Leadership Team Professional Study Team Application for 1. This application is designed to outline the work of Leadership Teams. Upon completing the year’s professional learning and leading, participants can earn 1 hour of professional development and salary credit. 2. Please answer the questions that are highlighted in yellow. 3. Please send the completed application as an e-mail attachment to Jean Jennings, with “PST Leadership Team Application” in the subject line. 4. Please designate a team leader, identify team members, and fill in the required PST information on page 1 of the application. 5. Unless otherwise indicated, we will charge the school for the $15.00 per person registration fee upon application approval. 6. Be sure to keep a record of meeting dates, attendance, and summary of meeting topic(s). 7. In order to receive credit the team will submit 1) the above record of meetings, 2) any artifacts/products that show evidence of the team’s work and impact on student achievement (i.e.: agendas, working agreements, formative data, video clips, exit slips, student work samples, etc.…) and 3) each member will need to write a reflection of their learning through this leadership experience. PST Title Leadership Team Team Leader(s) School Home Phone Work Phone E-Mail Team Members: Logistics: All Meeting Dates - Location(s) - Times Team Leader Compensation: Please choose 1 of the following options: ☐1.5 semester hours professional development/salary credit ☐$100.00 stipend 1 PROFESSIONAL STUDY TEAM APPLICATION© St. Vrain Valley School District PST Model Professional Development Credit and Participant Fees Licensed Staff Registration fee of $15.00 This Leadership PST is for 1 semester hour of salary and professional development credit. Data/Background Information What student, classroom, school or district data/background did you use to help you determine your project focus and goals? The Leadership PST is an on-going professional learning opportunity for school leaders and teachers. Leadership teams provide the leadership and support needed to implement the school’s Unifi.ed School Improvement Plans. The team builds capacity and works to sustain ongoing school improvement efforts. The school goals are aligned to the district UIP goals to: 1. Increase reading and writing performance by all students with specific focus on IEP and ELL students through improved Tier 1 instruction and the defining of intentional intervention including English language development. 2. Increase math performance by all students with specific focus on IEP and ELL students through improved Tier 1 instruction and the defining of intentional math interventions. Background Information: To support a school culture of high quality Tier 1 instruction, school leadership teams began by attending a two-day Leadership Academy. These teams received advanced training in the development of high functioning leadership teams by addressing specific knowledge, attitudes and aspirations, skills and behavior outcomes. Resources can be located on the Leadership Academy Blog. Teams reflected upon their current building status and identified strengths and needs for their building leadership team. Leadership teams will use school data and plan their work to guide, support and facilitate continuous improvement as identified in their Unified Improvement Plans. What does the data/background tell you? Analysis of TCAP trend data, walk-thru data from principals, survey of District staff, school UIP data reviews, and root cause analysis necessitated an increase in the repertoire of instructional strategies and implementation of best practices in Tier 1 core instruction and intervention across the District. Identification, training, and implementation support for Tier 1 best instructional practices were identified as having the greatest impact on student achievement and obtaining our district goals. 2 PROFESSIONAL STUDY TEAM APPLICATION© St. Vrain Valley School District What are your school/leadership team goals for this school year? (What do your students need to know, understand, and be able to do?) What specific data would you highlight for your goal alignment? (How do you know?) How will your work result in improved professional practice and/or increased student learning? (How will you know when you are successful/students have achieved the intended goal?) Summary Product Describe the product /artifacts that will be evidence that you are making progress toward attaining your goals. Be sure the summary product aligns with your data and goals. The summary product must be a concrete product and/or artifact(s) that will be submitted to the Office of Professional Development upon completion of your project. Individual team members’ reflections due at the end of the year: Leadership teams will reflect on their school practices highlighting knowledge, attitudes and aspirations, skills, and behaviors (KASB) referenced during the summer Leadership Academy. Individual reflections should address evidence of implementation and impact from one or more of the following KASB outcomes from Leadership Academy Days 1 & 2: Knowledge (Participants will know/understand) *A process of continuous school improvement *School-wide capabilities needed to create a community of collaboration and inquiry *Change is a process and become aware of several change models *Data analysis, which includes multiple data sets *School culture and its impact on professional and student learning *Conflict management integrated with change initiatives *Developing Team Leadership: shared leadership; leadership roles; whole school participation *Communicating Effectively: how to get and give feedback; dialogue and discussion 3 PROFESSIONAL STUDY TEAM APPLICATION© St. Vrain Valley School District Attitudes and Aspirations Participants will aspire to and believe the following: *All of us are learners and can improve our practice individually and as a team *Participants can improve learning for all students *We can change in order to help students achieve and learn Skills Participants will be able to do the following: *Implement a continuous school improvement process *Monitor a continuous school improvement process *Facilitate and develop groups to achieve desired outcomes *Conduct effective meetings Behaviors Participants will exhibit: *Openness to new thinking and learning *Willingness to share thinking, knowledge, and expertise * Questioning for clarity and deepening understanding 4 PROFESSIONAL STUDY TEAM APPLICATION© St. Vrain Valley School District