EDMA 614 Numeration and Operations

Course: EDMA 614, Fall 2011
Instructor: Dr. Virgil G. Fredenberg
Mode of Instruction: Distance Elluminate
Class Hours:
Wednesday 4:45 – 7:30 PM
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 AM
Tuesday, Wednesday 1:30 – 3:30 PM
I. Catalog Course Description and Credit Hours of Course:
ED 614 Numeration and Operations: Mathematics for K-8 Teachers, 3 cr
Provides K-8 teachers with the content to understand numbers, how they are represented, and the relationships
between and among numbers, number systems, and basic operations. Emphasizes standards and research
based practices for helping K-8 students construct efficient computational skills. Provides practice developing
instruction and assessment plans that integrate number sense, estimation strategies, and efficient
computational skills into a problem based curriculum.
II. Prerequisite (s):
Prerequisite: Current teaching certificate, admission to the Mathematics Education Endorsement program, or
Corequisite: ED S608 Mathematical Problem Solving: An Overview for K-8 Teachers, or instructor approval.
III. Textbook and/or Required Readings:
Purchase textbook through the UAS Bookstore website: http://bookstore.mbsdirect.net/ualaska.htm.
Parker, T. H. & Baldridge, S. J. (2003). Elementary Mathematics for Teachers. Sefton-Ash Publishing.
www.singaporemath.com. ISBN 0-9748140-0-8.
IV. Technology Needed
You will need headphones with a boom microphone. Your computer will need a MSB port. It will make
working with Elluminate board much easier.
All education programs through the School of Education at
University of Alaska Southeast are accredited by the National
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, a
performance-based teacher accrediting body for schools,
colleges, and departments of education recognized by the
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, the
U.S. Department of Education, and the Council for Higher
Education Accreditation.
V. Alignment Matrix
4. Develop and support number sense and knowledge of number
5. Model the use of the four basic operations in multiple contexts
6. Decompose numbers in different ways, internalize their
understanding and demonstrate it in applied problem solving
7. Apply and justify computation and estimation abilities appropriately
in real life situations for a diverse student population
8. Model, explain, develop and critique a variety of computational
9. Explore and demonstrate knowledge of the operations, properties,
and uses of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals
10. Analyze and compare features and basic computational techniques
in selected numeration systems in use today and in the past
11. Use a variety of mental computation techniques and assess the
appropriateness of each
12. Use estimation and mental math, paper-pencil algorithms,
manipulative materials, calculators, and computers, in solving a
wide variety of problems and appraise choices for a diverse student
13. Apply estimation strategies to quantities, measurements and
computation to determine the reasonableness of results
14. Demonstrate fluency in basic estimation and calculator skills for a
diverse student population
15. Analyze and correctly use scientific notation in real life problems
1. Construct knowledge of the development, use, and multiple
representation of numbers and number systems
2. Investigate role of numbers as a logical predictable system for
expressing and relating quantities
3. Identify and critique the elements of elementary number systems
The candidate will be able to:
Course Objective
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
4 1&3
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
1, 2
7, 8,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
4 1&3
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1, 2
1 - 5,
7, 8,
9 - 14
1, 2
1 - 5,
7, 8,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
1 - 5,
9 - 14
3, 4
1, 2
1 - 5,
7, 8,
9 - 14
18. Incorporate process standards (communication, reasoning, problem
solving, connections and representation) in all lesson and assessment 3, 4
designs (as evidenced by instructional and assessment designs for all & 5
K-8 students)
1, 2
1 - 5,
7, 8,
9 - 14
17. Explore and effectively use a variety of instructional and assessment
techniques, both traditional and performance based (as evidenced by
instructional and assessment designs for all K-8 students)
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Shared Place-Based
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Website Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Website Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Shared Place-Based
1 - 5, Homework
9 - 14 Chapter Reflections
16. Explore and practice activities with physical models
Ensuring that the
Objective has been
Chapter Reflections
Shared Place-Based
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Chapter Reflections
Shared Place-Based
Lesson Plan
Chapter Reflections
Website Reflections
Shared Place-Based
Lesson Plan
VI. Relationship of the Conceptual Framework to Standards
An increasing emphasis on professional standards for educators reinforces the relevance of the School of
Education’s vision of an informed, reflective and responsive professional educator as the grounding tenants of
our Conceptual Framework. As the lists of expected achievement indicators, competencies, and dispositions
issued by government and professional groups become more extensive, only an informed professional who
actively reflects on his/her teaching and is responsive to student, family and community needs will be capable
of meeting the intent of those standards. The general theme of our vision is that each of these areas strives to
nurture and prepare professional educators so that they can meet the needs of diverse learners. Efforts include
continuous endeavors to creatively incorporate technology throughout individual subject area fields,
promoting understanding and appreciation for diversity, and support of the development of literacy skills
needed in an increasingly complex society.
VII. Basis for Student Evaluation:
Evaluation Item
Attendance and participation Attendance and participation is expected at
in class sessions.
every class [1 excused absence allowed]
Assigned problems.
Problems will be assigned for each session
[lowest score dropped]
Shared Problems
6 shared problems
Assigned Reflections
Chapters 9 [drop lowest score]
Web Site Reflections
2 web site reflections
Lesson Plan
3 points each part, four parts
3 pts each,
14 sessions
3 pts each,
10 sessions
3 pts each
3 pts each
3 pts each
3 pts each
39 pts
Due Date
27 pts
18 pts
24 pts
6 pts
12 pts
126 pts
Grades will be awarded as follows. Points will establish grade.
112-115 108-111 104-107 100-103
VIII. Explanation of Assignments
1. Attendance – attend all class sessions.
2. Participation – participate in class discussions and problem sharing and other activities.
3. Assigned problems – complete problems or assignments posted on the web site.
4. Shared community problems – You will be asked to create or adapt six (6) problems relating to
course topics and connecting to your local community. These will be posted on the course website.
Some may be presented in class by the submitter. Everyone is expected to share at least one problem
during the semester. Everyone will have access to the posted problems. These problems should
reflect the local community, the real world of your students.
5. Reflection on assigned readings – you may be called upon to share your reflections on the assigned
readings. Some of these reflections will cover the chapters from our textbook and some may be
outside readings. Everyone will be asked to post a brief written reflection of the assigned item on the
course website that will be accessible by others in the class. Reflections should include what was
found in the material or text; your opinion or reflection on it, or an answer to it based upon personal
or classroom experience; and any other comments you might wish to make.
6. Web site reflections – description of web site that has pre-algebra topics along with your comments
about what you found there and how you might use it will be posted on the course website for all to
read. Include the host or copyright, when it was last updated, and web address.
7. Lesson Plan – turn in your plan of the lesson created for your class that utilizes one of the shared
community problems or an adaptation of one of the shared problems. Lesson plans should have:
i. Clear understandable objectives
ii. Clear and understandable procedures for activities
iii. Assessment of what your students learned
iv. Quality of lesson plan – remember to edit your work for spelling, grammar and
presentation. The overall look is important.
IX. Schedule
(Circumstances may dictate changes or updates)
Class Sessions will typically begin with discussion and comments on problems and assignments
Textbook Topics
Intro to ED 614; AK Standards
Chapter 1 Place Value and Models for Arithmetic;
sections 1 - 2
Chapter 1 Place Value and Models for Arithmetic;
sections 3 – 7
Chapter 2 Mental Math and Word Problems
Chapter 3 Algorithms; sections 1 – 3
Chapter 3 Algorithms; sections 4 – 6
Ch 4. Prealgebra
Ch 5. Factors, Primes, and Proofs; sections 1 - 3
Ch 5. Factors, Primes, and Proofs, sections 4 & 5
Ch 6. Fractions; sections 1, 2 & 3
Ch 6. Fractions; sections 4, 5 & 6
Ch 7. Ratios, Percentages and Rates
Ch 8. Negative Numbers and Integers
Ch 9. Decimals, Rational and Real Numbers
Assignments due
problems 1
problems 2
problems 3
problems 4
problems 5
problems 6
problems 7
problems 8
problems 9
problems 10
problems 11
problems 12
problems 13
Solving and Graphing Equations
Assigned problems 1
Assigned problems 2, Ch. 1 reflection, Shared
problem 1
Assigned problems 3, Ch. 2 reflection
Assigned problems 4, Shared problem 2
Assigned problems 5, Ch. 3 reflection
Assigned problems 6, Ch. 4 reflection
Assigned problems 7, Shared problem 3
Assigned problems 8, Ch. 5 reflection
Assigned problems 9, Website reflection 1,
Shared problem 4
Assigned problems10, Ch. 6 reflection
Ch. 7 reflection, Website reflection 2, Shared
problem 5, Assigned problems 11
Ch. 8 reflection, Shared problem 6, Assigned
problems 12
Ch. 9 reflection, Lesson plan, Assigned
problems 13
X. Grading Scale
Evaluation Item
Attendance and participation Attendance and participation is expected at
in class sessions.
every class [1 excused absence allowed]
Assigned problems.
Problems will be assigned for each session
[lowest score dropped]
Shared problems
6 Shared problems
Assigned refls
Chapters 9 [drop lowest score]
Web Site refls
2 web site refls
Lesson Plan
3 points each part, four parts
3 pts each,
14 sessions
3 pts each,
13 sessions
3 pts each
3 pts each
3 pts each
3 pts each
39 pts
36 pts
18 pts
24 pts
6 pts
12 pts
135 pts
Grades will be awarded as follows. Points will establish grade.
118-123 112-117 106-111 100-105
XI. Academic Policy Statement:
Honesty in academic endeavors is a central tenet of the UAS philosophy. One may feel proud of accomplishments
and success attained honorably through hard work. Knowledge gained in this way often leads to later success
in professional pursuits and in personal life. Unfortunately, academic stress and anxiety sometimes impact the
individual in ways that produce dishonest behavior, or taking an “easier” route to fulfilling academic
responsibilities. Infractions of academic dishonesty can lead to serious consequences. Refer to the UAS
Student Handbook for more details. Programs offered through the Learning Center and the Student Resource
Center address topics such as study skills and time management to reduce stress and thus help to prevent
dishonest behavior.
XII. Student with Disabilities:
To aid college students who experience a documented physical, cognitive, and/or psychiatric disability.
Disability Support Services are available on all UAS campuses. The University of Alaska Southeast is
committed to equal opportunity and programmatic access for students with disabilities (See University of
Alaska Regents Policy: www.alaska.edu/bor/policy/policy.xml). For further information on disability
support services and guidelines about documentation please visit our website at www.uas.alaska.edu/dss
www.uas.alaska.edu/dss or:
In Juneau:
In Ketchikan:
(907) 228-4505
In Sitka:
(907) 747-7716
Early contact with this program promotes a positive educational experience
XIII. Civility and Harassment
Intellectual honesty, mutual respect, and freedom from discrimination, intimidation, harassment and violence
against persons or property are central to the UAS mission. Acts of intolerance and abusive behaviors which
violate these basic values will not go unchallenged within our academic community.
UAS is committed to standards promoting speech and expression that fosters the maximum exchange of ideas
and opinions. Ideally, discourse is open, candid, and characterized by mutual respect and dignity.
It is the goal of the University to foster a campus climate which promotes the ideals of civility and
appreciation for the uniqueness of each member of our academic community.
XIV. Dispositions for Professional Educators
1. Abide by a philosophy of education and remain flexible to revising it based on new research and teaching
2. Appreciate unique thinking processes of learners at different stages of development.
3. Appreciate multiple perspectives and value individual differences.
4. Commit to professional discourse about content knowledge and student learning of content.
5. Value assessment and instruction as integrated processes.
6. Commit to ensuring student well being and development of self-regulation and group interaction skills.
7. Recognize the school as an integral part of the community and value parents as partners in promoting
student learning.
8. Value professional ethics, democratic principles, and collaborative learning communities.
9. Value technology as a tool for student and teacher lifelong learning.
XV. References
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2000). Principles and Standards for School Mathematics.
Reston, VA: Author.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1994). Windows of opportunity: Mathematics for students
with special needs. Reston,VA: Author.
Alaska Native Knowledge Network. Alaska Standards for Culturally Responsive Schools.