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Press Release
23rd October 2015
Leading nutrition scientists provide latest findings on
how to drive metabolism in the right direction
Pictured standing from left to right:
Prof. Jeyakumar Henry, Director of Clinical Nutritional Science at Singapore Institute
for Clinical Sciences, Singapore
Stephan Theis Ph.D., BENEO-Institute
Prof. Patrice D. Cani, Louvain Drug Research Institute, Metabolism and Research,
UCL, Belgium
Prof. Andreas Pfeiffer, German Institute of Human Nutrition, Germany
At the recent 12th European Nutrition Conference (FENS) in Berlin, Germany, experts
gathered from across the globe to discuss the importance of nutrition and health throughout
a person’s life-cycle.
During the conference, insights on recent scientific studies were
delivered from leading experts at the BENEO-Institute Symposium. They demonstrated how
Press Release
smart ingredients are opening new doors to balanced blood sugar levels. Speaker
comments included the following:
Prof. Jeyakumar Henry, Director of Clinical Nutritional Science at Singapore Institute for
Clinical Sciences, Singapore: “Using experimental and clinical intervention studies, we have
shown how carbohydrate rich foods can be reformulated to minimize glucose response in
the human body. Scientists, clinicians, food manufacturers and consumers would all gain
great benefits from understanding and selecting foods with a low glycaemic response, in
their battle to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Low glycaemic
ingredients (e.g. isomaltulose, isomalt and dietary fibres) have been proven to be easily
incorporated into final products, replacing high glycaemic carbohydrates.”
Prof. Patrice D. Cani, Louvain Drug Research Institute, Metabolism and Research, UCL,
Belgium: “Research has shown that gut bacteria are communicating with host cells and
thereby contribute to the regulation of energy, glucose and lipid homeostasis. Prebioticinduced change in the gut flora increases gut peptides involved in appetite regulation,
glucose metabolism, energy homeostasis and gut barrier function. Hence, the prebiotics
inulin and oligofructose have the potential to manage obesity and related metabolic
Prof. Andreas Pfeiffer, German Institute of Human Nutrition, Germany, who spoke on the
metabolic benefits of PalatinoseTM (isomaltulose) relating to gut hormone induced metabolic
responses said: “The research indicates that Palatinose™, being fully available but slowly
absorbed contrary to high glycaemic sugars, influences gut hormones like GIP (glucosedependent insulinotropic peptide) and GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) that increases
postprandial insulin sensitivity. This metabolic mechanism makes this new low glycaemic
sugar very interesting particularly with the increasing type 2 diabetes situation in mind.”
For further information on the topics discussed at European Nutrition Conference (FENS),
Berlin, go to
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Press Release
For further information on BENEO and its ingredients, please visit: and or follow BENEO on Twitter: @_BENEO or LinkedIn:
The BENEO-Institute is an organization which brings together BENEO’s expertise from
Nutrition Science and Legislation teams. It acts as an advisory body for customers and
partners reaching from ingredient approval, physiological effects and nutritional composition
to communication and labelling. The key nutritional topics of the BENEO-Institute’s work
include weight management, digestive health, bone health, physical and mental
performance, the effects of a low glycaemic diet as well as dental health.
The BENEO-Institute facilitates access to the latest scientific research and knowledge
throughout all nutritional and regulatory topics related to BENEO ingredients. It provides
BENEO customers and partners with substantiated guidance for some of the most critical
questions in the food industry. BENEO is a division of the Südzucker Group, employs 900
people and has production units in Belgium, Chile, Germany and Italy.
For further press information, please contact:
Megan D’Arcy or Jo Kent at Publicasity
Tel: +44 (0) 20 3757 6811
For further information please contact:
Claudia Meissner, Head of Corporate Communication, BENEO
Maximilianstraße 10, 68165 Mannheim, Germany
Phone: +49 621 421-148
+49 621 421-160