasn’t a quorum so there was no Board Meeting. The Board
discussed accessible voting and their experiences with this process.
GCBVI: Jeff mentioned that the Council will be having a meeting on Friday September 18 from 12:30 pm
to 3:30 pm. The AT Committee will meet to discuss VRATE and develop a plan as to what the Panel will
Announcements: Bob stated the National Multi Cultural Committee met and discussed a video that was
produced by Chase Bank. It was released to the Public at the time of the National ACB Convention. . He
commented that the video showed blind individuals working. Some on the Committee had an issue with
the Video. Some believed that Chase did not provide an accurate representation of the blind in the
work force, remarking that the Video did not reflect Membership within the Organization of ACB. . Kim
Charlson and others were disappointed that there were not a Multi-Cultural group of Blind individuals
on the video.
Next Meeting and Adjournment: Carlos said he will send an e-mail with the date of the next Board
meeting. The Meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.