Calculations by Wolf Table: (Prefixes) Tm Gm Mm Km -mm ųm Nm Pm (Terra) (Giga) (Mega) (Kilo) (Zeroline) (Mili) (Micro) (Nano) (Pico) Km Hm Dam m Dm Cm mm Each step - normally - in the big table is 3 zero's. When there is a power, the 3 zero's are multiplied by the value of this power. Tm^2 = 2x3 = 6 zero's per step Tm^3 = 3x3 = 9 zero's per step Tm^7 = 7x3 = 21 zero's per step Write this down as x10^3 When moving two units down, from Tm to Mm, write down x10^6 When moving two units down and the powers are ^7 write down x10^42 It is always: The amount of steps x 3 x the power. (In the big table) When moving up, it is exactly the same - but the powers become negative. x10^21 becomes x10^-21 when moving up. Each step in the small table is 1 zero. It works exactly the same as written above. Dam^2 = 1x2 = 2 zero's per step And moving down and up can change the positive or negative. You should know that the small table is a magnified view of the units Km to mm. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN THE TABLES! You can just move from one table to the other! Only - you should keep in mind that the zero's per step change. When moving from the big units to the small units, this happens: Tm to Km = 3 steps. Now from here there are two LITTLE steps to Dam. The steps from Tm to Km were 3 zero's each. The steps from Km to Dam were 1 zero each. You can just count them up! Always right down the scientific way. One whole number with a comma. 8124 = 8,124 491857643 = 4,91857643 0,0214 = 2,14 0,0000001 = 1,0 But when we do this, we have to keep in mind that we need to turn this change back. 0,0214 = 2,14 x10^-2 (The number on the right of the x10^ indicates how many zero's there are before the first whole number.) 225 = 2,25 x10^2 (The number on the right of the x10^ indicates how many places the comma needs to move to get the old number.) m s g b = = = = Meter Second Grams Byte (Those units don't change anything in the calculations) Exercises: (Answers further in this document) 1. 244 Tm = Gm 2. 321 Gm = Pm 3. 0,022 Pm = Km 4. 303 Dam = Dm 5. 0,21 Cm = Hm 6. 2123 Dm = Km 7. 51,45 Km = mm 8. 212 Ms = Das 9. 23,55 Gg = Cg 10. 11. 12 Tm^2 = 0,0000234 Gm^3 = Pm^2 12. 291,41 Ms^9 = Ts^9 13. 999 Pm^18 = Gm^18 14. 123 Ks^2 = Hs^2 15. 2,31 Hg^3 = Dg^3 16. 122 Tm^4 = Cm^4 17. 0,19 Pb^2 = Dab^2 18. 12412,654632 Tb^23 = Good luck ;) Tm^3 Hb^23 Answers: (My answers are without brackets) 1. 224 Tm = 2,24 x10^2 x 10^3 = 2,24 x10^5 Gm 2. 321 Gm = 3,21 x10^2 x 10^21 = 3,21 x10^23 Pm 3. 0,022 Pm = 2,2 x10^-2 x 10^-15 = 2,2 x10^-17 Km 4. 303 Dam = 3,03 x10^2 x 10^2 = 3,03 x10^4 Dm 5. 0,21 Cm = 2,1 x10^-1 x 10^-4 = 2,1 x10^-5 Hm 6. 2123 Dm = 2,123 x10^3 x 10^-4 = 2,123 x10^-1 Km 7. 51,45 Km = 5,145 x10^1 x 10^6 = 5,145 x10^7 mm 8. 212 Ms = 2,12 x10^2 x 10^3 x10^2 = 2,12 x10^7 Das 9. 23,55 Gg = 2,355 x10^1 x10^9 x10^2 = 2,355 x10^12 Cg 10. 12 Tm^2 = 1,2 x10^1 x 10^48 = 1,2 x10^49 Pm^2 11. 0,0000234 Gm^3 = 2,34 x10^-5 x 10^-9 = 2,34 x10^-14 Tm^3 12. 291,41 Ms^9 = 2,9141 x10^2 x10^-54 = 2,9141 x10^-52 Ts^9 13. 999 Pm^18 = 9,99 x10^2 x10^-378 = 9,99 x10^-376 Gm^18 14. 123 Ks^2 = 1,23 x10^2 x10^2 = 1,23 x10^4 Hs^2 15. 2,31 Hg^3 = 2,31 x10^9 Dg^3 16. 122 Tm^4 = 1,22 x10^2 x10^48 x10^8 = 1,22 x10^58 Cm^4 17. 0,19 Pb^2 = 1,9 x10^-1 x10^-24 x10^-2 = 1,9 x10^-27 Dab^2 18 12412,654632 Tb^23 = 1,2412654632 x10^4 x10^207 x10^23 = 1,2412654632 x10^234 Hb^23 I make mistakes all the time. If you can find a mistake, I'll treat you!