Approved 5/13/14 - the Wallowa County Website!

Approved 5/13/14
Wallowa County Technical Committee
April 8, 2014
OSU Extension Conference Room
Bruce Dunn, Forestry
Cynthia Warnock, Conservation
Coby Menton, Geology
Lance Burton, Range
Brian Clapp, Weeds
Dana Nave, Hydrology
Katie Nesbitt, Observer Newspaper
Susan Roberts, County Commissioner
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bruce Dunn at 8:38 p.m.
Bruce asked if there were any changes to the March minutes. Dana just wanted to clarify that the Title II proposal
for the avalanche awareness funding was for education also. It was not solely for a salary. There were no
changes to the minutes and they stood approved as written.
OWEB – Wallowa River/6-Ranch Meander
Applicant: GRMW
Watershed: Wallowa
Description: This project is to restore 1800 feet of the Wallowa River that was channelized. The existing channel
would serve as a side channel for juvenile fish. Wood structures will be incorporated into the reach.
Juniper will be used to discourage wildlife and livestock from grazing certain areas, especially those
areas with new plantings. After 2 growing season, the riparian pastures will be grazed using high
intensity grazing. This will help control weeds and the reed canary grass.
Finding: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi Species Habitat Strategies it states,
under Wallowa River – Spring Creek to Head of Wallowa Canyon, that the incorporation of woody debris
is a high priority and bank form is important for fish cover. (pgs. 108-109)
Recommendation: There were no concerns with this project and they recommended the Planning Department
sign the Land Use page.
OWEB Small Grant – Wallowa River/6-Tanch GMP
Applicant: GRMW
Watershed: Wallowa
Description: This project is to install a 3 troughs in the uplands to supply water to livestock so they don’t have to
go to the Wallowa River for water. The addition of this water development will allow more pastures to be
used in a grazing rotation. Two of the troughs will be fed by a livestock well and the third by a domestic
Finding: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi Species Habitat Strategies it states,
under Livestock Managment, that alternative water sources should be installed in both uplands and
riparian areas. (pg. 125)
Recommendation: There were no concerns with this project and they recommended the Planning Department
sign the Land Use page.
Approved 5/13/14
OWEB Small Grant – Yost Alternative Water
Applicant: Wallowa SWCD
Watershed: Prairie Creek
Description: A spur ditch off the Farmers Ditch flowed through this property and was recently eliminated with the
installation of a pipeline. Because of this, livestock water in the pastures was lost. The only water
available was from a trough up the hill by the house. This limited the landowner the ability to alternate
pastures for grazing management. This small grant is to install a 2 troughs in the pastures that relied on
the ditch for water. The water will come from a domestic well. The landowners will use frost-free
troughs so the troughs can be used year round.
Finding: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi Species Habitat Strategies it states,
under Livestock Management, that alternative water sources should be installed in both uplands and
riparian areas. (pg. 125)
Recommendation: There were no concerns with this project and they recommended the Planning Department
sign the Land Use page.
OWEB Small Grant – Childers Alternative Water
Applicant: Wallowa SWCD
Watershed: Prairie Creek
Description: A spur ditch off the Big Bend Ditch flowed through this property and through a feedlot. This ditch
was eliminated with the installation of a pipeline. Because of this, livestock water in the pastures was
lost. The only water available was that from a yard hose. The loss of the ditch limited the landowner the
ability to alternate pastures for grazing management. This small grant is to install 2 troughs in the
pastures that relied on the ditch for water with the water will coming from a domestic well. The
landowners will use frost-free troughs so the troughs can be used year round. The feedlot was also
turned into a pasture.
Finding: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi Species Habitat Strategies it states,
under Livestock Management, that alternative water sources should be installed in both uplands and
riparian areas. (pg. 125)
Recommendation: There were no concerns with this project and they recommended the Planning Department
sign the Land Use page.
OWEB Small Grant – Klages-Stilson Alternative Water
Applicant: Wallowa SWCD
Watershed: Prairie Creek
Description: An irrigation spur ditch off the Farmers Ditch flowed through the Stilson and Klages properties
allowing for irrigation water and livestock water. This ditch was recently replaced with a pipeline and so
the livestock water was lost. This proposal is to install 4 frost-free troughs (3 on Stilsons and 1 on
Klages) to provide livestock water all year long. The water will come from the Farmers Ditch. The new
headgate was designed provide water into a 2 inch PVC pipe that was installed next to the large irrigation
pipe. This project will allow the landowners to rotate livestock in their pastures and eliminate nutrients
going into Prairie Creek.
Finding: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi Species Habitat Strategies it states,
under Livestock Management, that alternative water sources should be installed in both uplands and
riparian areas. (pg. 125)
Recommendation: There were no concerns with this project and they recommended the Planning Department
sign the Land Use page.
Approved 5/13/14
OWEB Small Grant – Edison Forest Health Improvement
Applicant: Wallowa SWCD
Watershed: Grande Ronde
Description: This is a thinning project on 40 acres on Day Ridge. ODF rated 8 acres as heavy and the remaining
acres a light treatment. The work will be contracted out.
Finding: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan and Multi Species Habitat Strategies it states,
under Forest Management, it recommends early thinning and to keep upland fuel loads at an average.
(pg. 123)
Recommendation: There were no concerns with this project and they recommended the Planning Department
sign the Land Use page.
Agency Reports
Grande Ronde Model Watershed (GRMW)
 The Model Watershed is busy working in Catherine Creek.
 There is still $300,000 of BPA money allocated for Wallowa County. The 6 ranch will consume most of this.
 Coby again encouraged entities to be the sponsor for a BPA projects. The sponsors would be responsible for
fiscal and project management. The GRMW can help out with the writing of grants, getting permits etc.
 The Nez Perce Tribe will be filling the vacancy of the local watershed position. Emmit moved into Ira’s
Wallowa Resources
 Brian reported that he has 5 contractors out spraying, most of them in the Imnaha area.
 They aerial sprayed 92 acres for yellow star thistle. Helicopter spraying can be done everywhere but on the
Wallowa/Whitman forest. People don’t realize that there is not much drift from this type of spraying as the
helicopter is only about 4 feet above the ground when it releases the spray.
 Weed inventories are being done in the Wenaha area.
 Brian has been working on an OWEB grant. They do have a lot of funding for weed spraying this year. If
people have weed concerns let him know.
U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
 Dana said she is wrapping up parts of the EA for Puderbaugh and working on the soils and hydrology report
for cold canal.
 The USFS is finishing up the LIRA draft.
 Dana is trying to find a project sponsor for the Sled Springs OHV trail road decommissioning. This will
include the out sloping of the road.
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
 Lance said they still don’t know about their programs or how much money they will be getting.
 For this year’s EQIP funding they have 2 funding pools. One is for irrigation improvements on Alder Slope
and the other is a forest health initiative on the slope.
 Looking for partners to help fund a lidar flight. This will provide information on elevations, tree heights and
canopy covers etc.
Approved 5/13/14
Natural Resource Advisory Committee (NRAC)
 Bruce reported that the Title II project proposals and the rankings were presented to the County
Commissioner. The Standing Committee did not change the rankings or amounts that the Tech Committee
recommended. There is actually more funding available than what was estimated.
 There was going to be a meeting on Lower Joseph Creek with the ID Team to discuss the alternatives.
Bruce thinks the 4th alternative will be the preferred one. This alternative includes cutting trees over 21” and
some cutting in the riparian areas if needed.
 The Lower Joseph Creek Assessment will hopefully by out for review next week.
OSU Extension
 The urban/rural exchange is done. There were 8 kids placed with 4 families.
 Marlyn’s wildlife service position is open for applications and will close on April 18th.
 If there is 4 breeding pair in December of this year then the process of delisting the wolves can begin.
 There are some maps missing in the range portion of the Lower Joseph Creek Assessment and there is still
some economic information needed from Extension’s economist Bruce Sorte.
 If people are reviewing LIRA and the Forest Plan, they should get their comments in to the County
Commissioners. The Forest Plan comment period was extended another 60 days.
Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD)
 The SWCD has been working on OWEB proposals, one for forestry and the other an irrigation conveyance
 Since it is the end of the quarter they have been working on quarterly reports and some OWEB reports.
 Cynthia worked on the Title II project proposals to get the new amounts in the proposals based on the fact
that the County will receive more money than estimated.
 ODA/SWCD completed the biennial review for the Agricultural Water Quality Plan.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted By:
Cynthia Warnock