Cross Country Weds 27th October

During our PE lessons we have been focusing on Health Related Exercise - exploring
different ways to maintain levels of fitness. Over the last six weeks this has included
gradually building up stamina for running. Our ‘Landing Pad’ is our annual ‘Distance Fun
Run’ enabling all the children from Years 2-6 to challenge themselves to complete a set
distance as follows;
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Years 5/6 1.6km
Children should to come to school dressed in PE kit including trainers/plimsolls with a
hat, sun lotion applied and plenty of water. They should have their uniform with them in
their bags to change into afterwards. Any child without PE kit or trainers may not run.
Members of Hornbill staff look forward to participating in this event with the children and
mums and dads are welcome to come along and support all the children either as
spectators or by running with a group of children to encourage them. Please note however,
that the children will not run for longer than 10 minutes and, on the day, we may have to
delay the run until later in the week depending on the weather conditions.
Whilst for our faster runners there is a competition to come in the top 5 boys or girls in
each year group and possibly break a school record, the event is also intended as an
opportunity for all children to challenge themselves and to feel proud that they have been
able to complete the distance to the best of their ability. Please give them lots of
encouragement and help make it an enjoyable occasion.
On Friday 9th October we will be holding a ‘Sports’ assembly at 1.00pm to celebrate the
runners’ achievements and effort.