Minutes for the Curriculum and Instruction Department Meeting

Minutes for the Curriculum and Instruction Department Meeting
Wednesday, November 9 from 2:00-3:45 in Winther 1013
Present: Tammy Bartholomew, Deborah Bowditch, Jessie Dugan, Robin Fox, Lucy Heimer, Liesl
Hohenshell, Edric Johnson, Susie Kidd, Vince Lia, Katrina Liu, Julie Marino, Rick Mason, Julie
Minikel-Lacocque, Kristen Monday, Ginny Pease, Carmen Rivers, Ann Ruff, Melanie Schneider,
Pat Shaw, Wallace Sherlock, Nancy Stevens, Annie Stinson, Matt Vick, John Zbikowski and two
student WEA members Sara Richmond and Devin Post. Absent: James Hartwick(Sabbatical),
Michelle Gibson Herman, Andi O’Brien (Sabbatical).
Guests at today’s meeting:
Melanie Agnew introduced the new advisors:
Jeanine Fassl – Transfer Advisor (Early Childhood and Special Ed)
Jen Leneau – Transfer Advisor (High Area Needs)
Tracy Arneson Baker – COEPS Advisor
Brown Bag Lunches are coming (WINS, Reading AR, etc.) Stay tuned!
1. Action Items
a. Approve minutes from last meeting (emailed with agenda)
Rick motioned, Matt seconded, unanimously approved
b. Retirement Resolution for Dr. Tom Ganser (Zbikowski)
John motioned, Annie seconded, unanimously approved
c. Faculty Development and Recognition
 http://www.uww.edu/coe/faculty/index.html
 Advising, Research, Teaching, Service (now due November 15th) and newly
developed COEPS Innovation Award
Robin knows of 1 applicant
o Do we have people who have completed applications for these
 Innovations Award – ECE4U – are there others?
ECEU Online Child Program will apply
e. Committee Reports
1) Curriculum & Scheduling (Matt)
No Actions
2) Personnel & Policy/PERC (Melanie)
Developing a mission statement. They plan to share their draft when it’s
3) Assessment (Virginia)
*They plan to digitized all document work
*Committee identified key questions about field work: 1) do we
understand this challenge? 2) how do we work with the challenge? 3)
what else do we want in field experience?
4) MSEPD Council (John)
Representatives: Nancy Porter and Edric Johnson
Next Meeting: November 17th at 9:00AM
5) Portfolio (Katrina)
There was a faculty discussion. Student responses to the artifact need to
be stronger. If not, what is the purpose? Often times, there is a
disconnection. Telling the story from the artifact was discussed. We need
to build stronger reflection in the portfolio process.
6) Program Coordinators (Liesl)
Continue to define our responsibilities and procedures
7) Reading/Literacy (John for the fall)
No Report
8) Technology/Website Committee (Michelle Gibson-Herman)
Carmen Reported. Committee discussed their role and mission. Talked
about TechQuest (technology boot camp for freshman) and a Library
Media Course.
9) Search & Screen Committees/chairs
i) Art Education – Edric
1 applicant
ii) Reading/Literacy – Ann
1 applicant
*Robin stated that a Math Ed line is now open. We need a
2. Discussion/Activity
If anyone has one, get it to Robin. We need to have a discussion about the
b. Room Issues/Scheduling Issues (room rearrangements, scheduling back to back,
Review the Classroom Time Matrix Proposals. Faculty gave feedback. If you have
something you would like to add, or have a suggestion or question, let Robin
c. Attendance policy – is there a need for a department policy or left to individual
 Would like to hear how everyone lists this in the syllabi?
Robin strongly suggests that you make your policy clear and follow
3. Announcements/Updates
a. Round robin…..accepted to present, publications, innovations in your teaching, etc.
Carmen: Published an article titled, “Taking Responsibility for Your Own Learning:
Maximizing Training Opportunities” in Exchange.
Edric: paper accepted at AERA and will soon publish a book chapter titled, “What’s
a Cultural Memoir? An Action Research Study of Future Teachers Understandings
of Themselves as Cultural Persons.” The book will be titled, “Even the Janitor is
White: Educating for Cultural Diversity in Small Colleges and Universities” and will
be published by Peter Lang.
Lucy: paper accepted at AERA
Katrina: paper accepted at AERA
Ginny: grant approved
Annie: 466 online version for fall; disposition for teaching (addressing it the
classroom) – A discussion developed about addressing social justice issues
and bullying.
*We did not get to everyone. We will continue Round Robin at the next
faculty meeting.
John motioned to adjourn, Rick seconded, meeting adjourned at 3:48PM.
Minutes submitted by Edric Johnson