Reading Rubric F C P D HD Use of texts Contextual understandings Conventions Processes and strategies HD Use of texts D Students demonstrate increasing sophistication, complexity, variety and control when making meaning from written texts. Fails to show evidence of interpretation and discussion of ideas, information and events in text Interprets and discusses ideas, information and events in texts containing some unfamiliar concepts and topics. Identifies, discusses, compares and justifies own interpretation of challenging ideas and issues presented in texts containing complex language structures and features. Explores different perspectives on complex issues through reading, comparing and evaluating a range of texts and relates these perspectives to personal understanding. Constructs meanings from a range of texts, including those characterised by complexity of construction and subject matter, and justifies these with detailed and well-chosen evidence. Contextual understandings C Students develop a critical awareness of the ways language varies according to context and how language affects the ways students view themselves and the world in which they live. Fails to recognise that texts are constructed for particular contexts, purposes and to appeal to certain groups Recognises that texts are constructed for particular contexts, purposes and to appeal to certain groups. Explains possible reasons for varying interpretations of texts. Considers the influence of socio-cultural contexts on the construction and interpretation of texts. Analyses critically the interrelationships between texts, contexts, readers and producers of texts. Conventions P Students interpret the conventions of written texts with understanding and critical awareness. Fails to identify and discuss how language structures and conventions work to shape readers' understanding of text Identifies and discusses how language structures and conventions work to shape readers’ understandings of text. Draws on knowledge of language features and conventions of text structure to explain how texts are constructed. Interprets conventions and features of texts by comparing similarities and differences in form and meaning. Identifies and comments on the impact of conventions used to shape readers’ interpretations and responses to texts. Processes and strategies F Students select from a repertoire of processes and strategies when reading by reflecting on their understanding of the way language works. Fails to select, use and reflect on strategies appropriate for different texts and reading purposes; identifies information needs; and finds resources for specific purposes. Selects, uses and reflects on strategies appropriate for different texts and reading purposes; identifies information needs; and finds resources for specific purposes. Systematically locates relevant information and ideas from a range of texts and interprets and reconstructs them for various purposes. Draws on a repertoire of strategies to construct meanings and compare and evaluate different texts containing complex issues. Uses reading strategies that enable detailed critical responses to be made to texts and formulates and compares critically information from different sources.