PST Checklist - The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique

-perio probe
-2 mouth mirrors
-2 cotton pliers
-2 syringes
-1 bottle sterile water
-1 bottle of Sodium Chloride
-explorer (instrument)
-intra-oral mirrors
-black intra-oral background
-cheek retractors
-fast hand piece
-round carbite #2 bur
-medium flame diamond bur
-boley gauge
-monoject syringes
-3 dappen dishes (1 for cotton pallet and EDTA) (1 for sterile cut 2x2 with Peridex) (1 for collagen strips).
-2 surgical suctions
-surgical gloves
-ligaject for anesthetic
-a hygiene set-up (hand scalers)
-2 PST instrument cassettes
-collagen (Bioguide by: Geistlich) (Biomend & Biomend Extend by: Zimmer) (Helimend & Helimend
Extend by: Miltex) (Conform by: Ace Surgical) (Mucograft by: Osteohealth)
*At this time, Dr. Chao has no recommendations as to which collagen you use. He is working
towards a more ideal collagen that he can recommend.*
-Nikon/cannon camera for before/after photos
-perio charting
-consent form for PST
-PST form: with teeth #(s) and time
-"no brushing..." instructions sheet
-PST claim form with: recession classification on it
-icepacks for swelling
-sterile gauze
-sterile cotton rolls
-sterile towels
-EDTA (premier brand)
-surgical sponges