M25 Treasurer role - the M25 Consortium

M25 Consortium of Academic Libraries
Officer Role Profile – Treasurer
The Officers of the Consortium comprise the Consortium Chair, Treasurer, Secretary
and Chair of the cpd25 subgroup of the Consortium. The Officers are normally
nominated from the Steering Group and elected at the Annual General Meeting to
hold office until the end of the equivalent Annual General Meeting at the end of the
term of office.
The Treasurer is an Officer of the Consortium as well as a Director and Trustee.
The term of office for the treasurer is two years, renewable by vote for up to three
further terms of two years.
The Consortium is a Charitable Company limited by guarantee. As such it is
registered with Companies House and the Charities Commission.
Trustees are appointed based on holding the office of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or
Chair of cpd25. The Trustees (who are also directors of the M25 Consortium of
Academic Libraries for the purposes of company law) are responsible for preparing
the Trustees’ Report and the financial statements in accordance with applicable law
and United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted
Accounting Practice.)
The role of the treasurer includes:
 Preparing and presenting budgets, accounts and the annual financial
 Ensuring that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place
 Ensuring compliance with relevant legislation
 Advising the Officers and Steering Group on finance related matters
 Working closely with the M25 & cpd25 Administrators to ensure that day to
day financial management runs smoothly
 Working closely with the Consortium’s financial advisers, particularly in
relation to the preparation of the annual financial statement
 Meeting regularly with fellow Officers and the M25 Executive Manager
 Representing the M25 Consortium at events, conferences and on committees,
groups as appropriate
 Advocacy on behalf of the Consortium
March 2014