44 - Cal State LA - Instructional Web Server

Unit 44: Landforms and Landscapes of Continental Glaciers
Teacher Questions:
1) The two continental ice sheets that exist in the world today are:
a) Antarctica & Greenland *
b) Greenland & Iceland
c) Laurentide & Wisconsin
d) Iceland & Antarctica
2) Ice sheets flow outward like spokes on a wheel. Studies have shown that entire ice
sheets flow outward at the same rate.
a) True
b) False *
3) Low-density ice floating freely in the ocean are called:
a) icebergs *
b) ice shelves
c) ice sheets
d) both (a) and (b)
4) All are similarities between Antarctica and Greenland EXCEPT:
a) both ice sheets are formed over continents *
b) both are shaped like a dome
c) both ice sheets flow from its center outward
d) both are made of freshwater ice
5) The most likely explanation that explains the evolution of The Great Lakes is:
a) Late Cenozoic continental collision of plates formed mountains, which acted as the
boundary of the lakes. Subsequent precipitation filled in these depressions
b) glacial mass eroded the bedrock forming a depressions. As glaciers retreated,
deposits blocked the flow of meltwater causing water to fill in the depressions *
c) tensional stresses are pulling plates apart allowing ocean water to fill in the gaps.
d) the continuous advance and retreat of glaciers formed one glacial lake at a time
eventually forming Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and Lake Erie
6) Drumlins are smooth, elliptical shaped mounds of till. How do they help us determine
the directional flow of continental ice sheets?
a) the long axis of the elliptical-shaped drumlin is parallel to the directional flow *
b) the long axis of the elliptical-shaped drumlin is perpendicular to the directional flow
c) two or more drumlins will make an arrow shape that points in the direction of flow
d) there is no way to determine the flow of past continental ice sheets by looking at
7) An elongated ridge deposit is left along the length of a continental ice sheet. One way
scientists can determine if the ridge is an esker or a moraine is by:
a) examining the sorting of the sediments
b) looking for layers or stratification in the deposits
c) both (a) and (b)*(?)
d) cannot determine the difference between an esker and a moraine
8) A long ribbon-like ridge or tunnel that is formed by the clogging of debris from glacial
outwash as ice melts is called a(n)
a) esker *
b) drumlin
c) kettle
d) kame
9) Sediments of various sizes are carried at the base of glaciers and deposited as poorly
sorted _____.
a) glacial drift
b) stratified drift
c) glacial till *
d) moraine
10) During the Pleistocene, large lakes covered much of the Western United States, such as
Lake Bonneville in Utah. These are called:
a) fluvial lakes
b) crater lakes
c) deciduous lakes
d) pluvial lakes *
11) By measuring the amount of annual precipitation (accumulated snow) the Antarctic
glacier system receives annually, the system is considered a:
a) desert region *
b) tundra region
c) tropical region
d) polar region