ADMISSIONS Kindergarten students must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the school year in which they are enrolling. First grade students must be 6 years old on or before September 1. A physical examination is strongly urged when a student enters school for the first time. To register a student, a parent must present a legal birth certificate, a current immunization record, the child’s Social Security card, and proof of residence. Upper level students who are transferring from other schools should have their academic records provided to insure proper placement. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL The school day begins promptly at 7:50 am. Students should be in their classrooms and ready to begin work at that time. Punctuality is a quality of good citizenship. Help your child to be on time. The schedule is as follows: 7:10 am Bus riders begin arriving and report to teachers on duty for supervision. Car riders and walkers may arrive between 7:15 and 7:45 am. Students eating breakfast must be in their classrooms by 7:35 am. 7:35 am All classrooms will be open and teachers will be in their doorways to greet and begin the day. Students desiring breakfast must be in their classrooms by this time. 7:50 am School begins. Students should be in their classrooms. After 7:50 am, students are tardy. 2:40 pm Car riders and bus riders are dismissed. Beginning at 7:47, parents must come in and sign their students into school. Students arriving at school prior to 7:35 are required to report to the bus student area. Students may not arrive at school before 7:10, as there is no teacher supervision prior to this time. If a student changes his mode of travel to or from school, he should bring from home a written explanation of the change. This helps the teacher insure the child’s safety. Students are not permitted to ride on buses other than those for which they are zoned. Students who ride in cars are dismissed daily at 2:40. Parents are urged to pick up their children promptly when school is dismissed. Under no circumstances should a student be left at school after 3:00 PM. The school staff is not available after that time to supervise them. Arrival Procedures Students should only be dropped off in the car line. Students will not be allowed to cross the road alone. Dismissal Procedures Students will only be dismissed through the car line. Parents may not park and come across to pick up their children. As cars arrive, they should pull up behind the last car in line. EARLY DISMISSAL We recommend that your child not be dismissed early except in cases of emergency. Dismissal interferes with a student’s classwork and learning. Students will not be dismissed between 2:15 and 2:40 PM. At this point, the teacher is summarizing the day and assigning homework. Dismissing students at this time interrupts the class as well as causing traffic problems. We ask your full cooperation on this. Anyone dismissing a child early must bring a photo ID. ATTENDANCE (IMPORTANT INFORMATION) In South Carolina, all children are required to attend public or private kindergarten beginning at age five and continuing until their seventeenth birthdate. If parents choose not to send a child to kindergarten, they must sign a one-year waiver, which may be obtained at the school. A total of more than ten absences may cause the loss of credit for one year’s school work. Tardies and early dismissals can also interfere with the learning process. Please make every effort to see that your child is in school unless the child is ill or there is serious illness or death in the immediate family. EXCUSED ABSENCES Greenwood School District 50 Board Policy states the following: “The district will consider students lawfully absent under the following circumstances. They are ill and their attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others. There is a death or serious illness in their immediate family. There is a recognized religious holiday of their faith. Prearranged absences for other reasons and/or extreme hardships at the discretion of the principal.” Students are required to bring written documentation for absences as soon as they return to school. All requests for a lawful absence must be submitted within five school days from the day of absence to be considered. The excuse should be on a full sheet of paper and should include the following: The date The date of absence The reason for the absence The student’s name The teacher’s name The parent’s signature (Greenwood School District 50 Board Policy JH) TARDIES Students who are tardy miss important instruction. Please remember that a student must be in his or her seat by 7:50 am in order to be considered on time. Excessive tardies will require a meeting with the case manager and/or principal to set up a plan for improvement. All excuses will be filed in the school office. When students have 5 unexcused absences or 3 consecutive absences they are considered “truant”. When a child reaches the “truant” stage, the school is required to hold a conference with the parent and sign an “attendance” plan. After that point, if a student has an absence that is unexcused, the parent will be turned over to the district attendance officer for follow-up action. The student must then be marked “truant” in the state database. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Perfect attendance awards are given when a student has not missed any days, had no more than 2 tardies, and/or early dismissals per 9 week period. In addition, to receive a Perfect Attendance award for the entire year, a student must have not missed any days and had no more than 4 early dismissals and/or tardies for the entire year. CAR PICKUP BIRTHDAYS With the cooperation of all parents, arrival and dismissal will be a quick process. When cars park, pass or make U-turns, the convenience and, most of all, safety of all are threatened. We must require that the following be strictly adhered to: Our PTO is sponsoring a monthly birthday celebration by holding a birthday lunch for students and their parents. Participants are invited to sit at the birthday table and the student will receive a special cupcake treat. Please do not send cake or refreshments to school for birthdays. Students are permitted to distribute birthday party invitations only if they have one for each member of the class. All children will be loaded into cars in their designated areas. Children may load only when a car is stopped in the designated loading spots. Students are not allowed to cross the drive. Please do not park and come to the student holding area to get your child. This interferes with the loading process and impedes the progress of those parents who have waited in line. All cars should move forward as far as possible before stopping for children to load and unload. We realize that long lines are frustrating and nobody likes to wait. However, if everyone cooperates, the line will move quickly. Our primary concern is the safety of the students, and not necessarily the convenience of the driver. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. CHANGE OF ADDRESS It is important that the school office have your current address and phone number. Please notify the school immediately upon changing your address or telephone number. You will need to provide the office with a current proof of address. BUS RIDERS Bus transportation to and from the school is provided by the state for all children who live more than 1.5 miles from the school. The biggest factor in bus travel is one of safety. If our drivers are going to be able to do their job of driving, then they must have the help and cooperation of ALL PASSENGERS. The driver of the bus is in full charge of the pupils and the bus. Pupils are expected to obey the driver cheerfully and promptly. If the student cannot ride the bus in an orderly manner, he will be taken off of the bus. If a child is removed from the bus for behavior, it is the parents’ responsibility to get the student to and from school. Absences resulting from a child being removed from the bus will be “unexcused” and may apply toward a child being marked truant. (See Student Rights and Responsibilities for more information on buses.) COMPUTERS We strive to prepare students to be contributing members of society in the 21st century. This preparation includes literacy in technology and computer use. All students have access to computers. The Internet is available in every classroom. Students are also scheduled into the computer lab weekly. Please see the District 50 Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Booklet for the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. CUSTODIAL AND NON-CUSTODIAL PARENTS: South Carolina Law States that: “Each parent, whether the custodial or non-custodial parent of the child, has equal access and the same right to obtain all educational records … of their minor children and the right to participate in their children's school activities unless prohibited by order of the court.” SC Code of Laws, Section 20-7-100. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with any court order that prohibits the non-custodial parent from receiving information about their child or from participating in school activities. Halter tops, tank tops, midriff and see-through clothing are prohibited. Hats will not be worn in the building. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Extremely short clothing, low-cut tops, and mid-drift tops are also examples of inappropriate clothing. Straps on dresses or tops must be at least 1 inch in width. For the safety of our students and faculty, students are not allowed to wear wheelies to school. It is important that the school office have your current address and phone number. Please notify the school immediately upon changing your address or phone number. We must have current information on file in case of an emergency. FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT Under this act, the parent or eligible student has a right to: DISCIPLINE We expect students to behave properly at school. Discipline will be administered when any individual’s actions interfere with the right of teachers to teach and students to learn. (See “Students Rights and Responsibilities” Booklet) DRESS Students are expected to dress in an appropriate, decent manner. Woodfields Elementary School implemented an optional uniform policy beginning in the fall of 2008. It is as follows. Shirts – The shirts are blue or white. They should be solid without writing or graphics and have a collar. Bottoms – The bottoms should be khaki. They can be knee length shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, capris, or long pants. Shoes – the uniform shoes should be closed toed shoes. Inspect and review the student’s education records Request the amendment of the student’s education records to ensure that they are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that the Act and the regulations in this part authorize disclosure without consent; File with the US Department of Education a complaint under 99.64 concerning alleged failures by the agency or institution to comply with requirements of the act and this part; Obtain a copy of the policy adopted under 99.64. FEES K-5 $20.00 GIFTED AND TALENTED PROGRAM (GATAS) Boys must tuck their shirttails in at all times. Our gifted and talented (GATAS) program is school based and serves students in Grades 3, 4, and 5. Students are selected for the program based on state criteria for the gifted and talented. This criterion includes aptitude and achievement test data, observed characteristics, and performance data. GATAS provides learning experiences to develop critical and creative thinking. Tennis shoes must be worn on PE days. GRADING Rubber flip flops are not allowed for safety reasons. Our grading scale for Grades 2 through 5 is as follows: All District 50 policies must be followed. A = Excellent (93-100) B = Good (85-92) C = Satisfactory (77-84) D = Poor (70-76) U = Unacceptable (69 and below) Students in Grades 1 and 2 are graded in Math and Language Arts. Students who choose not to wear the uniform must adhere to the following. Greenwood District 50 Board of Trustees Policy states the following: All pants must be worn above the hips. Clothing that depicts alcohol, drugs, tobacco, racial slurs/epithets; sexual suggestion/insinuation or inappropriate language is prohibited. Students in Grade 3-5 are graded in Math, Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. The symbols S = Satisfactory P= Progessing (Needs Support) N= Below level, showing no progress are used for Physical Education, Art, Music, Conduct, and Work and Study Habits. HONOR ROLL: Early Dismissal If bad weather develops during the day, please listen for dismissal announcements. Please discuss with your child in advance the procedure you will follow in getting your child home early. The following radio and T.V. stations will be notified of District 50 delayed openings or school closings: Radio Stations T.V. Channels Honor Rolls are compiled each nine-weeks. WHZQ 94.1 FM WCRS 1450 AM WYFF (Channel 4) To be listed on the “A” honor roll, a student must have all “A’s” in their core subjects, with all “S’s” in the other subjects, including art, music, PE, etc. WZSN 103.5 FM WCZZ 1090 AM WSPA (Channel 7) WSSL 100.5 FM WJMZ 107.3 FM WLOS (Channel 13) WLMA 1350 AM WHZT 98.1 FM To be listed on the “A/B” honor roll, a student must have all “A’s and B’s” in their core subjects, with all “S’s” in the other subjects, including art, music, PE, etc. INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTIFICATION There have been many questions about inclement weather notification – i.e. school closings or delays. Here is the information concerning this for future reference. There is also a number to call that will have a recorded message concerning this. The number is 941-5511. The district web site is . It will have this information as well. Delayed Openings, Closings The Superintendent or his designee will make all decisions regarding school closings, delayed openings, or delayed dismissal. The superintendent will communicate this information to the media in accordance with established procedures. A 2 hour delay means that all opening activities will begin 2 hours later than usual – (example buses that pickup at 7:00 am will begin picking up at 9:00 – 2 hours later). Information on school closings or delayed openings will be communicated to radio and T.V. stations by 6:00 A.M. and posted on the Greenwood School District 50 web site. (Under certain conditions, a decision to delay or close may be made by 10:00 P.M. of the preceding evening. Listen to your radio and T.V. for this information or check the district website. Please do not call the schools or district personnel.) HOMEWORK Homework is given to provide extra practice, enrichment, and an opportunity to develop responsibility. We realize the importance of participation in other activities after school; however, a definite time for reading and/or homework should be planned each day. Please emphasize to your child that reading is just as important as a written assignment. Parents should have their child read at home every day. Most radio and T.V. stations announce ONLY delays and closings. If you do not hear a delay/closing announcement, you should assume that schools are on their normal schedule. LOST AND FOUND Students are asked to turn in lost and found items to the school office. They, as well as parents, are urged to check our lost and found area for lost items. Each year quantities of clothing in excellent condition accumulate. Please mark all jackets and sweaters with the proper name. Items not picked up from lost and found will be donated to a charity at Christmas and at the end of the year. LUNCH/BREAKFAST The Woodfields cafeteria will be serving nutritious lunches the prices are as follows: Elementary Lunch - $1.80 Extra Milk - $.45 Applications for free or reduced price meals are available through the cafeteria. If your child is eligible for reduced price meals, the price for lunch is 40 cents. A free breakfast will be served each morning in the classroom for any students desiring the meal. Students must be in the classroom by 7:35 am to receive a breakfast. Over-the-Counter Medication Requirements: Form signed by a health care provider Form signed by the parent Medicine in original container Dosage appropriate for the age of the child District employees can not administer Over-The-Counter medications at school without a medical order from the child’s health care provider. PROBLEM SOLVING Throughout the school year problems may arise with your child. We want to work with you to solve these problems. You are asked to go to the appropriate teacher to address the problem initially and to work together to come up with a solution. Our food service is operated using a computerized system. An account number is assigned to your child. You deposit money to your child’s account, and as your child receives meals, the cost of the meal will automatically be deducted from your child’s balance. PROMOTION Please help us by keeping your child’s account current. Each week we send home letters through the students if they owe lunch money. Parents of students who owe more than a week’s worth of lunch money will be contacted to bring money before that student can continue to eat in the cafeteria. The following criteria have been established for promotion from one grade to the next. MEDICATION Prescription Medication Requirements: Form signed by a health care provider Form signed by the parents Individual pharmacy labeled container - Student’s name - Name of medication - Dosage - Strength - Mode of Administration - Physician’s name - Pharmacy name and address South Carolina law states that students must not have more than 10 absences to be considered for promotion. The principal can excuse up to 15 absences for good reason. Grades K-2 The school will evaluate children in the primary grades on their progress through the South Carolina performance standards. The school may assess the standards by methods that include state assessments, diagnostic tests, teacher-made tests and other assessments identified as appropriate. In addition, the school may use teacher judgment to evaluate student progress. Grades 3-5 The school will determine the progress of the students using a combination of student performance assessment results and teacher judgment. The student performance assessments will include the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) in all subjects tested by the state. At the end of the school year, appropriate school personnel will review the student’s performance. If the student’s work has not been at grade level, the student may be retained or required to attend summer school for promotion. Parents/Legal guardians of students who are in jeopardy of being retained will be notified in writing. (Greenwoood School District 50 School Board Policy IKE) REPORT CARDS Report cards are issued at the end of each 9-week grading period. Parent/Teacher conferences are held at the end of the first 9-week grading period. Interim Reports will be issued midway between report cards. SICK CHILDREN ITBS - This test is a standardized achievement test designed to give a common measure of students’ performance. It is given to second graders in the fall. COGAT-This is an aptitude test given to identify academically gifted students. It is given to 2nd and 3rd grade students during the fall. South Carolina Performance Tasks – Used for further assessment for students whose COGAT/ITBS scores indicate they are potential qualifiers for the academically gifted program. More information about testing will be shared with you as we receive it. TEXTBOOKS The state of South Carolina provides books for each student. However, the student is responsible for the care of the textbook. Lost and damaged textbooks must be paid for by the parent. If your child becomes ill at school, we will contact you. If we cannot reach you, we will use the information you have provided on the Student Information Form. Please remember to keep your child’s information current. We cannot keep sick children at school. TESTING The following standardized tests are issued to students. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): - Students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 will take this test three times during the school year. Reports will show growth over a period of time. State Testing - Students in grades 3-5 will take state tests in the spring. Dates will be announced at a later time. Normed Reference Testing – Students may be given other normed reference tests throughout the year. VISITORS Anyone who visits our school, including parents, must stop by the office. Although parents are welcome to observe at any time, we need to keep down interruptions to class work and keep our students safe. Please do not visit your child’s classroom without checking by the office first. A visitor’s pass will be issued. Please do not interrupt classroom instruction. You may call or stop by the office to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher. You must have a driver’s license or other photo ID with you to receive a pass. VOLUNTEERS We can always use volunteers throughout our school. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up through the PTO, or contact the school at 941-5540. All volunteers must complete a District 50 back ground check form and be approved before volunteering for field trips, field day or any other school activity. The Woodfields Song Written by Beverly Psomas First verse Now we can soar, Life’s an open door. We’ll use our wings. Knowledge it brings. Up where we see all we can be. Just how high I fly depends on me. Refrain We’re flying high, “High Flyers, flying high. It’s time to fly, way up to the sky. So much to learn, we’ve all got to try. We’re flying high, “High Flyers”, flying high. Second verse This is the time. We’ll start right now. We have the teachers here to show us how. From year to year, as we go along. Working hand in hand, we will grow strong!