REGISTRATION APPLICATION Southdale Nursery School Inc. P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preference: AM (8:45 – 11:15 AM) PM (12:30 – 3:00 PM) No Preference Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Male / Female (Circle name your child prefers) Home Address: __________________________________________________ Postal Code: ____________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Date of Birth (Mmm-dd-yyyy): ______________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ (Used for school correspondence ONLY) MOTHER Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________________ Place of Employment: ___________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Employment Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ FATHER Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________________ Place of Employment: ___________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Employment Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ EMERGENCY INFORMATION Child’s Physician: ___________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ Manitoba Health # (6 digit): _________________________ PHIN # (9 digit): ___________________________________ ALLERGIES? YES (If yes, please provide further details on the next page) NO Emergency Contact (Other than those listed above) Home Phone: _________________________ Name: ________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 of 10 REGISTRATION APPLICATION Southdale Nursery School Inc. P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ HEALTH INFORMATION Immunizations up to date: YES NO List all childhood diseases that your child has had: _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Conditions (IE: Asthma, Surgeries): _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies (Describe all allergies and the severity of the reactions): ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dietary Restrictions: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please comment on factors that may affect your child’s adjustment in this program, such as hand preference, speech difficulties, friends or relatives in this program. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Siblings Age Attended Southdale Nursery School (Y /N) Year Attended FIELD TRIP PERMISSION I give permission for my child to attend all field trips and outings planned by the Southdale Nursery School during this school year. YES NO Parent’s Initials: ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ RELEASE INFORMATION: Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ This information is required to assure the safety of your child when he or she leaves the nursery school. 1. 2. 3. 4. Who will usually pick up your child? ______________________________________________________________ Any other Adult? _____________________________________________________________________________ Older Siblings? _______________________________________________________________________________ Is there anyone who your child should NOT be released to? __________________________________________ If yes, Why? _________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide written notification to the Nursery School if someone other than the above-mentioned persons will be picking up your child. Southdale Nursery School takes responsibility for your child after they are dropped off at school and signed in by the parent / guardian each day. Once they are picked up and signed out by the parent / guardian, they are no longer the responsibility of Southdale Nursery School. We understand that it is our responsibility to notify Southdale Nursery School of any changes to any of the facts recorded in this application. Without accurate information, the School is unable to act in the best interest of our child. FEES: We agree to pay the annual registration fee of $1,040.00 as follows: Non-refundable deposit due at time of registration: Monthly Paymets Remaining fees payable in post-dated cheques. (9 cheques in the amount of $100.00 each. All cheques dated for the 1st of each month – September 1, October 1, November 1, December 1, January 1, February 1, March 1, April 1, May 1) $140.00 - OR - Payment In Full Remaining fees paid in full. (Cash or cheque dated September 1) $100.00 X 9 cheques $900.00 Total (with deposit) $1,040.00 *Please note that there will be a $20.00 service charge for each N.S.F. cheque. ________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature ________________________________________________________ Board Member Signature $900.00 $1,040.00 __________________________ Date __________________________ Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION CONSENT FORM (Please read and complete the following 3 pages and sign accordingly.) SOUTHDALE NURSERY SCHOOL INC. is herein referred to as the “FACILITY” This Form applies to the child named below, who will be attending the Facility and who is herein called the “CHILD”. Child’s name: _______________________________________________ By signing below, I hereby consent to the Facility: a) Collecting: i) All of the personal information included in any Application/Enrollment/Registration Form (a “Registration Form”) that I may complete and give to the Facility about the Child, me and any other individual whose personal information is included in the Registration Form, and ii) Any additional personal information regarding the Child, me and/or any such other individual that the Facility may reasonably require and collect by way of additional documents and/or b) Collecting all of the personal information in any Subsidy Application/Financial Assistance Form (a “Subsidy Form”) that I may complete and/or give to the Facility about the Child, me, and c) Collecting any additional personal information included in any other document that I may complete and/or give to the Facility about the Child, me and any other individual whose personal information is included in i) A Child Information Record, ii) A Family Information Record, iii) A Pre-Authorized Payments Form, iv) A Custody Arrangements Agreement, v) A Medication Administration/Authorization Form, vi) An Emergency Medical Attention Form, vii) A Daily Care Record, viii) A Food Allergy Action Plan, and ix) Any Special Needs Form (Collectively the “Other Forms”, and with the Registration Form, and Subsidy Form and all Other Forms being herein collectively called the “Forms”); d) Collecting on an on-going basis, additional personal information about the Child, me and any other individual who is referred to in any Form (a “Named Individual”), as reasonably required at any time by the Facility to provide for: i) The physical, emotional, social and intellectual well being and safety of the Child, or ii) The general administration and operation of the Facility (which includes record keeping, debt collection and fund-raising activities); ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 4 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ e) Using all of the personal information included in any Form and all other personal information previously or subsequently collected by the Facility regarding the Child, me and/or any other Named Individual, as reasonably required by the Facility to provide for: i) The physical, emotional, social, and intellectual well being and safety of the Child, or ii) The general administration and operation of the of the Facility (which includes record keeping, debt collection and fund-raising activities); f) Disclosing on a “need to know”, and where applicable, on a confidential basis, any personal information about the Child, me and/or any Named Individual: i) To the Facility’s employees, independent contractors (ie. People who regularly work at the Facility but who are not paid as employees), directors, therapists, volunteers (which may include parents and/or legal guardians of other children attending the Facility), work experience students and educational or regulatory observers; or ii) To any third party who requires such information in order to: A) Provide (or assist the Facility in providing) for the physical, emotional, social and/or intellectual well being and/or safety of the Child; or B) Assist the Facility in its general administration and/or operations (which includes record keeping, debt collection and fund-raising activities); or C) Assist the Facility in providing products and/or service to the Child and/or to me; or iii) To a public authority or an agent of a public authority if, in the Facility’s reasonable judgment, it appears that there is imminent danger to life or property which could be avoided or minimized by the disclosure of that information; or iv) To any third party who requires such information and who is part of the Facility’s organizational structure; or v) To any third party with whom the Facility is negotiating for the purpose of that third party taking over some or all of the Facility’s services and/or activities; or vi) To representatives of other licensed child care facilities if I have not properly satisfied my debts to the Facility; g) Disclosing the name of the Child in any class list produced by the Facility for the Child’s class(es) at the Facility and made available to the families of children in each class/time slot; h) Disclosing the Child’s first name and the first initial of the Child’s surname on a name tag (whenever other children in the Facility are given name tags) on the Child’s clothing and on various items throughout the Facility – for example, a sign-in/sign-out sheet, an allergy sheet, a cubical, a locker and a notebook or scrapbook; i) Disclosing (and celebrating) the Child’s birthday(s); CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD’S BIRTHDAY(S) DISCLOSED OR CELEBRATED. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 5 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ j) Allowing appropriate photographs and/or videos of the Child to be taken by therapists, by work experience students and by educational or regulatory observers while they are at the facility; k) Taking appropriate photographs and/or videos (or allowing appropriate photographs and/or videos to be taken) of the Child and using any such photograph and/or video in the Facility’s program activities, archives and/or promotional materials; and CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD’S PICTURE TO BE TAKEN FOR THIS PURPOSE. l) Allowing appropriate photographs and/or videos of the Child to be taken by; i) Employees of the Facility for their personal records; or CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD’S PICTURE TO BE TAKEN FOR THIS PURPOSE. ii) Representatives of the media or of any granting organization, for use in media coverage, article or promotional materials; or CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD’S PICTURE TO BE TAKEN FOR THIS PURPOSE. iii) Parents of other children at the Facility at special events or field trips organized by the Facility. CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD’S PICTURE TO BE TAKEN FOR THIS PURPOSE. Also, by signing below, I acknowledge that the Facility may collect and disclose personal information regarding the Child, me and/or any Named Individual, without consent of the Child, me or Named Individual, where: a) The Facility is required by law to make any such disclosure (for example, to the Manitoba Day Care Program in order to comply with licensing conditions); or b) A staff member of the Facility suspects abuse, neglect or endangerment involving the Child (for example, to the Director of Child Welfare, Manitoba Child and Family Services or to a law enforcement agency). __________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian __________________________________________ Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (please print) __________________________________________ Date _________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian _________________________________________ Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (please print) __________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 6 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Policy Handbook Please review the Policy Handbook. It is available online at If you would like a hard copy, please ask one of the staff or board members. I, __________________________________________ , have read and understand the Policy Handbook. Name of Parent/Legal Guardian (please print) __________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian __________________________________________ Date ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 7 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Volunteers needed for Board of Director Positions! On behalf of the outgoing Southdale Nursery School Board of Directors, we thank you for registering your child for the 2012-2013 year at Southdale Nursery School. The upcoming school year should be an exciting one! The Southdale Nursery School Board of Directors plays an essential role in the functioning of the Southdale Nursery School. The Board of Directors is comprised of parent volunteers of children enrolled in the program. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the open board positions, please complete and submit this form with your registration application. YES! I would like to be involved in my child’s nursery school education and am interested in the following board position: PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY (MUST have access to a computer and be comfortable with basic word processing and spread sheets) TREASURER MORNING PARENT ADVISOR AFTERNOON PARENT ADVISOR Parent’s Name: __________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________ Please see attached sheets for job descriptions. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Southdale Nursery School – Board of Directors Job Descriptions. Responsibilities of the President Study By-Laws Review parliamentary procedures Study Licensing manual for day care centers Study the policies and operations of Southdale Nursery School Inc. Review predecessor’s files Familiarize yourself with the budget, the audited financial statements and any other financial reports Chair each meeting of the Board of Directors and at general meetings (executive meetings are arranged at an Executive member’s home or Teacher’s home, or any other agreed upon venue) Exercise general supervision over all Board activities Prepare an agenda for each meeting of the Board and for each general meeting Co-ordinate the total Board effort Responsible for orientation of new members. Explaining their responsibility for service on the Board. Arranging general meetings of the Board. Exercise general supervision over any fundraising activities Signing of all cheques for the Nursery School along with Treasurer. (Other signing authority will be Vice President in case of absence of one of the executive) Sending out correspondence in early February, advertising for enrollment in the Nursery School for next term. (May be necessary to advertise in August as well to fill any remaining vacancies) Make speech at meeting on registration night to fill Executive Member spots and to introduce staff members as well as chairing the meeting prior to registration Make sure that each member of the Executive is performing their duties Applying to LRSD for permission for use of the rooms for registration meeting. (Please ask for forms from front office) Yearly renewal of lease space for Southdale Nursery School Send out letters to Bank and LRSD with Board Member changes at the end of the school year Liaise with parents during summer months Responsibilities of the Vice President Act as the President’s principal assistant Signing of cheques for the nursery school as required Attend board meetings Assist at registration night Initiate, oversee and actively participate with all fundraising Assist teachers where required to prepare materials or arrange parental / volunteer help Assist with any other functions requested by the President Compile / order / separate / handout and maintain accounting of and paying bills for Scholastic Books Discuss and make joint decisions with the Board Members Decide with President, issues needing to be discussed at meetings Gain knowledge needed to act in the President’s place if necessary by reviewing records of predecessor, studying the duties and responsibilities of all board positions and attend and provide input in decision making at the board meeting Be aware of all by-laws Study the policies and goals of the nursery school Familiarize yourself with the budget of Southdale Nursery School, the audited financial statements and other financial reports Responsibilities of the AM and PM Advisors The parent advisors will attend Board meetings and will liaise between parents and board members The parent advisors will assist with fundraising activities The parent advisors will assist with board activities and responsibilities as needed (i.e. preparation of fall registration packages, web maintenance, etc) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 9 of 10 Southdale Nursery School Inc. REGISTRATION APPLICATION P.O. Box 48091, Station Lakewood Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2J 4A3 Date Received:_____________________ Phone: (204) 254-0589 Email: Applicant #: _______________________ Web Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Responsibilities of the Treasurer ACCESS TO A COMPUTER / PRINTER, QUICK BOOKS, AND INTERNET IS A MUST FOR THIS POSITION. Study by-laws Study licensing manual for day cares Study the policies and operations of Southdale Nursery School Inc. Review predecessor’s files and maintain six (6) years worth of financial records at their home Make arrangements with the bank to transfer the account to your custody and to have the signatures changed Study the budget of Southdale Nursery School, the audited financial statement and any other financial reports To prepare and mail Corporations Act Form and Fee (Corporations Branch, 405 Broadway) Receive funds and issue receipts as necessary Ensure accurate records of all receipts and disbursements are maintained Ensure all bills, vouchers, receipts, and other supporting evidence is available for use by the auditor Ensure bank records are reconciled Prepare quarterly Treasurer’s Report for Executive Board meetings Assist the teachers in the preparation of the annual budget Ensure financial statements are prepared at year-end for Revenue Canada To recommend direction on behalf of Southdale Nursery School, i.e. recommendation to fundraise Apply for necessary grants Communicate with payroll as required Calculation of benefits deduction amount each June Prepare/calculate/submit Contribution Listing Form, for Registered Pension Plan on a bi-weekly basis Prepare/calculate/submit Pension Plan Reimbursement Applications on a Quarterly basis Annual renewal of all insurances (Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, WCB, MB Child Care Association, Office of Fire Commissioner Inspection) Pick up nursery school mail and annual renewal of post office box rental Prepare tax reciepts Responsibilities of the Secretary ACCESS TO A COMPUTER AND BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF WORD PROCESSING / SPREADSHEETS IS A MUST FOR THIS POSITION. Attend board meetings and keep accurate records on all board meeting minutes. Distribute copies of minutes to Board. Assist at registration night Assist with and actively participate in any fundraising Assist teachers where required to prepare materials or arrange parental / volunteer help With assistance from other capable Board Members, maintain the Southdale Nursery School Web Page Assist with the creation of newsletters, calendars and snack assignments for the nursery school Post all newsletters and calendars to the website in both Microsoft Word and Adobe .PDF format Email all families, board members and teachers with the links to the updated posts to newsletters and calendars on the website Discuss and make joint decisions with Board members Be aware of all by-laws, and Study policies and goals of the nursery school Study the licensing manual for Day Care Centers, including regulation governing licensing and funding of Southdale Nursery Review previous years’ board meeting minutes Attend to the correspondence of the nursery school Keep a roster of contact information of board members Prepare and update a class list and ensure Board Members and director have current copies at all times With the President, prepare teachers’ contracts as required Prepare registration package in February for March registration (assisted by AM and PM parent Advisors) Prepare fall information package to be sent to parents in August Prepare teacher evaluation forms for distribution to the parents by the end of April Send out confirmation letters to parents after spring registration night Keep 5 years worth of information in the Secretary binder and/or on digital storage media (CD, memory stick or similar) Secretary is the custodian of the seal of the Organization. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 10 of 10