Approved 7/10/12 Wallowa County Technical Committee June 12, 2012 OSU Extension Conference Room Present: Bruce Dunn, Forestry Harold Black, Planner Lance Burton, Range Russ McMartin, Engineer Cynthia Warnock, Conservation John Williams, Range Jamie McCormack, Range Coby Menton Jamie McCormack, Range Katie Nesbitt, Guest, Reporter The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Bruce Dunn. Minutes There were no corrections to the May minutes and they stood approved as mailed. Projects Variance Permit Applicant: Patrick Dunroven Watershed: Grande Ronde Description: Mr. Dunroven would like to put a structure up in place of an old trailer on his property in Troy and update the septic system. The property line from the river is 73 feet and the Wallowa County Land Use Plan said it needs to be 75 feet from the river and so a variance permit is needed. This property is also located in the Troy community section of the Wild & Scenic River Corridor so the landowner needs to notify the Oregon State Parks & Recreation. The new septic system would be a sand filter. According to the map this is not in the 100 year flood plain. Findings: In the Wallowa County Salmon Habitat Recovery Plan it states under the Grande Ronde River – Wildcat to the State Line it states that water quality is a high priority and under septic it says there may be some leakage in older septic systems and encourages replacing these with improved systems. (pg. 73) Recommendations: The committee did not have any concerns with this project and saw it as an improvement. FEMA Biological Assessment The group that LCDC formed to look at the Biological Assessment that FEMA has done for flood plains are using Lane and Umatilla Counties to review. Wallowa County had written a response to this issue saying we have the SRP and planning documents with updates to goals 5 and 6. FEMA will be negotiation with NMFS to come up with something that will work for all. The flood plain maps also need to be changed. It won’t be considered the 100-year flood plain but the special flood hazard areas. There has to be an endangered species in the area of the flood plain. These regulation will kick in when going to the Planning Department for any development as well as any landscaping, berming and fence that will be done in the flood plain would also fall under this. It will take about 5 years to get implemented. If a person in the flood plain wants to renovate their house and it cost more than 50% of the house value then they have to get their house in compliance with this ruling. Agency report Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) The SWCD began their water quality monitoring in Prairie Creek. Because BOR has agreed to do the lab work the samples will be taken every month instead of 4 times a year. Cynthia has been working with the landowners on Parsnip Creek and Larry Davis in setting up a grazing time for the goats to beging grazing on the leafy sprurge infestations. Approved 7/10/12 Cynthia is still working on annual budgets and plans since the SWCD fiscal year ends in June. The 6th Grade Conservation Tour was May 31st,. The weather was nice and everyone seemed to enjoy it. For 3 of the stations there were new presenters, the other stations had returning presenters. Lance and Cynthia have been getting soil monitors out. The SWCDE hired an engineer to design the big bend ditch pipeline so that will be getting underway. NRAC A forest collaborative has been formed for the Wallowa Whitman. This collaborative process is being used in other forests and is resulting in large area projects. It is not sure where it will go or even if it will result in on-the-ground projects. A su committee was formed to develop a mission statement. There is not a lot of private ownership representation on this collaborative. On June 19th, the NRAC Travel Management Plan subcommittee will meet with the USFS to hear how they will proceed with the TMP. Bruce does not know when the Forest Plan Revision will be out. There have been rumors that there is concern of acceptance after what happened when the TMP decision was announced. Stay tuned. Don’t know when the forest plan revision will be out. Have heard rumor that they are concerned after the TMP went out. At the next County Commissioners’ meeting, Lindsey Wagner will be giving a presentation on forestry and the economic impacts in Wallowa County. There have been two Lower Joseph Creek Assessment integration meetings. Still need to come up with concern areas and proposed projects. OSU Extension The Weed tour will be June 29th. The group will meet at Wallowa Resources at 9:15 a.m. The agenda is out and in the OSU newsletter. The Pacific NW Society of Range Management will be in Burns on June 22-24. The Youth Range Camp begins on June 17th for youth interested in learning more about range. The OSU Range Field Day will be Tuesday, June 26th. The tri county wool pool will be July 8th, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.. For those in Wallowa County that want to donate the wool to 4H, they can bring it to the extension office. On June 21st the OSU Winter Elite Yield Trials and CPS Winter Wheat Variety Trials Field Tour will take place, 9-11 a.m.. On July 21st there will be a tour to look at the grazing paddocks on the Nature Conservancy ground. These paddocks were done to look at cattle impact on ground nesting birds at different grazing intensities. Need to meet at 8:00 a.m. at extension. Wallowa County Planning Department Permitting is still slow. They did have a meeting about the solar panels Lew Perry is installing about compliance. Wallowa County Road Department The county is making asphalt and laying it down at the new clinic. They only run the asphalt plant when there is a need for it. Dust abatement is being done on some of the dirt roads. On June 16th there will be a paint collection at the dump The State Highway is closing the substation on the North Highway anymore so this portion of the highway will not be plowed in the winter as fast as it has in the past. Approved 7/10/12 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Lance reported that they submitted their implementation strategies to the state office. They are working on CRP contracts that were just approved. Most of them are renewals, but there are some new ones. Lance is making field visits checking the stands. Grande Ronde Model Watershed (GRMW) The GRMW has been participating in a program with BPA looking at the past and future and seeing if the metrics have been met. Through the Pisces Database it is being analyzed on what was said to be done and what was actually done and then, based on the outcome, what fish beneficial projects could be done, where they are and is it worth the cost. Coby did this for Wallowa County based on discussions with ODFW and the NPT. From the NPT survey, there were 800 fish passage problems identified. Bill Knox took the survey to verify and came up with 25 projects that would be a benefit to the fish. BPA’s funding priority is Catherine Creek and the Upper Grande Ronde River, however the GRMW continues to persuade BPA to use some of the funding in Wallowa County. Coby is working on getting funding for the gauging stations from BPA and OWEB. He will renew the contracts for 12 gauges. The Alpine Meadow Golf Course has a final design, but it is not stamped yet. There is a question on whether the effluent from the sewage is suitable to put back on the golf course. Enterprise has one of the best sewage systems and the return is good water. Stay tuned. The landowners are now in agreement for the Lostine Diversion fish ladder. There was an access and easement issue and the easement had to be enlarged. Bids were accepted for this project, but it could not be awarded until the easement was obtained. It has been some time since the bid and they are not sure if the contractor can still do it this year. U.S. Forest Service Jamie went through the top 10 projects that were laid out by the region. The Lower Imnaha Range Analysis and the Puderbaugh vegetation project were included in this. There are numerous smaller projects that they will work on when they can. On the range side, permittees are getting cows turned out. On the weed side, they are making sure all the paper work is completed so they can have some aerial spraying done for weeds. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. Respectfully Submitted By Cynthia Warnock