Session 8
Aim of Nutrition in Emergencies is to reduce
mortality associated with malnutrition and
improve the nutrition status of the affected
population and prevent their situation from
Nutrition Situation Analysis
Should ultimately lead to action
Uses the Triple A approach to Development:
Assessment of the situation
 Analysis
 Action (Response)
1. Assessment of the Situation 1
Be aware of the existence of a problem
Be committed to solving it
Clarify the understanding of problem
Identifying and understanding immediate,
underlying and basic causes of the problem
Assessment of the Situation 2
AIMS: Identify
Areas that are affected (Where)
Population groups affected (Who)
Extent of problem and # of people at risk
Major needs of the people
Available/potential resources that could be
utilized to solve problem
Assessment of the Situation 3
Methods are of three types:
1. Initial assessment – review existing information or
knowledge and may involve
Collection of background information (
Crop assessments
lifestyle data
data from previous assessments
Use of Early Warning Systems – use information
such as:
Rainfall and Agricultural data
Food reserves data and Market information data
Mortality and malnutrition data
Migration patterns and other coping strategies information
Assessment of the Situation 4
2. Rapid Assessment – give preliminary understanding
of the situation within a short time
3. Nutrition surveys – focus on more objective
measurements such as food consumption,
malnutrition rates etc.
Methods depend on the information needed and
objectives of the assessment
Assessment should be done with involvement of local
2. Analysis
Aims: Identify
Causes of the problem
Resources available and their accessibility
Priorities of the local community
Analysis to understand findings can go along
with assessment.
3. Action (Response)
Assessment and analysis identify nutritional
problems and the level in society the causes
are to be found and should be addressed
Actions/responses depend on assessment and
Usually considered in all areas including
health, water, livestock and agriculture
For meaningful assessment, analysis and action,
it is important to understand that:
“The causes of malnutrition and the concept of food
security are broad and complex/multi-sectoral”
Introduction to the Concept of Food
Security 1
Everyone has at all times, access to and
control over sufficient quantities of good
quality food for an active, healthy life
Everyone has
Equity; all people
At all times
Stability of food availability, access and utilization;
Protection against risks affecting people’s food
Access to
The right to food. People are entitled to enough food.
Affordability – depending on purchasing power and
food prices; Own prodn depending on land rights etc.
And control over
Power to take decisions on food prodn, distn + consn
Sufficient quantities
Enough food to meet daily requirements, sufficient
stock at hh and community levels to resist shocks
Of good quality food
Variety of nutritious, safe and culturally appropriate
For an active and
healthy life
Proper consumption and good biological utilization of
food, resulting in adequate nutritional status of people
Concept of Food Security 2
Is broad and complex concept determined by
interaction of a range of agro-physical,
Socio-economic and biological factors – no
single direct measure of food security
Conceptual framework for food in-security
Concept of Food Security 3
Thus, assessment of food insecurity (at hh
level) needs to measure not only the lack of
access, availability and utilization or use of
food, but also perceptions on what
Uncertainty or unsustainable
determine the use
of available/
accessible food
Main Steps in Nutrition Situation
Analysis in Emergencies 1
Decide the information needed
Assess severity of situation
Assess underlying causes of problems
Identify people most affected etc.
Select the methods of collecting the
Initial assessment
Rapid assessment
Nutrition surveys
Main Steps in Nutrition Situation
Analysis in Emergencies 2
Plan your assessment and organize your team
Time scales
The team
Recording information
Resources needed
Analyze and interpret findings
5. Present/Disseminate and/or Respond
Thank you