STUDY GUIDE EXAM 4 LECTURE MATERIAL: Structure of the Earth definition of mineral what are silicate minerals? definition of rock Know the three main types of rocks and examples of each. difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks definition of mafic, felsic and ultramafic rocks what are sediments? What are strata? Know the rock cycle. What are the differences between the outer and inner core of the earth? Know the differences between the lower, upper, and uppermost mantle. definition of asthenosphere. definition of lithosphere. differences between continental and oceanic crust. What is isostacy and isostatic adjustment. What are examples ? Plate Tectonics What is plate tectonic theory? Where are most of the divergent boundaries? What are the different landforms associated with oceanic/oceanic and continental/continental divergent boundaries? Give examples of both situations. What are mid-oceanic ridges? axial rift? sea-floor spreading? How did the Red Sea form? How did the Atlantic Ocean form? What is subduction? What is an ocean floor trench? What are the landforms associated with oceanic/continental, continental/continental and oceanic/oceanic convergent boundaries? What are examples of each? What is a transform boundary? What are hot spots (mantle plumes)? What are examples? What are sea mounts (guyots)? Volcanism definition of a volcano difference between magma and lava how did the Hawaiian islands form Pacific Ring of Fire Relationship between types of magma and explosiveness of volcano caldera shield, stratovolcanoes (composite) and cinder cones: the differences and major characteristics of each What is a lava flow? a flood basalt? What are examples of flood basalts? How old is the rift system that produced the rocks of the north shore of Lake Superior? What are pyroclastic flows? What are lahars? What is intrusive volcanism. Know definitions of the following intrusive features neck, dike, sill, pluton. EARTHQUAKES Where do they occur? Where are the earthquakes of greatest intensity? What is the difference between the focus and epicenter of an earthquake? What are seismic waves? What is the difference between body waves an surface waves P waves and S waves: what are the differences? What are the earthquake scales and how do they differ? What are foreshocks and aftershocks? What are tsunamis? What causes tsunamis? How do tsunami waves change as they approach shore? GLACIERS AND GLACIAL LANDSCAPES definition of erosion definition of glacier densities and differences between snow and glacial ice what causes glaciers to form and grow ablation and accumulation advancing and retreating glaciers how do glaciers move crevasse ice fall glacial drift: till vs. stratified drift (outwash) CHAPTER 11: Important figures: 11.1, 11.3, 11.15, 11.21, 11.23,11.24, 11.26, 11.27 know examples of each rock type. chemical alteration of igneous rocks clastic sediments evaporites fossil fuels in sedimentary rocks examples of metamorphic rocks CHAPTER 12 Important Figures:12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.8, 12.10, 12.19, 12.23, 12.26, 12.28, 12.22, 12.24, 12.25, 12.27 geologic time scale continental shield power source for plate movements San Andreas fault East African Rift VAlley CHAPTER 17: glacial erosion: polishing, plucking, abrasion roche moutonnee hanging valleys glacial trough (valley) arête horn moraines: lateral, medial, terminal continental glaciers (ice sheets) vs. alpine glaciers kettle drumlin Esker Ice Age fiords icebergs details of Late Cenozoic Ice Age (p. 582) permafrost active layer periglacial ice wedge polygons patterned ground pingos Holocene Epoch ice marginal lakes pluvial lakes possible causes of Late Cenozoic Ice Age possible causes of glaciation cycles ice sheets and global warming Figures 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 17.6, 17.10, 17.16, 17.17, 17.28, 17.29, 17.30