Second Step Lesson Correlation (new window)

Second Step Lesson Correlations Kits published in 1997, 2002 and 2014
Theme 1 Empathy
Lesson Description 2002 Kit
Lesson 1: Introduces Second Step kit to students. Students generate rules to follow while
participating in Second Step lessons. Class is introduced to Impulsive Puppy.
Theme 1 Power of Me
Lesson 2: Students learn to identify how another person feels by looking at the expression on
someone’s face. Happy, sad, and angry are reviewed.
Lesson 3: More emotions are explored. Following the same format introduced in lesson 2,
children talk about surprised, afraid, and disgusted.
Lesson 4: In this lesson, children learned about ways our bodies tell us how we feel. By
checking in with our bodies we can find clues as to how we feel. Children are encouraged to
talk to a grown up when they feel worried. They meet Be Calm Bunny.
Lesson 5: In this lesson children meet Slow Down Snail. They learn that feelings can
Theme 2 Power of Us
Lesson 6: Children talk about the meaning of same and different. Children are taught that 2
people can have different feelings about the same thing. Looking at a person’s face is
reinforced with children during this lesson
Lesson 7: Children learn that sometimes things happen that we don’t mean to happen. They
learn that it is important to let someone know when you didn’t mean to do something. They are
introduced to the word accident.
Lesson 8: In this lesson children learn how to show others we care by listening to them and
by telling them. Our words and actions can make a difference when friends are feeling bad.
Lesson 9: In this lesson, children learn how to show someone we care by saying or doing
something helpful.
1997 Kit
2014 Kit
Unit 1 Lesson 1
Uni1 1 Lesson1
Unit 1 Lesson 2
Unit 2 Lesson 6
Unit 1 Lesson 2
Unit 2 Lesson 7
Unit 1 Lesson 10
Unit 2 Lesson 8
Unit 1 Lesson 3
Unit 1 lesson 5
Unit 1 Lesson 4
Unit 2 Lesson9
Unit 1 Lesson 8
Unit 2 Lesson 10
Unit 1 Lesson
Unit 2 Lesson 11
Unit 1 Lesson 4
Choose an Idea
Unit 1 Lesson 4
Stay on Task
Second Step Lesson Correlations Kits published in 1997, 2002 and 2014
Theme 2 Emotion Management
Theme 2 Power of Us
Lesson Description 2002 Kit
Lesson 1: Children learn that sometimes we have strong feelings. They also learn about
feeling frustrated when we try to do something that’s really hard and we just can’t do it.
Lesson 2: This lesson teaches children what to do when they have strong feelings. They
are taught to stop and calm down. A poster should be displayed in the classroom showing
children what to do.
2014 Kit
Unit 2 Lesson 1
Unit 3 Lesson 12
Unit 3 Lesson 2
Unit 3 Lesson 14
Unit 1 Lesson 6
Unit 3 Lesson 13
Unit 2 Lesson 7
Unit 3 Lesson 15
Unit 3 Lesson 6
Unit 3 Lesson 17
Unit 3 Lesson 1
Unit 3 Lesson 16
Unit 3 Lesson 3
Unit 3 Lesson 18
Lesson 3: Calming down steps are reviewed and practiced.
Lesson 4: In this lesson, children talk about waiting. The lesson tells children things they
can do while they wait.
Theme 3 Power In Our World
1997 Kit
Lesson 5: Children are taught different ways to calm down when they don’t get what they
Lesson 6: In this lesson, children talk about how they feel when they are angry. They learn
it is okay to be angry, but it is not okay to hurt others with our words or with our bodies.
Calming down is emphasized.
Lesson 7: Students learn what to do when they are hurt. First they have to calm down and
let someone know they are hurt. If they hurt someone on accident, it is important that they let
the person know they didn’t mean it.
Second Step Lesson Correlations Kits published in 1997, 2002 and 2014
Theme 3 Problem Solving
Theme 3 Power of Our World
Lesson Description 2002 Kit
Lesson 1: Introduction of new unit on problem solving. Students learn to ask 3 questions
when they have a problem.
 How do I feel?
 What is the problem?
 What can I do?
Lesson 2: Children learn to deal with distractions. They are taught to look at and listen to
the person talking and to turn away from the people who try to get their attention.
Lesson 3: Children learn how to interrupt politely. They are taught to say, “excuse me” and
then say what they want to say.
Theme 4 Power of Possibilities
Lesson 4: Children learn fair ways to play. They learn that sharing, trading, and taking turns
are all fair ways to play.
Lesson 5: In this lesson, the children learn what to do if something is taken away from them.
They review the calming down steps and the problem solving steps
Lesson 6: In this lesson children learn how to deal with name-calling. Children practiced the
problem solving steps. They also learned that if it doesn’t stop, they should tell an adult.
Lesson 7: In this lesson, children learn that when friends play in fair ways, they both have
fun. They also learn that a friend is still a friend, even if they don’t want to play the same
game as you.
Lesson 8: Children learn the steps for joining in a game. They also learn that if it doesn’t
work the first time they should try again.
Lesson 9: This is the last formal Second Step lesson. It is a review of past key lessons.
Keep Second Step going in your classroom by referring to the posters and past lessons when
you read a story that has a character with a problem and when a student in your class has a
1997 Kit
2014 Kit
Unit 2 Lesson 2
Unit 1 Lesson 7
Not Now Maybe
Unit 4 Lesson 19
Unit 2 Lesson 9
Unit 1 Lesson 2
Unit 2 Lesson 10
Unit 1 Lesson 5
Being Assertive
Unit 2 Lesson 8
Unit 1 Lesson 9
What is Fair?
Unit 4 Lesson 21
Unit 3 Lesson 5
Unit 4 Lesson 23
Unit 3 Lesson 4
Unit 4 Lesson 24
Unit 2 Lesson 7
Unit 4 Lesson 22
Unit 2 Lesson 3
Unit 4 Lesson 20
Unit 2 Lesson 5
Is it Working?
Unit 4 Lesson 25